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Meerut Institute of Technology, Professional Courses, Meerut (1110) Department of Computer Application ( BCA)

     ________________Lab Program List___________________
  1. C program to read an array of 10 integers and find sum of all numbers.

  2. C program to read an array of 8 integer and find sum of all even and odd numbers.

  3. Write a 'C' Program to accept 'n' numbers from user, store these numbers into an array. Find out Largest and Smallest number from an array.

  4. C program to read an array of 7 integer numbers and sort it in ascending order.

  5. Read an array of 8 integers and also read a number to be searched. If search number is found then print its position & if not found then print appropriate message.

  6. C program to find sum of two matrices.

  7. C program to read two matrices of size 3*3 and find their product.

  8. C program to read matrix of size 3*3 and display transpose of matrix.

  9. Write a 'C' program to swap the values of two variables by using call by reference.

  10. Write a C program to accept 5 numbers, store them in array and find out the smallest number using pointer.

  11. Write a C program to take the input into an array and reverse the element of the array (Dynamic array).

  12. Write a 'C' program to accept 'n' numbers from user and sort them in ascending order using Dynamic Memory Allocation.

  13. Write a c program to add two numbers using the concept of function pointer.

  14. C program to read string and count total number of digits in that string.

  15. C program to read a string and check if it is palindrome.

  16. Write a C program to reverse a string using recursive function.

  17. Write a menu driven program which performs following operations on strings. Write separate function for each option,

    • Check String is Substring of Another String
    • Count Occurrences of Character
    • Exit.
  18. Write a C program to accept 5 names and store them into an array. Sort the elements in alphabetical order.

  19. Write a C program to accept a string & replace all occurrences of character 'a' with '*' symbol.

  20. Write a menu-driven program in C to perform the following operations on string using standard library functions.

    (i) Calculate Length of String (ii) Reverse a given String (iii) Concatenation of one string to another (iv) Copy one String into another (v) Compare two Strings

  21. Write a C Program to accept 'n' names from user, store them into 2-D array and search whether a given name is present in array or not.

  22. Write C program to accept the details of employee and display them using structure. Details consist of Employee ID, Name, Designation, Department, Salary.

  23. Write a C program to accept details of 'n' employee(eno, ename, salary) and display the details of employee having highest salary. Use array of structure.

  24. Write a menu driven program in 'C' which shows the working of library. The menu option should be

    (i) Add book details. (ii) Display book details. (iii) List all books of given author. (iv) List the count of books in the library. (v) Exit.

  25. Write a 'C' Program to create a structure of student having fields roll_no, stud_name, mark1, mark2, mark3. Calculate total marks and average marks. Arrange the records in descending order of marks.

  26. Write a c program to show the use of nested structure.

  27. Write a c program to demonstrate the use of union.

  28. Write a c program to understand all the bitwise operators available in c.

  29. Write a C program to copy the contents of one file into another file.

  30. Write a C program to do the following:

    (a) Create a text file 'input.txt' (b) Print the contents of file in reverse order

  31. Write a C program to append the contents of one file at the end of another file.

  32. Write a c program to count number of characters, words and lines in a text file.

  33. Write a c program to store record of student (stud_no, stud_name, stud_addr, stud_Percentage) in a file using structure.

  34. Write a c program for finding the largest integer among three integers using command line arguments.