- A Meetup account (you'll need an API key)
- You'll need A local running webserver. Projects that include a local webserver are for example WAMP or XAMPP.
Go to our Github repository and click "Fork".
In a terminal, go to the folder you want to create the project in, and clone your fork:
git clone [email protected]:<username>/SweetLakePHP.git sweetlakephp
Or if your prefer HTTPS in stead of SSH:
git clone https://github.com/<username>/SweetLakePHP.git sweetlakephp
Replace <username>
with your Github username.
- Get your Meetup API key (you'll need an account).
In the project 'app' folders you find a folder named 'config'. We must add a file called:
Simply copy the file parameters.yml.dist
to parameters_dev.yml
Edit the file and make and following changes:
- Line 5-8: db_credentials, enter the database credentials for your local db server.
- Line 14: uncomment
, and replace 'YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_HERE' with your e-mail address. - Line 22: meetup_api_key, replace 'ADD_YOUR_MEETUP_API_KEY_HERE' with your API key.
- Line 24-27: OPTIONAL add your twitter API key settings
php composer.phar install
Be patient, this process takes some time, if you dont see any errors, then composer ran successfully.
Please read section Setting up Permissions under Configuration and Setup in The Book.
How the webserver should be configured depends on which webserver you use.
Basic examples for Apache2 and Nginx can be found in Symfony 2's cookbook: Configuring a web server.
At this time you should be able to browse to your locally running project (http://localhost/
or whatever you configured in step 7).
The loading will take some time, but if you will see a very basic page (without styles) that means composer could not run the last steps.
We have to add the assets to the web folder. That is done with one command.
php app/console assets:install web --symlink
php app/console assetic:dump
Revisit your browser and see if the website is fully loaded.
Go ahead and make some changes!