We have confirmed the operation on CentOS 7.9, Ubuntu 18.04 and openSUSE Leap 15.1.
- Please install Python3 in advance.
- When you install this package, a gsadm OS user are created in the OS.
Execute the operating command as the gsadm user. - You don't need to set environment vatiable GS_HOME and GS_LOG.
- There is Java client library (gridstore.jar) on /usr/share/java and a sample on /usr/gridb-XXX/docs/sample/programs.
- Default settings is for local connection.
- Cluster name and the password of GridDB Admin user are set. The cluster name is "myCluster" and the password of "admin" user is "admin".
- If old version has been installed, please uninstall and remove conf/ and data/ on /var/lib/gridstore.
$ sudo rpm -ivh griddb-X.X.X-linux.x86_64.rpm
$ sudo dpkg -i griddb_X.X.X_amd64.deb
$ sudo rpm -ivh griddb-X.X.X-opensuse.x86_64.rpm
Note: X.X.X is the GridDB version.
$ sudo systemctl start gridstore
When you use SQL Interface, please install GridDB JDBC Driver.
$ sudo wget https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/github/griddb/gridstore-jdbc/4.6.0/gridstore-jdbc-4.6.0.jar -O /usr/share/java/gridstore-jdbc.jar
And please install and start GridDB CLI.
$ sudo rpm -ivh griddb-ce-cli-X.X.X-linux.x86_64.rpm
$ sudo su - gsadm
[gsadm]$ gs_sh
$ sudo dpkg -i griddb-cli_X.X.X_amd64.deb
$ sudo su - gsadm
[gsadm]$ gs_sh
(openSUSE Leap)
$ sudo rpm -ivh griddb-cli-X.X.X-opensuse.x86_64.rpm
$ sudo su - gsadm
[gsadm]$ gs_sh
$ sudo systemctl stop gridstore