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File metadata and controls

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Connect to database


  1. psql -h localhost -p 5678 -U prisma -W
  2. enter password prisma
  3. run set search_path to "default$default";


Install cloud_sql_proxy (installation) or alternatively add your IP range to the Google Cloud Console (SQL -> Connections -> Authorized networks)

If you decided to install cloud_sql_proxy, in a terminal window run cloud_sql_proxy -instances=moocfi:europe-north1:quizzes-backend=tcp: to proxy production to localhost port 3306

(Note that this has to be run every time you want to connect to the database, the alternative of adding IP range to the Google Cloud Console needs to be done only once)

Install kubectl and set credentials to access the cluster: - gcloud container clusters get-credentials <CLUSTER_NAME>

Change to correct namespace using kubectl ns moocfi

When connecting first time, run the following to get db_name and db_secret:

  1. kubectl get secrets
  2. kubectl edit secret backend-secret
  3. base64 decode db_name and db_secret


For easy access, we recommend using DataGrip

After installing DataGrip

  1. add new data source --> postgresql
  2. give a name to the source
  3. insert
    • localhost in host field,
    • 3306 in port field,
    • postgres in user field,
    • db_secret from earlier to the password field,
    • postgres in database field
  4. in Schemas-tab, check which dbs you want (probably certificates, exams, moocfi, quizzes1, 2 and 3, staging, maybe others based on usage)
  5. refresh the data source in the database explorer to see the databases
  6. for moocfi database, set schema in console to moocfi$production

Now you can run sql commands in console, test for example select * from course; and you should see courses listed in output window.

You can name queries by adding comments before queries, e.g. /*query all courses*/ -- this will be shown in the output window title, which helps finding the query results among many tabs. We recommend configuring DataGrip to open a new result window for each query:

Miscellaneous stuff

Useful kubectl commands

  • kubectl get pods - Check pod status
  • kubectl logs <pod_name> - get logs for a single pod
    • where pod_name is the full name with suffix like fetch-avoin-links-27777615-xyzzy
    • what stern (see below) does is basically kubectl logs <prefix>*
  • kubectl get jobs
  • kubectl get cronjobs
  • kubectl describe <resource> <resource_name> - describe resource
    • where resource name like job, pod - get full list with kubectl api-resources
    • useful for debugging why a pod or job might have failed, for example kubectl describe job sync-tmc-users-27780760 will help finding the logs for a recent job/cronjob - you can find the name for the pod that was created with describe, although the pods will be deleted after a set time
  • kubectl create job --from=cronjob/<cronjob_name> <job_name> - run a cronjob manually
    • come up with a new unique job name; you can delete the job later when it's finished with kubectl delete job <job name>

Check logs

Install stern to check logs for all pods with a certain prefix easily.

stern <pod cluster prefix>, prefix is e.g. moocfi-backend

Migrating from an older development database

If your development database is created with the older version, it is not usable with the newer one straight away. To keep the old one, have the old version running in docker compose -- if you've already merged this, just change the image back to postgres:10.3 -- and do a pg_dump:

pg-dump -h localhost -p 5678 -U prisma -W > /tmp/moocfi-dev-dump

Provide prisma for the password.

You can probably do the dump inside the running container, but you will need to move the dump file contents to your local machine as we will delete the container.

Do docker compose down and you can delete the container and the volume:

docker container rm backend-postgres-1
docker volume rm backend_postgres

Change the image version back to postgres:15.3, do docker compose up and it should create the database. While it's running, restore the database contents:

psql -h localhost -p 5678 -U prisma -W prisma < /tmp/moocfi-dev-dump