diff --git a/docs/user_manual/introduction/general_tools.rst b/docs/user_manual/introduction/general_tools.rst
index 8efc844b833..f56cb194467 100644
--- a/docs/user_manual/introduction/general_tools.rst
+++ b/docs/user_manual/introduction/general_tools.rst
@@ -1297,39 +1297,48 @@ You can achieve this by using the :menuselection:`Style` menu at the bottom
 of the Layer Properties dialog. This menu provides you with functions to
 create, load and manage styles.
-A style stores any information set in the layer properties dialog to render or interact with the layer.
-For vector layers, this includes:
-* |layerConfiguration|:sup:`Layer Configuration`
-* |symbology| :sup:`Symbology`
-* |3d| :sup:`3D Symbology`
-* |labelingSingle| :sup:`Labels`
-* |sourceFields| :sup:`Fields`
-* |formView| :sup:`Attributes Form`
-* |action| :sup:`Actions`
-* |mapTips| :sup:`Map Tips`
-* |diagram| :sup:`Diagrams`
-* |openTable| :sup:`Attribute Table Configuration`
-* |rendering| :sup:`Rendering`
-* |options| :sup:`Custom Properties`
-* :guilabel:`Geometry Options`
-* |relations| :sup:`Relations`
-* |temporal| :sup:`Temporal Properties`
-* |legend| :sup:`Legend Settings`
-* |elevationscale| :sup:`Elevation Properties`
-* |indicatorNotes| :sup:`Notes`
-For raster layers, this includes:
-* |layerConfiguration|:sup:`Layer Configuration`
-* |symbology| :sup:`Symbology`
-* |mapTips| :sup:`Map Tips`
-* |rendering| :sup:`Rendering`
-* |options| :sup:`Custom Properties`
-* |temporal| :sup:`Temporal Properties`
-* |elevationscale| :sup:`Elevation Properties`
-* |openTable| :sup:`Attribute Table Configuration`
-* |indicatorNotes| :sup:`Notes`
+A style stores various information set in the layer or project properties dialog to render or interact with the layer.
+This includes:
+| Category                                         | Vector                                      | Raster                                      |
+| |layerConfiguration| :sup:`Layer Configuration`  | :ref:`project_properties`                   | :ref:`project_properties`                   |
+| |symbology| :sup:`Symbology`                     | :ref:`vector_style_menu`                    | :ref:`raster_symbology`                     |
+| |3d| :sup:`3D Symbology`                         | :ref:`sec_3_d_view`                         | N/A                                         |
+| |labelingSingle| :sup:`Labels`                   | :ref:`vector_labels_tab`                    | N/A                                         |
+| |sourceFieldsForms| :sup:`Fields`                | :ref:`vector_fields_menu`                   | N/A                                         |
+| |formView| :sup:`Attributes Form`                | :ref:`vector_attributes_menu`               | N/A                                         |
+| |action| :sup:`Actions`                          | :ref:`actions_menu`                         | N/A                                         |
+| |mapTips| :sup:`Map Tips`                        | :ref:`maptips`                              | :ref:`raster_display`                       |
+| |diagram| :sup:`Diagrams`                        | :ref:`sec_diagram`                          | N/A                                         |
+| |openTable| :sup:`Attribute Table Configuration` | :ref:`sec_attribute_table`                  |                                             |
+| |rendering| :sup:`Rendering`                     | :ref:`vectorrenderingmenu`                  | :ref:`raster_rendering`                     |
+| |options| :sup:`Custom Properties`               | :ref:`vectorinformationmenu`                | :ref:`raster_information`                   |
+| |digitizing| :sup:`Geometry Options`             | :ref:`digitizingmenu`                       | N/A                                         |
+| |relations| :sup:`Relations`                     | :ref:`vector_relations`                     | N/A                                         |
+| |temporal| :sup:`Temporal Properties`            | :ref:`vectortemporalmenu`                   | :ref:`raster_temporal`                      |
+| |legend| :sup:`Legend Settings`                  | :ref:`vectorlegendmenu`                     | N/A                                         |
+| |elevationscale| :sup:`Elevation Properties`     | :ref:`vectorelevationmenu`                  | :ref:`raster_elevation`                     |
+| |indicatorNotes| :sup:`Notes`                    | :ref:`layer_notes`                          | :ref:`layer_notes`                          |
@@ -2341,6 +2350,8 @@ The values presented in the varying size assistant above will set the size
    :width: 1.5em
 .. |diagram| image:: /static/common/diagram.png
    :width: 2em
+.. |digitizing| image:: /static/common/digitizing.png
+   :width: 1.5em
 .. |duplicateLayer| image:: /static/common/mActionDuplicateLayer.png
    :width: 1.5em
 .. |editCopy| image:: /static/common/mActionEditCopy.png
@@ -2481,6 +2492,8 @@ The values presented in the varying size assistant above will set the size
    :width: 1.5em
 .. |sourceFields| image:: /static/common/mSourceFields.png
    :width: 1.5em
+.. |sourceFieldsForms| image:: /static/common/sourcefieldsandforms.png
+   :width: 1.5em
 .. |stopwatch| image:: /static/common/mIconStopwatch.png
    :width: 1.5em
 .. |stylePreset| image:: /static/common/stylepreset.png
diff --git a/static/common/sourcefieldsandforms.png b/static/common/sourcefieldsandforms.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f77b4b9f754
Binary files /dev/null and b/static/common/sourcefieldsandforms.png differ
diff --git a/substitutions.txt b/substitutions.txt
index c65cb230914..be31cf788af 100644
--- a/substitutions.txt
+++ b/substitutions.txt
@@ -1173,6 +1173,8 @@
    :width: 1.5em
 .. |sourceFields| image:: /static/common/mSourceFields.png
    :width: 1.5em
+.. |sourceFieldsForms| image:: /static/common/sourcefieldsandforms.png
+   :width: 1.5em
 .. |spatialite| image:: /static/common/mIconSpatialite.png
    :width: 1.5em
 .. |splitFeatures| image:: /static/common/mActionSplitFeatures.png