What's Changed
- fix CI lint by @yasuhito in #306
- run typecheck in CI by @yasuhito in #307
- add comments to basic gate tests by @yasuhito in #308
- add spacer gate by @yasuhito in #309
- refactoring package json by @yasuhito in #310
- Bump npm-dts from 1.3.11 to 1.3.12 by @dependabot in #313
- Bump @hotwired/stimulus from 3.0.1 to 3.2.1 by @dependabot in #311
- run size-limit in CI by @yasuhito in #316
- replace describe with prettyFormat by @yasuhito in #321
- add T† gate by @yasuhito in #337
- add S gate by @yasuhito in #338
- add S† gate by @yasuhito in #339
Full Changelog: v0.0.85...v0.0.86