diff --git a/RadixWallet/Core/Resources/Resources/en.lproj/Localizable.strings b/RadixWallet/Core/Resources/Resources/en.lproj/Localizable.strings index 242dd513ee..a38a9c894f 100644 --- a/RadixWallet/Core/Resources/Resources/en.lproj/Localizable.strings +++ b/RadixWallet/Core/Resources/Resources/en.lproj/Localizable.strings @@ -546,6 +546,9 @@ "common_dismiss" = "Dismiss"; "common_noMnemonicAlert_title" = "Could Not Complete"; "common_noMnemonicAlert_text" = "The required seed phrase is missing. Please return to the account and begin the recovery process."; +"common_close" = "Close"; +"common_hiddenAccountsOrPersonas" = "Hidden Accounts or Personas"; +"common_all" = "All"; "error_dappRequest_invalidPersonaId" = "Invalid Persona specified by dApp"; "error_dappRequest_invalidRequest" = "Invalid request"; "error_profileLoad_decodingError" = "Failed to import Radix Wallet backup: %@"; @@ -914,7 +917,6 @@ Code: %@"; "factorSources_card_accountPlural" = "%d Accounts"; "factorSources_card_personaSingular" = "1 Persona"; "factorSources_card_personaPlural" = "%d Personas"; -"factorSources_card_hiddenAccountsOrPersonas" = "Hidden Accounts or Personas"; "factorSources_card_lastUsed" = "**Last Used:** %@"; "factorSources_card_deviceTitle" = "Biometrics/PIN"; "factorSources_card_deviceDescription" = "Use phone biometrics/PIN to approve"; @@ -1503,6 +1505,10 @@ Code: %@"; "renameLabel_factorSource_subtitle" = "Enter a new name for this Factor Source"; "renameLabel_factorSource_empty" = "Factor Source name required"; "renameLabel_factorSource_tooLong" = "Factor Source name too long"; +"renameLabel_securityShield_title" = "Rename"; +"renameLabel_securityShield_subtitle" = "Enter a new name for this Security Shield"; +"renameLabel_securityShield_empty" = "Security Shield name required"; +"renameLabel_securityShield_tooLong" = "Security Shield name too long"; "renameLabel_connector_title" = "Rename Connector"; "renameLabel_connector_subtitle" = "Enter a new name for this Linked Connector"; "renameLabel_connector_empty" = "Linked Connector name required"; @@ -1551,7 +1557,6 @@ Code: %@"; "shieldWizardRegularAccess_combination_label" = "OR"; "shieldWizardRegularAccess_thresholdDescription_title" = "You\'ll need to use %@ of the following:"; "shieldWizardRegularAccess_thresholdDescription_selection" = "**%@**"; -"shieldWizardRegularAccess_thresholdDescription_all" = "All"; "shieldWizardRegularAccess_override_title" = "Override (advanced)"; "shieldWizardRegularAccess_override_description" = "Or you can use the following:"; "shieldWizardRegularAccess_override_button" = "Add an override"; @@ -1598,7 +1603,29 @@ Code: %@"; "securityShields_assigned_personaSingular" = "1 Persona"; "securityShields_assigned_personaPlural" = "%d Personas"; "securityShields_assigned_someHiddenEntities" = "(and some hidden)"; -"securityShields_assigned_onlyHiddenEntities" = "Hidden Accounts or Personas"; "securityShields_changeMain_title" = "Change Default Shield"; "securityShields_changeMain_subtitle" = "Choose which Security Shield will be pre-selected when you want to use one for an Account or Persona."; -"securityShields_createShieldButton" = "Create New Security Shield"; \ No newline at end of file +"securityShields_createShieldButton" = "Create New Security Shield"; +"securityShields_applied_accountsAndPersonas" = "This Security Shield is applied to these Accounts and Personas"; +"securityShields_accounts" = "Accounts"; +"securityShields_personas" = "Personas"; +"securityShields_noAccounts" = "No Accounts"; +"securityShields_noPersonas" = "No Personas"; +"securityShields_editFactors" = "Edit Factors"; +"newBiometricFactor_intro_title" = "Add a New Biometrics/PIN Seed Phrase"; +"newBiometricFactor_intro_subtitle" = "This factor is a seed phrase held by your phone and unlocked by your biometrics/PIN."; +"newBiometricFactor_seedPhrase_title" = "Write Down Seed Phrase"; +"newBiometricFactor_seedPhrase_subtitle" = "Write down this BIP39 seed phrase and store safely for future use. Avoid storing electronically so no one can steal it online."; +"newBiometricFactor_seedPhrase_enterCustomButton" = "Clear and enter custom seed phrase"; +"newBiometricFactor_seedPhrase_wordLabel" = "Word %d"; +"newBiometricFactor_confirmSeedPhrase_title" = "Confirm Seed Phrase"; +"newBiometricFactor_confirmSeedPhrase_subtitle" = "Enter %d words from your seed phrase to confirm you’ve recorded it correctly."; +"newBiometricFactor_confirmSeedPhrase_incorrectWord" = "Incorrect. Try again."; +"newBiometricFactor_name_title" = "Name your New Biometrics/PIN Seed Phrase"; +"newBiometricFactor_name_label" = "Enter name"; +"newBiometricFactor_name_note" = "This can be changed any time"; +"newBiometricFactor_name_saveButton" = "Save"; +"newFactor_error_alreadyInUse" = "Factor Already In Use"; +"newFactor_error_notCreated" = "Factor not created"; +"newFactor_success_title" = "Success"; +"newFactor_success_subtitle" = "Security factor added successfully"; \ No newline at end of file