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How to Build a Token Server for Agora Applications using GoLang


This is a guide on how to build a token server using Golang to generate a token for use with the Agora SDKs. Within the Agora Platform, one layer of security comes in the form of token authentication. A token, for those of you that don’t know, is a dynamic key that is generated using a set of given inputs. Agora’s Platform uses tokens to authenticate users.

Agora offers token security for both its RTC and RTM SDKs. This guide will explain how to build a simple microservice using Golang and the Gin framework to generate an Agora RTC and RTM tokens.

Pre Requisites

  • A basic understanding of Golang (minimal knowledge needed)
  • An understanding of how web servers function (minimal knowledge needed)
  • An Agora Developer Account (see: How To Get Started with Agora)

Project Setup

To start, let’s open our terminal and create a new folder for our project and cd into it.

mkdir agora-token-service
cd agora-token-service

Now that the project has been created, let’s initialize the project’s Go module.

go mod init agora-token-service

Lastly, we’ll use go get to add our Gin and Agora dependencies.

go get
go get

Build the Gin web server

Now that the project is set up, open the folder in your favorite code editor and create the main.go file. Within the main.go we’ll start by declaring our package and adding the main function.

package main

func main() {


Next we’ll import the Gin framework, create our Gin app, set up a simple GET endpoint and set it to listen and serve on localhost port 8080. For the simple endpoint, we’ll set it to take the request context and return a JSON response with a 200 status header.

package main

import (

func main() {

  api := gin.Default()

  api.GET("/ping", func(c *gin.Context) {
    c.JSON(200, gin.H{
      "message": "pong",

  api.Run(":8080") // listen and serve on localhost:8080

We are ready to test our server. Go back to the terminal window and run:

go run main.go

To test the endpoint open your web browser and visit:


You’ll see the server respond as expected.


After we confirm that our endpoint is working, return to the terminal window and use the keyboard command ctrl c to terminate the process.

Generate the Agora Tokens

Now that we have our Gin server setup, we are ready to add the functionality to generate the RTC and RTM tokens.

Before we can generate our tokens we need to add our AppID and AppCertificate. We’ll declare the appID and appCertificate as Strings in the global scope. For this guide, use environment variables to store the project credentials, so we’ll need to retrieve them. Within main() we’ll use os.LookupEnv to retrieve the environment variables. The os.LookupEnv returns a String for the environment variable along with a boolean for whether the variable existed. We’ll use the latter return values to check if the environment is configured correctly. If so we can assign the environment variable values to our global appID and AppCertificate variables, respectively.

package main

import (


var appID, appCertificate string

func main() {

  appIDEnv, appIDExists := os.LookupEnv("APP_ID")
  appCertEnv, appCertExists := os.LookupEnv("APP_CERTIFICATE")

  if !appIDExists || !appCertExists {
    log.Fatal("FATAL ERROR: ENV not properly configured, check APP_ID and APP_CERTIFICATE")
  } else {
    appID = appIDEnv
    appCertificate = appCertEnv

  api := gin.Default()

  api.GET("/ping", func(c *gin.Context) {
    c.JSON(200, gin.H{
      "message": "pong",


Next we will add 3 endpoints, one for RTC tokens, another for RTM tokens, and one that returns both tokens.

The RTC token will require a channel name, the UID, the user role, tokenType to distinguish between string and integer based UIDs, and lastly an expiration time. The RTM endpoint only requires a UID and an expiration time. The dual token endpoint will need to accept the same structure as the RTC token endpoint.

api.GET("rtc/:channelName/:role/:tokenType/:uid/", getRtcToken)
api.GET("rtm/:uid/", getRtmToken)
api.GET("rte/:channelName/:role/:tokenType/:uid/", getBothTokens)

To minimize the amount of repeated code, the three functions getRtcToken, getRtmToken, and getBothTokens will call separate functions (parseRtcParams/parseRtmParams) to validate and extract the values passed to each endpoint. Then each function will use the returned values to generate the tokens and return them as JSON in the response body.

