- Test results now contain style warnings or errors for applicable exercises.
- Improved error messages and logging.
- Fixed downloading old submissions for C# exercises
- Fixed error messages not displaying in some cases when running tests
- Sort dialogue of old submissions by date
- Bumped TMC-langs version to 0.37.0
- Added a warning for a large number of open exercises
- Bumped TMC-langs version to 0.36.4
- Fixed issues with file locking on certain platforms
- Fixed the current file not refreshing when resetting an exercise
- Bumped TMC-langs version to 0.36.3
- .csproj files are no longer included when submitting C# exercises
- Set the minimum supported VSCode version to 1.86.0 (released in January 2024)
- Fixed the TMC-langs CLI's permissions being set to 111
- Fixed missing "Send solution to server" button when tests are ran successfully
- Fixed running tests for exam exercises not working correctly
- Bumped TMC-langs version to 0.36.1
- Added a notice about the data collected by the extension
- Redesigned the user interface
- Fixed a bug when changing the exercise directory on Windows
- Bumped TMC-langs version to 0.36.0
- Improved error reporting when fetching and updating exercises
- Improved extension update procedure to be more robust against interrupted updates
- Fixed another "Empty Langs Response Error" that would sometimes occur after submitting an exercise.
- Fixed an "Empty Langs Response Error" that would sometimes occur after submitting an exercise.
- Bumped TMC-langs version to 0.35.0.
- The
button in the course exercise list will now download the exercises if they don't exist locally. - Removed the
button in the course exercise list. - Added more logging.
- Fixed an issue that caused the extension to not work on ARM64 MacOS with ARM64 Java.
Pre-release testing version.
Bumped TMC-langs to version 0.25.2.
Reverted TMC-langs back to version 0.23.2.
- Support for C# exercises that use .NET 6.0.
- Bumped TMC-langs to version 0.25.1.
- Bumped TMC-langs to version 0.23.2.
- TMC-langs: Download old submission to fallback to template download if 403 encountered (e.g. exam mode) when fetching users' old submissions.
- Better support for MacOS Big Sur.
- Bumped TMC-langs to version 0.23.1.
- Exercise decorations: Show completed, expired, partially completed and missing in course workspace file tree.
- Automatically download old submission (disabled since version 2.0.0).
- Bumped TMC-langs to version 0.21.0-beta-4.
- Moved Extension Settings behind VSCode Settings API.
- Moved TMC folder selection to My Courses page.
- Custom Settings webview.
- Updated dependencies.
- Bug when migrating Session state that caused extension to fail initialization in some cases.
- Prevent extension from immediately restarting after
Wipe all extension data
- Timeout from most TMC-Langs processes to avoid issues with slow connections.
- Updated dependencies.
- Broken light theme icons after lowest supported VS Code version bump.
- Missing logs when compile fails due to compile error.
- Updated dependencies.
- Major changes to exercise workspace management logic.
- Drastically improved exercise downloading performance.
- Improved logic when changing exercise data location.
- Improved usage of
Wipe all extension data
command. - Technical improvements to settings page.
- Bumped lowest supported VS Code version from 1.40.0 to 1.52.0.
- TMC-langs and exercise workspace files are now stored always in a consistent location.
- Bumped TMC-langs to version 0.11.1.
- MacOS 11 to use x86 build of TMC-langs for now.
- Don't try to recommend unavailable extensions on VSCodium.
- Automatically download old submission temporarily.
- Authentication status migration from versions below 1.0.
- Fake OK-buttons from notifications to follow new extension guidelines.
- Updated dependencies.
- Bumped TMC-langs to version 0.6.5.
- Updated all dependencies.
- Bumped TMC-langs to version 0.6.3.
- Bumped TMC-langs to version 0.6.2.
- Rolled TMC-langs back to version 0.4.1.
- Open TMC Exercises Folder button to TMC TreeView.
- Show warning message if running tests using too old Python version.
- Hint about possible Antivirus conflict if the extension fails to start.
