Quantum KITE is an open-source software suite for accurate real space evaluations of electronic structure and response functions of large-scale tight-binding (TB) models of complex molecules and crystals with up to multi billions of atoms (orbitals).
KITE is written in C++ with advanced code optimization at the design level (including automated multithreaded lattice decomposition) and allow users to change defaults to enable the best possible use of resources. KITE's user-friendly interface and processing tools are based on Pybinding, a scientific Python package for TB calculations.
KITE is also a quantum transport simulator. Multi-orbital bond disorder can be defined at the interface level and added to the system according to pre-defined probability distributions, allowing to simulate the behavior of realistic disordered systems.
This is our pre-release BETA version. The fully-debugged official release is scheduled for 01/11/2018.
For currently available functionalities and to-do-list please refer to the README file. Please share your feedback and bug reports. We would love to hear your ideas for future improvements (contact email: support at quantum-kite.com).
#Installation KITE
KITE runs on UNIX®-based systems (including Mac OS X) and requires Pybinding, Eigen C++ template library and HDF5 support for multi-dimensional datasets. These packages are available from public domain servers (see below).
The instructions below were tested with Ubuntu LTS realese 16.04; for other Linux distributions please refer to Compiling libraries from Source Code.
In order to compile our source code, the compiler must be up to date (e.g. GCC 4.8.1 or newer). The required dependencies are:
Eigen (Eigen3) features various linear algebra tools. To install it, run:
sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev
Hierarchical Data Format (HDF5) is used to store the inputs/outputs of the program. To install HDF5, run:
sudo apt-get install h5utils
sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev
Calculations on KITE are configured using a python script which interfaces with Pybinding. To install Pybinding, you will need CMake and pip:
sudo apt-get install cmake
sudo apt-get install pip3
Pybinding also requires the SciPy packages but pip will resolve all the SciPy dependencies automatically:
pip3 install pybinding
Alternativelly, you might prefer to follow the instructions on Pybinding webpages.
After successfully installing these libraries, you will be ready to compile KITE.
- Fetch the source code from the Git Hub repository
git clone (...)
git checkout develop
- Execute the Makefile inside the KITE folder to compile the code
- That’s it! To compile the post-processing program run
cd tools/KITE
To generate the input file, try one of our examples. In the KITE folder, run
python example1.py
It creates a file names example.h5 that is used as an input for KITE:
./KITEx example1.h5
This first example calculates the density of states of pure graphene. To obtain the data file, you need to postprocess the output:
./tools/KITE/KITEx-tools example1.h5
For more details refer to the KITE Documentation.
###Compiling Libraries From Source Code
In order to compile our source code, the compiler must be up to date (e.g. GCC 4.8.1 or newer). The required dependencies are:
The detailed installation steps are described on the respective websites. The GCC (g++) compiler must support C++11 features and OpenMP parallelization (version 4.8.1 or newer). To check the version installed on your computer you can use:
g++ --version
You can retrieve the latest stable release of Eigen3 from eigen.tuxfamily.org. Unzip the file and copy the Eigen folder to /usr/include/. We suggest the installation of Pybinding using Miniconda: http://docs.pybinding.site/en/stable/install/quick.html.
In order to install KITE on a MAC OS X system, you will need Xcode command-line tools from Apple Developer. You can download Xcode from the Apple Store. Alternatively, you can install the command tools directly from the terminal:
xcode-select --install
You will also need an open-source software package management system. Here, we provide detailed instructions using Homebrew. To install Homebrew run the following command on the terminal:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
Follow the instructions provided. Next, install the C++ compiler:
brew install gcc@6
KITE has the following dependencies:
Eigen (Eigen3) features various linear algebra tools. To install it, run:
brew install eigen
Hierarchical Data Format (HDF5) is used to store the inputs/outputs of the program. To install HDF5, run:
brew install hdf5 --cc=gcc-6
Calculations on KITE are configured using a python script which interfaces with Pybinding. To install the Pybinding package, we suggest using Homebrew. (Alternatively, you can proceed with the installation suggested by Pybinding, with the use of Miniconda.)
brew install cmake
brew install python
Last, install Pybinding with pip:
pip3 install pybinding
After successfully installing these libraries, you are now ready to compile KITE.
**IMPORTANT: the last version of matlibplot is having issues with pybinding. Until this is resolved, use:
pip3 install matplotlib==2.1.1
- Fetch the source code from the Git Hub repository
git clone (...)
git checkout develop
- Execute the Makefile inside the KITE folder to compile the code
- That’s it! To compile the post-processing program run
cd tools/KITE/
To generate the input file, try one of our examples. In the KITE folder, run
python example1.py
It creates a file names example.h5 that is used as an input for KITE:
./KITEx example1.h5
This first example calculates the density of states of pure graphene. To obtain the data file, you need to postprocess the output:
./tools/KITE/KITEx-tools example1.h5
For more details refer to the KITE Documentation.