diff --git a/node_modules/animate.css/.editorconfig b/node_modules/animate.css/.editorconfig new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..19afc8370a --- /dev/null +++ b/node_modules/animate.css/.editorconfig @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +# editorconfig.org +root = true + +[*] +charset = utf-8 +end_of_line = lf +indent_size = 2 +indent_style = space +insert_final_newline = true +max_line_length = 100 +tab_width = 2 +trim_trailing_whitespace = true diff --git a/node_modules/animate.css/.prettierignore b/node_modules/animate.css/.prettierignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..39e8726715 --- /dev/null +++ b/node_modules/animate.css/.prettierignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +animate.min.css diff --git a/node_modules/animate.css/.travis.yml b/node_modules/animate.css/.travis.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6c47a38043 --- /dev/null +++ b/node_modules/animate.css/.travis.yml @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +language: node_js +node_js: +- "10" +before_script: + - npm install -g gulp +script: gulp \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/node_modules/animate.css/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/node_modules/animate.css/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e1731e1998 --- /dev/null +++ b/node_modules/animate.css/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct + +## Our Pledge + +In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as +contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and +our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body +size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, +level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal +appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. + +## Our Standards + +Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment +include: + +* Using welcoming and inclusive language +* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences +* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism +* Focusing on what is best for the community +* Showing empathy towards other community members + +Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: + +* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or + advances +* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks +* Public or private harassment +* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic + address, without explicit permission +* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a + professional setting + +## Our Responsibilities + +Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable +behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in +response to any instances of unacceptable behavior. + +Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or +reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions +that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or +permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, +threatening, offensive, or harmful. + +## Scope + +This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces +when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of +representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail +address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed +representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be +further defined and clarified by project maintainers. + +## Enforcement + +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be +reported by contacting the project team at callmeelton@gmail.com. All +complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that +is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is +obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. +Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately. + +Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good +faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other +members of the project's leadership. + +## Attribution + +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4, +available at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/code-of-conduct.html + +[homepage]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org + +For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see +https://www.contributor-covenant.org/faq diff --git a/node_modules/animate.css/LICENSE b/node_modules/animate.css/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..22d80f9756 --- /dev/null +++ b/node_modules/animate.css/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2019 Daniel Eden + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. diff --git a/node_modules/animate.css/README.md b/node_modules/animate.css/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a81c935f83 --- /dev/null +++ b/node_modules/animate.css/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,211 @@ +# Animate.css [![GitHub release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/daneden/animate.css.svg)](https://github.com/daneden/animate.css/releases) [![CDNJS](https://img.shields.io/cdnjs/v/animate.css.svg)](https://cdnjs.com/libraries/animate.css) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/daneden/animate.css.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/daneden/animate.css) [![devDependencies Status](https://david-dm.org/daneden/animate.css/dev-status.svg)](https://david-dm.org/daneden/animate.css?type=dev) [![chat](https://img.shields.io/badge/chat-gitter-green.svg)](https://gitter.im/animate-css/Lobby) [![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/animate.css.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/animate.css) + +_Just-add-water CSS animation_ + +`animate.css` is a bunch of cool, fun, and cross-browser animations for you to use in your projects. Great for emphasis, home pages, sliders, and general just-add-water-awesomeness. + + +## Installation + +Install via npm: + +```bash +$ npm install animate.css --save +``` + +or yarn: + +```bash +$ yarn add animate.css +``` + + +## Usage + +To use animate.css in your website, simply drop the stylesheet into your document's `
`, and add the class `animated` to an element, along with any of the animation names. That's it! You've got a CSS animated element. Super! + +```html + + + +``` + +or use a CDN hosted version by [CDNJS](https://cdnjs.com/libraries/animate.css) + +```html + + + +``` + + +### Animations + +To animate an element, add the class `animated` to an element. You can include the class `infinite` for an infinite loop. Finally you need to add one of the following classes to the element: + +| Class Name | | | | +| ----------------- | ------------------ | ------------------- | -------------------- | +| `bounce` | `flash` | `pulse` | `rubberBand` | +| `shake` | `headShake` | `swing` | `tada` | +| `wobble` | `jello` | `bounceIn` | `bounceInDown` | +| `bounceInLeft` | `bounceInRight` | `bounceInUp` | `bounceOut` | +| `bounceOutDown` | `bounceOutLeft` | `bounceOutRight` | `bounceOutUp` | +| `fadeIn` | `fadeInDown` | `fadeInDownBig` | `fadeInLeft` | +| `fadeInLeftBig` | `fadeInRight` | `fadeInRightBig` | `fadeInUp` | +| `fadeInUpBig` | `fadeOut` | `fadeOutDown` | `fadeOutDownBig` | +| `fadeOutLeft` | `fadeOutLeftBig` | `fadeOutRight` | `fadeOutRightBig` | +| `fadeOutUp` | `fadeOutUpBig` | `flipInX` | `flipInY` | +| `flipOutX` | `flipOutY` | `lightSpeedIn` | `lightSpeedOut` | +| `rotateIn` | `rotateInDownLeft` | `rotateInDownRight` | `rotateInUpLeft` | +| `rotateInUpRight` | `rotateOut` | `rotateOutDownLeft` | `rotateOutDownRight` | +| `rotateOutUpLeft` | `rotateOutUpRight` | `hinge` | `jackInTheBox` | +| `rollIn` | `rollOut` | `zoomIn` | `zoomInDown` | +| `zoomInLeft` | `zoomInRight` | `zoomInUp` | `zoomOut` | +| `zoomOutDown` | `zoomOutLeft` | `zoomOutRight` | `zoomOutUp` | +| `slideInDown` | `slideInLeft` | `slideInRight` | `slideInUp` | +| `slideOutDown` | `slideOutLeft` | `slideOutRight` | `slideOutUp` | +| `heartBeat` | + +Full example: + +```html +#jquery-waypoints
. Be sure to follow the guidelines for [asking a good question](http://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask).
+## License
+Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Caleb Troughton. Licensed under the [MIT license](https://github.com/imakewebthings/waypoints/blob/master/licenses.txt).
diff --git a/node_modules/waypoints/bower.json b/node_modules/waypoints/bower.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01f3cde672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/waypoints/bower.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ "name": "waypoints",
+ "main": "lib/noframework.waypoints.js",
+ "description": "Easily execute a function when you scroll to an element.",
+ "ignore": [
+ "gulpfile.js",
+ "package.json",
+ "src",
+ "test",
+ "testem.json"
+ ],
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "jquery": "~1.11.1",
+ "lodash": "~2.4.1",
+ "jasmine-jquery": "~1.7.0",
+ "zepto": "~1.1.3"
+ }
diff --git a/node_modules/waypoints/gulpfile.js b/node_modules/waypoints/gulpfile.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2eb60bc1b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/waypoints/gulpfile.js
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+var gulp = require('gulp')
+var eslint = require('gulp-eslint')
+var concat = require('gulp-concat')
+var uglify = require('gulp-uglify')
+var rename = require('gulp-rename')
+var header = require('gulp-header')
+var footer = require('gulp-footer')
+var tap = require('gulp-tap')
+var merge = require('merge-stream')
+var pkg = require('./package.json')
+var path = require('path')
+var jsFiles = ['src/**/*.js', 'test/**/*.js', '!test/lib/**/*.js']
+var shortcutTitles = {
+ 'infinite': 'Waypoints Infinite Scroll Shortcut',
+ 'inview': 'Waypoints Inview Shortcut',
+ 'sticky': 'Waypoints Sticky Element Shortcut'
+function fileHeader(title) {
+ return [
+ '/*!',
+ title + ' - ' + pkg.version,
+ 'Copyright © 2011-' + new Date().getFullYear() + ' Caleb Troughton',
+ 'Licensed under the MIT license.',
+ 'https://github.com/imakewebthings/waypoints/blob/master/licenses.txt',
+ '*/\n'
+ ].join('\n')
+gulp.task('lint', function() {
+ return gulp.src(jsFiles).pipe(eslint('.eslintrc')).pipe(eslint.format())
+gulp.task('build-core', function() {
+ var streams = ['noframework', 'jquery', 'zepto'].map(function(adapter) {
+ var sources = [
+ 'src/waypoint.js',
+ 'src/context.js',
+ 'src/group.js',
+ 'src/adapters/' + adapter + '.js'
+ ]
+ if (['jquery', 'zepto'].indexOf(adapter) > -1) {
+ sources.push('src/adapters/jquery-zepto-fn-extension.js')
+ }
+ return gulp.src(sources)
+ .pipe(concat(adapter + '.waypoints.js', { newLine: ';' }))
+ .pipe(header(fileHeader('Waypoints')))
+ .pipe(footer(';'))
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('lib/'))
+ .pipe(rename(adapter + '.waypoints.min.js'))
+ .pipe(uglify({
+ preserveComments: 'some'
+ }))
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('lib/'))
+ })
+ return merge.apply(null, streams)
+gulp.task('build-shortcuts', function() {
+ return gulp.src([
+ 'src/shortcuts/*.js'
+ ])
+ .pipe(tap(function(file) {
+ var title = path.basename(file.path, '.js')
+ file.contents = Buffer.concat([
+ new Buffer(fileHeader(shortcutTitles[title])),
+ file.contents
+ ])
+ }))
+ .pipe(footer(';'))
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('lib/shortcuts/'))
+ .pipe(rename(function(path) {
+ path.basename += '.min'
+ }))
+ .pipe(uglify({
+ preserveComments: 'some'
+ }))
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('lib/shortcuts/'))
+gulp.task('build-debug', function() {
+ return gulp.src([
+ 'src/debug.js'
+ ])
+ .pipe(rename('waypoints.debug.js'))
+ .pipe(header(fileHeader('Waypoints Debug')))
+ .pipe(footer(';'))
+ .pipe(gulp.dest('lib/'))
+gulp.task('build', ['build-core', 'build-shortcuts', 'build-debug'])
+gulp.task('watch', function() {
+ gulp.watch(jsFiles, ['lint', 'build'])
+gulp.task('default', ['lint', 'build', 'watch'])
diff --git a/node_modules/waypoints/lib/jquery.waypoints.js b/node_modules/waypoints/lib/jquery.waypoints.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d70b2459d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/waypoints/lib/jquery.waypoints.js
@@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
+Waypoints - 4.0.1
+Copyright © 2011-2016 Caleb Troughton
+Licensed under the MIT license.
+(function() {
+ 'use strict'
+ var keyCounter = 0
+ var allWaypoints = {}
+ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/waypoint */
+ function Waypoint(options) {
+ if (!options) {
+ throw new Error('No options passed to Waypoint constructor')
+ }
+ if (!options.element) {
+ throw new Error('No element option passed to Waypoint constructor')
+ }
+ if (!options.handler) {
+ throw new Error('No handler option passed to Waypoint constructor')
+ }
+ this.key = 'waypoint-' + keyCounter
+ this.options = Waypoint.Adapter.extend({}, Waypoint.defaults, options)
+ this.element = this.options.element
+ this.adapter = new Waypoint.Adapter(this.element)
+ this.callback = options.handler
+ this.axis = this.options.horizontal ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical'
+ this.enabled = this.options.enabled
+ this.triggerPoint = null
+ this.group = Waypoint.Group.findOrCreate({
+ name: this.options.group,
+ axis: this.axis
+ })
+ this.context = Waypoint.Context.findOrCreateByElement(this.options.context)
+ if (Waypoint.offsetAliases[this.options.offset]) {
+ this.options.offset = Waypoint.offsetAliases[this.options.offset]
+ }
+ this.group.add(this)
+ this.context.add(this)
+ allWaypoints[this.key] = this
+ keyCounter += 1
+ }
+ /* Private */
+ Waypoint.prototype.queueTrigger = function(direction) {
+ this.group.queueTrigger(this, direction)
+ }
+ /* Private */
+ Waypoint.prototype.trigger = function(args) {
+ if (!this.enabled) {
+ return
+ }
+ if (this.callback) {
+ this.callback.apply(this, args)
+ }
+ }
+ /* Public */
+ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/destroy */
+ Waypoint.prototype.destroy = function() {
+ this.context.remove(this)
+ this.group.remove(this)
+ delete allWaypoints[this.key]
+ }
+ /* Public */
+ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/disable */
+ Waypoint.prototype.disable = function() {
+ this.enabled = false
+ return this
+ }
+ /* Public */
+ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/enable */
+ Waypoint.prototype.enable = function() {
+ this.context.refresh()
+ this.enabled = true
+ return this
+ }
+ /* Public */
+ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/next */
+ Waypoint.prototype.next = function() {
+ return this.group.next(this)
+ }
+ /* Public */
+ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/previous */
+ Waypoint.prototype.previous = function() {
+ return this.group.previous(this)
+ }
+ /* Private */
+ Waypoint.invokeAll = function(method) {
+ var allWaypointsArray = []
+ for (var waypointKey in allWaypoints) {
+ allWaypointsArray.push(allWaypoints[waypointKey])
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, end = allWaypointsArray.length; i < end; i++) {
+ allWaypointsArray[i][method]()
+ }
+ }
+ /* Public */
+ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/destroy-all */
+ Waypoint.destroyAll = function() {
+ Waypoint.invokeAll('destroy')
+ }
+ /* Public */
+ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/disable-all */
+ Waypoint.disableAll = function() {
+ Waypoint.invokeAll('disable')
+ }
+ /* Public */
+ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/enable-all */
+ Waypoint.enableAll = function() {
+ Waypoint.Context.refreshAll()
+ for (var waypointKey in allWaypoints) {
+ allWaypoints[waypointKey].enabled = true
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ /* Public */
+ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/refresh-all */
+ Waypoint.refreshAll = function() {
+ Waypoint.Context.refreshAll()
+ }
+ /* Public */
+ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/viewport-height */
+ Waypoint.viewportHeight = function() {
+ return window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight
+ }
+ /* Public */
+ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/viewport-width */
+ Waypoint.viewportWidth = function() {
+ return document.documentElement.clientWidth
+ }
+ Waypoint.adapters = []
+ Waypoint.defaults = {
+ context: window,
+ continuous: true,
+ enabled: true,
+ group: 'default',
+ horizontal: false,
+ offset: 0
+ }
+ Waypoint.offsetAliases = {
+ 'bottom-in-view': function() {
+ return this.context.innerHeight() - this.adapter.outerHeight()
+ },
+ 'right-in-view': function() {
+ return this.context.innerWidth() - this.adapter.outerWidth()
+ }
+ }
+ window.Waypoint = Waypoint
+;(function() {
+ 'use strict'
+ function requestAnimationFrameShim(callback) {
+ window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60)
+ }
+ var keyCounter = 0
+ var contexts = {}
+ var Waypoint = window.Waypoint
+ var oldWindowLoad = window.onload
+ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/context */
+ function Context(element) {
+ this.element = element
+ this.Adapter = Waypoint.Adapter
+ this.adapter = new this.Adapter(element)
+ this.key = 'waypoint-context-' + keyCounter
+ this.didScroll = false
+ this.didResize = false
+ this.oldScroll = {
+ x: this.adapter.scrollLeft(),
+ y: this.adapter.scrollTop()
+ }
+ this.waypoints = {
+ vertical: {},
+ horizontal: {}
+ }
+ element.waypointContextKey = this.key
+ contexts[element.waypointContextKey] = this
+ keyCounter += 1
+ if (!Waypoint.windowContext) {
+ Waypoint.windowContext = true
+ Waypoint.windowContext = new Context(window)
+ }
+ this.createThrottledScrollHandler()
+ this.createThrottledResizeHandler()
+ }
+ /* Private */
+ Context.prototype.add = function(waypoint) {
+ var axis = waypoint.options.horizontal ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical'
+ this.waypoints[axis][waypoint.key] = waypoint
+ this.refresh()
+ }
+ /* Private */
+ Context.prototype.checkEmpty = function() {
+ var horizontalEmpty = this.Adapter.isEmptyObject(this.waypoints.horizontal)
+ var verticalEmpty = this.Adapter.isEmptyObject(this.waypoints.vertical)
+ var isWindow = this.element == this.element.window
+ if (horizontalEmpty && verticalEmpty && !isWindow) {
+ this.adapter.off('.waypoints')
+ delete contexts[this.key]
+ }
+ }
+ /* Private */
+ Context.prototype.createThrottledResizeHandler = function() {
+ var self = this
+ function resizeHandler() {
+ self.handleResize()
+ self.didResize = false
+ }
+ this.adapter.on('resize.waypoints', function() {
+ if (!self.didResize) {
+ self.didResize = true
+ Waypoint.requestAnimationFrame(resizeHandler)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ /* Private */
+ Context.prototype.createThrottledScrollHandler = function() {
+ var self = this
+ function scrollHandler() {
+ self.handleScroll()
+ self.didScroll = false
+ }
+ this.adapter.on('scroll.waypoints', function() {
+ if (!self.didScroll || Waypoint.isTouch) {
+ self.didScroll = true
+ Waypoint.requestAnimationFrame(scrollHandler)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ /* Private */
+ Context.prototype.handleResize = function() {
+ Waypoint.Context.refreshAll()
+ }
+ /* Private */
+ Context.prototype.handleScroll = function() {
+ var triggeredGroups = {}
+ var axes = {
+ horizontal: {
+ newScroll: this.adapter.scrollLeft(),
+ oldScroll: this.oldScroll.x,
+ forward: 'right',
+ backward: 'left'
+ },
+ vertical: {
+ newScroll: this.adapter.scrollTop(),
+ oldScroll: this.oldScroll.y,
+ forward: 'down',
+ backward: 'up'
+ }
+ }
+ for (var axisKey in axes) {
+ var axis = axes[axisKey]
+ var isForward = axis.newScroll > axis.oldScroll
+ var direction = isForward ? axis.forward : axis.backward
+ for (var waypointKey in this.waypoints[axisKey]) {
+ var waypoint = this.waypoints[axisKey][waypointKey]
+ if (waypoint.triggerPoint === null) {
+ continue
+ }
+ var wasBeforeTriggerPoint = axis.oldScroll < waypoint.triggerPoint
+ var nowAfterTriggerPoint = axis.newScroll >= waypoint.triggerPoint
+ var crossedForward = wasBeforeTriggerPoint && nowAfterTriggerPoint
+ var crossedBackward = !wasBeforeTriggerPoint && !nowAfterTriggerPoint
+ if (crossedForward || crossedBackward) {
+ waypoint.queueTrigger(direction)
+ triggeredGroups[waypoint.group.id] = waypoint.group
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (var groupKey in triggeredGroups) {
+ triggeredGroups[groupKey].flushTriggers()
+ }
+ this.oldScroll = {
+ x: axes.horizontal.newScroll,
+ y: axes.vertical.newScroll
+ }
+ }
+ /* Private */
+ Context.prototype.innerHeight = function() {
+ /*eslint-disable eqeqeq */
+ if (this.element == this.element.window) {
+ return Waypoint.viewportHeight()
+ }
+ /*eslint-enable eqeqeq */
+ return this.adapter.innerHeight()
+ }
+ /* Private */
+ Context.prototype.remove = function(waypoint) {
+ delete this.waypoints[waypoint.axis][waypoint.key]
+ this.checkEmpty()
+ }
+ /* Private */
+ Context.prototype.innerWidth = function() {
+ /*eslint-disable eqeqeq */
+ if (this.element == this.element.window) {
+ return Waypoint.viewportWidth()
+ }
+ /*eslint-enable eqeqeq */
+ return this.adapter.innerWidth()
+ }
+ /* Public */
+ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/context-destroy */
+ Context.prototype.destroy = function() {
+ var allWaypoints = []
+ for (var axis in this.waypoints) {
+ for (var waypointKey in this.waypoints[axis]) {
+ allWaypoints.push(this.waypoints[axis][waypointKey])
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, end = allWaypoints.length; i < end; i++) {
+ allWaypoints[i].destroy()
+ }
+ }
+ /* Public */
+ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/context-refresh */
+ Context.prototype.refresh = function() {
+ /*eslint-disable eqeqeq */
+ var isWindow = this.element == this.element.window
+ /*eslint-enable eqeqeq */
+ var contextOffset = isWindow ? undefined : this.adapter.offset()
+ var triggeredGroups = {}
+ var axes
+ this.handleScroll()
+ axes = {
+ horizontal: {
+ contextOffset: isWindow ? 0 : contextOffset.left,
+ contextScroll: isWindow ? 0 : this.oldScroll.x,
+ contextDimension: this.innerWidth(),
+ oldScroll: this.oldScroll.x,
+ forward: 'right',
+ backward: 'left',
+ offsetProp: 'left'
+ },
+ vertical: {
+ contextOffset: isWindow ? 0 : contextOffset.top,
+ contextScroll: isWindow ? 0 : this.oldScroll.y,
+ contextDimension: this.innerHeight(),
+ oldScroll: this.oldScroll.y,
+ forward: 'down',
+ backward: 'up',
+ offsetProp: 'top'
+ }
+ }
+ for (var axisKey in axes) {
+ var axis = axes[axisKey]
+ for (var waypointKey in this.waypoints[axisKey]) {
+ var waypoint = this.waypoints[axisKey][waypointKey]
+ var adjustment = waypoint.options.offset
+ var oldTriggerPoint = waypoint.triggerPoint
+ var elementOffset = 0
+ var freshWaypoint = oldTriggerPoint == null
+ var contextModifier, wasBeforeScroll, nowAfterScroll
+ var triggeredBackward, triggeredForward
+ if (waypoint.element !== waypoint.element.window) {
+ elementOffset = waypoint.adapter.offset()[axis.offsetProp]
+ }
+ if (typeof adjustment === 'function') {
+ adjustment = adjustment.apply(waypoint)
+ }
+ else if (typeof adjustment === 'string') {
+ adjustment = parseFloat(adjustment)
+ if (waypoint.options.offset.indexOf('%') > - 1) {
+ adjustment = Math.ceil(axis.contextDimension * adjustment / 100)
+ }
+ }
+ contextModifier = axis.contextScroll - axis.contextOffset
+ waypoint.triggerPoint = Math.floor(elementOffset + contextModifier - adjustment)
+ wasBeforeScroll = oldTriggerPoint < axis.oldScroll
+ nowAfterScroll = waypoint.triggerPoint >= axis.oldScroll
+ triggeredBackward = wasBeforeScroll && nowAfterScroll
+ triggeredForward = !wasBeforeScroll && !nowAfterScroll
+ if (!freshWaypoint && triggeredBackward) {
+ waypoint.queueTrigger(axis.backward)
+ triggeredGroups[waypoint.group.id] = waypoint.group
+ }
+ else if (!freshWaypoint && triggeredForward) {
+ waypoint.queueTrigger(axis.forward)
+ triggeredGroups[waypoint.group.id] = waypoint.group
+ }
+ else if (freshWaypoint && axis.oldScroll >= waypoint.triggerPoint) {
+ waypoint.queueTrigger(axis.forward)
+ triggeredGroups[waypoint.group.id] = waypoint.group
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Waypoint.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
+ for (var groupKey in triggeredGroups) {
+ triggeredGroups[groupKey].flushTriggers()
+ }
+ })
+ return this
+ }
+ /* Private */
+ Context.findOrCreateByElement = function(element) {
+ return Context.findByElement(element) || new Context(element)
+ }
+ /* Private */
+ Context.refreshAll = function() {
+ for (var contextId in contexts) {
+ contexts[contextId].refresh()
+ }
+ }
+ /* Public */
+ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/context-find-by-element */
+ Context.findByElement = function(element) {
+ return contexts[element.waypointContextKey]
+ }
+ window.onload = function() {
+ if (oldWindowLoad) {
+ oldWindowLoad()
+ }
+ Context.refreshAll()
+ }
+ Waypoint.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback) {
+ var requestFn = window.requestAnimationFrame ||
+ window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
+ window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
+ requestAnimationFrameShim
+ requestFn.call(window, callback)
+ }
+ Waypoint.Context = Context
+;(function() {
+ 'use strict'
+ function byTriggerPoint(a, b) {
+ return a.triggerPoint - b.triggerPoint
+ }
+ function byReverseTriggerPoint(a, b) {
+ return b.triggerPoint - a.triggerPoint
+ }
+ var groups = {
+ vertical: {},
+ horizontal: {}
+ }
+ var Waypoint = window.Waypoint
+ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/group */
+ function Group(options) {
+ this.name = options.name
+ this.axis = options.axis
+ this.id = this.name + '-' + this.axis
+ this.waypoints = []
+ this.clearTriggerQueues()
+ groups[this.axis][this.name] = this
+ }
+ /* Private */
+ Group.prototype.add = function(waypoint) {
+ this.waypoints.push(waypoint)
+ }
+ /* Private */
+ Group.prototype.clearTriggerQueues = function() {
+ this.triggerQueues = {
+ up: [],
+ down: [],
+ left: [],
+ right: []
+ }
+ }
+ /* Private */
+ Group.prototype.flushTriggers = function() {
+ for (var direction in this.triggerQueues) {
+ var waypoints = this.triggerQueues[direction]
+ var reverse = direction === 'up' || direction === 'left'
+ waypoints.sort(reverse ? byReverseTriggerPoint : byTriggerPoint)
+ for (var i = 0, end = waypoints.length; i < end; i += 1) {
+ var waypoint = waypoints[i]
+ if (waypoint.options.continuous || i === waypoints.length - 1) {
+ waypoint.trigger([direction])
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.clearTriggerQueues()
+ }
+ /* Private */
+ Group.prototype.next = function(waypoint) {
+ this.waypoints.sort(byTriggerPoint)
+ var index = Waypoint.Adapter.inArray(waypoint, this.waypoints)
+ var isLast = index === this.waypoints.length - 1
+ return isLast ? null : this.waypoints[index + 1]
+ }
+ /* Private */
+ Group.prototype.previous = function(waypoint) {
+ this.waypoints.sort(byTriggerPoint)
+ var index = Waypoint.Adapter.inArray(waypoint, this.waypoints)
+ return index ? this.waypoints[index - 1] : null
+ }
+ /* Private */
+ Group.prototype.queueTrigger = function(waypoint, direction) {
+ this.triggerQueues[direction].push(waypoint)
+ }
+ /* Private */
+ Group.prototype.remove = function(waypoint) {
+ var index = Waypoint.Adapter.inArray(waypoint, this.waypoints)
+ if (index > -1) {
+ this.waypoints.splice(index, 1)
+ }
+ }
+ /* Public */
+ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/first */
+ Group.prototype.first = function() {
+ return this.waypoints[0]
+ }
+ /* Public */
+ /* http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/api/last */
+ Group.prototype.last = function() {
+ return this.waypoints[this.waypoints.length - 1]
+ }
+ /* Private */
+ Group.findOrCreate = function(options) {
+ return groups[options.axis][options.name] || new Group(options)
+ }
+ Waypoint.Group = Group
+;(function() {
+ 'use strict'
+ var $ = window.jQuery
+ var Waypoint = window.Waypoint
+ function JQueryAdapter(element) {
+ this.$element = $(element)
+ }
+ $.each([
+ 'innerHeight',
+ 'innerWidth',
+ 'off',
+ 'offset',
+ 'on',
+ 'outerHeight',
+ 'outerWidth',
+ 'scrollLeft',
+ 'scrollTop'
+ ], function(i, method) {
+ JQueryAdapter.prototype[method] = function() {
+ var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)
+ return this.$element[method].apply(this.$element, args)
+ }
+ })
+ $.each([
+ 'extend',
+ 'inArray',
+ 'isEmptyObject'
+ ], function(i, method) {
+ JQueryAdapter[method] = $[method]
+ })
+ Waypoint.adapters.push({
+ name: 'jquery',
+ Adapter: JQueryAdapter
+ })
+ Waypoint.Adapter = JQueryAdapter
+;(function() {
+ 'use strict'
+ var Waypoint = window.Waypoint
+ function createExtension(framework) {
+ return function() {
+ var waypoints = []
+ var overrides = arguments[0]
+ if (framework.isFunction(arguments[0])) {
+ overrides = framework.extend({}, arguments[1])
+ overrides.handler = arguments[0]
+ }
+ this.each(function() {
+ var options = framework.extend({}, overrides, {
+ element: this
+ })
+ if (typeof options.context === 'string') {
+ options.context = framework(this).closest(options.context)[0]
+ }
+ waypoints.push(new Waypoint(options))
+ })
+ return waypoints
+ }
+ }
+ if (window.jQuery) {
+ window.jQuery.fn.waypoint = createExtension(window.jQuery)
+ }
+ if (window.Zepto) {
+ window.Zepto.fn.waypoint = createExtension(window.Zepto)
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/node_modules/waypoints/lib/jquery.waypoints.min.js b/node_modules/waypoints/lib/jquery.waypoints.min.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..609ece0a51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/node_modules/waypoints/lib/jquery.waypoints.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Waypoints - 4.0.1
+Copyright © 2011-2016 Caleb Troughton
+Licensed under the MIT license.
