This is a simple predictor which shows how to use c api for image classfication.
It uses opencv for image reading
- Edit file, change the following lines to your model paths:
// Models path for your model, you have to modify it
std::string json_file = "model/Inception/Inception-BN-symbol.json";
std::string param_file = "model/Inception/Inception-BN-0126.params";
std::string synset_file = "model/Inception/synset.txt";
std::string nd_file = "model/Inception/mean_224.nd";
- You may also want to change the image size and channels:
// Image size and channels
int width = 224;
int height = 224;
int channels = 3;
- Simply just use our Makefile to build:
./image-classification-predict apple.jpg
The only parameter is the path of the test image.
The model used in the sample can be downloaded here: or here:
If you don't run it in the mxnet root path, maybe you will need to copy lib folder here.
Xiao Liu
E-mail: [email protected]
pertusa (for Makefile and image reading check)
caprice-j (for reading function)
sofiawu (for sample model)
piiswrong and tqchen (for useful coding suggestions)