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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

a: API
a: API
Related to or causes API changes
a: backend
a: backend
Related to internal functionality and utilities (error_handler, logging, security, utils and core)
a: CI
a: CI
Related to continuous intergration and deployment
a: dependencies
a: dependencies
Related to package dependencies and management
a: docs
a: docs
Adds or updates documentation
a: events
a: events
Related to management of core events
a: filters
a: filters
Related to message filters: (antimalware, antispam, filtering, token_remover)
a: frontend
a: frontend
Related to output and formatting
a: fun
a: fun
Related to non-serious, "fun" features (duck pond, off topic channel names)
a: help channels
a: help channels
Related to the help channel system
a: information
a: information
Related to information commands: (doc, help, information, reddit, site, tags)
a: moderation
a: moderation
Related to community moderation functionality: (moderation, defcon, verification)
a: recruitment
a: recruitment
Related to recruitment: (talentpool)
a: stats
a: stats
Related to the collection of statistics
a: tags
a: tags
Related to bot tags
a: tests
a: tests
Related to tests (e.g. unit tests)
a: tools
a: tools
Development related to our toolchain (Docker, pipenv, flake8)
a: utility
a: utility
Related to utility commands: (bot, eval, extensions, jams, reminders, snekbox, utils)
area: features
area: features
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
good first issue
good first issue
Good for newcomers
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
This doesn't seem right
l: 0 - beginner
l: 0 - beginner
l: 1 - intermediate
l: 1 - intermediate
l: 2 - advanced
l: 2 - advanced
m: duplicate
m: duplicate
Issue or pull request already exists
m: external
m: external
Outside the scope of this project
p: 0 - critical
p: 0 - critical
Needs to be addressed ASAP