+!function(){"use strict";function t(o){if(!o)throw new Error("No options passed to Waypoint constructor");if(!o.element)throw new Error("No element option passed to Waypoint constructor");if(!o.handler)throw new Error("No handler option passed to Waypoint constructor");this.key="waypoint-"+e,this.options=t.Adapter.extend({},t.defaults,o),this.element=this.options.element,this.adapter=new t.Adapter(this.element),this.callback=o.handler,this.axis=this.options.horizontal?"horizontal":"vertical",this.enabled=this.options.enabled,this.triggerPoint=null,this.group=t.Group.findOrCreate({name:this.options.group,axis:this.axis}),this.context=t.Context.findOrCreateByElement(this.options.context),t.offsetAliases[this.options.offset]&&(this.options.offset=t.offsetAliases[this.options.offset]),this.group.add(this),this.context.add(this),i[this.key]=this,e+=1}var e=0,i={};t.prototype.queueTrigger=function(t){this.group.queueTrigger(this,t)},t.prototype.trigger=function(t){this.enabled&&this.callback&&this.callback.apply(this,t)},t.prototype.destroy=function(){this.context.remove(this),this.group.remove(this),delete i[this.key]},t.prototype.disable=function(){return this.enabled=!1,this},t.prototype.enable=function(){return this.context.refresh(),this.enabled=!0,this},t.prototype.next=function(){return this.group.next(this)},t.prototype.previous=function(){return this.group.previous(this)},t.invokeAll=function(t){var e=[];for(var o in i)e.push(i[o]);for(var n=0,r=e.length;r>n;n++)e[n][t]()},t.destroyAll=function(){t.invokeAll("destroy")},t.disableAll=function(){t.invokeAll("disable")},t.enableAll=function(){t.Context.refreshAll();for(var e in i)i[e].enabled=!0;return this},t.refreshAll=function(){t.Context.refreshAll()},t.viewportHeight=function(){return window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight},t.viewportWidth=function(){return document.documentElement.clientWidth},t.adapters=[],t.defaults={context:window,continuous:!0,enabled:!0,group:"default",horizontal:!1,offset:0},t.offsetAliases={"bottom-in-view":function(){return this.context.innerHeight()-this.adapter.outerHeight()},"right-in-view":function(){return this.context.innerWidth()-this.adapter.outerWidth()}},window.Waypoint=t}(),function(){"use strict";function t(t){window.setTimeout(t,1e3/60)}function e(t){this.element=t,this.Adapter=n.Adapter,this.adapter=new this.Adapter(t),this.key="waypoint-context-"+i,this.didScroll=!1,this.didResize=!1,this.oldScroll={x:this.adapter.scrollLeft(),y:this.adapter.scrollTop()},this.waypoints={vertical:{},horizontal:{}},t.waypointContextKey=this.key,o[t.waypointContextKey]=this,i+=1,n.windowContext||(n.windowContext=!0,n.windowContext=new e(window)),this.createThrottledScrollHandler(),this.createThrottledResizeHandler()}var i=0,o={},n=window.Waypoint,r=window.onload;e.prototype.add=function(t){var e=t.options.horizontal?"horizontal":"vertical";this.waypoints[e][t.key]=t,this.refresh()},e.prototype.checkEmpty=function(){var t=this.Adapter.isEmptyObject(this.waypoints.horizontal),e=this.Adapter.isEmptyObject(this.waypoints.vertical),i=this.element==this.element.window;t&&e&&!i&&(this.adapter.off(".waypoints"),delete o[this.key])},e.prototype.createThrottledResizeHandler=function(){function t(){e.handleResize(),e.didResize=!1}var e=this;this.adapter.on("resize.waypoints",function(){e.didResize||(e.didResize=!0,n.requestAnimationFrame(t))})},e.prototype.createThrottledScrollHandler=function(){function t(){e.handleScroll(),e.didScroll=!1}var e=this;this.adapter.on("scroll.waypoints",function(){(!e.didScroll||n.isTouch)&&(e.didScroll=!0,n.requestAnimationFrame(t))})},e.prototype.handleResize=function(){n.Context.refreshAll()},e.prototype.handleScroll=function(){var t={},e={horizontal:{newScroll:this.adapter.scrollLeft(),oldScroll:this.oldScroll.x,forward:"right",backward:"left"},vertical:{newScroll:this.adapter.scrollTop(),oldScroll:this.oldScroll.y,forward:"down",backward:"up"}};for(var i in e){var o=e[i],n=o.newScroll>o.oldScroll,r=n?o.forward:o.backward;for(var s in this.waypoints[i]){var a=this.waypoints[i][s];if(null!==a.triggerPoint){var l=o.oldScroll=0)throw SyntaxError('multiple object literal properties named "'+l+'"');m.push(l)}}if(!n.length)return this.front?"({})":"{}";if(this.generated)for(p=0,r=n.length;p=0?"[\n"+a.indent+b+"\n"+this.tab+"]":"["+b+"]"},b.prototype.assigns=function(a){var b,c,d,e;e=this.objects;for(c=0,d=e.length;c =0)throw SyntaxError("variable name may not be "+a);return a&&(a=o.test(a)&&a)},c.prototype.setContext=function(a){return this.body.traverseChildren(!1,function(b){if(b.classBody)return!1;if(b instanceof A&&b.value==="this")return b.value=a;if(b instanceof j){b.klass=a;if(b.bound)return b.context=a}})},c.prototype.addBoundFunctions=function(a){var c,d,e,f,g,h;if(this.boundFuncs.length){g=this.boundFuncs,h=[];for(e=0,f=g.length;e =0);if(e&&this.context!=="object")throw SyntaxError('variable name may not be "'+f+'"')}bl(c,a),c.prototype.children=["variable","value"],c.prototype.isStatement=function(a){return(a!=null?a.level:void 0)===z&&this.context!=null&&bm.call(this.context,"?")>=0},c.prototype.assigns=function(a){return this[this.context==="object"?"value":"variable"].assigns(a)},c.prototype.unfoldSoak=function(a){return bg(a,this,"variable")},c.prototype.compileNode=function(a){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,k;if(b=this.variable instanceof W){if(this.variable.isArray()||this.variable.isObject())return this.compilePatternMatch(a);if(this.variable.isSplice())return this.compileSplice(a);if((g=this.context)==="||="||g==="&&="||g==="?=")return this.compileConditional(a)}d=this.variable.compile(a,w);if(!this.context){if(!(f=this.variable.unwrapAll()).isAssignable())throw SyntaxError('"'+this.variable.compile(a)+'" cannot be assigned.');if(typeof f.hasProperties=="function"?!f.hasProperties():!void 0)this.param?a.scope.add(d,"var"):a.scope.find(d)}this.value instanceof j&&(c=B.exec(d))&&(c[1]&&(this.value.klass=c[1]),this.value.name=(h=(i=(k=c[2])!=null?k:c[3])!=null?i:c[4])!=null?h:c[5]),e=this.value.compile(a,w);if(this.context==="object")return""+d+": "+e;e=d+(" "+(this.context||"=")+" ")+e;return a.level<=w?e:"("+e+")"},c.prototype.compilePatternMatch=function(a){var d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,s,u,v,y,B,C,D,E,F,G,J,K,L;s=a.level===z,v=this.value,m=this.variable.base.objects;if(!(n=m.length)){f=v.compile(a);return a.level>=x?"("+f+")":f}i=this.variable.isObject();if(s&&n===1&&!((l=m[0])instanceof P)){l instanceof c?(D=l,E=D.variable,h=E.base,l=D.value):l.base instanceof H?(F=(new W(l.unwrapAll())).cacheReference(a),l=F[0],h=F[1]):h=i?l["this"]?l.properties[0].name:l:new A(0),d=o.test(h.unwrap().value||0),v=new W(v),v.properties.push(new(d?b:t)(h));if(G=l.unwrap().value,bm.call(I,G)>=0)throw new SyntaxError("assignment to a reserved word: "+l.compile(a)+" = "+v.compile(a));return(new c(l,v,null,{param:this.param})).compile(a,z)}y=v.compile(a,w),e=[],r=!1;if(!o.test(y)||this.variable.assigns(y))e.push(""+(p=a.scope.freeVariable("ref"))+" = "+y),y=p;for(g=B=0,C=m.length;B =0)throw new SyntaxError("assignment to a reserved word: "+l.compile(a)+" = "+u.compile(a));e.push((new c(l,u,null,{param:this.param,subpattern:!0})).compile(a,w))}!s&&!this.subpattern&&e.push(y),f=e.join(", ");return a.level =0&&(a.isExistentialEquals=!0);return(new F(this.context.slice(0,-1),b,new c(d,this.value,"="))).compile(a)},c.prototype.compileSplice=function(a){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m;k=this.variable.properties.pop().range,d=k.from,h=k.to,c=k.exclusive,g=this.variable.compile(a),l=(d!=null?d.cache(a,x):void 0)||["0","0"],e=l[0],f=l[1],h?(d!=null?d.isSimpleNumber():void 0)&&h.isSimpleNumber()?(h=+h.compile(a)- +f,c||(h+=1)):(h=h.compile(a,u)+" - "+f,c||(h+=" + 1")):h="9e9",m=this.value.cache(a,w),i=m[0],j=m[1],b="[].splice.apply("+g+", ["+e+", "+h+"].concat("+i+")), "+j;return a.level>z?"("+b+")":b};return c}(e),a.Code=j=function(a){function b(a,b,c){this.params=a||[],this.body=b||new f,this.bound=c==="boundfunc",this.bound&&(this.context="_this")}bl(b,a),b.prototype.children=["params","body"],b.prototype.isStatement=function(){return!!this.ctor},b.prototype.jumps=D,b.prototype.compileNode=function(a){var b,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,s,t,v,w,x,y,z,B,C,D,E,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,O;a.scope=new N(a.scope,this.body,this),a.scope.shared=$(a,"sharedScope"),a.indent+=R,delete a.bare,delete a.isExistentialEquals,l=[],e=[],H=this.paramNames();for(s=0,x=H.length;s =0)throw SyntaxError("multiple parameters named '"+i+"'");o.push(i)}!q&&!this.noReturn&&this.body.makeReturn(),this.bound&&(((O=a.scope.parent.method)!=null?O.bound:void 0)?this.bound=this.context=a.scope.parent.method.context:this["static"]||a.scope.parent.assign("_this","this")),g=a.indent,b="function",this.ctor&&(b+=" "+this.name),b+="("+l.join(", ")+") {",this.body.isEmpty()||(b+="\n"+this.body.compileWithDeclarations(a)+"\n"+this.tab),b+="}";if(this.ctor)return this.tab+b;return this.front||a.level>=u?"("+b+")":b},b.prototype.paramNames=function(){var a,b,c,d,e;a=[],e=this.params;for(c=0,d=e.length;c =0)throw SyntaxError('parameter name "'+a+'" is not allowed')}bl(b,a),b.prototype.children=["name","value"],b.prototype.compile=function(a){return this.name.compile(a,w)},b.prototype.asReference=function(a){var b;if(this.reference)return this.reference;b=this.name,b["this"]?(b=b.properties[0].name,b.value.reserved&&(b=new A(a.scope.freeVariable(b.value)))):b.isComplex()&&(b=new A(a.scope.freeVariable("arg"))),b=new W(b),this.splat&&(b=new P(b));return this.reference=b},b.prototype.isComplex=function(){return this.name.isComplex()},b.prototype.names=function(a){var b,c,e,f,g,h;a==null&&(a=this.name),b=function(a){var b;b=a.properties[0].name.value;return b.reserved?[]:[b]};if(a instanceof A)return[a.value];if(a instanceof W)return b(a);c=[],h=a.objects;for(f=0,g=h.length;f =c.length)return"";if(c.length===1){g=c[0].compile(a,w);if(d)return g;return""+bh("slice")+".call("+g+")"}e=c.slice(i);for(h=k=0,l=e.length;k 1?b.expressions.unshift(new r((new H(this.guard)).invert(),new A("continue"))):this.guard&&(b=f.wrap([new r(this.guard,b)]))),b="\n"+b.compile(a,z)+"\n"+this.tab),c=e+this.tab+("while ("+this.condition.compile(a,y)+") {"+b+"}"),this.returns&&(c+="\n"+this.tab+"return "+d+";");return c};return b}(e),a.Op=F=function(a){function e(a,c,d,e){if(a==="in")return new s(c,d);if(a==="do")return this.generateDo(c);if(a==="new"){if(c instanceof g&&!c["do"]&&!c.isNew)return c.newInstance();if(c instanceof j&&c.bound||c["do"])c=new H(c)}this.operator=b[a]||a,this.first=c,this.second=d,this.flip=!!e;return this}var b,c;bl(e,a),b={"==":"===","!=":"!==",of:"in"},c={"!==":"===","===":"!=="},e.prototype.children=["first","second"],e.prototype.isSimpleNumber=D,e.prototype.isUnary=function(){return!this.second},e.prototype.isComplex=function(){var a;return!this.isUnary()||(a=this.operator)!=="+"&&a!=="-"||this.first.isComplex()},e.prototype.isChainable=function(){var a;return(a=this.operator)==="<"||a===">"||a===">="||a==="<="||a==="==="||a==="!=="},e.prototype.invert=function(){var a,b,d,f,g;if(this.isChainable()&&this.first.isChainable()){a=!0,b=this;while(b&&b.operator)a&&(a=b.operator in c),b=b.first;if(!a)return(new H(this)).invert();b=this;while(b&&b.operator)b.invert=!b.invert,b.operator=c[b.operator],b=b.first;return this}if(f=c[this.operator]){this.operator=f,this.first.unwrap()instanceof e&&this.first.invert();return this}return this.second?(new H(this)).invert():this.operator==="!"&&(d=this.first.unwrap())instanceof e&&((g=d.operator)==="!"||g==="in"||g==="instanceof")?d:new e("!",this)},e.prototype.unfoldSoak=function(a){var b;return((b=this.operator)==="++"||b==="--"||b==="delete")&&bg(a,this,"first")},e.prototype.generateDo=function(a){var b,c,e,f,h,i,k,l;f=[],c=a instanceof d&&(h=a.value.unwrap())instanceof j?h:a,l=c.params||[];for(i=0,k=l.length;i =0))throw SyntaxError("prefix increment/decrement may not have eval or arguments operand");if(this.isUnary())return this.compileUnary(a);if(c)return this.compileChain(a);if(this.operator==="?")return this.compileExistence(a);b=this.first.compile(a,x)+" "+this.operator+" "+this.second.compile(a,x);return a.level<=x?b:"("+b+")"},e.prototype.compileChain=function(a){var b,c,d,e;e=this.first.second.cache(a),this.first.second=e[0],d=e[1],c=this.first.compile(a,x),b=""+c+" "+(this.invert?"&&":"||")+" "+d.compile(a)+" "+this.operator+" "+this.second.compile(a,x);return"("+b+")"},e.prototype.compileExistence=function(a){var b,c;this.first.isComplex()?(c=new A(a.scope.freeVariable("ref")),b=new H(new d(c,this.first))):(b=this.first,c=b);return(new r(new l(b),c,{type:"if"})).addElse(this.second).compile(a)},e.prototype.compileUnary=function(a){var b,c,d;if(a.level>=u)return(new H(this)).compile(a);c=[b=this.operator],d=b==="+"||b==="-",(b==="new"||b==="typeof"||b==="delete"||d&&this.first instanceof e&&this.first.operator===b)&&c.push(" ");if(d&&this.first instanceof e||b==="new"&&this.first.isStatement(a))this.first=new H(this.first);c.push(this.first.compile(a,x)),this.flip&&c.reverse();return c.join("")},e.prototype.toString=function(a){return e.__super__.toString.call(this,a,this.constructor.name+" "+this.operator)};return e}(e),a.In=s=function(a){function b(a,b){this.object=a,this.array=b}bl(b,a),b.prototype.children=["object","array"],b.prototype.invert=C,b.prototype.compileNode=function(a){var b,c,d,e,f;if(this.array instanceof W&&this.array.isArray()){f=this.array.base.objects;for(d=0,e=f.length;d = 0");if(d===c)return b;b=d+", "+b;return a.level =0)throw SyntaxError('catch variable may not be "'+this.error.value+'"');a.scope.check(this.error.value)||a.scope.add(this.error.value,"param");return" catch"+d+"{\n"+this.recovery.compile(a,z)+"\n"+this.tab+"}"}if(!this.ensure&&!this.recovery)return" catch (_error) {}"}.call(this),c=this.ensure?" finally {\n"+this.ensure.compile(a,z)+"\n"+this.tab+"}":"";return""+this.tab+"try {\n"+e+"\n"+this.tab+"}"+(b||"")+c};return b}(e),a.Throw=T=function(a){function b(a){this.expression=a}bl(b,a),b.prototype.children=["expression"],b.prototype.isStatement=Y,b.prototype.jumps=D,b.prototype.makeReturn=S,b.prototype.compileNode=function(a){return this.tab+("throw "+this.expression.compile(a)+";")};return b}(e),a.Existence=l=function(a){function b(a){this.expression=a}bl(b,a),b.prototype.children=["expression"],b.prototype.invert=C,b.prototype.compileNode=function(a){var b,c,d,e;this.expression.front=this.front,d=this.expression.compile(a,x),o.test(d)&&!a.scope.check(d)?(e=this.negated?["===","||"]:["!==","&&"],b=e[0],c=e[1],d="typeof "+d+" "+b+' "undefined" '+c+" "+d+" "+b+" null"):d=""+d+" "+(this.negated?"==":"!=")+" null";return a.level<=v?d:"("+d+")"};return b}(e),a.Parens=H=function(a){function b(a){this.body=a}bl(b,a),b.prototype.children=["body"],b.prototype.unwrap=function(){return this.body},b.prototype.isComplex=function(){return this.body.isComplex()},b.prototype.compileNode=function(a){var b,c,d;d=this.body.unwrap();if(d instanceof W&&d.isAtomic()){d.front=this.front;return d.compile(a)}c=d.compile(a,y),b=a.level 1?b.expressions.unshift(new r((new H(this.guard)).invert(),new A("continue"))):this.guard&&(b=f.wrap([new r(this.guard,b)]))),this.pattern&&b.expressions.unshift(new d(this.name,new A(""+F+"["+l+"]"))),c+=this.pluckDirectCall(a,b),s&&(G="\n"+i+s+";"),this.object&&(e=""+l+" in "+F,this.own&&(h="\n"+i+"if (!"+bh("hasProp")+".call("+F+", "+l+")) continue;")),b=b.compile(bd(a,{indent:i}),z),b&&(b="\n"+b+"\n");return""+c+(u||"")+this.tab+"for ("+e+") {"+h+G+b+this.tab+"}"+(v||"")},b.prototype.pluckDirectCall=function(a,b){var c,e,f,h,i,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t;e="",o=b.expressions;for(i=m=0,n=o.length;m =v?"("+d+")":d},b.prototype.unfoldSoak=function(){return this.soak&&this};return b}(e),i={wrap:function(a,c,d){var e,h,i,k,l;if(a.jumps())return a;i=new j([],f.wrap([a])),e=[];if((k=a.contains(this.literalArgs))||a.contains(this.literalThis))l=new A(k?"apply":"call"),e=[new A("this")],k&&e.push(new A("arguments")),i=new W(i,[new b(l)]);i.noReturn=d,h=new g(i,e);return c?f.wrap([h]):h},literalArgs:function(a){return a instanceof A&&a.value==="arguments"&&!a.asKey},literalThis:function(a){return a instanceof A&&a.value==="this"&&!a.asKey||a instanceof j&&a.bound||a instanceof g&&a.isSuper}},bg=function(a,b,c){var d;if(!!(d=b[c].unfoldSoak(a))){b[c]=d.body,d.body=new W(b);return d}},V={"extends":function(){return"function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if ("+bh("hasProp")+".call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; }"},bind:function(){return"function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; }"},indexOf:function(){return"[].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; }"},hasProp:function(){return"{}.hasOwnProperty"},slice:function(){return"[].slice"}},z=1,y=2,w=3,v=4,x=5,u=6,R=" ",p="[$A-Za-z_\\x7f-\\uffff][$\\w\\x7f-\\uffff]*",o=RegExp("^"+p+"$"),L=/^[+-]?\d+$/,B=RegExp("^(?:("+p+")\\.prototype(?:\\.("+p+")|\\[(\"(?:[^\\\\\"\\r\\n]|\\\\.)*\"|'(?:[^\\\\'\\r\\n]|\\\\.)*')\\]|\\[(0x[\\da-fA-F]+|\\d*\\.?\\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)\\]))|("+p+")$"),q=/^['"]/,bh=function(a){var b;b="__"+a,N.root.assign(b,V[a]());return b},be=function(a,b){a=a.replace(/\n/g,"$&"+b);return a.replace(/\s+$/,"")}}).call(this)},require["./coffee-script"]=new function(){var a=this;(function(){var b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k=({}).hasOwnProperty;e=require("fs"),h=require("path"),j=require("./lexer"),b=j.Lexer,c=j.RESERVED,g=require("./parser").parser,i=require("vm"),require.extensions?require.extensions[".coffee"]=function(a,b){var c;c=d(e.readFileSync(b,"utf8"),{filename:b});return a._compile(c,b)}:require.registerExtension&&require.registerExtension(".coffee",function(a){return d(a)}),a.VERSION="1.3.3",a.RESERVED=c,a.helpers=require("./helpers"),a.compile=d=function(b,c){var d,e,h;c==null&&(c={}),h=a.helpers.merge;try{e=g.parse(f.tokenize(b)).compile(c);if(!c.header)return e}catch(i){c.filename&&(i.message="In "+c.filename+", "+i.message);throw i}d="Generated by CoffeeScript "+this.VERSION;return"// "+d+"\n"+e},a.tokens=function(a,b){return f.tokenize(a,b)},a.nodes=function(a,b){return typeof a=="string"?g.parse(f.tokenize(a,b)):g.parse(a)},a.run=function(a,b){var c;b==null&&(b={}),c=require.main,c.filename=process.argv[1]=b.filename?e.realpathSync(b.filename):".",c.moduleCache&&(c.moduleCache={}),c.paths=require("module")._nodeModulePaths(h.dirname(e.realpathSync(b.filename)));return h.extname(c.filename)!==".coffee"||require.extensions?c._compile(d(a,b),c.filename):c._compile(a,c.filename)},a.eval=function(a,b){var c,e,f,g,j,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t;b==null&&(b={});if(!!(a=a.trim())){e=i.Script;if(e){if(b.sandbox!=null){if(b.sandbox instanceof e.createContext().constructor)m=b.sandbox;else{m=e.createContext(),r=b.sandbox;for(g in r){if(!k.call(r,g))continue;n=r[g],m[g]=n}}m.global=m.root=m.GLOBAL=m}else m=global;m.__filename=b.filename||"eval",m.__dirname=h.dirname(m.__filename);if(m===global&&!m.module&&!m.require){c=require("module"),m.module=q=new c(b.modulename||"eval"),m.require=t=function(a){return c._load(a,q,!0)},q.filename=m.__filename,s=Object.getOwnPropertyNames(require);for(o=0,p=s.length;o > Jasmine Running ' + spec.suite.description + ' ' + spec.description + '...'); + } + }; + + self.reportSpecResults = function(spec) { + reporterView.specComplete(spec); + }; + + self.log = function() { + var console = jasmine.getGlobal().console; + if (console && console.log) { + if (console.log.apply) { + console.log.apply(console, arguments); + } else { + console.log(arguments); // ie fix: console.log.apply doesn't exist on ie + } + } + }; + + self.specFilter = function(spec) { + if (!focusedSpecName()) { + return true; + } + + return spec.getFullName().indexOf(focusedSpecName()) === 0; + }; + + return self; + + function focusedSpecName() { + var specName; + + (function memoizeFocusedSpec() { + if (specName) { + return; + } + + var paramMap = []; + var params = jasmine.HtmlReporter.parameters(doc); + + for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { + var p = params[i].split('='); + paramMap[decodeURIComponent(p[0])] = decodeURIComponent(p[1]); + } + + specName = paramMap.spec; + })(); + + return specName; + } + + function createReporterDom(version) { + dom.reporter = self.createDom('div', { id: 'HTMLReporter', className: 'jasmine_reporter' }, + dom.banner = self.createDom('div', { className: 'banner' }, + self.createDom('span', { className: 'title' }, "Jasmine "), + self.createDom('span', { className: 'version' }, version)), + + dom.symbolSummary = self.createDom('ul', {className: 'symbolSummary'}), + dom.alert = self.createDom('div', {className: 'alert'}, + self.createDom('span', { className: 'exceptions' }, + self.createDom('label', { className: 'label', 'for': 'no_try_catch' }, 'No try/catch'), + self.createDom('input', { id: 'no_try_catch', type: 'checkbox' }))), + dom.results = self.createDom('div', {className: 'results'}, + dom.summary = self.createDom('div', { className: 'summary' }), + dom.details = self.createDom('div', { id: 'details' })) + ); + } + + function noTryCatch() { + return window.location.search.match(/catch=false/); + } + + function searchWithCatch() { + var params = jasmine.HtmlReporter.parameters(window.document); + var removed = false; + var i = 0; + + while (!removed && i < params.length) { + if (params[i].match(/catch=/)) { + params.splice(i, 1); + removed = true; + } + i++; + } + if (jasmine.CATCH_EXCEPTIONS) { + params.push("catch=false"); + } + + return params.join("&"); + } + + function setExceptionHandling() { + var chxCatch = document.getElementById('no_try_catch'); + + if (noTryCatch()) { + chxCatch.setAttribute('checked', true); + jasmine.CATCH_EXCEPTIONS = false; + } + chxCatch.onclick = function() { + window.location.search = searchWithCatch(); + }; + } +}; +jasmine.HtmlReporter.parameters = function(doc) { + var paramStr = doc.location.search.substring(1); + var params = []; + + if (paramStr.length > 0) { + params = paramStr.split('&'); + } + return params; +} +jasmine.HtmlReporter.sectionLink = function(sectionName) { + var link = '?'; + var params = []; + + if (sectionName) { + params.push('spec=' + encodeURIComponent(sectionName)); + } + if (!jasmine.CATCH_EXCEPTIONS) { + params.push("catch=false"); + } + if (params.length > 0) { + link += params.join("&"); + } + + return link; +}; +jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.addHelpers(jasmine.HtmlReporter); +jasmine.HtmlReporter.ReporterView = function(dom) { + this.startedAt = new Date(); + this.runningSpecCount = 0; + this.completeSpecCount = 0; + this.passedCount = 0; + this.failedCount = 0; + this.skippedCount = 0; + + this.createResultsMenu = function() { + this.resultsMenu = this.createDom('span', {className: 'resultsMenu bar'}, + this.summaryMenuItem = this.createDom('a', {className: 'summaryMenuItem', href: "#"}, '0 specs'), + ' | ', + this.detailsMenuItem = this.createDom('a', {className: 'detailsMenuItem', href: "#"}, '0 failing')); + + this.summaryMenuItem.onclick = function() { + dom.reporter.className = dom.reporter.className.replace(/ showDetails/g, ''); + }; + + this.detailsMenuItem.onclick = function() { + showDetails(); + }; + }; + + this.addSpecs = function(specs, specFilter) { + this.totalSpecCount = specs.length; + + this.views = { + specs: {}, + suites: {} + }; + + for (var i = 0; i < specs.length; i++) { + var spec = specs[i]; + this.views.specs[spec.id] = new jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView(spec, dom, this.views); + if (specFilter(spec)) { + this.runningSpecCount++; + } + } + }; + + this.specComplete = function(spec) { + this.completeSpecCount++; + + if (isUndefined(this.views.specs[spec.id])) { + this.views.specs[spec.id] = new jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView(spec, dom); + } + + var specView = this.views.specs[spec.id]; + + switch (specView.status()) { + case 'passed': + this.passedCount++; + break; + + case 'failed': + this.failedCount++; + break; + + case 'skipped': + this.skippedCount++; + break; + } + + specView.refresh(); + this.refresh(); + }; + + this.suiteComplete = function(suite) { + var suiteView = this.views.suites[suite.id]; + if (isUndefined(suiteView)) { + return; + } + suiteView.refresh(); + }; + + this.refresh = function() { + + if (isUndefined(this.resultsMenu)) { + this.createResultsMenu(); + } + + // currently running UI + if (isUndefined(this.runningAlert)) { + this.runningAlert = this.createDom('a', { href: jasmine.HtmlReporter.sectionLink(), className: "runningAlert bar" }); + dom.alert.appendChild(this.runningAlert); + } + this.runningAlert.innerHTML = "Running " + this.completeSpecCount + " of " + specPluralizedFor(this.totalSpecCount); + + // skipped specs UI + if (isUndefined(this.skippedAlert)) { + this.skippedAlert = this.createDom('a', { href: jasmine.HtmlReporter.sectionLink(), className: "skippedAlert bar" }); + } + + this.skippedAlert.innerHTML = "Skipping " + this.skippedCount + " of " + specPluralizedFor(this.totalSpecCount) + " - run all"; + + if (this.skippedCount === 1 && isDefined(dom.alert)) { + dom.alert.appendChild(this.skippedAlert); + } + + // passing specs UI + if (isUndefined(this.passedAlert)) { + this.passedAlert = this.createDom('span', { href: jasmine.HtmlReporter.sectionLink(), className: "passingAlert bar" }); + } + this.passedAlert.innerHTML = "Passing " + specPluralizedFor(this.passedCount); + + // failing specs UI + if (isUndefined(this.failedAlert)) { + this.failedAlert = this.createDom('span', {href: "?", className: "failingAlert bar"}); + } + this.failedAlert.innerHTML = "Failing " + specPluralizedFor(this.failedCount); + + if (this.failedCount === 1 && isDefined(dom.alert)) { + dom.alert.appendChild(this.failedAlert); + dom.alert.appendChild(this.resultsMenu); + } + + // summary info + this.summaryMenuItem.innerHTML = "" + specPluralizedFor(this.runningSpecCount); + this.detailsMenuItem.innerHTML = "" + this.failedCount + " failing"; + }; + + this.complete = function() { + dom.alert.removeChild(this.runningAlert); + + this.skippedAlert.innerHTML = "Ran " + this.runningSpecCount + " of " + specPluralizedFor(this.totalSpecCount) + " - run all"; + + if (this.failedCount === 0) { + dom.alert.appendChild(this.createDom('span', {className: 'passingAlert bar'}, "Passing " + specPluralizedFor(this.passedCount))); + } else { + showDetails(); + } + + dom.banner.appendChild(this.createDom('span', {className: 'duration'}, "finished in " + ((new Date().getTime() - this.startedAt.getTime()) / 1000) + "s")); + }; + + return this; + + function showDetails() { + if (dom.reporter.className.search(/showDetails/) === -1) { + dom.reporter.className += " showDetails"; + } + } + + function isUndefined(obj) { + return typeof obj === 'undefined'; + } + + function isDefined(obj) { + return !isUndefined(obj); + } + + function specPluralizedFor(count) { + var str = count + " spec"; + if (count > 1) { + str += "s" + } + return str; + } + +}; + +jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.addHelpers(jasmine.HtmlReporter.ReporterView); + + +jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView = function(spec, dom, views) { + this.spec = spec; + this.dom = dom; + this.views = views; + + this.symbol = this.createDom('li', { className: 'pending' }); + this.dom.symbolSummary.appendChild(this.symbol); + + this.summary = this.createDom('div', { className: 'specSummary' }, + this.createDom('a', { + className: 'description', + href: jasmine.HtmlReporter.sectionLink(this.spec.getFullName()), + title: this.spec.getFullName() + }, this.spec.description) + ); + + this.detail = this.createDom('div', { className: 'specDetail' }, + this.createDom('a', { + className: 'description', + href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(this.spec.getFullName()), + title: this.spec.getFullName() + }, this.spec.getFullName()) + ); +}; + +jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView.prototype.status = function() { + return this.getSpecStatus(this.spec); +}; + +jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView.prototype.refresh = function() { + this.symbol.className = this.status(); + + switch (this.status()) { + case 'skipped': + break; + + case 'passed': + this.appendSummaryToSuiteDiv(); + break; + + case 'failed': + this.appendSummaryToSuiteDiv(); + this.appendFailureDetail(); + break; + } +}; + +jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView.prototype.appendSummaryToSuiteDiv = function() { + this.summary.className += ' ' + this.status(); + this.appendToSummary(this.spec, this.summary); +}; + +jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView.prototype.appendFailureDetail = function() { + this.detail.className += ' ' + this.status(); + + var resultItems = this.spec.results().getItems(); + var messagesDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'messages' }); + + for (var i = 0; i < resultItems.length; i++) { + var result = resultItems[i]; + + if (result.type == 'log') { + messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage log'}, result.toString())); + } else if (result.type == 'expect' && result.passed && !result.passed()) { + messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage fail'}, result.message)); + + if (result.trace.stack) { + messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'stackTrace'}, result.trace.stack)); + } + } + } + + if (messagesDiv.childNodes.length > 0) { + this.detail.appendChild(messagesDiv); + this.dom.details.appendChild(this.detail); + } +}; + +jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.addHelpers(jasmine.HtmlReporter.SpecView);jasmine.HtmlReporter.SuiteView = function(suite, dom, views) { + this.suite = suite; + this.dom = dom; + this.views = views; + + this.element = this.createDom('div', { className: 'suite' }, + this.createDom('a', { className: 'description', href: jasmine.HtmlReporter.sectionLink(this.suite.getFullName()) }, this.suite.description) + ); + + this.appendToSummary(this.suite, this.element); +}; + +jasmine.HtmlReporter.SuiteView.prototype.status = function() { + return this.getSpecStatus(this.suite); +}; + +jasmine.HtmlReporter.SuiteView.prototype.refresh = function() { + this.element.className += " " + this.status(); +}; + +jasmine.HtmlReporterHelpers.addHelpers(jasmine.HtmlReporter.SuiteView); + +/* @deprecated Use jasmine.HtmlReporter instead + */ +jasmine.TrivialReporter = function(doc) { + this.document = doc || document; + this.suiteDivs = {}; + this.logRunningSpecs = false; +}; + +jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.createDom = function(type, attrs, childrenVarArgs) { + var el = document.createElement(type); + + for (var i = 2; i < arguments.length; i++) { + var child = arguments[i]; + + if (typeof child === 'string') { + el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(child)); + } else { + if (child) { el.appendChild(child); } + } + } + + for (var attr in attrs) { + if (attr == "className") { + el[attr] = attrs[attr]; + } else { + el.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]); + } + } + + return el; +}; + +jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportRunnerStarting = function(runner) { + var showPassed, showSkipped; + + this.outerDiv = this.createDom('div', { id: 'TrivialReporter', className: 'jasmine_reporter' }, + this.createDom('div', { className: 'banner' }, + this.createDom('div', { className: 'logo' }, + this.createDom('span', { className: 'title' }, "Jasmine"), + this.createDom('span', { className: 'version' }, runner.env.versionString())), + this.createDom('div', { className: 'options' }, + "Show ", + showPassed = this.createDom('input', { id: "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showPassed__", type: 'checkbox' }), + this.createDom('label', { "for": "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showPassed__" }, " passed "), + showSkipped = this.createDom('input', { id: "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showSkipped__", type: 'checkbox' }), + this.createDom('label', { "for": "__jasmine_TrivialReporter_showSkipped__" }, " skipped") + ) + ), + + this.runnerDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'runner running' }, + this.createDom('a', { className: 'run_spec', href: '?' }, "run all"), + this.runnerMessageSpan = this.createDom('span', {}, "Running..."), + this.finishedAtSpan = this.createDom('span', { className: 'finished-at' }, "")) + ); + + this.document.body.appendChild(this.outerDiv); + + var suites = runner.suites(); + for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) { + var suite = suites[i]; + var suiteDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'suite' }, + this.createDom('a', { className: 'run_spec', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(suite.getFullName()) }, "run"), + this.createDom('a', { className: 'description', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(suite.getFullName()) }, suite.description)); + this.suiteDivs[suite.id] = suiteDiv; + var parentDiv = this.outerDiv; + if (suite.parentSuite) { + parentDiv = this.suiteDivs[suite.parentSuite.id]; + } + parentDiv.appendChild(suiteDiv); + } + + this.startedAt = new Date(); + + var self = this; + showPassed.onclick = function(evt) { + if (showPassed.checked) { + self.outerDiv.className += ' show-passed'; + } else { + self.outerDiv.className = self.outerDiv.className.replace(/ show-passed/, ''); + } + }; + + showSkipped.onclick = function(evt) { + if (showSkipped.checked) { + self.outerDiv.className += ' show-skipped'; + } else { + self.outerDiv.className = self.outerDiv.className.replace(/ show-skipped/, ''); + } + }; +}; + +jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportRunnerResults = function(runner) { + var results = runner.results(); + var className = (results.failedCount > 0) ? "runner failed" : "runner passed"; + this.runnerDiv.setAttribute("class", className); + //do it twice for IE + this.runnerDiv.setAttribute("className", className); + var specs = runner.specs(); + var specCount = 0; + for (var i = 0; i < specs.length; i++) { + if (this.specFilter(specs[i])) { + specCount++; + } + } + var message = "" + specCount + " spec" + (specCount == 1 ? "" : "s" ) + ", " + results.failedCount + " failure" + ((results.failedCount == 1) ? "" : "s"); + message += " in " + ((new Date().getTime() - this.startedAt.getTime()) / 1000) + "s"; + this.runnerMessageSpan.replaceChild(this.createDom('a', { className: 'description', href: '?'}, message), this.runnerMessageSpan.firstChild); + + this.finishedAtSpan.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Finished at " + new Date().toString())); +}; + +jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportSuiteResults = function(suite) { + var results = suite.results(); + var status = results.passed() ? 'passed' : 'failed'; + if (results.totalCount === 0) { // todo: change this to check results.skipped + status = 'skipped'; + } + this.suiteDivs[suite.id].className += " " + status; +}; + +jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportSpecStarting = function(spec) { + if (this.logRunningSpecs) { + this.log('>> Jasmine Running ' + spec.suite.description + ' ' + spec.description + '...'); + } +}; + +jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.reportSpecResults = function(spec) { + var results = spec.results(); + var status = results.passed() ? 'passed' : 'failed'; + if (results.skipped) { + status = 'skipped'; + } + var specDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'spec ' + status }, + this.createDom('a', { className: 'run_spec', href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(spec.getFullName()) }, "run"), + this.createDom('a', { + className: 'description', + href: '?spec=' + encodeURIComponent(spec.getFullName()), + title: spec.getFullName() + }, spec.description)); + + + var resultItems = results.getItems(); + var messagesDiv = this.createDom('div', { className: 'messages' }); + for (var i = 0; i < resultItems.length; i++) { + var result = resultItems[i]; + + if (result.type == 'log') { + messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage log'}, result.toString())); + } else if (result.type == 'expect' && result.passed && !result.passed()) { + messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'resultMessage fail'}, result.message)); + + if (result.trace.stack) { + messagesDiv.appendChild(this.createDom('div', {className: 'stackTrace'}, result.trace.stack)); + } + } + } + + if (messagesDiv.childNodes.length > 0) { + specDiv.appendChild(messagesDiv); + } + + this.suiteDivs[spec.suite.id].appendChild(specDiv); +}; + +jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.log = function() { + var console = jasmine.getGlobal().console; + if (console && console.log) { + if (console.log.apply) { + console.log.apply(console, arguments); + } else { + console.log(arguments); // ie fix: console.log.apply doesn't exist on ie + } + } +}; + +jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.getLocation = function() { + return this.document.location; +}; + +jasmine.TrivialReporter.prototype.specFilter = function(spec) { + var paramMap = {}; + var params = this.getLocation().search.substring(1).split('&'); + for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { + var p = params[i].split('='); + paramMap[decodeURIComponent(p[0])] = decodeURIComponent(p[1]); + } + + if (!paramMap.spec) { + return true; + } + return spec.getFullName().indexOf(paramMap.spec) === 0; +}; diff --git a/node_modules/waypoints/test/lib/jasmine-jquery.js b/node_modules/waypoints/test/lib/jasmine-jquery.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a0f28606cc --- /dev/null +++ b/node_modules/waypoints/test/lib/jasmine-jquery.js @@ -0,0 +1,705 @@ +/*! +Jasmine-jQuery: a set of jQuery helpers for Jasmine tests. + +Version 1.7.0 + +https://github.com/velesin/jasmine-jquery + +Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Wojciech Zawistowski, Travis Jeffery + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE +LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION +OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION +WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. +*/ + ++function (jasmine, $) { "use strict"; + + jasmine.spiedEventsKey = function (selector, eventName) { + return [$(selector).selector, eventName].toString() + } + + jasmine.getFixtures = function () { + return jasmine.currentFixtures_ = jasmine.currentFixtures_ || new jasmine.Fixtures() + } + + jasmine.getStyleFixtures = function () { + return jasmine.currentStyleFixtures_ = jasmine.currentStyleFixtures_ || new jasmine.StyleFixtures() + } + + jasmine.Fixtures = function () { + this.containerId = 'jasmine-fixtures' + this.fixturesCache_ = {} + this.fixturesPath = 'spec/javascripts/fixtures' + } + + jasmine.Fixtures.prototype.set = function (html) { + this.cleanUp() + return this.createContainer_(html) + } + + jasmine.Fixtures.prototype.appendSet= function (html) { + this.addToContainer_(html) + } + + jasmine.Fixtures.prototype.preload = function () { + this.read.apply(this, arguments) + } + + jasmine.Fixtures.prototype.load = function () { + this.cleanUp() + this.createContainer_(this.read.apply(this, arguments)) + } + + jasmine.Fixtures.prototype.appendLoad = function () { + this.addToContainer_(this.read.apply(this, arguments)) + } + + jasmine.Fixtures.prototype.read = function () { + var htmlChunks = [] + , fixtureUrls = arguments + + for(var urlCount = fixtureUrls.length, urlIndex = 0; urlIndex < urlCount; urlIndex++) { + htmlChunks.push(this.getFixtureHtml_(fixtureUrls[urlIndex])) + } + + return htmlChunks.join('') + } + + jasmine.Fixtures.prototype.clearCache = function () { + this.fixturesCache_ = {} + } + + jasmine.Fixtures.prototype.cleanUp = function () { + $('#' + this.containerId).remove() + } + + jasmine.Fixtures.prototype.sandbox = function (attributes) { + var attributesToSet = attributes || {} + return $('
').attr(attributesToSet) + } + + jasmine.Fixtures.prototype.createContainer_ = function (html) { + var container = $('') + .attr('id', this.containerId) + .html(html) + + $(document.body).append(container) + return container + } + + jasmine.Fixtures.prototype.addToContainer_ = function (html){ + var container = $(document.body).find('#'+this.containerId).append(html) + if(!container.length){ + this.createContainer_(html) + } + } + + jasmine.Fixtures.prototype.getFixtureHtml_ = function (url) { + if (typeof this.fixturesCache_[url] === 'undefined') { + this.loadFixtureIntoCache_(url) + } + return this.fixturesCache_[url] + } + + jasmine.Fixtures.prototype.loadFixtureIntoCache_ = function (relativeUrl) { + var self = this + , url = this.makeFixtureUrl_(relativeUrl) + , request = $.ajax({ + async: false, // must be synchronous to guarantee that no tests are run before fixture is loaded + cache: false, + url: url, + success: function (data, status, $xhr) { + self.fixturesCache_[relativeUrl] = $xhr.responseText + }, + error: function (jqXHR, status, errorThrown) { + throw new Error('Fixture could not be loaded: ' + url + ' (status: ' + status + ', message: ' + errorThrown.message + ')') + } + }) + } + + jasmine.Fixtures.prototype.makeFixtureUrl_ = function (relativeUrl){ + return this.fixturesPath.match('/$') ? this.fixturesPath + relativeUrl : this.fixturesPath + '/' + relativeUrl + } + + jasmine.Fixtures.prototype.proxyCallTo_ = function (methodName, passedArguments) { + return this[methodName].apply(this, passedArguments) + } + + + jasmine.StyleFixtures = function () { + this.fixturesCache_ = {} + this.fixturesNodes_ = [] + this.fixturesPath = 'spec/javascripts/fixtures' + } + + jasmine.StyleFixtures.prototype.set = function (css) { + this.cleanUp() + this.createStyle_(css) + } + + jasmine.StyleFixtures.prototype.appendSet = function (css) { + this.createStyle_(css) + } + + jasmine.StyleFixtures.prototype.preload = function () { + this.read_.apply(this, arguments) + } + + jasmine.StyleFixtures.prototype.load = function () { + this.cleanUp() + this.createStyle_(this.read_.apply(this, arguments)) + } + + jasmine.StyleFixtures.prototype.appendLoad = function () { + this.createStyle_(this.read_.apply(this, arguments)) + } + + jasmine.StyleFixtures.prototype.cleanUp = function () { + while(this.fixturesNodes_.length) { + this.fixturesNodes_.pop().remove() + } + } + + jasmine.StyleFixtures.prototype.createStyle_ = function (html) { + var styleText = $('').html(html).text() + , style = $('') + + this.fixturesNodes_.push(style) + $('head').append(style) + } + + jasmine.StyleFixtures.prototype.clearCache = jasmine.Fixtures.prototype.clearCache + jasmine.StyleFixtures.prototype.read_ = jasmine.Fixtures.prototype.read + jasmine.StyleFixtures.prototype.getFixtureHtml_ = jasmine.Fixtures.prototype.getFixtureHtml_ + jasmine.StyleFixtures.prototype.loadFixtureIntoCache_ = jasmine.Fixtures.prototype.loadFixtureIntoCache_ + jasmine.StyleFixtures.prototype.makeFixtureUrl_ = jasmine.Fixtures.prototype.makeFixtureUrl_ + jasmine.StyleFixtures.prototype.proxyCallTo_ = jasmine.Fixtures.prototype.proxyCallTo_ + + jasmine.getJSONFixtures = function () { + return jasmine.currentJSONFixtures_ = jasmine.currentJSONFixtures_ || new jasmine.JSONFixtures() + } + + jasmine.JSONFixtures = function () { + this.fixturesCache_ = {} + this.fixturesPath = 'spec/javascripts/fixtures/json' + } + + jasmine.JSONFixtures.prototype.load = function () { + this.read.apply(this, arguments) + return this.fixturesCache_ + } + + jasmine.JSONFixtures.prototype.read = function () { + var fixtureUrls = arguments + + for(var urlCount = fixtureUrls.length, urlIndex = 0; urlIndex < urlCount; urlIndex++) { + this.getFixtureData_(fixtureUrls[urlIndex]) + } + + return this.fixturesCache_ + } + + jasmine.JSONFixtures.prototype.clearCache = function () { + this.fixturesCache_ = {} + } + + jasmine.JSONFixtures.prototype.getFixtureData_ = function (url) { + if (!this.fixturesCache_[url]) this.loadFixtureIntoCache_(url) + return this.fixturesCache_[url] + } + + jasmine.JSONFixtures.prototype.loadFixtureIntoCache_ = function (relativeUrl) { + var self = this + , url = this.fixturesPath.match('/$') ? this.fixturesPath + relativeUrl : this.fixturesPath + '/' + relativeUrl + + $.ajax({ + async: false, // must be synchronous to guarantee that no tests are run before fixture is loaded + cache: false, + dataType: 'json', + url: url, + success: function (data) { + self.fixturesCache_[relativeUrl] = data + }, + error: function (jqXHR, status, errorThrown) { + throw new Error('JSONFixture could not be loaded: ' + url + ' (status: ' + status + ', message: ' + errorThrown.message + ')') + } + }) + } + + jasmine.JSONFixtures.prototype.proxyCallTo_ = function (methodName, passedArguments) { + return this[methodName].apply(this, passedArguments) + } + + jasmine.jQuery = function () {} + + jasmine.jQuery.browserTagCaseIndependentHtml = function (html) { + return $('').append(html).html() + } + + jasmine.jQuery.elementToString = function (element) { + return $(element).map(function () { return this.outerHTML; }).toArray().join(', ') + } + + jasmine.jQuery.matchersClass = {} + + var data = { + spiedEvents: {} + , handlers: [] + } + + jasmine.jQuery.events = { + spyOn: function (selector, eventName) { + var handler = function (e) { + data.spiedEvents[jasmine.spiedEventsKey(selector, eventName)] = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments) + } + + $(selector).on(eventName, handler) + data.handlers.push(handler) + + return { + selector: selector, + eventName: eventName, + handler: handler, + reset: function (){ + delete data.spiedEvents[jasmine.spiedEventsKey(selector, eventName)] + } + } + }, + + args: function (selector, eventName) { + var actualArgs = data.spiedEvents[jasmine.spiedEventsKey(selector, eventName)] + + if (!actualArgs) { + throw "There is no spy for " + eventName + " on " + selector.toString() + ". Make sure to create a spy using spyOnEvent." + } + + return actualArgs + }, + + wasTriggered: function (selector, eventName) { + return !!(data.spiedEvents[jasmine.spiedEventsKey(selector, eventName)]) + }, + + wasTriggeredWith: function (selector, eventName, expectedArgs, env) { + var actualArgs = jasmine.jQuery.events.args(selector, eventName).slice(1) + if (Object.prototype.toString.call(expectedArgs) !== '[object Array]') { + actualArgs = actualArgs[0] + } + return env.equals_(expectedArgs, actualArgs) + }, + + wasPrevented: function (selector, eventName) { + var args = data.spiedEvents[jasmine.spiedEventsKey(selector, eventName)] + , e = args ? args[0] : undefined + + return e && e.isDefaultPrevented() + }, + + wasStopped: function (selector, eventName) { + var args = data.spiedEvents[jasmine.spiedEventsKey(selector, eventName)] + , e = args ? args[0] : undefined + return e && e.isPropagationStopped() + }, + + cleanUp: function () { + data.spiedEvents = {} + data.handlers = [] + } + } + + var jQueryMatchers = { + toHaveClass: function (className) { + return this.actual.hasClass(className) + }, + + toHaveCss: function (css){ + for (var prop in css){ + var value = css[prop] + // see issue #147 on gh + ;if (value === 'auto' && this.actual.get(0).style[prop] === 'auto') continue + if (this.actual.css(prop) !== value) return false + } + return true + }, + + toBeVisible: function () { + return this.actual.is(':visible') + }, + + toBeHidden: function () { + return this.actual.is(':hidden') + }, + + toBeSelected: function () { + return this.actual.is(':selected') + }, + + toBeChecked: function () { + return this.actual.is(':checked') + }, + + toBeEmpty: function () { + return this.actual.is(':empty') + }, + + toBeInDOM: function () { + return $.contains(document.documentElement, this.actual[0]) + }, + + toExist: function () { + return this.actual.length + }, + + toHaveLength: function (length) { + return this.actual.length === length + }, + + toHaveAttr: function (attributeName, expectedAttributeValue) { + return hasProperty(this.actual.attr(attributeName), expectedAttributeValue) + }, + + toHaveProp: function (propertyName, expectedPropertyValue) { + return hasProperty(this.actual.prop(propertyName), expectedPropertyValue) + }, + + toHaveId: function (id) { + return this.actual.attr('id') == id + }, + + toHaveHtml: function (html) { + return this.actual.html() == jasmine.jQuery.browserTagCaseIndependentHtml(html) + }, + + toContainHtml: function (html){ + var actualHtml = this.actual.html() + , expectedHtml = jasmine.jQuery.browserTagCaseIndependentHtml(html) + + return (actualHtml.indexOf(expectedHtml) >= 0) + }, + + toHaveText: function (text) { + var trimmedText = $.trim(this.actual.text()) + + if (text && $.isFunction(text.test)) { + return text.test(trimmedText) + } else { + return trimmedText == text + } + }, + + toContainText: function (text) { + var trimmedText = $.trim(this.actual.text()) + + if (text && $.isFunction(text.test)) { + return text.test(trimmedText) + } else { + return trimmedText.indexOf(text) != -1 + } + }, + + toHaveValue: function (value) { + return this.actual.val() === value + }, + + toHaveData: function (key, expectedValue) { + return hasProperty(this.actual.data(key), expectedValue) + }, + + toBe: function (selector) { + return this.actual.is(selector) + }, + + toContain: function (selector) { + return this.actual.find(selector).length + }, + + toBeMatchedBy: function (selector) { + return this.actual.filter(selector).length + }, + + toBeDisabled: function (selector){ + return this.actual.is(':disabled') + }, + + toBeFocused: function (selector) { + return this.actual[0] === this.actual[0].ownerDocument.activeElement + }, + + toHandle: function (event) { + var events = $._data(this.actual.get(0), "events") + + if(!events || !event || typeof event !== "string") { + return false + } + + var namespaces = event.split(".") + , eventType = namespaces.shift() + , sortedNamespaces = namespaces.slice(0).sort() + , namespaceRegExp = new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + sortedNamespaces.join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)") + + if(events[eventType] && namespaces.length) { + for(var i = 0; i < events[eventType].length; i++) { + var namespace = events[eventType][i].namespace + + if(namespaceRegExp.test(namespace)) { + return true + } + } + } else { + return events[eventType] && events[eventType].length > 0 + } + }, + + toHandleWith: function (eventName, eventHandler) { + var normalizedEventName = eventName.split('.')[0] + , stack = $._data(this.actual.get(0), "events")[normalizedEventName] + + for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) { + if (stack[i].handler == eventHandler) return true + } + + return false + } + } + + var hasProperty = function (actualValue, expectedValue) { + if (expectedValue === undefined) return actualValue !== undefined + + return actualValue === expectedValue + } + + var bindMatcher = function (methodName) { + var builtInMatcher = jasmine.Matchers.prototype[methodName] + + jasmine.jQuery.matchersClass[methodName] = function () { + if (this.actual + && (this.actual instanceof $ + || jasmine.isDomNode(this.actual))) { + this.actual = $(this.actual) + var result = jQueryMatchers[methodName].apply(this, arguments) + , element + + if (this.actual.get && (element = this.actual.get()[0]) && !$.isWindow(element) && element.tagName !