This repo is intended to list some resources to learn about javascript development in order to become a fullstack javascript developer
- Bootstrap
- Loops, If conditions and logical operators
- Create and read Arrays and how to loop though the Array to get the elements
- Create and read javascript objects and how to loop though the object to get the elements
- Create callback Functions and work with arguments
- Javascript native functions (Math, random, sort, etc)
- Understand how to Read and Parse JSON and how to loop though the JSON to get the elements
- Understand the Document Object Model (DOM) and how to select and interect with the elements
- Understand the browser events cycle (Click, hover, etc)
- Learn how to debug with the browser(log to the console, view browser requests and local storage)
- Checkout this workshoper
- HTTP Protocol
- Node JS Training and Fundamentals: Essential Training for Node.js development
- Intro and Installing Node.js
- Comprehending Node.js
- NPM Or Node Packaged Modules
- Working With Modules
- Working With Express Framework
- Unit Testing
- Databases and Sessions
- Streams and Events
- Tutorial de Promises en Javascript
- Functional Programming Basics In ES6
- Express 4 Routers: Help you organize better your controllers and routes
- Knex.js: SQL query builder for Postgres, MSSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite3, and Oracle
- Bookshelf.js: ORM for node.js
- Mocha
- Chai & Chai-http
- Factory Girl: Factories for test data
- Faker: Fake data generator
- Understand how Single page aplications works
- Angular NG-directives
- Angular template engine and $scope
- Angular Model-View-Controller Architecture
- how to Configure an Angular app and inject elements
- Setup the router
- Learn how to Work with Views-controllers and NG-model
- learn how to work with angular promises and pass data to the View
- Learn how to use Angular Factorys and $http to interact with the API Rest verbs
- Understand how the data flows from Factorys to Controllers to Views and viceversa
- Form Validation and NG-submit directive
- Setup Node JS to run an Angular Client