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G edited this page Jun 13, 2021 · 2 revisions

Integrate as python object

In version 0.28 and up, you can integrate social-analyzer with your favorite OSINT platforms, feeds or in-house built systems. That done by using either run_as_object or run_as_cli functions from the SocialAnalyzer class in the python package.

run_as_object(self, cli=False, gui=False, logs_dir='', extract=False, filter='good', headers={}, list=False, metadata=False, method='all', mode='fast', options='', output='pretty', profiles='detected', silent=False, timeout=False, trim=False, username='', websites='all')

string      username   E.g. johndoe, john_doe or johndoe9999
string      websites   Website or websites separated by space E.g. youtube, tiktok or tumblr
string      mode       Analysis mode -> FindUserProfilesFast, slow -> FindUserProfilesSlow or special -> FindUserProfilesSpecial
string      output     Show the output in the following format: json -> json output for integration or pretty -> prettify the output
string      options    Show the following when a profile is found: link, rate, title or text
string      method     find -> show detected profiles, get -> show all profiles regardless detected or not, both -> combine find & get
string      filter     Filter detected profiles by good, maybe or bad, you can do combine them with comma (good,bad) or use all
string      profiles   Filter profiles by detected, unknown or failed, you can do combine them with comma (detected,failed) or use all
boolean     extract    Extract profiles, urls & patterns if possible
boolean     metadata   Extract metadata if possible (pypi QeeqBox OSINT)
boolean     trim       Trim long strings
boolean     list       List all available websites
string      headers    Headers as dict
string      logs_dir   Change logs directory
int         timeout    Change timeout between each request
boolean     silent     Disable output to screen
boolean     cli        Reserved for a cli (Not needed)
boolean     gui        Reserved for a gui (Not implemented)

Install the python package, then import the module social-analyzer. Remember, this module has -, so you can use __import__ or import_module from importlib.

Install the package

pip3 install social-analyzer

Example as object (all websites)

from importlib import import_module
SocialAnalyzer = import_module("social-analyzer").SocialAnalyzer(silent=True)
results = SocialAnalyzer.run_as_object(username="johndoe",silent=True)

Example as object with specific websites, metadata and extraction

from importlib import import_module
SocialAnalyzer = import_module("social-analyzer").SocialAnalyzer(silent=True)
results = SocialAnalyzer.run_as_object(username="johndoe", websites="youtube pinterest tumblr", metadata=True, extract=True, silent=True)

Example as cli

from importlib import import_module
SocialAnalyzer = import_module("social-analyzer").SocialAnalyzer()
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