- Arm64 build of TMC-langs for Mac OS.
- Pylance to recommended Python extensions.
- Reworked caching for TMC API data.
- Bumped TMC-langs to version 0.6.1.
- Fixes path issues with some Python libraries when running tests on Windows.
- Updateable exercises notification didn't disappear from Course Details page in some circumstances.
- Updated dependencies.
- Option in settings to toggle automatic exercise updates.
- Exercise updates are now done automatically by default.
- Bumped TMC-langs to version 0.4.1.
- Handle logout when token has expired.
- Log out user if token is invalid.
- Run TMC Actions for exercises when right clicking exercise folders or files in the explorer view.
- This way .ipynb notebooks can be tested and submitted more easily.
- Buttons to clear new exercises buffer from notification or course card.
- Inform user if TMC Extension is too old.
- Access to course details page from the TMC Tree Menu.
- Refresh button to fetch course and exercise updates in TMC Tree View.
- Technical improvements to Login page.
- Technical improvements to TMC TreeView menu.
- Bumped TMC-langs to version 0.4.0.
- Exam mode in submissions handled by TMC-langs.
- Distinguish between disabled courses and access denied for TMC-langs commands.
- Use course title instead of course name.
- Updated dependencies.
- Prevent losing exercise data if update fails at a bad time.
- Broken image in Welcome view on some file systems.
- VSCode command for checking for exercise updates.
- Open logs folder button to Settings page.
- Need Help? option on TMC Submission Result view.
- When downloading an exercise, download last submission by default.
- Default behavior can be changed in Settings.
- Show some TMC-VSCode commands only when logged in.
- Bumped TMC-langs Rust to version 0.1.0.
- VSCode Python Interpreter path passed to TMC-langs Rust.
- All API Requests handled externally by TMC-langs Rust.
- Exercise related actions use TMC-langs Rust.
- TMC-langs commands to obfuscate sensitive details from TMC logs.
- Technical improvements to My Courses page.
- Remove obsolete "closed-exercise" folder from tmcdata if empty.
- Temporarily removed Show submission in browser button in Submission Queue view.
- Download of AdoptOpenJDK if Java not present in system.
- Download of TMC-langs Java CLI .jar file.
- Welcome page, displayed when major or minor version changes.
- VSCode Commands for most TMC actions.
- VSCode Command for wiping all extension data.
- Extension recommendations for course workspaces based on file language in workspace.
- Possibility to download individual exercises in Course Page.
- Bumped TMC-langs Rust to version 0.1.17-alpha.
- Local exercise tests runs with TMC-langs Rust.
- Course specific workspaces using VSCode Multi-root workspaces.
- Need to close TMC Workspace if moving TMC Data from Settings.
- Insider: Python executable path passed to TMC-langs Rust.
- Insider: Most API Request handled externally by TMC-langs Rust.
- Insider: Handle login and logout externally by TMC-langs Rust.
- Insider: Exercise related actions uses TMC-langs Rust.
- Remove old Rust CLI versions.
- Clear new exercise only when download succeeded for given exercise.
- Insider notification on extension activation.
- Updated dependencies.
- Status of new exercises was displayed as expired.
- Log level to verbose if insider.
- Quote TMC Rust cli path in command.
- Insider version support.
- Insider: Use TMC Langs Rust when running local tests.
- Not to check for new exercises or updates if logged out.
- Refresh button was using cache data.
- Support for disabled courses.
- Refresh button to course details page.
- Show material URL in course details if defined.
- After resetting an exercise or downloading an old submission, reopen the active file.
- Improvements to move TMC data folder operation and cleanup.
- No longer auto-open exercise lists when starting a download.
- Less pronounced hover effect on clickable cards.
- Data validation to not clear new exercises array and notification delay for courses.
- Don't remove .vscode/settings.json in TMC workspace.
- Exam mode.
- All exercise downloads are now displayed with a progress notification.
- "No deadline" text is shown only if there are no deadlines in a group of exercises.
