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File metadata and controls

112 lines (80 loc) · 4.54 KB


How to run the app

You will need the following installed:

  • Elixir >= 1.14
  • Postgres >= 14.5

Postgres credentials are taken from ENV variables but here are default values if you don't have them set up:

export DB_USERNAME=postgres
export DB_PASSWORD=postgres
export DB_HOSTNAME=localhost
export DB_DATABASE=payroll_manager_dev

You can update .env file with your values and run source .env.

Check out the .tool-versions file for a concrete version combination: asdf install.

  1. Fetch dependencies: mix desp.get
  2. Setup and seed database: mix ecto.setup
  3. Start the application: mix phx.server or inside IEx with mix -S phx.server

Implementation details

  • A user can have only one salary active at a given time, which is why every new salary becomes active by default (active set to true).
  • If active is set to false, we consider the last added salary by the most recently active one. This approach improves performance by keeping SQL queries simple and also maintains a clear history of salaries for potential analytics needs.
  • Salary is stored as Decimal (precision: 15, scale: 2)


For localhost tests it's possible to access the endpoints from both:

where HTTPS is served over a self-signed certificate (requires acceptance in the browser)

  • GET /users returns a list of users, alphabetically sorted and paginated (default 10 per page)

Sample params:

  • GET /users?name=Wa filters first name or last name by Wa. Can be combines with pagination params.

  • GET /users?page=2 jumps to page 2 of the list

  • GET /users?per_page=3 displays 3 users per page. Can be combined with page param (i.e.: /users?page=2per_page=3)

    At the end of the list we have metadata that helps us to navigate through pages:

      "data": [
                  "salary": "EUR 273.78",
                  "email": "",
                  "user_id": "133629ba-8140-4943-ad65-18d0dacfd05b",
                  "first_name": "Juliana",
                  "last_name": "Botsford",
                  "salary_status": "Active"
      "pagination": {
            "page": 1,
            "per_page": 10
  • POST /invite-users sends an email to all users with active salaries

POST request is non blocking (Task) and once fired, we can observe status of scheduled jobs in Elixir console:

[info] Inviting 10004 users with active salary
[info] Sent 201 in 93ms
[info] Total successful scheduled invites: 10004]

This action is implemented using Oban. I believe it fits perfectly for the job:

  • During deployment or unexpected node restarts jobs may be left in an executing state indefinitely. Oban.Plugins.Lifeline allows to retry the jobs after the application comes back to live.
  • We also prune jobs older than 7 days (completed, cancelled and discarded jobs) - this can be configured in config.exs (Oban.Plugins.Pruner).
  • You can cancel all oban jobs by running from iex: iex> Oban.cancel_all_jobs(Oban.Job)
  • You can observe status of running jobs in oban_job table and also check errors field for logged errors.
  • using unique setting of Oban queue, I block sending same email more than once in 24 hours


  • All timestamps are in UTC.
  • All primary and foreign keys are UUID allowing for easy data merging across multiple databases or distributed systems without risk of ID collision.
  • I decided to keep first_name and last_name as separate fields instead of just one name, although it can be displayed as one.
  • I added an email field, so that real emailing functionality can be based on this data.

Database Repo

  • Added CRUD operations for users, salaries and user_salaries tables, so it's possible to build new endpoints for managing data in these tables.
  • Added validation for salary amount, so it must be greather than 0.
  • Database is seeded with 20k users. Each user has 2 salaries with random amount, currency and active status - that makes 40k salaries. It took less than 2 minutes to seed the database on my laptop.

Code quality

  • Code meets requiremnts of strict Credo mode
  • Code is covered by tests in 78.5%


  • it's recommended to call the API over HTTPS (force_ssl: [hsts: true]) on production (port: 4001 for reverse proxy)

  • Phoenix Dashboard has been removed (could be passworded or limited to Dev only but I decided to remove it)