Hey there! What is this? Simply put, Vewrite is a project management tool for technical writers, teams, and developer relations units. The core concept behind Vewrite is that teams who are managing projects with deliverables should be able to create a workflow that supports them, so that they can quickly create their deliverables. Automated workflows should allow teams to avoid manually pushing deliverable through the process.
At the end of the day, the goal is to allow writers to be more independent, while increasing visibility for leaders and stakeholders.
If you'd like to be a beta tester, make sure to sign up for the waiting list at Vewrite.com.
Over the years, I've lead technical teams, devrel units, and written a lot of technical materials. What I've found to always be a complicating factor in projects is that there needs to be someone who is really on top of things who can ensure that all the moving pieces get followed up on. If you're writing a dozen articles with half as many different writers, and you need some external stakeholder to review things, what you end up with is a very large set of "things to do".
Typically this large set of "things to do" is dumped into some version of a todo list like Monday, Trell, or JIRA.
The problem with this approach is that each deliverable has many "things to do" and people involved. At the end of the day, to stay on top of things some poor soul needs to micromanage your todo list. Instead of your tool working for you, you become its slave.
I think that there is a better way to work. The launch article goes into more detail, and you can read it here.
Vewrite today is still only a small slice of its wider vision. As we run up to a first public launch to beta testers, I should talk a little bit about what the future holds.
The very core of the Vewrite system is that it allows teams to have automated accountability for the stuff that they work on together.
This means that Vewrite needs to be able to allow its users to:
- Create and manage teams
- Create and manage clients
- Create and manage projects
- Create and manage workflows
- Push projects and their deliverables through those workflows
Once these core features are ready, we're good to go to launch to the beta testers.
It's always hard to say exactly what Beta testers will like or not like about a product, especially when it is still not fully mature. I've intentionally left a phase open for implementing updates that fix things that are unclear for beta testers, or that they suggest better solutions for.
If you'd like to be a beta tester, make sure to sign up for the waiting list at Vewrite.com.
A big update that is planned once the core product is stabilized is the integrated Talent Marketplace. The intent here is to have in-situ resources which will allow teams to scale up or down depending on their current needs. Inversely, this will allow the wider freelance ecosystem to have a consistent place to find new work.
This means that the Talent Marketplace should allow users to:
- Create and manage talent portfolios
- Add talent resources to teams
- Allow ratings and use those for suggestions
- Allow talent payment
As the product grows and more businesses rely on it, it makes sense to expand what tooling is directly integrated into Vewrite. Part of what makes running a team painful is having to manage clients, invoicing, and calculate your finances.
This means that Vewrite should allow users to:
- Expanded clients details
- Create and manage invoicing
- View analytics
- Revenue
- Costs
- Deliverables
As Vewrite itself grows as a product, we can address other types of deliverables that would be valuable for us to be able to manage with a workflow. Some beta testers have already expressed interest in being able to manage the creation of these types of deliverables:
- Video
- Audio
- Image
At the end of the day, we should be allowing teams who need to produce content that is tailored towards a technical audience, without it having to be hosted or managed externally at all.