RTC tokens can be generated using two types of UIDs (uint/string), so we’ll use a function (generateRtcToken) to wrap the Agora RTC Token Builder functions BuildTokenWithUserAccount/BuildTokenWithUID.

Below is the base template for our token server. We’ll walk through each function and fill in the blanks.

package main

import (


var appID, appCertificate string

func main() {

  appIDEnv, appIDExists := os.LookupEnv("APP_ID")
  appCertEnv, appCertExists := os.LookupEnv("APP_CERTIFICATE")

  if !appIDExists || !appCertExists {
    log.Fatal("FATAL ERROR: ENV not properly configured, check APP_ID and APP_CERTIFICATE")
  } else {
    appID = appIDEnv
    appCertificate = appCertEnv

  api := gin.Default()

  api.GET("/ping", func(c *gin.Context) {
    c.JSON(200, gin.H{
      "message": "pong",

  api.GET("rtc/:channelName/:role/:tokenType/:uid/", getRtcToken)
  api.GET("rtm/:uid/", getRtmToken)
  api.GET("rte/:channelName/:role/:tokenType/:uid/", getBothTokens)


func getRtcToken(c *gin.Context) {


func getRtmToken(c *gin.Context) {


func getBothTokens(c *gin.Context) {


func parseRtcParams(c *gin.Context) (channelName, tokenType, uidStr string, role rtctokenbuilder.Role, expireTimestamp uint32, err error) {


func parseRtmParams(c *gin.Context) (uidStr string, expireTimestamp uint32, err error) {


func generateRtcToken(channelName, uidStr, tokenType string, role rtctokenbuilder.Role, expireTimestamp uint32) (rtcToken string, err error) {


Build the RTC Token

We’ll start with getRtcToken. This function takes a reference to the gin.Context, using it to call parseRtcParams which will extract the required values. Then using the returned values to call generateRtcToken to generate the token String. We’ll also include a few checks for errors to make sure there weren’t any issues along the way. Lastly we’ll build the response.

func getRtcToken(c *gin.Context) {
  log.Printf("rtc token\n")
  // get param values
  channelName, tokenType, uidStr, role, expireTimestamp, err := parseRtcParams(c)

  if err != nil {
    c.AbortWithStatusJSON(400, gin.H{
      "message": "Error Generating RTC token: " + err.Error(),
      "status":  400,

  rtcToken, tokenErr := generateRtcToken(channelName, uidStr, tokenType, role, expireTimestamp)

  if tokenErr != nil {
    log.Println(tokenErr) // token failed to generate
    errMsg := "Error Generating RTC token - " + tokenErr.Error()
    c.AbortWithStatusJSON(400, gin.H{
      "status": 400,
      "error":  errMsg,
  } else {
    log.Println("RTC Token generated")
    c.JSON(200, gin.H{
      "rtcToken": rtcToken,

Next let’s fill in parseRtcParams. This function also takes a reference to the gin.Context, which we’ll use to extract the parameters and return them. You’ll notice parseRtcParams also returns an error in case we run into any issues we can return an error message.

func parseRtcParams(c *gin.Context) (channelName, tokenType, uidStr string, role rtctokenbuilder.Role, expireTimestamp uint32, err error) {
  // get param values
  channelName = c.Param("channelName")
  roleStr := c.Param("role")
  tokenType = c.Param("tokenType")
  uidStr = c.Param("uid")
  expireTime := c.DefaultQuery("expiry", "3600")

  if roleStr == "publisher" {
    role = rtctokenbuilder.RolePublisher
  } else {
    role = rtctokenbuilder.RoleSubscriber

  expireTime64, parseErr := strconv.ParseUint(expireTime, 10, 64)
  if parseErr != nil {
    // if string conversion fails return an error
    err = fmt.Errorf("failed to parse expiry: %s, causing error: %s", expireTime, parseErr)

  // set timestamps
  expireTimeInSeconds := uint32(expireTime64)
  currentTimestamp := uint32(time.Now().UTC().Unix())
  expireTimestamp = currentTimestamp + expireTimeInSeconds

  return channelName, tokenType, uidStr, role, expireTimestamp, err

Lastly, we’ll fill in the generateRtcToken function. This function takes the channel name, the UID as a String, the type of token (uid or userAccount), the role, and the expire time.

