The GUI is a HTML GUI, that runs in a WebView
. The GUI uses the
jQuery Mobile framework.
When application is running one can access the GUI via web a browser on port 8081: http://localhost:8081/qaul.html
When connecting to via wifi without running the software the device gets configured with an IP address and a captive portal DNS address.
- captive portal start page with software download function
- source GUI/www/index.html
- access page with web browser when running http://localhost:8081/
- web client
- source GUI/www/qaul_web.html
- access web client with web browser when running http://localhost:8081/qaul_web.html
All GUI files are located in the directory GUI/www. The whole GUI is all in a single web page: GUI/www/qaul.html.
To test and develop the GUI it is good practice to copy all files from the www/
to your local web directory. To test the user interface on your local
web server copy the test files from
to your the web directory.
cp GUI/www /PathToYourLocalWebDirectory
cp GUI/www_GUI-test_static /PathToYourLocalWebDirectory
Now go to the page qaul.html
in your web browser.