Releases: radogado/niui
Releases · radogado/niui
natUIve 1.7
- Video in lightbox
- .fold replaces .accordion for universal use
- copyButton() makes a button copy content to clipboard
- Limited size modal window
- IE8 fallback for Flex grid
- Lightbox auto-opening at slide number or image name, depending on URI
- init() initializes new dynamic content
- Optional form fieldsets
natUIve 1.6
- animate() function for CSS animations
- Slider with Fade option
- Nested sliders
- Scrollable horizontal nav
- Animated off-screen mobile nav
- Automatically open a lightbox by loading url#lightbox-id
- Notification bar
- Range input
- CSS-only parallax scrolling
- Fixed background behind an element
- Close burger content by clicking outside
- Aspect ratio container now a single element
- Properly inherited font size
natUIve 1.5
- Unified Flexbox grid with equal height, vertical alignment and auto wrapping
- Modular source code
- Cards
- Balanced for 10 common page designs
- Vertically centered viewport banner
- Click to zoom in lightbox
- Full screen lightbox
natUIve 1.4
- New
- Sortable tables
- Masonry CSS-only
- isInViewport()
- Drop-down nav: Touch-first, CSS-only, JS enhanced, 1-3 levels, responsive, label/link items support
- Improved
- Tooltip for touch
- parentByClass() replaced by versatile getClosest()
- Slider in CSS-only mode now has visual cues
- Form validation for email and URL inputs
- Form: input type=number with optional data-digits to specify exact digits required
- WordPress Gallery captions
natUIve 1.3
- Core
- Sass CSS for $font-size and $line-height
- Reduced class dependencies
- HTML5 elements
- Themes support
- openFullWindow(‘content’)
- Overflowing mobile nav scrollable
- Node manipulation preserves events
- Aspect ratio image container
- Scroll polyfill for Android Browser with overthrow.js
- Option for Header+Banner (“Hero”) to take up .viewport-height (CSS only)
- Optimisations and fixes
- natUIve WordPress theme
- Lightbox
- Lazy loading images to support huge galleries
- Slider
- Rewritten slide animation to support huge sliders
- Headless full-window option
- Video player
- Tabs
natUIve 1.2
- Core
- 50% wide columns option on narrow screens
- Rows with border option
- Anchor links animated by CSS
- Various code optimisations
- Slider
- Vertical version
- Full-screen version
- Form
- Border on focus
- Dynamic form submit without page reload
- Modal
- External content via PHP
natUIve 1.1
- More stability and compatibility
- Core:
- Clean, seamless row embedding without padding creep
- Wrap Grid, which wraps equal-width columns on multiple lines
- Browser capabilities detection, instead of user agent
- Tables:
- Highlight row by hover
- Lightbox:
- Image captions
- Centered/downscaled images by CSS only
- Lightbox link can be anything, not just a thumbnail image
- Modal windows:
- The link can have child elements
- A modal window can have any content – modalWindow(‘HTML')
- Form:
- Supports dragging a file to a file input
- Flat version with stacked labels/inputs
- Slider:
- Auto-slide option
- Jumping from last to first and first to last
natUIve 1.0
9 KB framework leveraging browsers' built-in capabilities, with smart customisation:
- Unbreakable, flexible, responsive grid
- Baseline-aligned elements*
- Embeddable grid and elements*
- Vertically aligned column content*
- CSS reset
- Semantic structure
- Balanced functional layout
- (Mobile) navigation
- Buttons
- Modal windows
- Lightbox gallery
- Tooltips with full HTML content*
- Nested ordered lists*
- Forms with validation, full customisation and accessibility, including native file drop
- Auto-expanding textarea*
- Native sliders*, swipeable on mobile and desktop, with numbered or thumbnail navigation
- Accordions
- Quote block
- Tables accessible on narrow screens by scrolling*
- Footer sticking to the very bottom on short pages*
- 'Back to top' button
- Animated anchor links
- Language selector
- URI parameters relay to links*
- Functional without JS and accessible without CSS*
- Less than 9 KB effective weight
- No IE conditional operators*
- No jQuery or other dependencies*
- Supporting IE8+, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Android 2.3+, iOS, Windows Phone
- Graceful degradation
- Includes a FREE picture of a cat
* exclusive features, missing in popular frameworks