Using these values, the function calls the appropriate Agora RTC Token Builder function (BuildTokenWithUserAccount/BuildTokenWithUID) to generate a token String. Once the token builder function returns we’ll first check for errors and if there aren’t any we’ll return the token String value.

func generateRtcToken(channelName, uidStr, tokenType string, role rtctokenbuilder.Role, expireTimestamp uint32) (rtcToken string, err error) {

  if tokenType == "userAccount" {
    log.Printf("Building Token with userAccount: %s\n", uidStr)
    rtcToken, err = rtctokenbuilder.BuildTokenWithUserAccount(appID, appCertificate, channelName, uidStr, role, expireTimestamp)
    return rtcToken, err

  } else if tokenType == "uid" {
    uid64, parseErr := strconv.ParseUint(uidStr, 10, 64)
    // check if conversion fails
    if parseErr != nil {
      err = fmt.Errorf("failed to parse uidStr: %s, to uint causing error: %s", uidStr, parseErr)
      return "", err

    uid := uint32(uid64) // convert uid from uint64 to uint 32
    log.Printf("Building Token with uid: %d\n", uid)
    rtcToken, err = rtctokenbuilder.BuildTokenWithUID(appID, appCertificate, channelName, uid, role, expireTimestamp)
    return rtcToken, err

  } else {
    err = fmt.Errorf("failed to generate RTC token for Unknown Tokentype: %s", tokenType)
    return "", err

Build the RTM token

Next, let’s move on to getRtmToken. Just like the code above, getRtmToken takes a reference to the gin.Context, uses it to call parseRtmParams to extract the required values, and uses the returned values to generate an RTM token. The difference here is that we call the Agora RTM Token builder directly to generate the token, String. We’ll include the error checks to make sure there weren’t any issues, and lastly we’ll build the response.

func getRtmToken(c *gin.Context) {
  log.Printf("rtm token\n")
  // get param values
  uidStr, expireTimestamp, err := parseRtmParams(c)

  if err != nil {
    c.AbortWithStatusJSON(400, gin.H{
      "message": "Error Generating RTC token: " + err.Error(),
      "status":  400,

  rtmToken, tokenErr := rtmtokenbuilder.BuildToken(appID, appCertificate, uidStr, rtmtokenbuilder.RoleRtmUser, expireTimestamp)

  if tokenErr != nil {
    log.Println(err) // token failed to generate
    errMsg := "Error Generating RTM token: " + tokenErr.Error()
    c.AbortWithStatusJSON(400, gin.H{
      "error":  errMsg,
      "status": 400,
  } else {
    log.Println("RTM Token generated")
    c.JSON(200, gin.H{
      "rtmToken": rtmToken,

Next let’s fill in parseRtmParams. This function also takes a reference to the gin.Context, then extracts and returns the parameters.

func parseRtmParams(c *gin.Context) (uidStr string, expireTimestamp uint32, err error) {
  // get param values
  uidStr = c.Param("uid")
  expireTime := c.DefaultQuery("expiry", "3600")

  expireTime64, parseErr := strconv.ParseUint(expireTime, 10, 64)
  if parseErr != nil {
    // if string conversion fails return an error
    err = fmt.Errorf("failed to parse expiry: %s, causing error: %s", expireTime, parseErr)

  // set timestamps
  expireTimeInSeconds := uint32(expireTime64)
  currentTimestamp := uint32(time.Now().UTC().Unix())
  expireTimestamp = currentTimestamp + expireTimeInSeconds

  // check if string conversion fails
  return uidStr, expireTimestamp, err

Build both RTC and RTM tokens

Now that we are able to generate both RTC and RTM tokens with individual server requests, we are going to fill in getBothTokens to allow for generating both tokens from a single request. We’ll use code very similar to the getRtcToken, except this time we’ll include the RTM token.

