- The jQuery Foundation for jQuery and jQuery UI
- Jānis Skarnelis for fancyBox
- Klaus Hartl for jQuery.cookie
- Ariel Flesler for jQuery.scrollTo
- Jay Salvat for markItUp!
- Ivan Sagalaev for highlight.js
- Alexis Sellier for Less.js
- Pen^2, RHJPP & Zerosquare for all the lovely Boo variants
- Yusuke Kamiyamane for the Fudge and Diagona icon kits
- Mark James for the Silk icon kit
- Everaldo Coelho for the internet and blackboard icons (home page)
- Sergio Sánchez López for the Sonic and brushes icons (home page)
- IconEden for the cake and calculator icons (home page)
- Visual Pharm for the "preview" icon in post forms
- Aha-Soft Team for the default forum icon (home page) and gem ones
- openclipart.org for the images used by some Boo variants
- Freepik for the "thief" emoji
- Festli Aps & Alpár-Etele Méder for the "pumpkin" icons[/list]