Timeframe: 2024/07/01 - 2024/09/01
Data: flipside
Public Dashboard: https://flipsidecrypto.xyz/zanglang/relayer-dao-6OJ04V
- Total transactions using the feegrant: 347,737
- Total packets relayed using the feegrant: 700,583
- Active Relayers: 24
- Total unique paths relayed: 545
- Total misbehaving transactions: 0
- Total ATOM spent: 799.862
Following the depletion of the initial community pool grant set forth in Cosmoshub proposal 862, Cosmoshub IBC Relayer operators have requested a grant from the Atom Accelerator DAO, which was approved in July 2024. The total grant sum of 8445.862 ATOM is estimated to sustain IBC relayer transaction fees for at least 6 months.
Timeframe: 2024/01/01 - 2024/06/21
Data: flipside
Public Dashboard: https://flipsidecrypto.xyz/zanglang/relayer-dao-6OJ04V
- Total transactions using the feegrant: 2,356,157
- Total packets relayed using the feegrant: 6,948,644
- Total grantees: 26
- Total unique paths relayed: 198
- Total misbehaving transactions: 4 (all tests)
- Total ATOM spent: 8000*
*The initial 8000 ATOM budget was set to last for 3 months as per Cosmoshub proposal 862. IBC Relayers on the Cosmoshub have applied optimized batching settings, which efficiently lead to an extended service period of a total of 6 months.
As the initial grant has now depleted, the Cosmoshub Relayer Feegrant Workinggroup is now seeking to request another batch of intermediary tx fee compensation in form of a grant from the Atom Accelerator DAO.