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Stack Script for deploying EgoWeb with

David Kennedy edited this page Mar 9, 2016 · 9 revisions

The script below is available in the stack script library. This StackScript installs EgoWeb and all software required to run EgoWeb on linode. Most of the code should work on other systems.

#!/bin/bash set -e # <UDF name="db_password" Label="MySQL root Password" />

DB_NAME="egoweb" DB_USER="egowebuser" DB_USER_PASSWORD="egowebpass"

echo "db_name is $DB_NAME" echo "db_user is $DB_USER" echo "db_user_password is $DB_USER_PASSWORD"

source <ssinclude StackScriptID="1">

system_update postfix_install_loopback_only mysql_install "$DB_PASSWORD" && mysql_tune 40 mysql_create_database "$DB_PASSWORD" "$DB_NAME" mysql_create_user "$DB_PASSWORD" "$DB_USER" "$DB_USER_PASSWORD" mysql_grant_user "$DB_PASSWORD" "$DB_USER" "$DB_NAME" php_install_with_apache && php_tune apache_install && apache_tune 40 goodstuff

a2enmod rewrite

sudo apt-get install -y php5-mcrypt

sudo php5enmod mcrypt

sudo apt-get install -y git

echo 'CLONING EGOWEB FROM GIT' git clone echo 'REMOVING DEFAULT WEB FILES' sudo rm -rf /var/www/* echo 'ADDING EGOWEB FILES TO WEB DIRECTORY' sudo cp -r egoweb/egowebWebApp/. /var/www/html/

echo 'SETTING UP TABLES IN MYSQL FOR EGOWEB - USE SQL FILE AS SOURCE' echo "SOURCE /egoweb/sql/egoweb_db.sql" | mysql egoweb -u root -p$DB_PASSWORD

ELINENOF=$(grep -n '/var/www/' /etc/apache2/apache2.conf |cut -f1 -d:) echo "lineno is $ELINENOF" ELINENO=$(($ELINENOF + 2)) echo "lineno is $ELINENO"

echo "$ELINENO s/None/All/" sed -i -e "$ELINENO s/None/All/" /etc/apache2/apache2.conf


cd /var/www/html ./