== "HTML") + this.actual = jasmine.jQuery.elementToString(this.actual) + + return result + } + + if (builtInMatcher) { + return builtInMatcher.apply(this, arguments) + } + + return false + } + } + + for(var methodName in jQueryMatchers) { + bindMatcher(methodName) + } + + beforeEach(function () { + this.addMatchers(jasmine.jQuery.matchersClass) + this.addMatchers({ + toHaveBeenTriggeredOn: function (selector) { + this.message = function () { + return [ + "Expected event " + this.actual + " to have been triggered on " + selector, + "Expected event " + this.actual + " not to have been triggered on " + selector + ] + } + return jasmine.jQuery.events.wasTriggered(selector, this.actual) + } + }) + + this.addMatchers({ + toHaveBeenTriggered: function (){ + var eventName = this.actual.eventName + , selector = this.actual.selector + + this.message = function () { + return [ + "Expected event " + eventName + " to have been triggered on " + selector, + "Expected event " + eventName + " not to have been triggered on " + selector + ] + } + + return jasmine.jQuery.events.wasTriggered(selector, eventName) + } + }) + + this.addMatchers({ + toHaveBeenTriggeredOnAndWith: function () { + var selector = arguments[0] + , expectedArgs = arguments[1] + , wasTriggered = jasmine.jQuery.events.wasTriggered(selector, this.actual) + + this.message = function () { + if (wasTriggered) { + var actualArgs = jasmine.jQuery.events.args(selector, this.actual, expectedArgs)[1] + return [ + "Expected event " + this.actual + " to have been triggered with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was triggered with " + jasmine.pp(actualArgs), + "Expected event " + this.actual + " not to have been triggered with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was triggered with " + jasmine.pp(actualArgs) + ] + } else { + return [ + "Expected event " + this.actual + " to have been triggered on " + selector, + "Expected event " + this.actual + " not to have been triggered on " + selector + ] + } + } + + return wasTriggered && jasmine.jQuery.events.wasTriggeredWith(selector, this.actual, expectedArgs, this.env) + } + }) + + this.addMatchers({ + toHaveBeenPreventedOn: function (selector) { + this.message = function () { + return [ + "Expected event " + this.actual + " to have been prevented on " + selector, + "Expected event " + this.actual + " not to have been prevented on " + selector + ] + } + + return jasmine.jQuery.events.wasPrevented(selector, this.actual) + } + }) + + this.addMatchers({ + toHaveBeenPrevented: function () { + var eventName = this.actual.eventName + , selector = this.actual.selector + this.message = function () { + return [ + "Expected event " + eventName + " to have been prevented on " + selector, + "Expected event " + eventName + " not to have been prevented on " + selector + ] + } + + return jasmine.jQuery.events.wasPrevented(selector, eventName) + } + }) + + this.addMatchers({ + toHaveBeenStoppedOn: function (selector) { + this.message = function () { + return [ + "Expected event " + this.actual + " to have been stopped on " + selector, + "Expected event " + this.actual + " not to have been stopped on " + selector + ] + } + + return jasmine.jQuery.events.wasStopped(selector, this.actual) + } + }) + + this.addMatchers({ + toHaveBeenStopped: function () { + var eventName = this.actual.eventName + , selector = this.actual.selector + this.message = function () { + return [ + "Expected event " + eventName + " to have been stopped on " + selector, + "Expected event " + eventName + " not to have been stopped on " + selector + ] + } + return jasmine.jQuery.events.wasStopped(selector, eventName) + } + }) + + jasmine.getEnv().addEqualityTester(function (a, b) { + if(a instanceof $ && b instanceof $) { + if(a.size() != b.size()) { + return jasmine.undefined + } + else if(a.is(b)) { + return true + } + } + + return jasmine.undefined + }) + }) + + afterEach(function () { + jasmine.getFixtures().cleanUp() + jasmine.getStyleFixtures().cleanUp() + jasmine.jQuery.events.cleanUp() + }) + + window.readFixtures = function () { + return jasmine.getFixtures().proxyCallTo_('read', arguments) + } + + window.preloadFixtures = function () { + jasmine.getFixtures().proxyCallTo_('preload', arguments) + } + + window.loadFixtures = function () { + jasmine.getFixtures().proxyCallTo_('load', arguments) + } + + window.appendLoadFixtures = function () { + jasmine.getFixtures().proxyCallTo_('appendLoad', arguments) + } + + window.setFixtures = function (html) { + return jasmine.getFixtures().proxyCallTo_('set', arguments) + } + + window.appendSetFixtures = function () { + jasmine.getFixtures().proxyCallTo_('appendSet', arguments) + } + + window.sandbox = function (attributes) { + return jasmine.getFixtures().sandbox(attributes) + } + + window.spyOnEvent = function (selector, eventName) { + return jasmine.jQuery.events.spyOn(selector, eventName) + } + + window.preloadStyleFixtures = function () { + jasmine.getStyleFixtures().proxyCallTo_('preload', arguments) + } + + window.loadStyleFixtures = function () { + jasmine.getStyleFixtures().proxyCallTo_('load', arguments) + } + + window.appendLoadStyleFixtures = function () { + jasmine.getStyleFixtures().proxyCallTo_('appendLoad', arguments) + } + + window.setStyleFixtures = function (html) { + jasmine.getStyleFixtures().proxyCallTo_('set', arguments) + } + + window.appendSetStyleFixtures = function (html) { + jasmine.getStyleFixtures().proxyCallTo_('appendSet', arguments) + } + + window.loadJSONFixtures = function () { + return jasmine.getJSONFixtures().proxyCallTo_('load', arguments) + } + + window.getJSONFixture = function (url) { + return jasmine.getJSONFixtures().proxyCallTo_('read', arguments)[url] + } +}(window.jasmine, window.jQuery); + diff --git a/node_modules/waypoints/test/lib/jasmine.css b/node_modules/waypoints/test/lib/jasmine.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8c008dc722 --- /dev/null +++ b/node_modules/waypoints/test/lib/jasmine.css @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +body { background-color: #eeeeee; padding: 0; margin: 5px; overflow-y: scroll; } + +#HTMLReporter { font-size: 11px; font-family: Monaco, "Lucida Console", monospace; line-height: 14px; color: #333333; } +#HTMLReporter a { text-decoration: none; } +#HTMLReporter a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } +#HTMLReporter p, #HTMLReporter h1, #HTMLReporter h2, #HTMLReporter h3, #HTMLReporter h4, #HTMLReporter h5, #HTMLReporter h6 { margin: 0; line-height: 14px; } +#HTMLReporter .banner, #HTMLReporter .symbolSummary, #HTMLReporter .summary, #HTMLReporter .resultMessage, #HTMLReporter .specDetail .description, #HTMLReporter .alert .bar, #HTMLReporter .stackTrace { padding-left: 9px; padding-right: 9px; } +#HTMLReporter #jasmine_content { position: fixed; right: 100%; } +#HTMLReporter .version { color: #aaaaaa; } +#HTMLReporter .banner { margin-top: 14px; } +#HTMLReporter .duration { color: #aaaaaa; float: right; } +#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary { overflow: hidden; *zoom: 1; margin: 14px 0; } +#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li { display: block; float: left; height: 7px; width: 14px; margin-bottom: 7px; font-size: 16px; } +#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.passed { font-size: 14px; } +#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.passed:before { color: #5e7d00; content: "\02022"; } +#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.failed { line-height: 9px; } +#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.failed:before { color: #b03911; content: "x"; font-weight: bold; margin-left: -1px; } +#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.skipped { font-size: 14px; } +#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.skipped:before { color: #bababa; content: "\02022"; } +#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.pending { line-height: 11px; } +#HTMLReporter .symbolSummary li.pending:before { color: #aaaaaa; content: "-"; } +#HTMLReporter .exceptions { color: #fff; float: right; margin-top: 5px; margin-right: 5px; } +#HTMLReporter .bar { line-height: 28px; font-size: 14px; display: block; color: #eee; } +#HTMLReporter .runningAlert { background-color: #666666; } +#HTMLReporter .skippedAlert { background-color: #aaaaaa; } +#HTMLReporter .skippedAlert:first-child { background-color: #333333; } +#HTMLReporter .skippedAlert:hover { text-decoration: none; color: white; text-decoration: underline; } +#HTMLReporter .passingAlert { background-color: #a6b779; } +#HTMLReporter .passingAlert:first-child { background-color: #5e7d00; } +#HTMLReporter .failingAlert { background-color: #cf867e; } +#HTMLReporter .failingAlert:first-child { background-color: #b03911; } +#HTMLReporter .results { margin-top: 14px; } +#HTMLReporter #details { display: none; } +#HTMLReporter .resultsMenu, #HTMLReporter .resultsMenu a { background-color: #fff; color: #333333; } +#HTMLReporter.showDetails .summaryMenuItem { font-weight: normal; text-decoration: inherit; } +#HTMLReporter.showDetails .summaryMenuItem:hover { text-decoration: underline; } +#HTMLReporter.showDetails .detailsMenuItem { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; } +#HTMLReporter.showDetails .summary { display: none; } +#HTMLReporter.showDetails #details { display: block; } +#HTMLReporter .summaryMenuItem { font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; } +#HTMLReporter .summary { margin-top: 14px; } +#HTMLReporter .summary .suite .suite, #HTMLReporter .summary .specSummary { margin-left: 14px; } +#HTMLReporter .summary .specSummary.passed a { color: #5e7d00; } +#HTMLReporter .summary .specSummary.failed a { color: #b03911; } +#HTMLReporter .description + .suite { margin-top: 0; } +#HTMLReporter .suite { margin-top: 14px; } +#HTMLReporter .suite a { color: #333333; } +#HTMLReporter #details .specDetail { margin-bottom: 28px; } +#HTMLReporter #details .specDetail .description { display: block; color: white; background-color: #b03911; } +#HTMLReporter .resultMessage { padding-top: 14px; color: #333333; } +#HTMLReporter .resultMessage span.result { display: block; } +#HTMLReporter .stackTrace { margin: 5px 0 0 0; max-height: 224px; overflow: auto; line-height: 18px; color: #666666; border: 1px solid #ddd; background: white; white-space: pre; } + +#TrivialReporter { padding: 8px 13px; position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; overflow-y: scroll; background-color: white; font-family: "Helvetica Neue Light", "Lucida Grande", "Calibri", "Arial", sans-serif; /*.resultMessage {*/ /*white-space: pre;*/ /*}*/ } +#TrivialReporter a:visited, #TrivialReporter a { color: #303; } +#TrivialReporter a:hover, #TrivialReporter a:active { color: blue; } +#TrivialReporter .run_spec { float: right; padding-right: 5px; font-size: .8em; text-decoration: none; } +#TrivialReporter .banner { color: #303; background-color: #fef; padding: 5px; } +#TrivialReporter .logo { float: left; font-size: 1.1em; padding-left: 5px; } +#TrivialReporter .logo .version { font-size: .6em; padding-left: 1em; } +#TrivialReporter .runner.running { background-color: yellow; } +#TrivialReporter .options { text-align: right; font-size: .8em; } +#TrivialReporter .suite { border: 1px outset gray; margin: 5px 0; padding-left: 1em; } +#TrivialReporter .suite .suite { margin: 5px; } +#TrivialReporter .suite.passed { background-color: #dfd; } +#TrivialReporter .suite.failed { background-color: #fdd; } +#TrivialReporter .spec { margin: 5px; padding-left: 1em; clear: both; } +#TrivialReporter .spec.failed, #TrivialReporter .spec.passed, #TrivialReporter .spec.skipped { padding-bottom: 5px; border: 1px solid gray; } +#TrivialReporter .spec.failed { background-color: #fbb; border-color: red; } +#TrivialReporter .spec.passed { background-color: #bfb; border-color: green; } +#TrivialReporter .spec.skipped { background-color: #bbb; } +#TrivialReporter .messages { border-left: 1px dashed gray; padding-left: 1em; padding-right: 1em; } +#TrivialReporter .passed { background-color: #cfc; display: none; } +#TrivialReporter .failed { background-color: #fbb; } +#TrivialReporter .skipped { color: #777; background-color: #eee; display: none; } +#TrivialReporter .resultMessage span.result { display: block; line-height: 2em; color: black; } +#TrivialReporter .resultMessage .mismatch { color: black; } +#TrivialReporter .stackTrace { white-space: pre; font-size: .8em; margin-left: 10px; max-height: 5em; overflow: auto; border: 1px inset red; padding: 1em; background: #eef; } +#TrivialReporter .finished-at { padding-left: 1em; font-size: .6em; } +#TrivialReporter.show-passed .passed, #TrivialReporter.show-skipped .skipped { display: block; } +#TrivialReporter #jasmine_content { position: fixed; right: 100%; } +#TrivialReporter .runner { border: 1px solid gray; display: block; margin: 5px 0; padding: 2px 0 2px 10px; } diff --git a/node_modules/waypoints/test/lib/jasmine.js b/node_modules/waypoints/test/lib/jasmine.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6b3459b913 --- /dev/null +++ b/node_modules/waypoints/test/lib/jasmine.js @@ -0,0 +1,2600 @@ +var isCommonJS = typeof window == "undefined" && typeof exports == "object"; + +/** + * Top level namespace for Jasmine, a lightweight JavaScript BDD/spec/testing framework. + * + * @namespace + */ +var jasmine = {}; +if (isCommonJS) exports.jasmine = jasmine; +/** + * @private + */ +jasmine.unimplementedMethod_ = function() { + throw new Error("unimplemented method"); +}; + +/** + * Usejasmine.undefined
instead ofundefined
, sinceundefined
is just + * a plain old variable and may be redefined by somebody else. + * + * @private + */ +jasmine.undefined = jasmine.___undefined___; + +/** + * Show diagnostic messages in the console if set to true + * + */ +jasmine.VERBOSE = false; + +/** + * Default interval in milliseconds for event loop yields (e.g. to allow network activity or to refresh the screen with the HTML-based runner). Small values here may result in slow test running. Zero means no updates until all tests have completed. + * + */ +jasmine.DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 250; + +/** + * Maximum levels of nesting that will be included when an object is pretty-printed + */ +jasmine.MAX_PRETTY_PRINT_DEPTH = 40; + +/** + * Default timeout interval in milliseconds for waitsFor() blocks. + */ +jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 5000; + +/** + * By default exceptions thrown in the context of a test are caught by jasmine so that it can run the remaining tests in the suite. + * Set to false to let the exception bubble up in the browser. + * + */ +jasmine.CATCH_EXCEPTIONS = true; + +jasmine.getGlobal = function() { + function getGlobal() { + return this; + } + + return getGlobal(); +}; + +/** + * Allows for bound functions to be compared. Internal use only. + * + * @ignore + * @private + * @param base {Object} bound 'this' for the function + * @param name {Function} function to find + */ +jasmine.bindOriginal_ = function(base, name) { + var original = base[name]; + if (original.apply) { + return function() { + return original.apply(base, arguments); + }; + } else { + // IE support + return jasmine.getGlobal()[name]; + } +}; + +jasmine.setTimeout = jasmine.bindOriginal_(jasmine.getGlobal(), 'setTimeout'); +jasmine.clearTimeout = jasmine.bindOriginal_(jasmine.getGlobal(), 'clearTimeout'); +jasmine.setInterval = jasmine.bindOriginal_(jasmine.getGlobal(), 'setInterval'); +jasmine.clearInterval = jasmine.bindOriginal_(jasmine.getGlobal(), 'clearInterval'); + +jasmine.MessageResult = function(values) { + this.type = 'log'; + this.values = values; + this.trace = new Error(); // todo: test better +}; + +jasmine.MessageResult.prototype.toString = function() { + var text = ""; + for (var i = 0; i < this.values.length; i++) { + if (i > 0) text += " "; + if (jasmine.isString_(this.values[i])) { + text += this.values[i]; + } else { + text += jasmine.pp(this.values[i]); + } + } + return text; +}; + +jasmine.ExpectationResult = function(params) { + this.type = 'expect'; + this.matcherName = params.matcherName; + this.passed_ = params.passed; + this.expected = params.expected; + this.actual = params.actual; + this.message = this.passed_ ? 'Passed.' : params.message; + + var trace = (params.trace || new Error(this.message)); + this.trace = this.passed_ ? '' : trace; +}; + +jasmine.ExpectationResult.prototype.toString = function () { + return this.message; +}; + +jasmine.ExpectationResult.prototype.passed = function () { + return this.passed_; +}; + +/** + * Getter for the Jasmine environment. Ensures one gets created + */ +jasmine.getEnv = function() { + var env = jasmine.currentEnv_ = jasmine.currentEnv_ || new jasmine.Env(); + return env; +}; + +/** + * @ignore + * @private + * @param value + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +jasmine.isArray_ = function(value) { + return jasmine.isA_("Array", value); +}; + +/** + * @ignore + * @private + * @param value + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +jasmine.isString_ = function(value) { + return jasmine.isA_("String", value); +}; + +/** + * @ignore + * @private + * @param value + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +jasmine.isNumber_ = function(value) { + return jasmine.isA_("Number", value); +}; + +/** + * @ignore + * @private + * @param {String} typeName + * @param value + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +jasmine.isA_ = function(typeName, value) { + return Object.prototype.toString.apply(value) === '[object ' + typeName + ']'; +}; + +/** + * Pretty printer for expecations. Takes any object and turns it into a human-readable string. + * + * @param value {Object} an object to be outputted + * @returns {String} + */ +jasmine.pp = function(value) { + var stringPrettyPrinter = new jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter(); + stringPrettyPrinter.format(value); + return stringPrettyPrinter.string; +}; + +/** + * Returns true if the object is a DOM Node. + * + * @param {Object} obj object to check + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +jasmine.isDomNode = function(obj) { + return obj.nodeType > 0; +}; + +/** + * Returns a matchable 'generic' object of the class type. For use in expecations of type when values don't matter. + * + * @example + * // don't care about which function is passed in, as long as it's a function + * expect(mySpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Function)); + * + * @param {Class} clazz + * @returns matchable object of the type clazz + */ +jasmine.any = function(clazz) { + return new jasmine.Matchers.Any(clazz); +}; + +/** + * Returns a matchable subset of a JSON object. For use in expectations when you don't care about all of the + * attributes on the object. + * + * @example + * // don't care about any other attributes than foo. + * expect(mySpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining({foo: "bar"}); + * + * @param sample {Object} sample + * @returns matchable object for the sample + */ +jasmine.objectContaining = function (sample) { + return new jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining(sample); +}; + +/** + * Jasmine Spies are test doubles that can act as stubs, spies, fakes or when used in an expecation, mocks. + * + * Spies should be created in test setup, before expectations. They can then be checked, using the standard Jasmine + * expectation syntax. Spies can be checked if they were called or not and what the calling params were. + * + * A Spy has the following fields: wasCalled, callCount, mostRecentCall, and argsForCall (see docs). + * + * Spies are torn down at the end of every spec. + * + * Note: Do not call new jasmine.Spy() directly - a spy must be created using spyOn, jasmine.createSpy or jasmine.createSpyObj. + * + * @example + * // a stub + * var myStub = jasmine.createSpy('myStub'); // can be used anywhere + * + * // spy example + * var foo = { + * not: function(bool) { return !bool; } + * } + * + * // actual foo.not will not be called, execution stops + * spyOn(foo, 'not'); + + // foo.not spied upon, execution will continue to implementation + * spyOn(foo, 'not').andCallThrough(); + * + * // fake example + * var foo = { + * not: function(bool) { return !bool; } + * } + * + * // foo.not(val) will return val + * spyOn(foo, 'not').andCallFake(function(value) {return value;}); + * + * // mock example + * foo.not(7 == 7); + * expect(foo.not).toHaveBeenCalled(); + * expect(foo.not).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true); + * + * @constructor + * @see spyOn, jasmine.createSpy, jasmine.createSpyObj + * @param {String} name + */ +jasmine.Spy = function(name) { + /** + * The name of the spy, if provided. + */ + this.identity = name || 'unknown'; + /** + * Is this Object a spy? + */ + this.isSpy = true; + /** + * The actual function this spy stubs. + */ + this.plan = function() { + }; + /** + * Tracking of the most recent call to the spy. + * @example + * var mySpy = jasmine.createSpy('foo'); + * mySpy(1, 2); + * mySpy.mostRecentCall.args = [1, 2]; + */ + this.mostRecentCall = {}; + + /** + * Holds arguments for each call to the spy, indexed by call count + * @example + * var mySpy = jasmine.createSpy('foo'); + * mySpy(1, 2); + * mySpy(7, 8); + * mySpy.mostRecentCall.args = [7, 8]; + * mySpy.argsForCall[0] = [1, 2]; + * mySpy.argsForCall[1] = [7, 8]; + */ + this.argsForCall = []; + this.calls = []; +}; + +/** + * Tells a spy to call through to the actual implemenatation. + * + * @example + * var foo = { + * bar: function() { // do some stuff } + * } + * + * // defining a spy on an existing property: foo.bar + * spyOn(foo, 'bar').andCallThrough(); + */ +jasmine.Spy.prototype.andCallThrough = function() { + this.plan = this.originalValue; + return this; +}; + +/** + * For setting the return value of a spy. + * + * @example + * // defining a spy from scratch: foo() returns 'baz' + * var foo = jasmine.createSpy('spy on foo').andReturn('baz'); + * + * // defining a spy on an existing property: foo.bar() returns 'baz' + * spyOn(foo, 'bar').andReturn('baz'); + * + * @param {Object} value + */ +jasmine.Spy.prototype.andReturn = function(value) { + this.plan = function() { + return value; + }; + return this; +}; + +/** + * For throwing an exception when a spy is called. + * + * @example + * // defining a spy from scratch: foo() throws an exception w/ message 'ouch' + * var foo = jasmine.createSpy('spy on foo').andThrow('baz'); + * + * // defining a spy on an existing property: foo.bar() throws an exception w/ message 'ouch' + * spyOn(foo, 'bar').andThrow('baz'); + * + * @param {String} exceptionMsg + */ +jasmine.Spy.prototype.andThrow = function(exceptionMsg) { + this.plan = function() { + throw exceptionMsg; + }; + return this; +}; + +/** + * Calls an alternate implementation when a spy is called. + * + * @example + * var baz = function() { + * // do some stuff, return something + * } + * // defining a spy from scratch: foo() calls the function baz + * var foo = jasmine.createSpy('spy on foo').andCall(baz); + * + * // defining a spy on an existing property: foo.bar() calls an anonymnous function + * spyOn(foo, 'bar').andCall(function() { return 'baz';} ); + * + * @param {Function} fakeFunc + */ +jasmine.Spy.prototype.andCallFake = function(fakeFunc) { + this.plan = fakeFunc; + return this; +}; + +/** + * Resets all of a spy's the tracking variables so that it can be used again. + * + * @example + * spyOn(foo, 'bar'); + * + * foo.bar(); + * + * expect(foo.bar.callCount).toEqual(1); + * + * foo.bar.reset(); + * + * expect(foo.bar.callCount).toEqual(0); + */ +jasmine.Spy.prototype.reset = function() { + this.wasCalled = false; + this.callCount = 0; + this.argsForCall = []; + this.calls = []; + this.mostRecentCall = {}; +}; + +jasmine.createSpy = function(name) { + + var spyObj = function() { + spyObj.wasCalled = true; + spyObj.callCount++; + var args = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments); + spyObj.mostRecentCall.object = this; + spyObj.mostRecentCall.args = args; + spyObj.argsForCall.push(args); + spyObj.calls.push({object: this, args: args}); + return spyObj.plan.apply(this, arguments); + }; + + var spy = new jasmine.Spy(name); + + for (var prop in spy) { + spyObj[prop] = spy[prop]; + } + + spyObj.reset(); + + return spyObj; +}; + +/** + * Determines whether an object is a spy. + * + * @param {jasmine.Spy|Object} putativeSpy + * @returns {Boolean} + */ +jasmine.isSpy = function(putativeSpy) { + return putativeSpy && putativeSpy.isSpy; +}; + +/** + * Creates a more complicated spy: an Object that has every property a function that is a spy. Used for stubbing something + * large in one call. + * + * @param {String} baseName name of spy class + * @param {Array} methodNames array of names of methods to make spies + */ +jasmine.createSpyObj = function(baseName, methodNames) { + if (!jasmine.isArray_(methodNames) || methodNames.length === 0) { + throw new Error('createSpyObj requires a non-empty array of method names to create spies for'); + } + var obj = {}; + for (var i = 0; i < methodNames.length; i++) { + obj[methodNames[i]] = jasmine.createSpy(baseName + '.' + methodNames[i]); + } + return obj; +}; + +/** + * All parameters are pretty-printed and concatenated together, then written to the current spec's output. + * + * Be careful not to leave calls tojasmine.log
