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GCP Rancher Quickstart

Two single-node RKE Kubernetes clusters will be created from two Compute Engine instances running SLES 15 and Docker. Both instances will have wide-open security groups and will be accessible over SSH using the SSH keys id_rsa and


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0.0
google 4.15.0
local 2.2.2
tls 3.1.0


Name Version
google 4.15.0
local 2.2.2
tls 3.1.0


Name Source Version
rancher_common ../rancher-common n/a


Name Type
google_compute_address.quickstart_node_address resource
google_compute_address.rancher_server_address resource
google_compute_firewall.rancher_fw_allowall resource
google_compute_instance.quickstart_node resource
google_compute_instance.rancher_server resource
local_file.ssh_public_key_openssh resource
local_sensitive_file.ssh_private_key_pem resource
tls_private_key.global_key resource
google_compute_image.sles data source


Name Description Type Default Required
gcp_account_json File path and name of service account access token file. string n/a yes
gcp_project GCP project in which the quickstart will be deployed. string n/a yes
rancher_server_admin_password Admin password to use for Rancher server bootstrap string n/a yes
cert_manager_version Version of cert-manager to install alongside Rancher (format: 0.0.0) string "1.7.1" no
docker_version Docker version to install on nodes string "19.03" no
gcp_region GCP region used for all resources. string "us-east4" no
gcp_zone GCP zone used for all resources. string "us-east4-a" no
machine_type Machine type used for all compute instances string "n1-standard-2" no
prefix Prefix added to names of all resources string "quickstart" no
rancher_kubernetes_version Kubernetes version to use for Rancher server cluster string "v1.21.11+k3s1" no
rancher_version Rancher server version (format: v0.0.0) string "v2.6.4" no
workload_kubernetes_version Kubernetes version to use for managed workload cluster string "v1.21.10-rancher1-1" no


Name Description
rancher_node_ip n/a
rancher_server_url n/a
workload_node_ip n/a