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J World Music



This project was built to meet the client's request for a website to display some of his musical work. The idea was to create a player to listen to some of his songs, have a link to play his video, as well as find some info about him and contact form him that linke to his email. The website is hosted on Netlify.


This project was built using the following technologies:

  • HTML5
  • SASS compiled with GULP-SASS
  • JQuery
  • JavaScript
  • Mustache
  • Gulp


After cloning the project's folder, the following command must be ran in the terminal to download the dependencies:

npm i --save-dev gulp-browserify gulp-concat gulp-compass gulp-cssnano gulp-imagemin gulp-minify-html gulp-uglify-es

Following the installation, the we can run the command bellow to watch changes in ./components/ to automatically compile all .scss into .css and concatenate all *.js files into one script file:

gulp watch

and the defaul gulp command,


will run the following dependencies

  • gulp-minify-html
  • gulp-cssnano
  • gulp-uglify-es
  • imagemin

to minify all files and pipe them to ./builds/dist.


The root of the project's folder consist in two main folders: components and builds. The components folder contains two files:

  • scripts
  • sass

Inside sass are located all sass partials, organized by components. All of them are exported to a main style.scss, which imports all partials and is then compile to CSS and piped to ./builds/development/css. In scripts can be found all *.js files which are concatenated using gulp-concat into a single script.js and piped to ~/builds/development/js.


Almost all html is contained in index.html and separeted in the following sections:

<!-- Home section -->
<!-- MEET section -->
<!-- SONGS section -->
<!-- VIDEO section -->
<!-- CONTACT section -->
    <!-- FORM section -->

The markup for the song player is build dinamically using this Mustache template:

 <script type="text/template" id="template">
    <img data-src={{dataSource}} src={{src}} alt={{alt}}>
    <!-- <span>paused</span> -->
    <div class="spinner">
        <div class="rect1"></div>
        <div class="rect2"></div>
        <div class="rect3"></div>
        <div class="rect4"></div>
        <div class="rect5"></div>


which is rendered using a JavaScript object and JQuery located in ./builds/development/js folder. It contains the relevant data for every song in the player.

let data = {
                "songTitle":"Get Out",
                "alt":"play button"

let content = $('#template').html();

    let result = Mustache.render(content, data);


JQuery finds the script tag in index.html, uses the data object to render the markup and then target a container, #template-container element with the resulting code.


All the scripts are located in ./components/scripts. They are separed in the following modules to make the code more maintainable and easy to understand:

  • jquery-3.4.2.min.js
  • mustache.js
  • observer.js
  • player.js
  • script.js
  • template-script.js

In script.js is found the logics responsible for general features on the page, not related to any specif section. The libraries used in the project are also kept in script files, jquery.js and mustache.js, in the same folder.

The file observer.js contains the Intersection Observer responsible for triggering the animation on the Meet section by adding/removing a class.

In player.js are contained all the logics for the player. It was built using vanilla JavaScript.

Last, the file template-script.js is responsible for building the player's markup with Mustache.


All the styles were written with SASS and are found in ./components/sass. They are all organized in partials to target different sections of the website, making it easier to maintain. The file styles.scss imports all partials and is compiled into CSS using Compass.


In ./builds/dist are found all the files minified and ready to be deployed to the web.


The client gave me full liberty regarding the design and functionality of the page, so small updates and changes are done often to improve the design.




Project built by Rafael Freitas | 2019