in production code. + */ +jasmine.log = function() { + var spec = jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec; + spec.log.apply(spec, arguments); +}; + +/** + * Function that installs a spy on an existing object's method name. Used within a Spec to create a spy. + * + * @example + * // spy example + * var foo = { + * not: function(bool) { return !bool; } + * } + * spyOn(foo, 'not'); // actual foo.not will not be called, execution stops + * + * @see jasmine.createSpy + * @param obj + * @param methodName + * @return {jasmine.Spy} a Jasmine spy that can be chained with all spy methods + */ +var spyOn = function(obj, methodName) { + return jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.spyOn(obj, methodName); +}; +if (isCommonJS) exports.spyOn = spyOn; + +/** + * Creates a Jasmine spec that will be added to the current suite. + * + * // TODO: pending tests + * + * @example + * it('should be true', function() { + * expect(true).toEqual(true); + * }); + * + * @param {String} desc description of this specification + * @param {Function} func defines the preconditions and expectations of the spec + */ +var it = function(desc, func) { + return jasmine.getEnv().it(desc, func); +}; +if (isCommonJS) exports.it = it; + +/** + * Creates a disabled Jasmine spec. + * + * A convenience method that allows existing specs to be disabled temporarily during development. + * + * @param {String} desc description of this specification + * @param {Function} func defines the preconditions and expectations of the spec + */ +var xit = function(desc, func) { + return jasmine.getEnv().xit(desc, func); +}; +if (isCommonJS) exports.xit = xit; + +/** + * Starts a chain for a Jasmine expectation. + * + * It is passed an Object that is the actual value and should chain to one of the many + * jasmine.Matchers functions. + * + * @param {Object} actual Actual value to test against and expected value + * @return {jasmine.Matchers} + */ +var expect = function(actual) { + return jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.expect(actual); +}; +if (isCommonJS) exports.expect = expect; + +/** + * Defines part of a jasmine spec. Used in cominbination with waits or waitsFor in asynchrnous specs. + * + * @param {Function} func Function that defines part of a jasmine spec. + */ +var runs = function(func) { + jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.runs(func); +}; +if (isCommonJS) exports.runs = runs; + +/** + * Waits a fixed time period before moving to the next block. + * + * @deprecated Use waitsFor() instead + * @param {Number} timeout milliseconds to wait + */ +var waits = function(timeout) { + jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.waits(timeout); +}; +if (isCommonJS) exports.waits = waits; + +/** + * Waits for the latchFunction to return true before proceeding to the next block. + * + * @param {Function} latchFunction + * @param {String} optional_timeoutMessage + * @param {Number} optional_timeout + */ +var waitsFor = function(latchFunction, optional_timeoutMessage, optional_timeout) { + jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec.waitsFor.apply(jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec, arguments); +}; +if (isCommonJS) exports.waitsFor = waitsFor; + +/** + * A function that is called before each spec in a suite. + * + * Used for spec setup, including validating assumptions. + * + * @param {Function} beforeEachFunction + */ +var beforeEach = function(beforeEachFunction) { + jasmine.getEnv().beforeEach(beforeEachFunction); +}; +if (isCommonJS) exports.beforeEach = beforeEach; + +/** + * A function that is called after each spec in a suite. + * + * Used for restoring any state that is hijacked during spec execution. + * + * @param {Function} afterEachFunction + */ +var afterEach = function(afterEachFunction) { + jasmine.getEnv().afterEach(afterEachFunction); +}; +if (isCommonJS) exports.afterEach = afterEach; + +/** + * Defines a suite of specifications. + * + * Stores the description and all defined specs in the Jasmine environment as one suite of specs. Variables declared + * are accessible by calls to beforeEach, it, and afterEach. Describe blocks can be nested, allowing for specialization + * of setup in some tests. + * + * @example + * // TODO: a simple suite + * + * // TODO: a simple suite with a nested describe block + * + * @param {String} description A string, usually the class under test. + * @param {Function} specDefinitions function that defines several specs. + */ +var describe = function(description, specDefinitions) { + return jasmine.getEnv().describe(description, specDefinitions); +}; +if (isCommonJS) exports.describe = describe; + +/** + * Disables a suite of specifications. Used to disable some suites in a file, or files, temporarily during development. + * + * @param {String} description A string, usually the class under test. + * @param {Function} specDefinitions function that defines several specs. + */ +var xdescribe = function(description, specDefinitions) { + return jasmine.getEnv().xdescribe(description, specDefinitions); +}; +if (isCommonJS) exports.xdescribe = xdescribe; + + +// Provide the XMLHttpRequest class for IE 5.x-6.x: +jasmine.XmlHttpRequest = (typeof XMLHttpRequest == "undefined") ? function() { + function tryIt(f) { + try { + return f(); + } catch(e) { + } + return null; + } + + var xhr = tryIt(function() { + return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0"); + }) || + tryIt(function() { + return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0"); + }) || + tryIt(function() { + return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); + }) || + tryIt(function() { + return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); + }); + + if (!xhr) throw new Error("This browser does not support XMLHttpRequest."); + + return xhr; +} : XMLHttpRequest; +/** + * @namespace + */ +jasmine.util = {}; + +/** + * Declare that a child class inherit it's prototype from the parent class. + * + * @private + * @param {Function} childClass + * @param {Function} parentClass + */ +jasmine.util.inherit = function(childClass, parentClass) { + /** + * @private + */ + var subclass = function() { + }; + subclass.prototype = parentClass.prototype; + childClass.prototype = new subclass(); +}; + +jasmine.util.formatException = function(e) { + var lineNumber; + if (e.line) { + lineNumber = e.line; + } + else if (e.lineNumber) { + lineNumber = e.lineNumber; + } + + var file; + + if (e.sourceURL) { + file = e.sourceURL; + } + else if (e.fileName) { + file = e.fileName; + } + + var message = (e.name && e.message) ? (e.name + ': ' + e.message) : e.toString(); + + if (file && lineNumber) { + message += ' in ' + file + ' (line ' + lineNumber + ')'; + } + + return message; +}; + +jasmine.util.htmlEscape = function(str) { + if (!str) return str; + return str.replace(/&/g, '&') + .replace(//g, '>'); +}; + +jasmine.util.argsToArray = function(args) { + var arrayOfArgs = []; + for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) arrayOfArgs.push(args[i]); + return arrayOfArgs; +}; + +jasmine.util.extend = function(destination, source) { + for (var property in source) destination[property] = source[property]; + return destination; +}; + +/** + * Environment for Jasmine + * + * @constructor + */ +jasmine.Env = function() { + this.currentSpec = null; + this.currentSuite = null; + this.currentRunner_ = new jasmine.Runner(this); + + this.reporter = new jasmine.MultiReporter(); + + this.updateInterval = jasmine.DEFAULT_UPDATE_INTERVAL; + this.defaultTimeoutInterval = jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL; + this.lastUpdate = 0; + this.specFilter = function() { + return true; + }; + + this.nextSpecId_ = 0; + this.nextSuiteId_ = 0; + this.equalityTesters_ = []; + + // wrap matchers + this.matchersClass = function() { + jasmine.Matchers.apply(this, arguments); + }; + jasmine.util.inherit(this.matchersClass, jasmine.Matchers); + + jasmine.Matchers.wrapInto_(jasmine.Matchers.prototype, this.matchersClass); +}; + + +jasmine.Env.prototype.setTimeout = jasmine.setTimeout; +jasmine.Env.prototype.clearTimeout = jasmine.clearTimeout; +jasmine.Env.prototype.setInterval = jasmine.setInterval; +jasmine.Env.prototype.clearInterval = jasmine.clearInterval; + +/** + * @returns an object containing jasmine version build info, if set. + */ +jasmine.Env.prototype.version = function () { + if (jasmine.version_) { + return jasmine.version_; + } else { + throw new Error('Version not set'); + } +}; + +/** + * @returns string containing jasmine version build info, if set. + */ +jasmine.Env.prototype.versionString = function() { + if (!jasmine.version_) { + return "version unknown"; + } + + var version = this.version(); + var versionString = version.major + "." + version.minor + "." + version.build; + if (version.release_candidate) { + versionString += ".rc" + version.release_candidate; + } + versionString += " revision " + version.revision; + return versionString; +}; + +/** + * @returns a sequential integer starting at 0 + */ +jasmine.Env.prototype.nextSpecId = function () { + return this.nextSpecId_++; +}; + +/** + * @returns a sequential integer starting at 0 + */ +jasmine.Env.prototype.nextSuiteId = function () { + return this.nextSuiteId_++; +}; + +/** + * Register a reporter to receive status updates from Jasmine. + * @param {jasmine.Reporter} reporter An object which will receive status updates. + */ +jasmine.Env.prototype.addReporter = function(reporter) { + this.reporter.addReporter(reporter); +}; + +jasmine.Env.prototype.execute = function() { + this.currentRunner_.execute(); +}; + +jasmine.Env.prototype.describe = function(description, specDefinitions) { + var suite = new jasmine.Suite(this, description, specDefinitions, this.currentSuite); + + var parentSuite = this.currentSuite; + if (parentSuite) { + parentSuite.add(suite); + } else { + this.currentRunner_.add(suite); + } + + this.currentSuite = suite; + + var declarationError = null; + try { + specDefinitions.call(suite); + } catch(e) { + declarationError = e; + } + + if (declarationError) { + this.it("encountered a declaration exception", function() { + throw declarationError; + }); + } + + this.currentSuite = parentSuite; + + return suite; +}; + +jasmine.Env.prototype.beforeEach = function(beforeEachFunction) { + if (this.currentSuite) { + this.currentSuite.beforeEach(beforeEachFunction); + } else { + this.currentRunner_.beforeEach(beforeEachFunction); + } +}; + +jasmine.Env.prototype.currentRunner = function () { + return this.currentRunner_; +}; + +jasmine.Env.prototype.afterEach = function(afterEachFunction) { + if (this.currentSuite) { + this.currentSuite.afterEach(afterEachFunction); + } else { + this.currentRunner_.afterEach(afterEachFunction); + } + +}; + +jasmine.Env.prototype.xdescribe = function(desc, specDefinitions) { + return { + execute: function() { + } + }; +}; + +jasmine.Env.prototype.it = function(description, func) { + var spec = new jasmine.Spec(this, this.currentSuite, description); + this.currentSuite.add(spec); + this.currentSpec = spec; + + if (func) { + spec.runs(func); + } + + return spec; +}; + +jasmine.Env.prototype.xit = function(desc, func) { + return { + id: this.nextSpecId(), + runs: function() { + } + }; +}; + +jasmine.Env.prototype.compareRegExps_ = function(a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues) { + if (a.source != b.source) + mismatchValues.push("expected pattern /" + b.source + "/ is not equal to the pattern /" + a.source + "/"); + + if (a.ignoreCase != b.ignoreCase) + mismatchValues.push("expected modifier i was" + (b.ignoreCase ? " " : " not ") + "set and does not equal the origin modifier"); + + if (a.global != b.global) + mismatchValues.push("expected modifier g was" + (b.global ? " " : " not ") + "set and does not equal the origin modifier"); + + if (a.multiline != b.multiline) + mismatchValues.push("expected modifier m was" + (b.multiline ? " " : " not ") + "set and does not equal the origin modifier"); + + if (a.sticky != b.sticky) + mismatchValues.push("expected modifier y was" + (b.sticky ? " " : " not ") + "set and does not equal the origin modifier"); + + return (mismatchValues.length === 0); +}; + +jasmine.Env.prototype.compareObjects_ = function(a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues) { + if (a.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ === b && b.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ === a) { + return true; + } + + a.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ = b; + b.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ = a; + + var hasKey = function(obj, keyName) { + return obj !== null && obj[keyName] !== jasmine.undefined; + }; + + for (var property in b) { + if (!hasKey(a, property) && hasKey(b, property)) { + mismatchKeys.push("expected has key '" + property + "', but missing from actual."); + } + } + for (property in a) { + if (!hasKey(b, property) && hasKey(a, property)) { + mismatchKeys.push("expected missing key '" + property + "', but present in actual."); + } + } + for (property in b) { + if (property == '__Jasmine_been_here_before__') continue; + if (!this.equals_(a[property], b[property], mismatchKeys, mismatchValues)) { + mismatchValues.push("'" + property + "' was '" + (b[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(b[property].toString()) : b[property]) + "' in expected, but was '" + (a[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(a[property].toString()) : a[property]) + "' in actual."); + } + } + + if (jasmine.isArray_(a) && jasmine.isArray_(b) && a.length != b.length) { + mismatchValues.push("arrays were not the same length"); + } + + delete a.__Jasmine_been_here_before__; + delete b.__Jasmine_been_here_before__; + return (mismatchKeys.length === 0 && mismatchValues.length === 0); +}; + +jasmine.Env.prototype.equals_ = function(a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues) { + mismatchKeys = mismatchKeys || []; + mismatchValues = mismatchValues || []; + + for (var i = 0; i < this.equalityTesters_.length; i++) { + var equalityTester = this.equalityTesters_[i]; + var result = equalityTester(a, b, this, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues); + if (result !== jasmine.undefined) return result; + } + + if (a === b) return true; + + if (a === jasmine.undefined || a === null || b === jasmine.undefined || b === null) { + return (a == jasmine.undefined && b == jasmine.undefined); + } + + if (jasmine.isDomNode(a) && jasmine.isDomNode(b)) { + return a === b; + } + + if (a instanceof Date && b instanceof Date) { + return a.getTime() == b.getTime(); + } + + if (a.jasmineMatches) { + return a.jasmineMatches(b); + } + + if (b.jasmineMatches) { + return b.jasmineMatches(a); + } + + if (a instanceof jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining) { + return a.matches(b); + } + + if (b instanceof jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining) { + return b.matches(a); + } + + if (jasmine.isString_(a) && jasmine.isString_(b)) { + return (a == b); + } + + if (jasmine.isNumber_(a) && jasmine.isNumber_(b)) { + return (a == b); + } + + if (a instanceof RegExp && b instanceof RegExp) { + return this.compareRegExps_(a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues); + } + + if (typeof a === "object" && typeof b === "object") { + return this.compareObjects_(a, b, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues); + } + + //Straight check + return (a === b); +}; + +jasmine.Env.prototype.contains_ = function(haystack, needle) { + if (jasmine.isArray_(haystack)) { + for (var i = 0; i < haystack.length; i++) { + if (this.equals_(haystack[i], needle)) return true; + } + return false; + } + return haystack.indexOf(needle) >= 0; +}; + +jasmine.Env.prototype.addEqualityTester = function(equalityTester) { + this.equalityTesters_.push(equalityTester); +}; +/** No-op base class for Jasmine reporters. + * + * @constructor + */ +jasmine.Reporter = function() { +}; + +//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols +jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportRunnerStarting = function(runner) { +}; + +//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols +jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportRunnerResults = function(runner) { +}; + +//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols +jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportSuiteResults = function(suite) { +}; + +//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols +jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportSpecStarting = function(spec) { +}; + +//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols +jasmine.Reporter.prototype.reportSpecResults = function(spec) { +}; + +//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols +jasmine.Reporter.prototype.log = function(str) { +}; + +/** + * Blocks are functions with executable code that make up a spec. + * + * @constructor + * @param {jasmine.Env} env + * @param {Function} func + * @param {jasmine.Spec} spec + */ +jasmine.Block = function(env, func, spec) { + this.env = env; + this.func = func; + this.spec = spec; +}; + +jasmine.Block.prototype.execute = function(onComplete) { + if (!jasmine.CATCH_EXCEPTIONS) { + this.func.apply(this.spec); + } + else { + try { + this.func.apply(this.spec); + } catch (e) { + this.spec.fail(e); + } + } + onComplete(); +}; +/** JavaScript API reporter. + * + * @constructor + */ +jasmine.JsApiReporter = function() { + this.started = false; + this.finished = false; + this.suites_ = []; + this.results_ = {}; +}; + +jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportRunnerStarting = function(runner) { + this.started = true; + var suites = runner.topLevelSuites(); + for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) { + var suite = suites[i]; + this.suites_.push(this.summarize_(suite)); + } +}; + +jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.suites = function() { + return this.suites_; +}; + +jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.summarize_ = function(suiteOrSpec) { + var isSuite = suiteOrSpec instanceof jasmine.Suite; + var summary = { + id: suiteOrSpec.id, + name: suiteOrSpec.description, + type: isSuite ? 'suite' : 'spec', + children: [] + }; + + if (isSuite) { + var children = suiteOrSpec.children(); + for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { + summary.children.push(this.summarize_(children[i])); + } + } + return summary; +}; + +jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.results = function() { + return this.results_; +}; + +jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.resultsForSpec = function(specId) { + return this.results_[specId]; +}; + +//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols +jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportRunnerResults = function(runner) { + this.finished = true; +}; + +//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols +jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportSuiteResults = function(suite) { +}; + +//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols +jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.reportSpecResults = function(spec) { + this.results_[spec.id] = { + messages: spec.results().getItems(), + result: spec.results().failedCount > 0 ? "failed" : "passed" + }; +}; + +//noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols +jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.log = function(str) { +}; + +jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.resultsForSpecs = function(specIds){ + var results = {}; + for (var i = 0; i < specIds.length; i++) { + var specId = specIds[i]; + results[specId] = this.summarizeResult_(this.results_[specId]); + } + return results; +}; + +jasmine.JsApiReporter.prototype.summarizeResult_ = function(result){ + var summaryMessages = []; + var messagesLength = result.messages.length; + for (var messageIndex = 0; messageIndex < messagesLength; messageIndex++) { + var resultMessage = result.messages[messageIndex]; + summaryMessages.push({ + text: resultMessage.type == 'log' ? resultMessage.toString() : jasmine.undefined, + passed: resultMessage.passed ? resultMessage.passed() : true, + type: resultMessage.type, + message: resultMessage.message, + trace: { + stack: resultMessage.passed && !resultMessage.passed() ? resultMessage.trace.stack : jasmine.undefined + } + }); + } + + return { + result : result.result, + messages : summaryMessages + }; +}; + +/** + * @constructor + * @param {jasmine.Env} env + * @param actual + * @param {jasmine.Spec} spec + */ +jasmine.Matchers = function(env, actual, spec, opt_isNot) { + this.env = env; + this.actual = actual; + this.spec = spec; + this.isNot = opt_isNot || false; + this.reportWasCalled_ = false; +}; + +// todo: @deprecated as of Jasmine 0.11, remove soon [xw] +jasmine.Matchers.pp = function(str) { + throw new Error("jasmine.Matchers.pp() is no longer supported, please use jasmine.pp() instead!"); +}; + +// todo: @deprecated Deprecated as of Jasmine 0.10. Rewrite your custom matchers to return true or false. [xw] +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.report = function(result, failing_message, details) { + throw new Error("As of jasmine 0.11, custom matchers must be implemented differently -- please see jasmine docs"); +}; + +jasmine.Matchers.wrapInto_ = function(prototype, matchersClass) { + for (var methodName in prototype) { + if (methodName == 'report') continue; + var orig = prototype[methodName]; + matchersClass.prototype[methodName] = jasmine.Matchers.matcherFn_(methodName, orig); + } +}; + +jasmine.Matchers.matcherFn_ = function(matcherName, matcherFunction) { + return function() { + var matcherArgs = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments); + var result = matcherFunction.apply(this, arguments); + + if (this.isNot) { + result = !result; + } + + if (this.reportWasCalled_) return result; + + var message; + if (!result) { + if (this.message) { + message = this.message.apply(this, arguments); + if (jasmine.isArray_(message)) { + message = message[this.isNot ? 1 : 0]; + } + } else { + var englishyPredicate = matcherName.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(s) { return ' ' + s.toLowerCase(); }); + message = "Expected " + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + (this.isNot ? " not " : " ") + englishyPredicate; + if (matcherArgs.length > 0) { + for (var i = 0; i < matcherArgs.length; i++) { + if (i > 0) message += ","; + message += " " + jasmine.pp(matcherArgs[i]); + } + } + message += "."; + } + } + var expectationResult = new jasmine.ExpectationResult({ + matcherName: matcherName, + passed: result, + expected: matcherArgs.length > 1 ? matcherArgs : matcherArgs[0], + actual: this.actual, + message: message + }); + this.spec.addMatcherResult(expectationResult); + return jasmine.undefined; + }; +}; + + + + +/** + * toBe: compares the actual to the expected using === + * @param expected + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBe = function(expected) { + return this.actual === expected; +}; + +/** + * toNotBe: compares the actual to the expected using !== + * @param expected + * @deprecated as of 1.0. Use not.toBe() instead. + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotBe = function(expected) { + return this.actual !== expected; +}; + +/** + * toEqual: compares the actual to the expected using common sense equality. Handles Objects, Arrays, etc. + * + * @param expected + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toEqual = function(expected) { + return this.env.equals_(this.actual, expected); +}; + +/** + * toNotEqual: compares the actual to the expected using the ! of jasmine.Matchers.toEqual + * @param expected + * @deprecated as of 1.0. Use not.toEqual() instead. + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotEqual = function(expected) { + return !this.env.equals_(this.actual, expected); +}; + +/** + * Matcher that compares the actual to the expected using a regular expression. Constructs a RegExp, so takes + * a pattern or a String. + * + * @param expected + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toMatch = function(expected) { + return new RegExp(expected).test(this.actual); +}; + +/** + * Matcher that compares the actual to the expected using the boolean inverse of jasmine.Matchers.toMatch + * @param expected + * @deprecated as of 1.0. Use not.toMatch() instead. + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotMatch = function(expected) { + return !(new RegExp(expected).test(this.actual)); +}; + +/** + * Matcher that compares the actual to jasmine.undefined. + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeDefined = function() { + return (this.actual !== jasmine.undefined); +}; + +/** + * Matcher that compares the actual to jasmine.undefined. + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeUndefined = function() { + return (this.actual === jasmine.undefined); +}; + +/** + * Matcher that compares the actual to null. + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeNull = function() { + return (this.actual === null); +}; + +/** + * Matcher that compares the actual to NaN. + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeNaN = function() { + this.message = function() { + return [ "Expected " + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + " to be NaN." ]; + }; + + return (this.actual !