- Expand verbose logging for the extension.
- TMC Langs executable version bumped to 0.8.5.
- Exercise Download Progress page.
- Hide update exercises notification in Course View after pressing the button.
- Error handling when attempting to send an expired exercise to TMC Paste.
- Data validation to not remove user data if an API error was received.
- Restore Course Details webview properly after the page had been hidden.
- 0.8.1 Hotfix: Validation issue on old user courses when receiving Authorization error.
- Darker disabled buttons.
- Enable python.terminal.executeInFileDir for TMC Workspace.
- Problem showing HTML characters in TMC Test Results.
- Disabled 'Open all' button if no exercises downloaded.
- Hide/show exercise meta files. Hidden by default, can be changed in TMC Settings.
- Provide an easy access from TMC Settings to change where webviews are opened.
- Notify user if couldn't fetch API data on course page.
- TMC Test Results and Submission pages are recycled after usage.
- User-defined Workspace Folder settings were automatically being deleted.
- TMC Langs logs not appearing if test results (.tmc_test_results.json) can't be found.
- Problem showing error messages with backslashes in TMC Test Results.
- Show logs button to settings.
- 30min timer to poll for new exercises and updates for My courses.
- 0.6.4 Hotfix: Bumped TMC-Langs version to 0.8.2.
- TMC-Langs process timeout increased to two minutes.
- Exercise result parsing (now handled by TMC-Langs)
- Course page 'Update exercises' button.
- Server submission button even when some tests fail.
- Redesigned course detail page.
- Download exercises page.
- Obsolete information from readme.
- Faulty API data when downloading old submissions.
- 0.6.2 Hotfix: Broken course detail page scripts in production build.
- Parsing to test names within displayed test results.
- Filter out 'False is not true' from the start of failed test messages.
- By default, show only one locally failed test.
- API Endpoint for fetching old submissions.
- Reduced local test process timeout to 15 seconds.
- Missing whitespace when showing test results.
- Regression: Closed exercises were not re-opened after updating.
- Updated dependencies.
- Icons for running tests and opening TMC menu.
- Output channel for logging extension status information.
- User able to choose extension logging level in settings (default: Errors).
- Resolve errors if data was removed externally while the extension was running.
- Remove data of missing exercises when deleting course from My courses.
- Closing temporary webview didn't work properly in some cases.
- Some areas were not reflecting the previous displayed course name change.
- Download and use standalone Java on Windows and Linux if java is missing from system.
- User can abort running TMC test process.
- Abort running TMC test process after 180 seconds.
- My courses now shows proper course name.
- Course details now shows proper course name.
- Running local tests in background didn't show test results.
- Can change location of TMC data in settings.
- Checks if new exercises or updates are available for user's courses.
- Can download old submissions for exercises.
- Offer help to user if some local tests fail.
- TMC Langs executable version bumped to 0.7.17.
- Downgraded required VSCode version to 1.40.
- Send code to TMC Paste.
- Dropdown menu for TMC Commands next to run tests button.
- Limited download concurrency when downloading many exercises.
- Calculate course progress based on points.
- Show soft deadline for exercises if exists.
- Show errors related to user actions in webview panel.
- More convenient yes/no dialog for most prompts.
- Workspace watcher path error on Windows.
- Error on exercise completion checking.
- TMC-Readme.txt in the TMC workspace.
- Marketplace icon.
- Data validation issue with very old courses in the HY organization.
- Faster deadline fetch in My Courses-view.
- Improved button styles in course details and downloads views.
- Improved exercise status tracking to account for missing exercises.
- Missing breadcrumb in Exercise Download-view.
- Unlockable exercises couldn't be downloaded.
- Logging in with TMC account.
- Adding and removing courses.
- Downloading exercises.
- Opening extension's workspace.
- Opening and closing exercises in extension's workspace.
- Running exercise tests locally.
- Submitting a solution to TMC server.
- Resetting current active exercise.
- Course overview with a progress bar and next deadline.