func getBothTokens(c *gin.Context) {
  log.Printf("dual token\n")
  // get rtc param values
  channelName, tokenType, uidStr, role, expireTimestamp, rtcParamErr := parseRtcParams(c)

  if rtcParamErr != nil {
    c.AbortWithStatusJSON(400, gin.H{
      "message": "Error Generating RTC token: " + rtcParamErr.Error(),
      "status":  400,
  // generate the rtcToken
  rtcToken, rtcTokenErr := generateRtcToken(channelName, uidStr, tokenType, role, expireTimestamp)
  // generate rtmToken
  rtmToken, rtmTokenErr := rtmtokenbuilder.BuildToken(appID, appCertificate, uidStr, rtmtokenbuilder.RoleRtmUser, expireTimestamp)

  if rtcTokenErr != nil {
    log.Println(rtcTokenErr) // token failed to generate
    errMsg := "Error Generating RTC token - " + rtcTokenErr.Error()
    c.AbortWithStatusJSON(400, gin.H{
      "status": 400,
      "error":  errMsg,
  } else if rtmTokenErr != nil {
    log.Println(rtmTokenErr) // token failed to generate
    errMsg := "Error Generating RTC token - " + rtmTokenErr.Error()
    c.AbortWithStatusJSON(400, gin.H{
      "status": 400,
      "error":  errMsg,
  } else {
    log.Println("RTC Token generated")
    c.JSON(200, gin.H{
      "rtcToken": rtcToken,
      "rtmToken": rtmToken,


Test the Token Server

Let’s go back to our terminal window and run our token server.

run main.go

Once the server instance is running we’ll see the list of endpoints and the message: Listening and serving HTTP on :8080. Now that our server instance is running, let’s open our web browser and test. For these tests we’ll try a few variations that omit various query params.

Test the RTC endpoint

We’ll start with the RTC token:


The endpoints will generate a token that can be used in the channel: testing by a user with the role of publisher and the UID (String and uint) of 1234.

  "rtcToken": "0062ec0d84c41c4442d88ba6f5a2beb828bIADJRwbbO8J93uIDi4J305xNXA0A+pVDTPLPavzwsLW3uAZa8+ij4OObIgDqFTEDoOMyXwQAAQAwoDFfAgAwoDFfAwAwoDFfBAAwoDFf"

To test this token we can use the Agora 1:1 Web Demo.

Test the RTM endpoint

Next, we’ll test the RTM token:


The endpoints will generate a token that can be used by a user with the UID of 1234 to log into RTM with the given AppID.

  "rtmToken": "0062ec0d84c41c4442d88ba6f5a2beb828bIABSMH0fzaqy7sa0erk8u4Bp6FJ4sO1kQ/o6HCRECBRrzKPg45sAAAAAEAAjAkAEO+cyXwEA6APLozFf"

To test this token we can use the Agora RTM Tutorial Demo.

Test the Dual token endpoint

We’ll finish our testing with the Dual token endpoint:


The endpoints will generate both RTC and RTM tokens that can be used by a user with the UID (String or uint) of 1234 and for the Video channel: testing with the role of publisher.

  "rtcToken": "0062ec0d84c41c4442d88ba6f5a2beb828bIAD33wY6pO+xp6iBY8mbYz2YtOIiRoTTrzdIPF9DEFlSIwZa8+ij4OObIgAQ6e0EX+UyXwQAAQDvoTFfAgDvoTFfAwDvoTFfBADvoTFf",
  "rtmToken": "0062ec0d84c41c4442d88ba6f5a2beb828bIABbCwQgl2te3rk0MEDZ2xrPoalb37fFhTqmTIbGeWErWaPg45sAAAAAEAD1WwYBX+UyXwEA6APvoTFf"

To test the tokens we can use the Agora 1:1 Web Demo for the RTC token and Agora RTM Tutorial Demo for the RTM token. After testing the endpoints, your terminal window will display all the requests.


And just like that we are done! Thanks for taking the time to read my tutorial and if you have any questions please let me know. If you see any room for improvement feel free to fork the repo and make a pull request!

Other Resources

For more information about the Tokens for applications, please take a look at the Set up Authentication guide and [Agora Advanced Guide: How to build a Token]f(

I also invite you to join the Developer Slack community.