== this.actual); +}; + +/** + * Matcher that boolean not-nots the actual. + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeTruthy = function() { + return !!this.actual; +}; + + +/** + * Matcher that boolean nots the actual. + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeFalsy = function() { + return !this.actual; +}; + + +/** + * Matcher that checks to see if the actual, a Jasmine spy, was called. + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toHaveBeenCalled = function() { + if (arguments.length > 0) { + throw new Error('toHaveBeenCalled does not take arguments, use toHaveBeenCalledWith'); + } + + if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) { + throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.'); + } + + this.message = function() { + return [ + "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called.", + "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " not to have been called." + ]; + }; + + return this.actual.wasCalled; +}; + +/** @deprecated Use expect(xxx).toHaveBeenCalled() instead */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.wasCalled = jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toHaveBeenCalled; + +/** + * Matcher that checks to see if the actual, a Jasmine spy, was not called. + * + * @deprecated Use expect(xxx).not.toHaveBeenCalled() instead + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.wasNotCalled = function() { + if (arguments.length > 0) { + throw new Error('wasNotCalled does not take arguments'); + } + + if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) { + throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.'); + } + + this.message = function() { + return [ + "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to not have been called.", + "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called." + ]; + }; + + return !this.actual.wasCalled; +}; + +/** + * Matcher that checks to see if the actual, a Jasmine spy, was called with a set of parameters. + * + * @example + * + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toHaveBeenCalledWith = function() { + var expectedArgs = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments); + if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) { + throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.'); + } + this.message = function() { + var invertedMessage = "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " not to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was."; + var positiveMessage = ""; + if (this.actual.callCount === 0) { + positiveMessage = "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was never called."; + } else { + positiveMessage = "Expected spy " + this.actual.identity + " to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but actual calls were " + jasmine.pp(this.actual.argsForCall).replace(/^\[ | \]$/g, '') + } + return [positiveMessage, invertedMessage]; + }; + + return this.env.contains_(this.actual.argsForCall, expectedArgs); +}; + +/** @deprecated Use expect(xxx).toHaveBeenCalledWith() instead */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.wasCalledWith = jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toHaveBeenCalledWith; + +/** @deprecated Use expect(xxx).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith() instead */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.wasNotCalledWith = function() { + var expectedArgs = jasmine.util.argsToArray(arguments); + if (!jasmine.isSpy(this.actual)) { + throw new Error('Expected a spy, but got ' + jasmine.pp(this.actual) + '.'); + } + + this.message = function() { + return [ + "Expected spy not to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was", + "Expected spy to have been called with " + jasmine.pp(expectedArgs) + " but it was" + ]; + }; + + return !this.env.contains_(this.actual.argsForCall, expectedArgs); +}; + +/** + * Matcher that checks that the expected item is an element in the actual Array. + * + * @param {Object} expected + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toContain = function(expected) { + return this.env.contains_(this.actual, expected); +}; + +/** + * Matcher that checks that the expected item is NOT an element in the actual Array. + * + * @param {Object} expected + * @deprecated as of 1.0. Use not.toContain() instead. + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toNotContain = function(expected) { + return !this.env.contains_(this.actual, expected); +}; + +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeLessThan = function(expected) { + return this.actual < expected; +}; + +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeGreaterThan = function(expected) { + return this.actual > expected; +}; + +/** + * Matcher that checks that the expected item is equal to the actual item + * up to a given level of decimal precision (default 2). + * + * @param {Number} expected + * @param {Number} precision, as number of decimal places + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toBeCloseTo = function(expected, precision) { + if (!(precision === 0)) { + precision = precision || 2; + } + return Math.abs(expected - this.actual) < (Math.pow(10, -precision) / 2); +}; + +/** + * Matcher that checks that the expected exception was thrown by the actual. + * + * @param {String} [expected] + */ +jasmine.Matchers.prototype.toThrow = function(expected) { + var result = false; + var exception; + if (typeof this.actual != 'function') { + throw new Error('Actual is not a function'); + } + try { + this.actual(); + } catch (e) { + exception = e; + } + if (exception) { + result = (expected === jasmine.undefined || this.env.equals_(exception.message || exception, expected.message || expected)); + } + + var not = this.isNot ? "not " : ""; + + this.message = function() { + if (exception && (expected === jasmine.undefined || !this.env.equals_(exception.message || exception, expected.message || expected))) { + return ["Expected function " + not + "to throw", expected ? expected.message || expected : "an exception", ", but it threw", exception.message || exception].join(' '); + } else { + return "Expected function to throw an exception."; + } + }; + + return result; +}; + +jasmine.Matchers.Any = function(expectedClass) { + this.expectedClass = expectedClass; +}; + +jasmine.Matchers.Any.prototype.jasmineMatches = function(other) { + if (this.expectedClass == String) { + return typeof other == 'string' || other instanceof String; + } + + if (this.expectedClass == Number) { + return typeof other == 'number' || other instanceof Number; + } + + if (this.expectedClass == Function) { + return typeof other == 'function' || other instanceof Function; + } + + if (this.expectedClass == Object) { + return typeof other == 'object'; + } + + return other instanceof this.expectedClass; +}; + +jasmine.Matchers.Any.prototype.jasmineToString = function() { + return ''; +}; + +jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining = function (sample) { + this.sample = sample; +}; + +jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining.prototype.jasmineMatches = function(other, mismatchKeys, mismatchValues) { + mismatchKeys = mismatchKeys || []; + mismatchValues = mismatchValues || []; + + var env = jasmine.getEnv(); + + var hasKey = function(obj, keyName) { + return obj != null && obj[keyName] !== jasmine.undefined; + }; + + for (var property in this.sample) { + if (!hasKey(other, property) && hasKey(this.sample, property)) { + mismatchKeys.push("expected has key '" + property + "', but missing from actual."); + } + else if (!env.equals_(this.sample[property], other[property], mismatchKeys, mismatchValues)) { + mismatchValues.push("'" + property + "' was '" + (other[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(other[property].toString()) : other[property]) + "' in expected, but was '" + (this.sample[property] ? jasmine.util.htmlEscape(this.sample[property].toString()) : this.sample[property]) + "' in actual."); + } + } + + return (mismatchKeys.length === 0 && mismatchValues.length === 0); +}; + +jasmine.Matchers.ObjectContaining.prototype.jasmineToString = function () { + return " "; +}; +// Mock setTimeout, clearTimeout +// Contributed by Pivotal Computer Systems, www.pivotalsf.com + +jasmine.FakeTimer = function() { + this.reset(); + + var self = this; + self.setTimeout = function(funcToCall, millis) { + self.timeoutsMade++; + self.scheduleFunction(self.timeoutsMade, funcToCall, millis, false); + return self.timeoutsMade; + }; + + self.setInterval = function(funcToCall, millis) { + self.timeoutsMade++; + self.scheduleFunction(self.timeoutsMade, funcToCall, millis, true); + return self.timeoutsMade; + }; + + self.clearTimeout = function(timeoutKey) { + self.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = jasmine.undefined; + }; + + self.clearInterval = function(timeoutKey) { + self.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = jasmine.undefined; + }; + +}; + +jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.reset = function() { + this.timeoutsMade = 0; + this.scheduledFunctions = {}; + this.nowMillis = 0; +}; + +jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.tick = function(millis) { + var oldMillis = this.nowMillis; + var newMillis = oldMillis + millis; + this.runFunctionsWithinRange(oldMillis, newMillis); + this.nowMillis = newMillis; +}; + +jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.runFunctionsWithinRange = function(oldMillis, nowMillis) { + var scheduledFunc; + var funcsToRun = []; + for (var timeoutKey in this.scheduledFunctions) { + scheduledFunc = this.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey]; + if (scheduledFunc != jasmine.undefined && + scheduledFunc.runAtMillis >= oldMillis && + scheduledFunc.runAtMillis <= nowMillis) { + funcsToRun.push(scheduledFunc); + this.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = jasmine.undefined; + } + } + + if (funcsToRun.length > 0) { + funcsToRun.sort(function(a, b) { + return a.runAtMillis - b.runAtMillis; + }); + for (var i = 0; i < funcsToRun.length; ++i) { + try { + var funcToRun = funcsToRun[i]; + this.nowMillis = funcToRun.runAtMillis; + funcToRun.funcToCall(); + if (funcToRun.recurring) { + this.scheduleFunction(funcToRun.timeoutKey, + funcToRun.funcToCall, + funcToRun.millis, + true); + } + } catch(e) { + } + } + this.runFunctionsWithinRange(oldMillis, nowMillis); + } +}; + +jasmine.FakeTimer.prototype.scheduleFunction = function(timeoutKey, funcToCall, millis, recurring) { + this.scheduledFunctions[timeoutKey] = { + runAtMillis: this.nowMillis + millis, + funcToCall: funcToCall, + recurring: recurring, + timeoutKey: timeoutKey, + millis: millis + }; +}; + +/** + * @namespace + */ +jasmine.Clock = { + defaultFakeTimer: new jasmine.FakeTimer(), + + reset: function() { + jasmine.Clock.assertInstalled(); + jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.reset(); + }, + + tick: function(millis) { + jasmine.Clock.assertInstalled(); + jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.tick(millis); + }, + + runFunctionsWithinRange: function(oldMillis, nowMillis) { + jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.runFunctionsWithinRange(oldMillis, nowMillis); + }, + + scheduleFunction: function(timeoutKey, funcToCall, millis, recurring) { + jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer.scheduleFunction(timeoutKey, funcToCall, millis, recurring); + }, + + useMock: function() { + if (!jasmine.Clock.isInstalled()) { + var spec = jasmine.getEnv().currentSpec; + spec.after(jasmine.Clock.uninstallMock); + + jasmine.Clock.installMock(); + } + }, + + installMock: function() { + jasmine.Clock.installed = jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer; + }, + + uninstallMock: function() { + jasmine.Clock.assertInstalled(); + jasmine.Clock.installed = jasmine.Clock.real; + }, + + real: { + setTimeout: jasmine.getGlobal().setTimeout, + clearTimeout: jasmine.getGlobal().clearTimeout, + setInterval: jasmine.getGlobal().setInterval, + clearInterval: jasmine.getGlobal().clearInterval + }, + + assertInstalled: function() { + if (!jasmine.Clock.isInstalled()) { + throw new Error("Mock clock is not installed, use jasmine.Clock.useMock()"); + } + }, + + isInstalled: function() { + return jasmine.Clock.installed == jasmine.Clock.defaultFakeTimer; + }, + + installed: null +}; +jasmine.Clock.installed = jasmine.Clock.real; + +//else for IE support +jasmine.getGlobal().setTimeout = function(funcToCall, millis) { + if (jasmine.Clock.installed.setTimeout.apply) { + return jasmine.Clock.installed.setTimeout.apply(this, arguments); + } else { + return jasmine.Clock.installed.setTimeout(funcToCall, millis); + } +}; + +jasmine.getGlobal().setInterval = function(funcToCall, millis) { + if (jasmine.Clock.installed.setInterval.apply) { + return jasmine.Clock.installed.setInterval.apply(this, arguments); + } else { + return jasmine.Clock.installed.setInterval(funcToCall, millis); + } +}; + +jasmine.getGlobal().clearTimeout = function(timeoutKey) { + if (jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout.apply) { + return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout.apply(this, arguments); + } else { + return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout(timeoutKey); + } +}; + +jasmine.getGlobal().clearInterval = function(timeoutKey) { + if (jasmine.Clock.installed.clearTimeout.apply) { + return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearInterval.apply(this, arguments); + } else { + return jasmine.Clock.installed.clearInterval(timeoutKey); + } +}; + +/** + * @constructor + */ +jasmine.MultiReporter = function() { + this.subReporters_ = []; +}; +jasmine.util.inherit(jasmine.MultiReporter, jasmine.Reporter); + +jasmine.MultiReporter.prototype.addReporter = function(reporter) { + this.subReporters_.push(reporter); +}; + +(function() { + var functionNames = [ + "reportRunnerStarting", + "reportRunnerResults", + "reportSuiteResults", + "reportSpecStarting", + "reportSpecResults", + "log" + ]; + for (var i = 0; i < functionNames.length; i++) { + var functionName = functionNames[i]; + jasmine.MultiReporter.prototype[functionName] = (function(functionName) { + return function() { + for (var j = 0; j < this.subReporters_.length; j++) { + var subReporter = this.subReporters_[j]; + if (subReporter[functionName]) { + subReporter[functionName].apply(subReporter, arguments); + } + } + }; + })(functionName); + } +})(); +/** + * Holds results for a set of Jasmine spec. Allows for the results array to hold another jasmine.NestedResults + * + * @constructor + */ +jasmine.NestedResults = function() { + /** + * The total count of results + */ + this.totalCount = 0; + /** + * Number of passed results + */ + this.passedCount = 0; + /** + * Number of failed results + */ + this.failedCount = 0; + /** + * Was this suite/spec skipped? + */ + this.skipped = false; + /** + * @ignore + */ + this.items_ = []; +}; + +/** + * Roll up the result counts. + * + * @param result + */ +jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.rollupCounts = function(result) { + this.totalCount += result.totalCount; + this.passedCount += result.passedCount; + this.failedCount += result.failedCount; +}; + +/** + * Adds a log message. + * @param values Array of message parts which will be concatenated later. + */ +jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.log = function(values) { + this.items_.push(new jasmine.MessageResult(values)); +}; + +/** + * Getter for the results: message & results. + */ +jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.getItems = function() { + return this.items_; +}; + +/** + * Adds a result, tracking counts (total, passed, & failed) + * @param {jasmine.ExpectationResult|jasmine.NestedResults} result + */ +jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.addResult = function(result) { + if (result.type != 'log') { + if (result.items_) { + this.rollupCounts(result); + } else { + this.totalCount++; + if (result.passed()) { + this.passedCount++; + } else { + this.failedCount++; + } + } + } + this.items_.push(result); +}; + +/** + * @returns {Boolean} True if everything below passed + */ +jasmine.NestedResults.prototype.passed = function() { + return this.passedCount === this.totalCount; +}; +/** + * Base class for pretty printing for expectation results. + */ +jasmine.PrettyPrinter = function() { + this.ppNestLevel_ = 0; +}; + +/** + * Formats a value in a nice, human-readable string. + * + * @param value + */ +jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.format = function(value) { + this.ppNestLevel_++; + try { + if (value === jasmine.undefined) { + this.emitScalar('undefined'); + } else if (value === null) { + this.emitScalar('null'); + } else if (value === jasmine.getGlobal()) { + this.emitScalar(' '); + } else if (value.jasmineToString) { + this.emitScalar(value.jasmineToString()); + } else if (typeof value === 'string') { + this.emitString(value); + } else if (jasmine.isSpy(value)) { + this.emitScalar("spy on " + value.identity); + } else if (value instanceof RegExp) { + this.emitScalar(value.toString()); + } else if (typeof value === 'function') { + this.emitScalar('Function'); + } else if (typeof value.nodeType === 'number') { + this.emitScalar('HTMLNode'); + } else if (value instanceof Date) { + this.emitScalar('Date(' + value + ')'); + } else if (value.__Jasmine_been_here_before__) { + this.emitScalar(' '); + } else if (jasmine.isArray_(value) || typeof value == 'object') { + value.__Jasmine_been_here_before__ = true; + if (jasmine.isArray_(value)) { + this.emitArray(value); + } else { + this.emitObject(value); + } + delete value.__Jasmine_been_here_before__; + } else { + this.emitScalar(value.toString()); + } + } finally { + this.ppNestLevel_--; + } +}; + +jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.iterateObject = function(obj, fn) { + for (var property in obj) { + if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(property)) continue; + if (property == '__Jasmine_been_here_before__') continue; + fn(property, obj.__lookupGetter__ ? (obj.__lookupGetter__(property) !== jasmine.undefined && + obj.__lookupGetter__(property) !== null) : false); + } +}; + +jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.emitArray = jasmine.unimplementedMethod_; +jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.emitObject = jasmine.unimplementedMethod_; +jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.emitScalar = jasmine.unimplementedMethod_; +jasmine.PrettyPrinter.prototype.emitString = jasmine.unimplementedMethod_; + +jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter = function() { + jasmine.PrettyPrinter.call(this); + + this.string = ''; +}; +jasmine.util.inherit(jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter, jasmine.PrettyPrinter); + +jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitScalar = function(value) { + this.append(value); +}; + +jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitString = function(value) { + this.append("'" + value + "'"); +}; + +jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitArray = function(array) { + if (this.ppNestLevel_ > jasmine.MAX_PRETTY_PRINT_DEPTH) { + this.append("Array"); + return; + } + + this.append('[ '); + for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { + if (i > 0) { + this.append(', '); + } + this.format(array[i]); + } + this.append(' ]'); +}; + +jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.emitObject = function(obj) { + if (this.ppNestLevel_ > jasmine.MAX_PRETTY_PRINT_DEPTH) { + this.append("Object"); + return; + } + + var self = this; + this.append('{ '); + var first = true; + + this.iterateObject(obj, function(property, isGetter) { + if (first) { + first = false; + } else { + self.append(', '); + } + + self.append(property); + self.append(' : '); + if (isGetter) { + self.append(' '); + } else { + self.format(obj[property]); + } + }); + + this.append(' }'); +}; + +jasmine.StringPrettyPrinter.prototype.append = function(value) { + this.string += value; +}; +jasmine.Queue = function(env) { + this.env = env; + + // parallel to blocks. each true value in this array means the block will + // get executed even if we abort + this.ensured = []; + this.blocks = []; + this.running = false; + this.index = 0; + this.offset = 0; + this.abort = false; +}; + +jasmine.Queue.prototype.addBefore = function(block, ensure) { + if (ensure === jasmine.undefined) { + ensure = false; + } + + this.blocks.unshift(block); + this.ensured.unshift(ensure); +}; + +jasmine.Queue.prototype.add = function(block, ensure) { + if (ensure === jasmine.undefined) { + ensure = false; + } + + this.blocks.push(block); + this.ensured.push(ensure); +}; + +jasmine.Queue.prototype.insertNext = function(block, ensure) { + if (ensure === jasmine.undefined) { + ensure = false; + } + + this.ensured.splice((this.index + this.offset + 1), 0, ensure); + this.blocks.splice((this.index + this.offset + 1), 0, block); + this.offset++; +}; + +jasmine.Queue.prototype.start = function(onComplete) { + this.running = true; + this.onComplete = onComplete; + this.next_(); +}; + +jasmine.Queue.prototype.isRunning = function() { + return this.running; +}; + +jasmine.Queue.LOOP_DONT_RECURSE = true; + +jasmine.Queue.prototype.next_ = function() { + var self = this; + var goAgain = true; + + while (goAgain) { + goAgain = false; + + if (self.index < self.blocks.length && !(this.abort && !this.ensured[self.index])) { + var calledSynchronously = true; + var completedSynchronously = false; + + var onComplete = function () { + if (jasmine.Queue.LOOP_DONT_RECURSE && calledSynchronously) { + completedSynchronously = true; + return; + } + + if (self.blocks[self.index].abort) { + self.abort = true; + } + + self.offset = 0; + self.index++; + + var now = new Date().getTime(); + if (self.env.updateInterval && now - self.env.lastUpdate > self.env.updateInterval) { + self.env.lastUpdate = now; + self.env.setTimeout(function() { + self.next_(); + }, 0); + } else { + if (jasmine.Queue.LOOP_DONT_RECURSE && completedSynchronously) { + goAgain = true; + } else { + self.next_(); + } + } + }; + self.blocks[self.index].execute(onComplete); + + calledSynchronously = false; + if (completedSynchronously) { + onComplete(); + } + + } else { + self.running = false; + if (self.onComplete) { + self.onComplete(); + } + } + } +}; + +jasmine.Queue.prototype.results = function() { + var results = new jasmine.NestedResults(); + for (var i = 0; i < this.blocks.length; i++) { + if (this.blocks[i].results) { + results.addResult(this.blocks[i].results()); + } + } + return results; +}; + + +/** + * Runner + * + * @constructor + * @param {jasmine.Env} env + */ +jasmine.Runner = function(env) { + var self = this; + self.env = env; + self.queue = new jasmine.Queue(env); + self.before_ = []; + self.after_ = []; + self.suites_ = []; +}; + +jasmine.Runner.prototype.execute = function() { + var self = this; + if (self.env.reporter.reportRunnerStarting) { + self.env.reporter.reportRunnerStarting(this); + } + self.queue.start(function () { + self.finishCallback(); + }); +}; + +jasmine.Runner.prototype.beforeEach = function(beforeEachFunction) { + beforeEachFunction.typeName = 'beforeEach'; + this.before_.splice(0,0,beforeEachFunction); +}; + +jasmine.Runner.prototype.afterEach = function(afterEachFunction) { + afterEachFunction.typeName = 'afterEach'; + this.after_.splice(0,0,afterEachFunction); +}; + + +jasmine.Runner.prototype.finishCallback = function() { + this.env.reporter.reportRunnerResults(this); +}; + +jasmine.Runner.prototype.addSuite = function(suite) { + this.suites_.push(suite); +}; + +jasmine.Runner.prototype.add = function(block) { + if (block instanceof jasmine.Suite) { + this.addSuite(block); + } + this.queue.add(block); +}; + +jasmine.Runner.prototype.specs = function () { + var suites = this.suites(); + var specs = []; + for (var i = 0; i < suites.length; i++) { + specs = specs.concat(suites[i].specs()); + } + return specs; +}; + +jasmine.Runner.prototype.suites = function() { + return this.suites_; +}; + +jasmine.Runner.prototype.topLevelSuites = function() { + var topLevelSuites = []; + for (var i = 0; i < this.suites_.length; i++) { + if (!this.suites_[i].parentSuite) { + topLevelSuites.push(this.suites_[i]); + } + } + return topLevelSuites; +}; + +jasmine.Runner.prototype.results = function() { + return this.queue.results(); +}; +/** + * Internal representation of a Jasmine specification, or test. + * + * @constructor + * @param {jasmine.Env} env + * @param {jasmine.Suite} suite + * @param {String} description + */ +jasmine.Spec = function(env, suite, description) { + if (!env) { + throw new Error('jasmine.Env() required'); + } + if (!suite) { + throw new Error('jasmine.Suite() required'); + } + var spec = this; + spec.id = env.nextSpecId ? env.nextSpecId() : null; + spec.env = env; + spec.suite = suite; + spec.description = description; + spec.queue = new jasmine.Queue(env); + + spec.afterCallbacks = []; + spec.spies_ = []; + + spec.results_ = new jasmine.NestedResults(); + spec.results_.description = description; + spec.matchersClass = null; +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.getFullName = function() { + return this.suite.getFullName() + ' ' + this.description + '.'; +}; + + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.results = function() { + return this.results_; +}; + +/** + * All parameters are pretty-printed and concatenated together, then written to the spec's output. + * + * Be careful not to leave calls to jasmine.log
