Move all water anim to TextureFrameTable to avoid many duplication of water animation handling code*
Quicksave / Quickload
add short term / long term project goals - expand milestones
spiders not masking skull texture?
Rename unidentifed variables
Remove all platform dependant fucntions
is spirit resistacne a thing or not?
Additional features:
- Harden party logic so that team size can be varied
- map editor? i think there was a semi complete example somewhere
- QOL improvements:
- global merchant/ identify skills?
- Possible graphics improvements:
- keep track of light source intensity and add subtle flicker effect. proof of concept Engine/Graphics/Indoor.cpp line 115.
- Optimization targets:
- Currently engine fps is heavily CPU bound in directX mode. This is because of the amount of draw calls outside, optimized batching on draw terrain traingles will give FPS boost