- suggest to extensively use wiki in markdown format to write
- stories
- issues
- specs
- you can use the amazing gitbook tool to convert the markdown docs to an ebook (see this one)
npm update -g
npm install gitbook-cli -g
npm install gitbook-plugin-mermaid2
npm install phantom
gitbook update
to serve local content
cd $directory_gitbook_md_files
gitbook install
gitbook serve
to create a pdf
book.json file
"gitbook": ">=2.0.0",
"plugins": ["edit-link","googledocs","atoc","github","gitbookcode","chart","image-captions","mermaid2","highlight2","codeblock","zingchart"],
"pluginsConfig": {
"edit-link": {
"base": "https://github.com/Incubaid/dev_process/edit/master/",
"label": "Edit This Page"
"googledocs": {
"rm": "minimal",
"frameborder": "0",
"width": "100%",
"height": "500px",
"noembed": "new window"
"atoc": {
"addClass": true,
"className": "atoc"
"chart": {
"type": "highcharts"
"github": {
"url": "https://github.com/Incubaid/dev_process"
is example file to be put in gitbook (in root of folder), enables next plugins.
see link
SEEMS NOT TO BE WORKING ON ALL SYSTEMS (e.g. on my OSX I can't get it to work, but on gitbook site it works)
\{% mermaid %\}
graph TD;
\{% endmermaid %\}
\[import, lang-typescript\]\(hello-world.ts\)
dont use the '' in examples above
to include other markdown docs, ideal to avoid repetition
\!\INCLUDE "file.md"
dont use the '' in example above
docs see https://www.zingchart.com/docs/
\{% zingchart width=300, height=300 %\}
{ "values": [35, 42, 67, 89]},
{ "values": [28, 40, 39, 36]}
\{% endzingchart %\}
{% zingchart width=300, height=300 %}
{ "values": [35, 42, 67, 89]},
{ "values": [28, 40, 39, 36]}
{% endzingchart %}