QRoute /'kyoo•root/ - n - Declarative walking router for UI navigation.
This guide will help you get started with using QRoute, and assumes you already know your way around Xcode and/or the Swift Package Manager.
Either add it as a submodule (for use with Xcode), otherwise use SwiftPM ...
When importing the library for use in an Xcode project (such as for an iOS or OSX app), then the thing to do is add it as a git submodule:
mkdir -p submodule
git submodule add https://github.com/quickthyme/qroute.git submodule/qroute
Next, link the QRoute.xcodeproj as a dependency of your project by dragging it from the Finder into your open project or workspace.
Once you have the project linked, it's build scheme and products will be selectable from drop-downs
in your Xcode project. Just add QRoute
to your target's dependencies and libQRoute.a
to the
linking phase, and you're all set!
QRoute supports the Swift Package Manager.
It works fine in any Swift project on any Swift platform, including OSX and Linux. Just add the
dependency to your Package.swift
- package:
- url:
Then just ...
swift build
That's it, nothing else to do except start using it.
import QRoute
let plan =
dependencies: ["toDoId"])),
class RoutableViewController: UIViewController, QRoutable {
var routeInput: QRoutableInput?
var routeResolver: QRouteResolving?
func resolveRouteToParent(from: QRoutable,
input: QRoutableInput,
completion: @escaping QRoutableCompletion) {
(from as? UIViewController)?
.popViewController(animated: true) {
if let parent = navController.topViewController as? QRoutable {
mergeInputDependencies(target: parent, input: input)
var routeDriver: QRouteDriving?
@IBAction func dismissAction(_ sender: AnyObject?) {
routeDriver?.driveParent(from: self, input: nil,
animated: true,
completion: nil)
when("making selection") {
subject.toDoTableViewManager(ToDoTableViewManager(), didSelectId: 36)
then("it should drive to ToDoDetail with toDoId input") {
XCTAssertEqual(mockRouteDriver.timesCalled_driveTo, 1)
XCTAssertEqual(mockRouteDriver.valueFor_driveTo_targetId, AppRoute.id.ToDoDetail)
XCTAssertEqual(mockRouteDriver.valueFor_driveTo_input?["toDoId"] as? Int, 36)