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Package basics

An R package is the basic unit of reusable code. You need to master the art of making R packages if you want others to use your code. This document explains how to get started, with a description of package structure, tips for naming your package, and more details about the DESCRIPTION file.

The best resource for up-to-date details on package development is always the official writing R extensions guide. Compared to that, this document focusses more on the basics, providing many more examples, and on the most commonly used features. Once you are familiar with the content here, you should find R extensions easier to read.

Package structure

There are only three elements that you must have:

  • the DESCRIPTION file describes the package, and is detailed below.

  • the R/ directory where your R code lives (in .R or .r files). See style for information on how these should be formatted.

  • the man/ directory where your function documentation, produced with roxygen, lives.

After the code and function documentation, the most important optional components of an R package help your users learn how to use your package. The following files and directories are described in more detail in package documentation.

  • the NEWS file describes the changes in each version of the package. Using the standard R format will allow you to take advantage of many automated tools for displaying changes between versions.

  • the README file gives a general overview of your package, including why it's important. This text should be included in any package announcement, to give people a general idea of why your package is useful.

  • the inst/CITATION file describes how to cite your package. If you have published a peer reviewed article which you'd like people to cite when they use your software, this is the place to put it.

  • the demo/ directory contains larger scale demos, that use many features of the package.

  • the inst/doc/ directory is used for larger scale documentation, like vignettes.

Other optional files and directories are part of good development practice:

  • a NAMESPACE file describes which functions are part of the formal API of the package and are exported for others to use. See namespaces for more details.

  • the inst/tests/ directory contains tests which ensure that your package is operating as designed.

  • the data/ directory contains .rdata files, used to include sample datasets (or other R objects) with your package.

  • the src/ directory includes source code for any C or fortran functions you have written for high-performance computing. Writing these functions is beyond the scope of this text and they will not be described further.

Getting started

When creating a package the first thing (and sometimes the most difficult) is to come up with a name for it. Follow these rules to make a good name:

  • The package name can only consist of letters and numbers, and must start with a letter.

  • I strongly recommend making the package name googleable, so that if you google the name you can easily find it. This makes it easy for potential users to find your package, and it's also useful for you, because it makes it easier to find out who is using it.

  • Avoid using both upper and lower case letters: they make the package name hard to type and hard to remember. For example, I can never remember if it's Rgtk2 or RGTK2 or RGtk2.

Once you have a name, create a directory with that name, and inside that create an R subdirectory. Copy your existing code into that directory. It's up to you how you arrange your functions into files, but I suggest grouping related functions into a single file. My rule of thumb is that if I can't remember which file a function lives in, I probably need to split them up into more files - having one function per file is perfectly reasonable, particularly if the functions are large or have a lot of documentation.

The next step is to create a DESCRIPTION file that defines package metadata.


The DESCRIPTION contains important information that describes how your package fits into the R ecosystem. I've included the the DESCRIPTION file for the plyr package below so that you can see what the basic components are.

Package: plyr
Title: Tools for splitting, applying and combining data
Description: plyr is a set of tools that solves a common set of
    problems: you need to break a big problem down into manageable
    pieces, operate on each pieces and then put all the pieces back
    together.  For example, you might want to fit a model to each
    spatial location or time point in your study, summarise data by
    panels or collapse high-dimensional arrays to simpler summary
    statistics. The development of plyr has been generously supported
    by BD (Becton Dickinson).
Version: 1.3
Maintainer: Hadley Wickham <[email protected]>
Author: Hadley Wickham <[email protected]>
Depends: R (>= 2.11.0)
Suggests: abind, testthat (>= 0.2), tcltk, foreach
Imports: itertools, iterators
License: MIT
LazyData: true

There are six required elements:

  • Package: name of the package - this should be the same as the directory name.

  • Title: a one line description of the package.

  • Description: a more detailed paragraph-length description.

  • Version: the version number, which should be of the the form major.minor.patchlevel. See ?package_version for more details on the package version formats. I recommended following the principles of semantic versioning.

  • Maintainer: a single name and email address for the person responsible for package maintenance.

  • Author: a free-form text string listing all contributors to the package.

There are a number of other components that are optional, but still important:

  • Depends, Suggests, Imports and Enhances describe the which packages this package needs. They are described in more detail in namespaces.

  • License: a standard abbreviation for an open source license, like GPL-2 or BSD. A complete list of possibilities can be found by running, "share/licenses/license.db")). If you are using a non-standard license (not recommended), put file LICENSE and then include the full text of the license in a LICENSE.

  • URL: a url to the package website. Multiple urls can be separated with a comma or whitespace.

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