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Django Television

Television is small websockets library wrapping most of the configuration required for Channels 1.x through the use of simple, opinionated Python decorators. It also includes a JavaScript library for use in the front-end.

Python event listeners are declared using the @television.add_listener decorator.

Django models can be decorated to emit data-binding updates using the @television.add_data_binding_staff decorator on model class definitions.

A Javascript library is also provided to invoke these listeners with Television.promise(...) or to receive two-way data binding updates from Channels with Television.bindState(...).

Channels 2.x is not supported at this time. Requires Python 3.6 or newer.


  1. Install django-television in your Python 3.6+ project.
pip install django-television
  1. Add television and channels to your file and set up your initial URL routing for websockets connections.
    # ...

    "default": {
        "BACKEND": "asgiref.inmemory.ChannelLayer",
        "ROUTING": "television.routing.channel_routing",
  1. Create your first app/ file.
# app/
import television

def ping(message):
    return 'pong!'
  1. Add django-television.js to any template.
{% load static %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static "django-television.js" %}"></script>
  1. Visit the web application in your browser at this template-view and open Chrome Dev Tools:
  1. Pong!

Simple Usage

Python event listeners (handlers) can be added using the @add_listener decorator anywhere in your code base.

def create_poll(message, poll_name):
    poll = Poll() = poll_name

Django models can be indicated for two-way data binding using the @add_data_binding_staff decorators as below:

class Contact(models.Model):
    email = models.EmailField()
    full_name = models.TextField()

    def extra(self):
        return {
          'name': self.full_name.title()

The television module will search all installed Django applications for a file or module from which to import event listeners (if the decorated function is not placed in a regularly imported or similar).

Detailed Usage

# app/

from television import add_listener
from .models import Poll

def fetch_polls(message, arg1, arg2, arg3):
    return list(Poll.objects.values())

The first argument is always the Django Channels websocket message object.

These listeners can then be invoked from the front-end using the accompanying Javascript module television:

// src/main.js
import { Television } from 'django-television';

// The first parameter is the television channel name (listener)
Television.promise('polls.fetch', arg1, arg2, arg3)
        polls: result.polls,
        message: null
        polls: [],
        message: 'Unable to fetch polls.'
    throw error;

The client-side Javascript exception that is thrown includes the original Python exception (and also traceback when DEBUG is True).

Often it is useful to rely on data-binding to update the DOM for create, update, and delete events, and to limit Television.promise listener calls to creating/other actions.


# app/
from television import add_data_binding_staff

@add_data_binding_staff(fields=['email'], send_members=['tags_pretty'])
class Contact(models.Model):
    email = models.EmailField(null=False)
    tags = models.ManyToManyField('marketing.ContactTag', related_name='contacts')

    def tags_pretty(self):
        return ", ".join([ for x in self.tags.all()])
# app/main.js
import { Television } from 'django-television';

// Television.bindState is provided as a helper for React components
export class ContactList extends React.Component {
    constructor() {
        this.state = {
            contacts: []

    componentDidMount() {
        // bind Django Channels data updates to `this.state.contacts`
        Television.bindState(this, '', 'contacts');

    // ...

// For non-React apps you can handle model updates yourself.
// Two attributes: payload.action and
Television.on('', (payload)=>{
    case 'create':
      // ...
    case 'update':
      // ...
    case 'delete':
      // ...
      throw new Error(`slug ${} not found.`);


A handful of other decorators for listeners are available, including require_auth, require_staff, and require_superuser.


def fetch_profile(message):
    return {
        'username': message.user.username,

def add_user(message, email):
    user = User() = email
    user.username = email
    return {
        'message': f'User {email} was created.'

def add_staff_user(message, email):
        user = User.objects.get(email__iexact=email)
    except User.DoesNotExist:
        user = User() = email
        user.username = email
    user.is_staff = True
    return {
        'message': f'Staff user {email} was created.'

Other utilities

Staff and superusers are automatically added to Channels groups named staff and superusers, respectively.

You can use television.utils.staff_log to send a log statement over the websocket to all staff users. This is useful for long-running asynchronous tasks or in addition to logger or print statements.


Q. Why name this project django-television?

A. It plays on both the meaning of the word television (i.e. this project ties Django to SPA front-end code) as well as the oft-cited description of Django as an MTV (model-template-view) framework (and this project tends to substitute the use of vanilla Django templates and views).

Q. Who is library this for?

A. This library aims to provide the bulk of sexy Channels/WebSockets functionality through a handful of opinionated one-liner decorators with minimal setup. Additionally, this repo also hosts an npm package with Javascript utilities for communicating with Django/Channels/Television.

It is further intended that the bulk of this library can be name-spaced to the route wss://.../tv/ and still allow more experienced developers to make direct use of the underlying Channels project. Custom routes can be added using the television.registry module:

# add your routes to `television.routing` using the registry module:
from television.registry import EXTRA_ROUTES

# or conversely, add `television.routing` to your own routing module specified in
from television.routing import channel_routing as tv_routing
# ...


# Recommended to install as git-submodule to existing Django project
cd /opt/project
mkdir -p bundle
git submodule add [email protected]:pztrick/django-television.git bundle/django-television

# back-end module
pip install -e /opt/project/bundle/django-television/python

# front-end module
cd /opt/project/bundle/django-televison/javascript
npm link  # installs package to ../../.npm -> /opt/project/bundle/.npm/lib/node_modules/django-television
cd /opt/project

# webpack configuration:
  resolve: {
    extensions: ['.js', '.jsx', '.json'],
    modules: ['/opt/project/bundle/.npm/lib/node_modules', 'node_modules']

# You should also run `npm run dev` if working on dj-tv JavaScript
cd bundle/django-television/javascript
npm run dev  # watches for changes