diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index 55442f6b..99bc8b52 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -1,23 +1,37 @@ SHELL := bash platform := $(shell uname | tr A-Z a-z) +### Helper functions +### https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10858261/how-to-abort-makefile-if-variable-not-set +check_defined = \ + $(strip $(foreach 1,$1, \ + $(call __check_defined,$1,$(strip $(value 2))))) +__check_defined = \ + $(if $(value $1),, \ + $(error Undefined $1$(if $2, ($2))$(if $(value @), \ + required by target '$@'))) +### + # runs the target list by default .DEFAULT_GOAL = list # Insert a comment starting with '##' after a target, and it will be printed by 'make' and 'make list' -list: ## list Makefile targets +list: ## List Makefile targets @grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-20s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' -### Tools -# Allows flexbility to use other build kits, like nerdctl -BUILD_KIT ?= /usr/local/bin/docker +############# +### Tools ### +############# + +# Allows flexibility to use other build kits, like nerdctl +BUILD_KIT ?= docker define get_mod_code_generator echo "Only go get & mod k8s.io/code-generator, but do not install it" echo "⚠️ Keep it at the same version as captured in go.mod, otherwise we may end up with version inconsistencies" awk '/k8s.io\/code-generator/ { system("go get -d " $$1 "@" $$2) }' go.mod endef -install-tools: +install-tools: ## Install tooling required to configure and build this repo go mod download @echo "Install all tools..." @awk -F '"' '/_/ && !/k8s.io\/code-generator/ { system("go install " $$2) }' tools/tools.go @@ -52,8 +66,21 @@ kubebuilder-assets: $(KUBEBUILDER_ASSETS) $(KUBEBUILDER_ASSETS): setup-envtest --os $(platform) --arch $(ARCHITECTURE) --bin-dir $(LOCAL_TESTBIN) use $(ENVTEST_K8S_VERSION) -### Targets - +# https://github.com/carvel-dev/ytt/releases +YTT_VERSION ?= v0.50.0 +YTT = $(LOCAL_BIN)/ytt-$(YTT_VERSION)-$(platform)-$(ARCHITECTURE) +.PHONY: ytt +ytt: | $(YTT) +$(YTT): | $(LOCAL_BIN) + @printf "Downloading and installing Carvel YTT\n" + @curl -sSL -o $(YTT) https://github.com/carvel-dev/ytt/releases/download/$(YTT_VERSION)/ytt-$(platform)-$(ARCHITECTURE) + @chmod +x $(YTT) + @ln -s $(LOCAL_BIN)/ytt-$(YTT_VERSION)-$(platform)-$(ARCHITECTURE) $(LOCAL_BIN)/ytt + @printf "Carvel YTT $(YTT_VERSION) installed locally\n" + +############## +#### Tests ### +############## .PHONY: unit-tests unit-tests::install-tools ## Run unit tests unit-tests::$(KUBEBUILDER_ASSETS) @@ -79,12 +106,18 @@ integration-tests::just-integration-tests just-integration-tests: $(KUBEBUILDER_ASSETS) ginkgo --randomize-all -r -p $(GINKGO_EXTRA) controllers/ +.PHONY: local-tests local-tests: unit-tests integration-tests ## Run all local tests (unit & integration) -system-tests: ## run end-to-end tests against Kubernetes cluster defined in ~/.kube/config. Expects cluster operator and messaging topology operator to be installed in the cluster +.PHONY: system-tests +system-tests: ## Run E2E tests using current context in ~/.kube/config. Expects cluster operator and topology operator to be installed in the cluster NAMESPACE="rabbitmq-system" ginkgo --randomize-all -r $(GINKGO_EXTRA) system_tests/ -# Build manager binary + +################### +### Build & Run ### +################### +.PHONY: manager manager: generate fmt vet vuln go build -o bin/manager main.go @@ -95,49 +128,32 @@ manager: generate fmt vet vuln # https://github.com/telepresenceio/telepresence is one way to do this (just run # `telepresence connect` and services like `test-service.test-namespace.svc.cluster.local` # will resolve properly). +.PHONY: run run: generate fmt vet vuln manifests install just-run +.PHONY: just-run just-run: ## Just runs 'go run main.go' without regenerating any manifests or deploying RBACs KUBE_CONFIG=${HOME}/.kube/config OPERATOR_NAMESPACE=rabbitmq-system ENABLE_WEBHOOKS=false ENABLE_DEBUG_PPROF=true go run ./main.go -metrics-bind-address -# Install CRDs into a cluster +.PHONY: install install: manifests kustomize build config/crd | kubectl apply -f - -# Uninstall CRDs from a cluster +.PHONY: uninstall uninstall: manifests kustomize build config/crd | kubectl delete -f - +.PHONY: deploy-manager deploy-manager: cmctl $(CMCTL) check api --wait=2m kustomize build config/default/overlays/cert-manager/ | kubectl apply -f - -deploy: manifests deploy-rbac deploy-manager - -destroy: - kustomize build config/rbac | kubectl delete --ignore-not-found=true -f - - kustomize build config/default/base | kubectl delete --ignore-not-found=true -f - - -# Deploy operator with local changes -deploy-dev: check-env-docker-credentials cmctl docker-build-dev manifests deploy-rbac docker-registry-secret set-operator-image-repo - $(CMCTL) check api --wait=2m - kustomize build config/default/overlays/dev | sed 's@((operator_docker_image))@"$(DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER)/$(OPERATOR_IMAGE):$(GIT_COMMIT)"@' | kubectl apply -f - - -# Load operator image and deploy operator