In order to start PostgreSQL with SSL support, we need to change the file permissions for the ssl cert and key.
Please run these commands if you want to run docker-compose locally.
sudo chown 999:999 testdata/ssl/server/* sudo chmod 0600 testdata/ssl/server/*
Start the container:
docker-compose up
To be able to connect from pgsql you need to own the certs
sudo chown ${USER}:${USER} testdata/ssl/client* sudo chmod 0600 testdata/ssl/client/*
Connect using psql
psql "host= port=5433 user=root password=root dbname=postgres sslmode=verify-ca sslcert=${PWD}/testdata/ssl/client/server.crt sslkey=${PWD}/testdata/ssl/client/server.key sslrootcert=${PWD}/testdata/ssl/client/CA.crt"