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+title: "Distance-based data exploration"
+short_description: "Efficient visualization and clusterization of high-dimensional data with Qdrant"
+description: "Explore your data under a new angle with Qdrant's tools for dimensionality reduction, clusterization, and visualization."
+social_preview_image: /articles_data/distance-based-exploration/social-preview.jpg
+preview_dir: /articles_data/distance-based-exploration/preview
+weight: -250
+author: Qdrant team
+date: 2024-10-20T12:00:00+03:00
+draft: false
+ - clusterization
+ - dimensionality reduction
+ - vizualization
+## Hidden Structure
+When working with large collections of documents, images or other arrays of unstructured data, it ofter becomes useful to understand the big picture.
+Looking at datapoints one by one is not always the best way to understand the structure of the data.
+{{< figure src="/articles_data/distance-based-exploration/no-context-data.png" alt="Data visualization" caption="Datapoints without context, pretty much useless" >}}
+Similar to how numbers in a table obtain meaning when plotted on a graph, similarities between items of the unstructured data can reveal hidden structures and patterns.
+{{< figure src="/articles_data/distance-based-exploration/data-on-chart.png" alt="Data visualization" caption="Vizualized chart, very intuitive" >}}
+There are many tools to investigate data similarity, but with the latest release of Qdrant it became much easier to start working with them.
+With the new [Distance Matrix API](/documentation/concepts/explore/#distance-matrix), Qdrant takes care of the most computationally expensive part of the process - calculating the distances between data points.
+In many implementations, the distance matrix was calculated on the same process that performed the clustering or visualization, but that either required a brute-force computation or building a temporary index.
+With Qdrant, on the other hand, the data is already indexed and distance matrix can be calculated relatively cheaply.
+In this article we will take a look at a few ways to explore the data using the distance matrix API.
+## Dimensionality Reduction
+As a first instinct, we might want have an ability to look at the whole dataset, or at least a large part of it, with a single glance.
+But when the data is high-dimensional, it is not possible to visualize it directly. We need to apply a technique called dimensionality reduction.
+Dimensionality reduction allows us to convert high-dimensional data into a lower-dimensional representation, while preserving the most important properties of the data.
+In this article we will use the [UMAP](https://github.com/lmcinnes/umap) as our dimensionality reduction algorithm of choice.
+It will be very easy to understand why we chose UMAP, if we quickly recap how it works.
+Here is a **very** simplified, but intuitive explanation of UMAP:
+1. *Randomply generate points in the 2d space*: for each high-dimensional point, generate a random 2d point.
+1. *Generate distance matrix for the the high-dimensional points*: calculate distances between all pairs of points.
+1. *Generate distance matrix for the 2d points*: the same way as in the high-dimensional space.
+1. *Try to match both distance matricies to each other*: move 2d points around until the difference is minimized.
+{{< figure src="/articles_data/distance-based-exploration/umap.png" alt="UMAP" caption="Canonical example of UMAP results, [source](https://github.com/lmcinnes/umap?tab=readme-ov-file#performance-and-examples)" >}}
+As you can see, UMAP tries to preserve the relative distances between points in the high-dimensional space, while the actual high-dimensional coordinates are not important.
+In fact, we can skip the second step completely if we have the distance matrix already calculated.
+Let's see how we can use Qdrant to calculate the distance matrix and then apply UMAP to it.
+We will one of the default datasets that come with Qdrant - Midjourney Styles dataset.
+Use this command to download the dataset and import it into Qdrant:
+PUT /collections/midlib/snapshots/recover
+ "location": "http://snapshots.qdrant.io/midlib.snapshot"
+We also need to prepare our python enviroment
+pip install umap-learn seaborn matplotlib qdrant-client
+Import the necessary libraries:
+# Used to talk to Qdrant
+from qdrant_client import QdrantClient
+# Package with original UMAP implementation
+from umap import UMAP
+# Python implementation for sparse matrices
+from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
+# For vizualization
+import seaborn as sns
+Establish connection to Qdrant:
+qdrant = QdrantClient("http://localhost:6333")
+After this is done, we can compute the distance matrix:
+# Request distances matrix from Qdrant
+# `_offsets` suffix defines a format of the output matrix.
+result = client.search_matrix_offsets(
+ collection_name="midlib",
+ sample=1000, # Select subset of the data, as whole dataset might be too large
+ limit=20, # For performance reasons, limit number of closest neighbors to consider
+# Convert distances matrix to python-native format
+matrix = csr_matrix(
+ (result.scores, (result.offsets_row, result.offsets_col))
+# Make matrix symmetric, as UMAP expects it.
+# Distance matrix is always symmetric, but qdrant only computes half of it.
+matrix = matrix + matrix.T
+Now we can apply UMAP to the distance matrix:
+umap = UMAP(
+ metric="precomputed", # We providing ready made distance matrix
+ n_components=2, # output dimension
+ n_neighbors=20, # Same as limit in the search_matrix_offsets
+vectors_2d = umap.fit_transform(matrix)
+That's all that is needed to get the 2d representation of the data.
+{{< figure src="/articles_data/distance-based-exploration/umap-midlib.png" alt="UMAP on Midlib" caption="UMAP applied to Midlib dataset" >}}
+UMAP is not the only dimensionality reduction algorithm, compatible with Sparse Distance Matrix input.
+Sci-kit learn has a list of algorithms that can work with precomputed distances:
+- [Isomap](https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.manifold.Isomap.html) - Non-linear dimensionality reduction through Isometric Mapping
+- [SpectralEmbedding](https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.manifold.SpectralEmbedding.html) - Forms an affinity matrix given by the specified function and applies spectral decomposition to the corresponding graph laplacian.
+- [TSNE](https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.manifold.TSNE.html) - well-known algorithm for dimensionality reduction
+and multiple others.
+## Clustering
+## Graphs
+### Global Graph
+### Response Graph
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