into current KinD cluster -deploy-kind: manifests cmctl deploy-rbac - $(BUILD_KIT) buildx build --build-arg=GIT_COMMIT=$(GIT_COMMIT) -t $(DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER)/$(OPERATOR_IMAGE):$(GIT_COMMIT) . - kind load docker-image $(DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER)/$(OPERATOR_IMAGE):$(GIT_COMMIT) - $(CMCTL) check api --wait=2m - kustomize build config/default/overlays/kind | sed 's@((operator_docker_image))@"$(DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER)/$(OPERATOR_IMAGE):$(GIT_COMMIT)"@' | kubectl apply -f - - -deploy-rbac: - kustomize build config/rbac | kubectl apply -f - - # Generate manifests e.g. CRD, RBAC etc. manifests: install-tools controller-gen crd rbac:roleName=manager-role webhook paths="./..." output:crd:artifacts:config=config/crd/bases # Generate API reference documentation +.PHONY: api-reference api-reference: crd-ref-docs \ --source-path ./api \ @@ -146,6 +162,14 @@ api-reference: --output-path ./docs/api/rabbitmq.com.ref.asciidoc \ --max-depth 30 +## used in CI pipeline to create release artifact +.PHONY: generate-manifests +generate-manifests: + mkdir -p releases + kustomize build config/installation/ > releases/messaging-topology-operator.bak + sed '/CERTIFICATE_NAMESPACE.*CERTIFICATE_NAME/d' releases/messaging-topology-operator.bak > releases/messaging-topology-operator.yaml + kustomize build config/installation/cert-manager/ > releases/messaging-topology-operator-with-certmanager.yaml + # Run go fmt against code fmt: go fmt ./... @@ -162,61 +186,90 @@ vuln: generate: install-tools api-reference controller-gen object:headerFile="hack/NOTICE.go.txt" paths="./..." +.PHONY: generate-client-set generate-client-set: $(get_mod_code_generator) go mod vendor ./hack/update-codegen.sh -check-env-docker-credentials: check-env-registry-server -ifndef DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME - $(error DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME is undefined: Username for accessing the docker registry) -endif -ifndef DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD - $(error DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD is undefined: Password for accessing the docker registry) -endif -ifndef DOCKER_REGISTRY_SECRET - $(error DOCKER_REGISTRY_SECRET is undefined: Name of Kubernetes secret in which to store the Docker registry username and password) -endif - GIT_COMMIT=$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)-dev - -docker-build-dev: check-env-docker-repo +OPERATOR_IMAGE ?= rabbitmqoperator/messaging-topology-operator +.PHONY: docker-build-dev +docker-build-dev: + $(call check_defined, DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER, URL of docker registry containing the Operator image (e.g. registry.my-company.com)) $(BUILD_KIT) buildx build --build-arg=GIT_COMMIT=$(GIT_COMMIT) -t $(DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER)/$(OPERATOR_IMAGE):$(GIT_COMMIT) . $(BUILD_KIT) push $(DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER)/$(OPERATOR_IMAGE):$(GIT_COMMIT) -docker-registry-secret: check-env-docker-credentials operator-namespace - echo "creating registry secret and patching default service account" - @kubectl -n $(K8S_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE) create secret docker-registry $(DOCKER_REGISTRY_SECRET) --docker-server='$(DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER)' --docker-username="$$DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME" --docker-password="$$DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD" || true +# docker-build-local and deploy-local work in local Kubernetes installations where the Kubernetes API +# server runs in the same Docker Context as the build process. This is the case for Rancher Desktop +# and probably for Docker Desktop. These two commands won't have the desired effect if Kubernetes API +# is running remotely e.g. Cloud, or if the build context is not shared with Kubernetes API e.g. containerd +.PHONY: docker-build-local +docker-build-local: + $(BUILD_KIT) buildx build --build-arg=GIT_COMMIT=$(GIT_COMMIT) -t localhost/topology-operator:$(GIT_COMMIT) . + +K8S_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE ?= rabbitmq-system +.PHONY: docker-registry-secret +docker-registry-secret: + $(call check_defined, DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME, Username for accessing the docker registry) + $(call check_defined, DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD. Password for accessing the docker registry) + $(call check_defined, DOCKER_REGISTRY_SECRET, Name of Kubernetes secret in which to store the Docker registry username and password) + $(call check_defined, DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER, URL of docker registry containing the Operator image (e.g. registry.my-company.com)) + @echo "Creating registry secret and patching default service account" + @kubectl -n $(K8S_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE) create secret docker-registry $(DOCKER_REGISTRY_SECRET) \ + --docker-server='$(DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER)' \ + --docker-username="$$DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME" \ + --docker-password="$$DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD" || true @kubectl -n $(K8S_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE) patch serviceaccount messaging-topology-operator -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "$(DOCKER_REGISTRY_SECRET)"}]}' -check-env-registry-server: -ifndef DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER - $(error DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER is undefined: URL of docker registry containing the Operator image (e.g. registry.my-company.com)) -endif +######################### +### Deploy & Teardown ### +######################### +.PHONY: deploy +deploy: manifests deploy-rbac deploy-manager ## Deploy latest version of this Operator -check-env-docker-repo: check-env-registry-server set-operator-image-repo +.PHONY: destroy +destroy: ## Delete all resources of this Operator + kustomize build config/rbac | kubectl delete --ignore-not-found=true -f - + kustomize build config/default/base | kubectl delete --ignore-not-found=true -f - -set-operator-image-repo: -OPERATOR_IMAGE?=p-rabbitmq-for-kubernetes/messaging-topology-operator +# Deploy operator with local changes +.PHONY: deploy-dev +deploy-dev: cmctl docker-build-dev manifests deploy-rbac docker-registry-secret ## Build current code as a Docker image, push the image, and deploy to current Kubernetes context + $(call check_defined, DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME, Username for accessing the docker registry) + $(call check_defined, DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD. Password for accessing the docker registry) + $(call check_defined, DOCKER_REGISTRY_SECRET, Name of Kubernetes secret in which to store the Docker registry username and password) + $(call check_defined, DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER, URL of docker registry containing the Operator image (e.g. registry.my-company.com)) + $(CMCTL) check api --wait=2m + kustomize build config/default/overlays/dev | sed 's@((operator_docker_image))@"$(DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER)/$(OPERATOR_IMAGE):$(GIT_COMMIT)"@' | kubectl apply -f - -operator-namespace: -ifeq (, $(K8S_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE)) -K8S_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE=rabbitmq-system -endif +# Load operator image and deploy operator into current KinD cluster +.PHONY: deploy-kind +deploy-kind: manifests cmctl deploy-rbac + $(BUILD_KIT) buildx build --build-arg=GIT_COMMIT=$(GIT_COMMIT) -t $(DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER)/$(OPERATOR_IMAGE):$(GIT_COMMIT) . + kind load docker-image $(DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER)/$(OPERATOR_IMAGE):$(GIT_COMMIT) + $(CMCTL) check api --wait=2m + kustomize build config/default/overlays/kind | sed 's@((operator_docker_image))@"$(DOCKER_REGISTRY_SERVER)/$(OPERATOR_IMAGE):$(GIT_COMMIT)"@' | kubectl apply -f - + +.PHONY: deploy-local +deploy-local: cmctl deploy-rbac $(YTT) + $(CMCTL) check api --wait=2m + kustomize build config/default/overlays/cert-manager | $(YTT) -f- -f config/ytt_overlays/change_deployment_image.yml \ + --data-value operator_image="localhost/topology-operator:$(GIT_COMMIT)" \ + -f config/ytt_overlays/never_pull.yml | kubectl apply -f- + +.PHONY: deploy-rbac +deploy-rbac: + kustomize build config/rbac | kubectl apply -f - +.PHONY: cluster-operator cluster-operator: @kubectl apply -f https://github.com/rabbitmq/cluster-operator/releases/latest/download/cluster-operator.yml +.PHONY: destroy-cluster-operator destroy-cluster-operator: @kubectl delete -f https://github.com/rabbitmq/cluster-operator/releases/latest/download/cluster-operator.yml --ignore-not-found -## used in CI pipeline to create release artifact -generate-manifests: - mkdir -p releases - kustomize build config/installation/ > releases/messaging-topology-operator.bak - sed '/CERTIFICATE_NAMESPACE.*CERTIFICATE_NAME/d' releases/messaging-topology-operator.bak > releases/messaging-topology-operator.yaml - kustomize build config/installation/cert-manager/ > releases/messaging-topology-operator-with-certmanager.yaml - ################ # Cert Manager # ################ @@ -234,8 +287,10 @@ $(CMCTL): | $(LOCAL_BIN) $(LOCAL_TMP) CERT_MANAGER_VERSION ?= v1.15.1 CERT_MANAGER_MANIFEST ?= https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/$(CERT_MANAGER_VERSION)/cert-manager.yaml +.PHONY: cert-manager cert-manager: ## Deploys Cert Manager from JetStack repo. Use CERT_MANAGER_VERSION to customise version e.g. v1.2.0 kubectl apply -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/$(CERT_MANAGER_VERSION)/cert-manager.yaml +.PHONY: destroy-cert-manager destroy-cert-manager: ## Deletes Cert Manager deployment created by 'make cert-manager' kubectl delete -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/$(CERT_MANAGER_VERSION)/cert-manager.yaml