- Added SystemCursorListener
- Added SplitPaneSystemCursorListener
- Added PopTableTextHoverListener
- Added PopTable#setStyle(WindowStyle style)
- Added SmashGroup
- Added ScaleContainer
- CollapsibleGroup can now be configured to consider both horizontal and vertical sizes
- Fixed CollapsibleGroup not matching the largest available size
- CollapsibleGroup now defaults to Touchable.childrenOnly
- PopTable hover/click/tooltip no longer fails to find a style if the provided style is a WindowStyle
- PopTableHoverListener now has a configurable delay
- Prevent endless loop of enter and exit in PopTableHoverListener
- Clicking or typing now hides the PopTable of the PopTableHoverListener
- PopTableHoverListener/PopTableClickListener can attach the PopTable to an Actor that is different than the Listener Actor
- Updated to libGDX 1.12.1
- Updated source compatibility to Java 8
- Added CollapsibleGroup
- Added ToggleGroup
- Fixed KeepSizedWithinStage in PopTable
- Fixed issues with PopTable focus
- Other minor PopTable bug fixes
- ScrollFocusListener now sets focus on the correct child
- Fixed issues with holding buttons in Spinner
- Added minor UI improvements and event handling to PopColorPicker
- Added DraggableList improvements to events and selecting Actors
- The ViewportWidget must now be manually updated via ViewportWidget#updateViewport() before drawing. This resolves incorrect rendering issues.
- PopColorPicker no longer depends on TextraTypist as a whole, since it only needed one file from it.
- Fixed TextraTypist GWT tag.
- Fixed javadoc build. Thanks TEttinger!
- Updated Regexodus to 0.1.5.
- Updated Textratypist to 0.8.0.
- Fixed creating ResizeWidget with a null style causes an NPE. Resolves #6
- Updated TextraTypist version in PopColorPicker
- Included TextraTypist in ColorPicker project. Eliminated local copy of ColorUtils
- Added ColorPicker widget.
- Added option to disable centering when layout is called in ResizeWidget.
- Added option to attach a PopTable to the position of the mouse.
- Added ability to supress key listeners in PopTable.
- Added methods to set/get the stage background for PopTable.
- Added method to get the parent group that PopTable belongs to.
- Added no-argument constructor for PopTableClickListener.
- Fixed PopTable from calling layout in an endless loop when automaticallyResized and keepSizedWithinStage are both selected.
- Fixed DraggableSelectBox not setting the stage's scroll focus.
- Fixed DraggableSelectBox's PopTable not matching the width of the button.
- Added PopTable constructor that accepts a WindowStyle.
- Prevent PopTable from crashing when setFillParent(true) is called.
- PopTable no longer calls layout every single frame.
- PopTable's position can be offset by a specified pixel value when attached to an actor.
- Added GridDrawable.
- Added AspectRatioContainer.
- Added highlightActor to PopTable to draw widgets above the stageBackground drawable for demonstrations.
- Added constructor to PopTableStyle to derive the fields from an existing WindowStyle.
- Added draggable setting to PopTable.
- Moved FreeTypeSkin and FreeTypeSkinLoader to separate subproject.
- Fixed ViewportWidget not working with all viewports (fill, fit, etc.)
- Added ScrollFocusListener
- PopTable can no longer be clicked on while hiding.
- Fixed PopTable aligning to widgets removed from the Stage.
- Fixed PopTableTooltipListener activating when removed from the Stage.
- Fixed PopTableTooltipListener showing the tooltip in the incorrect position.
- Fixed StripeMenu not hiding when a dialog is shown in a ChangeEvent.
- StripeMenu no longer closes when user clicks on the title of a submenu.
- Fixed ViewportWidget not updating the Viewport.
- Added ViewportWidget
- Added ResizeWidget
- Fixed function of RangeSlider when using a minimum other than 0.
- Updated SceneComposerBuilder to allow setting the Touchable and Visible properties for widgets.
- Fixed not setting names for various widgets in SceneComposerBuilder.
- Included base widgets.