in production code. + */ +jasmine.Spec.prototype.log = function() { + return this.results_.log(arguments); +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.runs = function (func) { + var block = new jasmine.Block(this.env, func, this); + this.addToQueue(block); + return this; +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.addToQueue = function (block) { + if (this.queue.isRunning()) { + this.queue.insertNext(block); + } else { + this.queue.add(block); + } +}; + +/** + * @param {jasmine.ExpectationResult} result + */ +jasmine.Spec.prototype.addMatcherResult = function(result) { + this.results_.addResult(result); +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.expect = function(actual) { + var positive = new (this.getMatchersClass_())(this.env, actual, this); + positive.not = new (this.getMatchersClass_())(this.env, actual, this, true); + return positive; +}; + +/** + * Waits a fixed time period before moving to the next block. + * + * @deprecated Use waitsFor() instead + * @param {Number} timeout milliseconds to wait + */ +jasmine.Spec.prototype.waits = function(timeout) { + var waitsFunc = new jasmine.WaitsBlock(this.env, timeout, this); + this.addToQueue(waitsFunc); + return this; +}; + +/** + * Waits for the latchFunction to return true before proceeding to the next block. + * + * @param {Function} latchFunction + * @param {String} optional_timeoutMessage + * @param {Number} optional_timeout + */ +jasmine.Spec.prototype.waitsFor = function(latchFunction, optional_timeoutMessage, optional_timeout) { + var latchFunction_ = null; + var optional_timeoutMessage_ = null; + var optional_timeout_ = null; + + for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { + var arg = arguments[i]; + switch (typeof arg) { + case 'function': + latchFunction_ = arg; + break; + case 'string': + optional_timeoutMessage_ = arg; + break; + case 'number': + optional_timeout_ = arg; + break; + } + } + + var waitsForFunc = new jasmine.WaitsForBlock(this.env, optional_timeout_, latchFunction_, optional_timeoutMessage_, this); + this.addToQueue(waitsForFunc); + return this; +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.fail = function (e) { + var expectationResult = new jasmine.ExpectationResult({ + passed: false, + message: e ? jasmine.util.formatException(e) : 'Exception', + trace: { stack: e.stack } + }); + this.results_.addResult(expectationResult); +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.getMatchersClass_ = function() { + return this.matchersClass || this.env.matchersClass; +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.addMatchers = function(matchersPrototype) { + var parent = this.getMatchersClass_(); + var newMatchersClass = function() { + parent.apply(this, arguments); + }; + jasmine.util.inherit(newMatchersClass, parent); + jasmine.Matchers.wrapInto_(matchersPrototype, newMatchersClass); + this.matchersClass = newMatchersClass; +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.finishCallback = function() { + this.env.reporter.reportSpecResults(this); +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.finish = function(onComplete) { + this.removeAllSpies(); + this.finishCallback(); + if (onComplete) { + onComplete(); + } +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.after = function(doAfter) { + if (this.queue.isRunning()) { + this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, doAfter, this), true); + } else { + this.afterCallbacks.unshift(doAfter); + } +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.execute = function(onComplete) { + var spec = this; + if (!spec.env.specFilter(spec)) { + spec.results_.skipped = true; + spec.finish(onComplete); + return; + } + + this.env.reporter.reportSpecStarting(this); + + spec.env.currentSpec = spec; + + spec.addBeforesAndAftersToQueue(); + + spec.queue.start(function () { + spec.finish(onComplete); + }); +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.addBeforesAndAftersToQueue = function() { + var runner = this.env.currentRunner(); + var i; + + for (var suite = this.suite; suite; suite = suite.parentSuite) { + for (i = 0; i < suite.before_.length; i++) { + this.queue.addBefore(new jasmine.Block(this.env, suite.before_[i], this)); + } + } + for (i = 0; i < runner.before_.length; i++) { + this.queue.addBefore(new jasmine.Block(this.env, runner.before_[i], this)); + } + for (i = 0; i < this.afterCallbacks.length; i++) { + this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, this.afterCallbacks[i], this), true); + } + for (suite = this.suite; suite; suite = suite.parentSuite) { + for (i = 0; i < suite.after_.length; i++) { + this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, suite.after_[i], this), true); + } + } + for (i = 0; i < runner.after_.length; i++) { + this.queue.add(new jasmine.Block(this.env, runner.after_[i], this), true); + } +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.explodes = function() { + throw 'explodes function should not have been called'; +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.spyOn = function(obj, methodName, ignoreMethodDoesntExist) { + if (obj == jasmine.undefined) { + throw "spyOn could not find an object to spy upon for " + methodName + "()"; + } + + if (!ignoreMethodDoesntExist && obj[methodName] === jasmine.undefined) { + throw methodName + '() method does not exist'; + } + + if (!ignoreMethodDoesntExist && obj[methodName] && obj[methodName].isSpy) { + throw new Error(methodName + ' has already been spied upon'); + } + + var spyObj = jasmine.createSpy(methodName); + + this.spies_.push(spyObj); + spyObj.baseObj = obj; + spyObj.methodName = methodName; + spyObj.originalValue = obj[methodName]; + + obj[methodName] = spyObj; + + return spyObj; +}; + +jasmine.Spec.prototype.removeAllSpies = function() { + for (var i = 0; i < this.spies_.length; i++) { + var spy = this.spies_[i]; + spy.baseObj[spy.methodName] = spy.originalValue; + } + this.spies_ = []; +}; + +/** + * Internal representation of a Jasmine suite. + * + * @constructor + * @param {jasmine.Env} env + * @param {String} description + * @param {Function} specDefinitions + * @param {jasmine.Suite} parentSuite + */ +jasmine.Suite = function(env, description, specDefinitions, parentSuite) { + var self = this; + self.id = env.nextSuiteId ? env.nextSuiteId() : null; + self.description = description; + self.queue = new jasmine.Queue(env); + self.parentSuite = parentSuite; + self.env = env; + self.before_ = []; + self.after_ = []; + self.children_ = []; + self.suites_ = []; + self.specs_ = []; +}; + +jasmine.Suite.prototype.getFullName = function() { + var fullName = this.description; + for (var parentSuite = this.parentSuite; parentSuite; parentSuite = parentSuite.parentSuite) { + fullName = parentSuite.description + ' ' + fullName; + } + return fullName; +}; + +jasmine.Suite.prototype.finish = function(onComplete) { + this.env.reporter.reportSuiteResults(this); + this.finished = true; + if (typeof(onComplete) == 'function') { + onComplete(); + } +}; + +jasmine.Suite.prototype.beforeEach = function(beforeEachFunction) { + beforeEachFunction.typeName = 'beforeEach'; + this.before_.unshift(beforeEachFunction); +}; + +jasmine.Suite.prototype.afterEach = function(afterEachFunction) { + afterEachFunction.typeName = 'afterEach'; + this.after_.unshift(afterEachFunction); +}; + +jasmine.Suite.prototype.results = function() { + return this.queue.results(); +}; + +jasmine.Suite.prototype.add = function(suiteOrSpec) { + this.children_.push(suiteOrSpec); + if (suiteOrSpec instanceof jasmine.Suite) { + this.suites_.push(suiteOrSpec); + this.env.currentRunner().addSuite(suiteOrSpec); + } else { + this.specs_.push(suiteOrSpec); + } + this.queue.add(suiteOrSpec); +}; + +jasmine.Suite.prototype.specs = function() { + return this.specs_; +}; + +jasmine.Suite.prototype.suites = function() { + return this.suites_; +}; + +jasmine.Suite.prototype.children = function() { + return this.children_; +}; + +jasmine.Suite.prototype.execute = function(onComplete) { + var self = this; + this.queue.start(function () { + self.finish(onComplete); + }); +}; +jasmine.WaitsBlock = function(env, timeout, spec) { + this.timeout = timeout; + jasmine.Block.call(this, env, null, spec); +}; + +jasmine.util.inherit(jasmine.WaitsBlock, jasmine.Block); + +jasmine.WaitsBlock.prototype.execute = function (onComplete) { + if (jasmine.VERBOSE) { + this.env.reporter.log('>> Jasmine waiting for ' + this.timeout + ' ms...'); + } + this.env.setTimeout(function () { + onComplete(); + }, this.timeout); +}; +/** + * A block which waits for some condition to become true, with timeout. + * + * @constructor + * @extends jasmine.Block + * @param {jasmine.Env} env The Jasmine environment. + * @param {Number} timeout The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the condition to become true. + * @param {Function} latchFunction A function which returns true when the desired condition has been met. + * @param {String} message The message to display if the desired condition hasn't been met within the given time period. + * @param {jasmine.Spec} spec The Jasmine spec. + */ +jasmine.WaitsForBlock = function(env, timeout, latchFunction, message, spec) { + this.timeout = timeout || env.defaultTimeoutInterval; + this.latchFunction = latchFunction; + this.message = message; + this.totalTimeSpentWaitingForLatch = 0; + jasmine.Block.call(this, env, null, spec); +}; +jasmine.util.inherit(jasmine.WaitsForBlock, jasmine.Block); + +jasmine.WaitsForBlock.TIMEOUT_INCREMENT = 10; + +jasmine.WaitsForBlock.prototype.execute = function(onComplete) { + if (jasmine.VERBOSE) { + this.env.reporter.log('>> Jasmine waiting for ' + (this.message || 'something to happen')); + } + var latchFunctionResult; + try { + latchFunctionResult = this.latchFunction.apply(this.spec); + } catch (e) { + this.spec.fail(e); + onComplete(); + return; + } + + if (latchFunctionResult) { + onComplete(); + } else if (this.totalTimeSpentWaitingForLatch >= this.timeout) { + var message = 'timed out after ' + this.timeout + ' msec waiting for ' + (this.message || 'something to happen'); + this.spec.fail({ + name: 'timeout', + message: message + }); + + this.abort = true; + onComplete(); + } else { + this.totalTimeSpentWaitingForLatch += jasmine.WaitsForBlock.TIMEOUT_INCREMENT; + var self = this; + this.env.setTimeout(function() { + self.execute(onComplete); + }, jasmine.WaitsForBlock.TIMEOUT_INCREMENT); + } +}; + +jasmine.version_= { + "major": 1, + "minor": 3, + "build": 1, + "revision": 1354556913 +}; diff --git a/node_modules/waypoints/test/lib/require.js b/node_modules/waypoints/test/lib/require.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0e7b81bc49 --- /dev/null +++ b/node_modules/waypoints/test/lib/require.js @@ -0,0 +1,1993 @@ +/** vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4 + * @license RequireJS 2.1.2 Copyright (c) 2010-2012, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved. + * Available via the MIT or new BSD license. + * see: http://github.com/jrburke/requirejs for details + */ +//Not using strict: uneven strict support in browsers, #392, and causes +//problems with requirejs.exec()/transpiler plugins that may not be strict. +/*jslint regexp: true, nomen: true, sloppy: true */ +/*global window, navigator, document, importScripts, jQuery, setTimeout, opera */ + +var requirejs, require, define; +(function (global) { + var req, s, head, baseElement, dataMain, src, + interactiveScript, currentlyAddingScript, mainScript, subPath, + version = '2.1.2', + commentRegExp = /(\/\*([\s\S]*?)\*\/|([^:]|^)\/\/(.*)$)/mg, + cjsRequireRegExp = /[^.]\s*require\s*\(\s*["']([^'"\s]+)["']\s*\)/g, + jsSuffixRegExp = /\.js$/, + currDirRegExp = /^\.\//, + op = Object.prototype, + ostring = op.toString, + hasOwn = op.hasOwnProperty, + ap = Array.prototype, + aps = ap.slice, + apsp = ap.splice, + isBrowser = !!(typeof window !== 'undefined' && navigator && document), + isWebWorker = !isBrowser && typeof importScripts !== 'undefined', + //PS3 indicates loaded and complete, but need to wait for complete + //specifically. Sequence is 'loading', 'loaded', execution, + // then 'complete'. The UA check is unfortunate, but not sure how + //to feature test w/o causing perf issues. + readyRegExp = isBrowser && navigator.platform === 'PLAYSTATION 3' ? + /^complete$/ : /^(complete|loaded)$/, + defContextName = '_', + //Oh the tragedy, detecting opera. See the usage of isOpera for reason. + isOpera = typeof opera !== 'undefined' && opera.toString() === '[object Opera]', + contexts = {}, + cfg = {}, + globalDefQueue = [], + useInteractive = false; + + function isFunction(it) { + return ostring.call(it) === '[object Function]'; + } + + function isArray(it) { + return ostring.call(it) === '[object Array]'; + } + + /** + * Helper function for iterating over an array. If the func returns + * a true value, it will break out of the loop. + */ + function each(ary, func) { + if (ary) { + var i; + for (i = 0; i < ary.length; i += 1) { + if (ary[i] && func(ary[i], i, ary)) { + break; + } + } + } + } + + /** + * Helper function for iterating over an array backwards. If the func + * returns a true value, it will break out of the loop. + */ + function eachReverse(ary, func) { + if (ary) { + var i; + for (i = ary.length - 1; i > -1; i -= 1) { + if (ary[i] && func(ary[i], i, ary)) { + break; + } + } + } + } + + function hasProp(obj, prop) { + return hasOwn.call(obj, prop); + } + + function getOwn(obj, prop) { + return hasProp(obj, prop) && obj[prop]; + } + + /** + * Cycles over properties in an object and calls a function for each + * property value. If the function returns a truthy value, then the + * iteration is stopped. + */ + function eachProp(obj, func) { + var prop; + for (prop in obj) { + if (hasProp(obj, prop)) { + if (func(obj[prop], prop)) { + break; + } + } + } + } + + /** + * Simple function to mix in properties from source into target, + * but only if target does not already have a property of the same name. + */ + function mixin(target, source, force, deepStringMixin) { + if (source) { + eachProp(source, function (value, prop) { + if (force || !hasProp(target, prop)) { + if (deepStringMixin && typeof value !== 'string') { + if (!target[prop]) { + target[prop] = {}; + } + mixin(target[prop], value, force, deepStringMixin); + } else { + target[prop] = value; + } + } + }); + } + return target; + } + + //Similar to Function.prototype.bind, but the 'this' object is specified + //first, since it is easier to read/figure out what 'this' will be. + function bind(obj, fn) { + return function () { + return fn.apply(obj, arguments); + }; + } + + function scripts() { + return document.getElementsByTagName('script'); + } + + //Allow getting a global that expressed in + //dot notation, like 'a.b.c'. + function getGlobal(value) { + if (!value) { + return value; + } + var g = global; + each(value.split('.'), function (part) { + g = g[part]; + }); + return g; + } + + /** + * Constructs an error with a pointer to an URL with more information. + * @param {String} id the error ID that maps to an ID on a web page. + * @param {String} message human readable error. + * @param {Error} [err] the original error, if there is one. + * + * @returns {Error} + */ + function makeError(id, msg, err, requireModules) { + var e = new Error(msg + '\nhttp://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#' + id); + e.requireType = id; + e.requireModules = requireModules; + if (err) { + e.originalError = err; + } + return e; + } + + if (typeof define !== 'undefined') { + //If a define is already in play via another AMD loader, + //do not overwrite. + return; + } + + if (typeof requirejs !== 'undefined') { + if (isFunction(requirejs)) { + //Do not overwrite and existing requirejs instance. + return; + } + cfg = requirejs; + requirejs = undefined; + } + + //Allow for a require config object + if (typeof require !== 'undefined' && !isFunction(require)) { + //assume it is a config object. + cfg = require; + require = undefined; + } + + function newContext(contextName) { + var inCheckLoaded, Module, context, handlers, + checkLoadedTimeoutId, + config = { + waitSeconds: 7, + baseUrl: './', + paths: {}, + pkgs: {}, + shim: {}, + map: {}, + config: {} + }, + registry = {}, + undefEvents = {}, + defQueue = [], + defined = {}, + urlFetched = {}, + requireCounter = 1, + unnormalizedCounter = 1; + + /** + * Trims the . and .. from an array of path segments. + * It will keep a leading path segment if a .. will become + * the first path segment, to help with module name lookups, + * which act like paths, but can be remapped. But the end result, + * all paths that use this function should look normalized. + * NOTE: this method MODIFIES the input array. + * @param {Array} ary the array of path segments. + */ + function trimDots(ary) { + var i, part; + for (i = 0; ary[i]; i += 1) { + part = ary[i]; + if (part === '.') { + ary.splice(i, 1); + i -= 1; + } else if (part === '..') { + if (i === 1 && (ary[2] === '..' || ary[0] === '..')) { + //End of the line. Keep at least one non-dot + //path segment at the front so it can be mapped + //correctly to disk. Otherwise, there is likely + //no path mapping for a path starting with '..'. + //This can still fail, but catches the most reasonable + //uses of .. + break; + } else if (i > 0) { + ary.splice(i - 1, 2); + i -= 2; + } + } + } + } + + /** + * Given a relative module name, like ./something, normalize it to + * a real name that can be mapped to a path. + * @param {String} name the relative name + * @param {String} baseName a real name that the name arg is relative + * to. + * @param {Boolean} applyMap apply the map config to the value. Should + * only be done if this normalization is for a dependency ID. + * @returns {String} normalized name + */ + function normalize(name, baseName, applyMap) { + var pkgName, pkgConfig, mapValue, nameParts, i, j, nameSegment, + foundMap, foundI, foundStarMap, starI, + baseParts = baseName && baseName.split('/'), + normalizedBaseParts = baseParts, + map = config.map, + starMap = map && map['*']; + + //Adjust any relative paths. + if (name && name.charAt(0) === '.') { + //If have a base name, try to normalize against it, + //otherwise, assume it is a top-level require that will + //be relative to baseUrl in the end. + if (baseName) { + if (getOwn(config.pkgs, baseName)) { + //If the baseName is a package name, then just treat it as one + //name to concat the name with. + normalizedBaseParts = baseParts = [baseName]; + } else { + //Convert baseName to array, and lop off the last part, + //so that . matches that 'directory' and not name of the baseName's + //module. For instance, baseName of 'one/two/three', maps to + //'one/two/three.js', but we want the directory, 'one/two' for + //this normalization. + normalizedBaseParts = baseParts.slice(0, baseParts.length - 1); + } + + name = normalizedBaseParts.concat(name.split('/')); + trimDots(name); + + //Some use of packages may use a . path to reference the + //'main' module name, so normalize for that. + pkgConfig = getOwn(config.pkgs, (pkgName = name[0])); + name = name.join('/'); + if (pkgConfig && name === pkgName + '/' + pkgConfig.main) { + name = pkgName; + } + } else if (name.indexOf('./') === 0) { + // No baseName, so this is ID is resolved relative + // to baseUrl, pull off the leading dot. + name = name.substring(2); + } + } + + //Apply map config if available. + if (applyMap && (baseParts || starMap) && map) { + nameParts = name.split('/'); + + for (i = nameParts.length; i > 0; i -= 1) { + nameSegment = nameParts.slice(0, i).join('/'); + + if (baseParts) { + //Find the longest baseName segment match in the config. + //So, do joins on the biggest to smallest lengths of baseParts. + for (j = baseParts.length; j > 0; j -= 1) { + mapValue = getOwn(map, baseParts.slice(0, j).join('/')); + + //baseName segment has config, find if it has one for + //this name. + if (mapValue) { + mapValue = getOwn(mapValue, nameSegment); + if (mapValue) { + //Match, update name to the new value. + foundMap = mapValue; + foundI = i; + break; + } + } + } + } + + if (foundMap) { + break; + } + + //Check for a star map match, but just hold on to it, + //if there is a shorter segment match later in a matching + //config, then favor over this star map. + if (!foundStarMap && starMap && getOwn(starMap, nameSegment)) { + foundStarMap = getOwn(starMap, nameSegment); + starI = i; + } + } + + if (!foundMap && foundStarMap) { + foundMap = foundStarMap; + foundI = starI; + } + + if (foundMap) { + nameParts.splice(0, foundI, foundMap); + name = nameParts.join('/'); + } + } + + return name; + } + + function removeScript(name) { + if (isBrowser) { + each(scripts(), function (scriptNode) { + if (scriptNode.getAttribute('data-requiremodule') === name && + scriptNode.getAttribute('data-requirecontext') === context.contextName) { + scriptNode.parentNode.removeChild(scriptNode); + return true; + } + }); + } + } + + function hasPathFallback(id) { + var pathConfig = getOwn(config.paths, id); + if (pathConfig && isArray(pathConfig) && pathConfig.length > 1) { + removeScript(id); + //Pop off the first array value, since it failed, and + //retry + pathConfig.shift(); + context.require.undef(id); + context.require([id]); + return true; + } + } + + //Turns a plugin!resource to [plugin, resource] + //with the plugin being undefined if the name + //did not have a plugin prefix. + function splitPrefix(name) { + var prefix, + index = name ? name.indexOf('!') : -1; + if (index > -1) { + prefix = name.substring(0, index); + name = name.substring(index + 1, name.length); + } + return [prefix, name]; + } + + /** + * Creates a module mapping that includes plugin prefix, module + * name, and path. If parentModuleMap is provided it will + * also normalize the name via require.normalize() + * + * @param {String} name the module name + * @param {String} [parentModuleMap] parent module map + * for the module name, used to resolve relative names. + * @param {Boolean} isNormalized: is the ID already normalized. + * This is true if this call is done for a define() module ID. + * @param {Boolean} applyMap: apply the map config to the ID. + * Should only be true if this map is for a dependency. + * + * @returns {Object} + */ + function makeModuleMap(name, parentModuleMap, isNormalized, applyMap) { + var url, pluginModule, suffix, nameParts, + prefix = null, + parentName = parentModuleMap ? parentModuleMap.name : null, + originalName = name, + isDefine = true, + normalizedName = ''; + + //If no name, then it means it is a require call, generate an + //internal name. + if (!name) { + isDefine = false; + name = '_@r' + (requireCounter += 1); + } + + nameParts = splitPrefix(name); + prefix = nameParts[0]; + name = nameParts[1]; + + if (prefix) { + prefix = normalize(prefix, parentName, applyMap); + pluginModule = getOwn(defined, prefix); + } + + //Account for relative paths if there is a base name. + if (name) { + if (prefix) { + if (pluginModule && pluginModule.normalize) { + //Plugin is loaded, use its normalize method. + normalizedName = pluginModule.normalize(name, function (name) { + return normalize(name, parentName, applyMap); + }); + } else { + normalizedName = normalize(name, parentName, applyMap); + } + } else { + //A regular module. + normalizedName = normalize(name, parentName, applyMap); + + //Normalized name may be a plugin ID due to map config + //application in normalize. The map config values must + //already be normalized, so do not need to redo that part. + nameParts = splitPrefix(normalizedName); + prefix = nameParts[0]; + normalizedName = nameParts[1]; + isNormalized = true; + + url = context.nameToUrl(normalizedName); + } + } + + //If the id is a plugin id that cannot be determined if it needs + //normalization, stamp it with a unique ID so two matching relative + //ids that may conflict can be separate. + suffix = prefix && !pluginModule && !isNormalized ? + '_unnormalized' + (unnormalizedCounter += 1) : + ''; + + return { + prefix: prefix, + name: normalizedName, + parentMap: parentModuleMap, + unnormalized: !!suffix, + url: url, + originalName: originalName, + isDefine: isDefine, + id: (prefix ? + prefix + '!' + normalizedName : + normalizedName) + suffix + }; + } + + function getModule(depMap) { + var id = depMap.id, + mod = getOwn(registry, id); + + if (!mod) { + mod = registry[id] = new context.Module(depMap); + } + + return mod; + } + + function on(depMap, name, fn) { + var id = depMap.id, + mod = getOwn(registry, id); + + if (hasProp(defined, id) && + (!mod || mod.defineEmitComplete)) { + if (name === 'defined') { + fn(defined[id]); + } + } else { + getModule(depMap).on(name, fn); + } + } + + function onError(err, errback) { + var ids = err.requireModules, + notified = false; + + if (errback) { + errback(err); + } else { + each(ids, function (id) { + var mod = getOwn(registry, id); + if (mod) { + //Set error on module, so it skips timeout checks. + mod.error = err; + if (mod.events.error) { + notified = true; + mod.emit('error', err); + } + } + }); + + if (!notified) { + req.onError(err); + } + } + } + + /** + * Internal method to transfer globalQueue items to this context's + * defQueue. + */ + function takeGlobalQueue() { + //Push all the globalDefQueue items into the context's defQueue + if (globalDefQueue.length) { + //Array splice in the values since the context code has a + //local var ref to defQueue, so cannot just reassign the one + //on context. + apsp.apply(defQueue, + [defQueue.length - 1, 0].concat(globalDefQueue)); + globalDefQueue = []; + } + } + + handlers = { + 'require': function (mod) { + if (mod.require) { + return mod.require; + } else { + return (mod.require = context.makeRequire(mod.map)); + } + }, + 'exports': function (mod) { + mod.usingExports = true; + if (mod.map.isDefine) { + if (mod.exports) { + return mod.exports; + } else { + return (mod.exports = defined[mod.map.id] = {}); + } + } + }, + 'module': function (mod) { + if (mod.module) { + return mod.module; + } else { + return (mod.module = { + id: mod.map.id, + uri: mod.map.url, + config: function () { + return (config.config && getOwn(config.config, mod.map.id)) || {}; + }, + exports: defined[mod.map.id] + }); + } + } + }; + + function cleanRegistry(id) { + //Clean up machinery used for waiting modules. + delete registry[id]; + } + + function breakCycle(mod, traced, processed) { + var id = mod.map.id; + + if (mod.error) { + mod.emit('error', mod.error); + } else { + traced[id] = true; + each(mod.depMaps, function (depMap, i) { + var depId = depMap.id, + dep = getOwn(registry, depId); + + //Only force things that have not completed + //being defined, so still in the registry, + //and only if it has not been matched up + //in the module already. + if (dep && !mod.depMatched[i] && !processed[depId]) { + if (getOwn(traced, depId)) { + mod.defineDep(i, defined[depId]); + mod.check(); //pass false? + } else { + breakCycle(dep, traced, processed); + } + } + }); + processed[id] = true; + } + } + + function checkLoaded() { + var map, modId, err, usingPathFallback, + waitInterval = config.waitSeconds * 1000, + //It is possible to disable the wait interval by using waitSeconds of 0. + expired = waitInterval && (context.startTime + waitInterval) < new Date().getTime(), + noLoads = [], + reqCalls = [], + stillLoading = false, + needCycleCheck = true; + + //Do not bother if this call was a result of a cycle break. + if (inCheckLoaded) { + return; + } + + inCheckLoaded = true; + + //Figure out the state of all the modules. + eachProp(registry, function (mod) { + map = mod.map; + modId = map.id; + + //Skip things that are not enabled or in error state. + if (!mod.enabled) { + return; + } + + if (!map.isDefine) { + reqCalls.push(mod); + } + + if (!mod.error) { + //If the module should be executed, and it has not + //been inited and time is up, remember it. + if (!mod.inited && expired) { + if (hasPathFallback(modId)) { + usingPathFallback = true; + stillLoading = true; + } else { + noLoads.push(modId); + removeScript(modId); + } + } else if (!mod.inited && mod.fetched && map.isDefine) { + stillLoading = true; + if (!map.prefix) { + //No reason to keep looking for unfinished + //loading. If the only stillLoading is a + //plugin resource though, keep going, + //because it may be that a plugin resource + //is waiting on a non-plugin cycle. + return (needCycleCheck = false); + } + } + } + }); + + if (expired && noLoads.length) { + //If wait time expired, throw error of unloaded modules. + err = makeError('timeout', 'Load timeout for modules: ' + noLoads, null, noLoads); + err.contextName = context.contextName; + return onError(err); + } + + //Not expired, check for a cycle. + if (needCycleCheck) { + each(reqCalls, function (mod) { + breakCycle(mod, {}, {}); + }); + } + + //If still waiting on loads, and the waiting load is something + //other than a plugin resource, or there are still outstanding + //scripts, then just try back later. + if ((!expired || usingPathFallback) && stillLoading) { + //Something is still waiting to load. Wait for it, but only + //if a timeout is not already in effect. + if ((isBrowser || isWebWorker) && !checkLoadedTimeoutId) { + checkLoadedTimeoutId = setTimeout(function () { + checkLoadedTimeoutId = 0; + checkLoaded(); + }, 50); + } + } + + inCheckLoaded = false; + } + + Module = function (map) { + this.events = getOwn(undefEvents, map.id) || {}; + this.map = map; + this.shim = getOwn(config.shim, map.id); + this.depExports = []; + this.depMaps = []; + this.depMatched = []; + this.pluginMaps = {}; + this.depCount = 0; + + /* this.exports this.factory + this.depMaps = [], + this.enabled, this.fetched + */ + }; + + Module.prototype = { + init: function (depMaps, factory, errback, options) { + options = options || {}; + + //Do not do more inits if already done. Can happen if there + //are multiple define calls for the same module. That is not + //a normal, common case, but it is also not unexpected. + if (this.inited) { + return; + } + + this.factory = factory; + + if (errback) { + //Register for errors on this module. + this.on('error', errback); + } else if (this.events.error) { + //If no errback already, but there are error listeners + //on this module, set up an errback to pass to the deps. + errback = bind(this, function (err) { + this.emit('error', err); + }); + } + + //Do a copy of the dependency array, so that + //source inputs are not modified. For example + //"shim" deps are passed in here directly, and + //doing a direct modification of the depMaps array + //would affect that config. + this.depMaps = depMaps && depMaps.slice(0); + + this.errback = errback; + + //Indicate this module has be initialized + this.inited = true; + + this.ignore = options.ignore; + + //Could have option to init this module in enabled mode, + //or could have been previously marked as enabled. However, + //the dependencies are not known until init is called. So + //if enabled previously, now trigger dependencies as enabled. + if (options.enabled || this.enabled) { + //Enable this module and dependencies. + //Will call this.check() + this.enable(); + } else { + this.check(); + } + }, + + defineDep: function (i, depExports) { + //Because of cycles, defined callback for a given + //export can be called more than once. + if (!this.depMatched[i]) { + this.depMatched[i] = true; + this.depCount -= 1; + this.depExports[i] = depExports; + } + }, + + fetch: function () { + if (this.fetched) { + return; + } + this.fetched = true; + + context.startTime = (new Date()).getTime(); + + var map = this.map; + + //If the manager is for a plugin managed resource, + //ask the plugin to load it now. + if (this.shim) { + context.makeRequire(this.map, { + enableBuildCallback: true + })(this.shim.deps || [], bind(this, function () { + return map.prefix ? this.callPlugin() : this.load(); + })); + } else { + //Regular dependency. + return map.prefix ? this.callPlugin() : this.load(); + } + }, + + load: function () { + var url = this.map.url; + + //Regular dependency. + if (!urlFetched[url]) { + urlFetched[url] = true; + context.load(this.map.id, url); + } + }, + + /** + * Checks is the module is ready to define itself, and if so, + * define it. + */ + check: function () { + if (!this.enabled || this.enabling) { + return; + } + + var err, cjsModule, + id = this.map.id, + depExports = this.depExports, + exports = this.exports, + factory = this.factory; + + if (!this.inited) { + this.fetch(); + } else if (this.error) { + this.emit('error', this.error); + } else if (!this.defining) { + //The factory could trigger another require call + //that would result in checking this module to + //define itself again. If already in the process + //of doing that, skip this work. + this.defining = true; + + if (this.depCount < 1 && !this.defined) { + if (isFunction(factory)) { + //If there is an error listener, favor passing + //to that instead of throwing an error. + if (this.events.error) { + try { + exports = context.execCb(id, factory, depExports, exports); + } catch (e) { + err = e; + } + } else { + exports = context.execCb(id, factory, depExports, exports); + } + + if (this.map.isDefine) { + //If setting exports via 'module' is in play, + //favor that over return value and exports. After that, + //favor a non-undefined return value over exports use. + cjsModule = this.module; + if (cjsModule && + cjsModule.exports !== undefined && + //Make sure it is not already the exports value + cjsModule.exports !== this.exports) { + exports = cjsModule.exports; + } else if (exports === undefined && this.usingExports) { + //exports already set the defined value. + exports = this.exports; + } + } + + if (err) { + err.requireMap = this.map; + err.requireModules = [this.map.id]; + err.requireType = 'define'; + return onError((this.error = err)); + } + + } else { + //Just a literal value + exports = factory; + } + + this.exports = exports; + + if (this.map.isDefine && !this.ignore) { + defined[id] = exports; + + if (req.onResourceLoad) { + req.onResourceLoad(context, this.map, this.depMaps); + } + } + + //Clean up + delete registry[id]; + + this.defined = true; + } + + //Finished the define stage. Allow calling check again + //to allow define notifications below in the case of a + //cycle. + this.defining = false; + + if (this.defined && !this.defineEmitted) { + this.defineEmitted = true; + this.emit('defined', this.exports); + this.defineEmitComplete = true; + } + + } + }, + + callPlugin: function () { + var map = this.map, + id = map.id, + //Map already normalized the prefix. + pluginMap = makeModuleMap(map.prefix); + + //Mark this as a dependency for this plugin, so it + //can be traced for cycles. + this.depMaps.push(pluginMap); + + on(pluginMap, 'defined', bind(this, function (plugin) { + var load, normalizedMap, normalizedMod, + name = this.map.name, + parentName = this.map.parentMap ? this.map.parentMap.name : null, + localRequire = context.makeRequire(map.parentMap, { + enableBuildCallback: true, + skipMap: true + }); + + //If current map is not normalized, wait for that + //normalized name to load instead of continuing. + if (this.map.unnormalized) { + //Normalize the ID if the plugin allows it. + if (plugin.normalize) { + name = plugin.normalize(name, function (name) { + return normalize(name, parentName, true); + }) || ''; + } + + //prefix and name should already be normalized, no need + //for applying map config again either. + normalizedMap = makeModuleMap(map.prefix + '!' + name, + this.map.parentMap); + on(normalizedMap, + 'defined', bind(this, function (value) { + this.init([], function () { return value; }, null, { + enabled: true, + ignore: true + }); + })); + + normalizedMod = getOwn(registry, normalizedMap.id); + if (normalizedMod) { + //Mark this as a dependency for this plugin, so it + //can be traced for cycles. + this.depMaps.push(normalizedMap); + + if (this.events.error) { + normalizedMod.on('error', bind(this, function (err) { + this.emit('error', err); + })); + } + normalizedMod.enable(); + } + + return; + } + + load = bind(this, function (value) { + this.init([], function () { return value; }, null, { + enabled: true + }); + }); + + load.error = bind(this, function (err) { + this.inited = true; + this.error = err; + err.requireModules = [id]; + + //Remove temp unnormalized modules for this module, + //since they will never be resolved otherwise now. + eachProp(registry, function (mod) { + if (mod.map.id.indexOf(id + '_unnormalized') === 0) { + cleanRegistry(mod.map.id); + } + }); + + onError(err); + }); + + //Allow plugins to load other code without having to know the + //context or how to 'complete' the load. + load.fromText = bind(this, function (text, textAlt) { + /*jslint evil: true */ + var moduleName = map.name, + moduleMap = makeModuleMap(moduleName), + hasInteractive = useInteractive; + + //As of 2.1.0, support just passing the text, to reinforce + //fromText only being called once per resource. Still + //support old style of passing moduleName but discard + //that moduleName in favor of the internal ref. + if (textAlt) { + text = textAlt; + } + + //Turn off interactive script matching for IE for any define + //calls in the text, then turn it back on at the end. + if (hasInteractive) { + useInteractive = false; + } + + //Prime the system by creating a module instance for + //it. + getModule(moduleMap); + + //Transfer any config to this other module. + if (hasProp(config.config, id)) { + config.config[moduleName] = config.config[id]; + } + + try { + req.exec(text); + } catch (e) { + throw new Error('fromText eval for ' + moduleName + + ' failed: ' + e); + } + + if (hasInteractive) { + useInteractive = true; + } + + //Mark this as a dependency for the plugin + //resource + this.depMaps.push(moduleMap); + + //Support anonymous modules. + context.completeLoad(moduleName); + + //Bind the value of that module to the value for this + //resource ID. + localRequire([moduleName], load); + }); + + //Use parentName here since the plugin's name is not reliable, + //could be some weird string with no path that actually wants to + //reference the parentName's path. + plugin.load(map.name, localRequire, load, config); + })); + + context.enable(pluginMap, this); + this.pluginMaps[pluginMap.id] = pluginMap; + }, + + enable: function () { + this.enabled = true; + + //Set flag mentioning that the module is enabling, + //so that immediate calls to the defined callbacks + //for dependencies do not trigger inadvertent load + //with the depCount still being zero. + this.enabling = true; + + //Enable each dependency + each(this.depMaps, bind(this, function (depMap, i) { + var id, mod, handler; + + if (typeof depMap === 'string') { + //Dependency needs to be converted to a depMap + //and wired up to this module. + depMap = makeModuleMap(depMap, + (this.map.isDefine ? this.map : this.map.parentMap), + false, + !this.skipMap); + this.depMaps[i] = depMap; + + handler = getOwn(handlers, depMap.id); + + if (handler) { + this.depExports[i] = handler(this); + return; + } + + this.depCount += 1; + + on(depMap, 'defined', bind(this, function (depExports) { + this.defineDep(i, depExports); + this.check(); + })); + + if (this.errback) { + on(depMap, 'error', this.errback); + } + } + + id = depMap.id; + mod = registry[id]; + + //Skip special modules like 'require', 'exports', 'module' + //Also, don't call enable if it is already enabled, + //important in circular dependency cases. + if (!hasProp(handlers, id) && mod && !mod.enabled) { + context.enable(depMap, this); + } + })); + + //Enable each plugin that is used in + //a dependency + eachProp(this.pluginMaps, bind(this, function (pluginMap) { + var mod = getOwn(registry, pluginMap.id); + if (mod && !mod.enabled) { + context.enable(pluginMap, this); + } + })); + + this.enabling = false; + + this.check(); + }, + + on: function (name, cb) { + var cbs = this.events[name]; + if (!cbs) { + cbs = this.events[name] = []; + } + cbs.push(cb); + }, + + emit: function (name, evt) { + each(this.events[name], function (cb) { + cb(evt); + }); + if (name === 'error') { + //Now that the error handler was triggered, remove + //the listeners, since this broken Module instance + //can stay around for a while in the registry. + delete this.events[name]; + } + } + }; + + function callGetModule(args) { + //Skip modules already defined. + if (!hasProp(defined, args[0])) { + getModule(makeModuleMap(args[0], null, true)).init(args[1], args[2]); + } + } + + function removeListener(node, func, name, ieName) { + //Favor detachEvent because of IE9 + //issue, see attachEvent/addEventListener comment elsewhere + //in this file. + if (node.detachEvent && !isOpera) { + //Probably IE. If not it will throw an error, which will be + //useful to know. + if (ieName) { + node.detachEvent(ieName, func); + } + } else { + node.removeEventListener(name, func, false); + } + } + + /** + * Given an event from a script node, get the requirejs info from it, + * and then removes the event listeners on the node. + * @param {Event} evt + * @returns {Object} + */ + function getScriptData(evt) { + //Using currentTarget instead of target for Firefox 2.0's sake. Not + //all old browsers will be supported, but this one was easy enough + //to support and still makes sense. + var node = evt.currentTarget || evt.srcElement; + + //Remove the listeners once here. + removeListener(node, context.onScriptLoad, 'load', 'onreadystatechange'); + removeListener(node, context.onScriptError, 'error'); + + return { + node: node, + id: node && node.getAttribute('data-requiremodule') + }; + } + + function intakeDefines() { + var args; + + //Any defined modules in the global queue, intake them now. + takeGlobalQueue(); + + //Make sure any remaining defQueue items get properly processed. + while (defQueue.length) { + args = defQueue.shift(); + if (args[0] === null) { + return onError(makeError('mismatch', 'Mismatched anonymous define() module: ' + args[args.length - 1])); + } else { + //args are id, deps, factory. Should be normalized by the + //define() function. + callGetModule(args); + } + } + } + + context = { + config: config, + contextName: contextName, + registry: registry, + defined: defined, + urlFetched: urlFetched, + defQueue: defQueue, + Module: Module, + makeModuleMap: makeModuleMap, + nextTick: req.nextTick, + + /** + * Set a configuration for the context. + * @param {Object} cfg config object to integrate. + */ + configure: function (cfg) { + //Make sure the baseUrl ends in a slash. + if (cfg.baseUrl) { + if (cfg.baseUrl.charAt(cfg.baseUrl.length - 1) !== '/') { + cfg.baseUrl += '/'; + } + } + + //Save off the paths and packages since they require special processing, + //they are additive. + var pkgs = config.pkgs, + shim = config.shim, + objs = { + paths: true, + config: true, + map: true + }; + + eachProp(cfg, function (value, prop) { + if (objs[prop]) { + if (prop === 'map') { + mixin(config[prop], value, true, true); + } else { + mixin(config[prop], value, true); + } + } else { + config[prop] = value; + } + }); + + //Merge shim + if (cfg.shim) { + eachProp(cfg.shim, function (value, id) { + //Normalize the structure + if (isArray(value)) { + value = { + deps: value + }; + } + if ((value.exports || value.init) && !value.exportsFn) { + value.exportsFn = context.makeShimExports(value); + } + shim[id] = value; + }); + config.shim = shim; + } + + //Adjust packages if necessary. + if (cfg.packages) { + each(cfg.packages, function (pkgObj) { + var location; + + pkgObj = typeof pkgObj === 'string' ? { name: pkgObj } : pkgObj; + location = pkgObj.location; + + //Create a brand new object on pkgs, since currentPackages can + //be passed in again, and config.pkgs is the internal transformed + //state for all package configs. + pkgs[pkgObj.name] = { + name: pkgObj.name, + location: location || pkgObj.name, + //Remove leading dot in main, so main paths are normalized, + //and remove any trailing .js, since different package + //envs have different conventions: some use a module name, + //some use a file name. + main: (pkgObj.main || 'main') + .replace(currDirRegExp, '') + .replace(jsSuffixRegExp, '') + }; + }); + + //Done with modifications, assing packages back to context config + config.pkgs = pkgs; + } + + //If there are any "waiting to execute" modules in the registry, + //update the maps for them, since their info, like URLs to load, + //may have changed. + eachProp(registry, function (mod, id) { + //If module already has init called, since it is too + //late to modify them, and ignore unnormalized ones + //since they are transient. + if (!mod.inited && !mod.map.unnormalized) { + mod.map = makeModuleMap(id); + } + }); + + //If a deps array or a config callback is specified, then call + //require with those args. This is useful when require is defined as a + //config object before require.js is loaded. + if (cfg.deps || cfg.callback) { + context.require(cfg.deps || [], cfg.callback); + } + }, + + makeShimExports: function (value) { + function fn() { + var ret; + if (value.init) { + ret = value.init.apply(global, arguments); + } + return ret || (value.exports && getGlobal(value.exports)); + } + return fn; + }, + + makeRequire: function (relMap, options) { + options = options || {}; + + function localRequire(deps, callback, errback) { + var id, map, requireMod; + + if (options.enableBuildCallback && callback && isFunction(callback)) { + callback.__requireJsBuild = true; + } + + if (typeof deps === 'string') { + if (isFunction(callback)) { + //Invalid call + return onError(makeError('requireargs', 'Invalid require call'), errback); + } + + //If require|exports|module are requested, get the + //value for them from the special handlers. Caveat: + //this only works while module is being defined. + if (relMap && hasProp(handlers, deps)) { + return handlers[deps](registry[relMap.id]); + } + + //Synchronous access to one module. If require.get is + //available (as in the Node adapter), prefer that. + if (req.get) { + return req.get(context, deps, relMap); + } + + //Normalize module name, if it contains . or .. + map = makeModuleMap(deps, relMap, false, true); + id = map.id; + + if (!hasProp(defined, id)) { + return onError(makeError('notloaded', 'Module name "' + + id + + '" has not been loaded yet for context: ' + + contextName + + (relMap ? '' : '. Use require([])'))); + } + return defined[id]; + } + + //Grab defines waiting in the global queue. + intakeDefines(); + + //Mark all the dependencies as needing to be loaded. + context.nextTick(function () { + //Some defines could have been added since the + //require call, collect them. + intakeDefines(); + + requireMod = getModule(makeModuleMap(null, relMap)); + + //Store if map config should be applied to this require + //call for dependencies. + requireMod.skipMap = options.skipMap; + + requireMod.init(deps, callback, errback, { + enabled: true + }); + + checkLoaded(); + }); + + return localRequire; + } + + mixin(localRequire, { + isBrowser: isBrowser, + + /** + * Converts a module name + .extension into an URL path. + * *Requires* the use of a module name. It does not support using + * plain URLs like nameToUrl. + */ + toUrl: function (moduleNamePlusExt) { + var index = moduleNamePlusExt.lastIndexOf('.'), + ext = null; + + if (index !== -1) { + ext = moduleNamePlusExt.substring(index, moduleNamePlusExt.length); + moduleNamePlusExt = moduleNamePlusExt.substring(0, index); + } + + return context.nameToUrl(normalize(moduleNamePlusExt, + relMap && relMap.id, true), ext); + }, + + defined: function (id) { + return hasProp(defined, makeModuleMap(id, relMap, false, true).id); + }, + + specified: function (id) { + id = makeModuleMap(id, relMap, false, true).id; + return hasProp(defined, id) || hasProp(registry, id); + } + }); + + //Only allow undef on top level require calls + if (!relMap) { + localRequire.undef = function (id) { + //Bind any waiting define() calls to this context, + //fix for #408 + takeGlobalQueue(); + + var map = makeModuleMap(id, relMap, true), + mod = getOwn(registry, id); + + delete defined[id]; + delete urlFetched[map.url]; + delete undefEvents[id]; + + if (mod) { + //Hold on to listeners in case the + //module will be attempted to be reloaded + //using a different config. + if (mod.events.defined) { + undefEvents[id] = mod.events; + } + + cleanRegistry(id); + } + }; + } + + return localRequire; + }, + + /** + * Called to enable a module if it is still in the registry + * awaiting enablement. parent module is passed in for context, + * used by the optimizer. + */ + enable: function (depMap, parent) { + var mod = getOwn(registry, depMap.id); + if (mod) { + getModule(depMap).enable(); + } + }, + + /** + * Internal method used by environment adapters to complete a load event. + * A load event could be a script load or just a load pass from a synchronous + * load call. + * @param {String} moduleName the name of the module to potentially complete. + */ + completeLoad: function (moduleName) { + var found, args, mod, + shim = getOwn(config.shim, moduleName) || {}, + shExports = shim.exports; + + takeGlobalQueue(); + + while (defQueue.length) { + args = defQueue.shift(); + if (args[0] === null) { + args[0] = moduleName; + //If already found an anonymous module and bound it + //to this name, then this is some other anon module + //waiting for its completeLoad to fire. + if (found) { + break; + } + found = true; + } else if (args[0] === moduleName) { + //Found matching define call for this script! + found = true; + } + + callGetModule(args); + } + + //Do this after the cycle of callGetModule in case the result + //of those calls/init calls changes the registry. + mod = getOwn(registry, moduleName); + + if (!found && !hasProp(defined, moduleName) && mod && !mod.inited) { + if (config.enforceDefine && (!shExports || !getGlobal(shExports))) { + if (hasPathFallback(moduleName)) { + return; + } else { + return onError(makeError('nodefine', + 'No define call for ' + moduleName, + null, + [moduleName])); + } + } else { + //A script that does not call define(), so just simulate + //the call for it. + callGetModule([moduleName, (shim.deps || []), shim.exportsFn]); + } + } + + checkLoaded(); + }, + + /** + * Converts a module name to a file path. Supports cases where + * moduleName may actually be just an URL. + * Note that it **does not** call normalize on the moduleName, + * it is assumed to have already been normalized. This is an + * internal API, not a public one. Use toUrl for the public API. + */ + nameToUrl: function (moduleName, ext) { + var paths, pkgs, pkg, pkgPath, syms, i, parentModule, url, + parentPath; + + //If a colon is in the URL, it indicates a protocol is used and it is just + //an URL to a file, or if it starts with a slash, contains a query arg (i.e. ?) + //or ends with .js, then assume the user meant to use an url and not a module id. + //The slash is important for protocol-less URLs as well as full paths. + if (req.jsExtRegExp.test(moduleName)) { + //Just a plain path, not module name lookup, so just return it. + //Add extension if it is included. This is a bit wonky, only non-.js things pass + //an extension, this method probably needs to be reworked. + url = moduleName + (ext || ''); + } else { + //A module that needs to be converted to a path. + paths = config.paths; + pkgs = config.pkgs; + + syms = moduleName.split('/'); + //For each module name segment, see if there is a path + //registered for it. Start with most specific name + //and work up from it. + for (i = syms.length; i > 0; i -= 1) { + parentModule = syms.slice(0, i).join('/'); + pkg = getOwn(pkgs, parentModule); + parentPath = getOwn(paths, parentModule); + if (parentPath) { + //If an array, it means there are a few choices, + //Choose the one that is desired + if (isArray(parentPath)) { + parentPath = parentPath[0]; + } + syms.splice(0, i, parentPath); + break; + } else if (pkg) { + //If module name is just the package name, then looking + //for the main module. + if (moduleName === pkg.name) { + pkgPath = pkg.location + '/' + pkg.main; + } else { + pkgPath = pkg.location; + } + syms.splice(0, i, pkgPath); + break; + } + } + + //Join the path parts together, then figure out if baseUrl is needed. + url = syms.join('/'); + url += (ext || (/\?/.test(url) ? '' : '.js')); + url = (url.charAt(0) === '/' || url.match(/^[\w\+\.\-]+:/) ? '' : config.baseUrl) + url; + } + + return config.urlArgs ? url + + ((url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + + config.urlArgs) : url; + }, + + //Delegates to req.load. Broken out as a separate function to + //allow overriding in the optimizer. + load: function (id, url) { + req.load(context, id, url); + }, + + /** + * Executes a module callack function. Broken out as a separate function + * solely to allow the build system to sequence the files in the built + * layer in the right sequence. + * + * @private + */ + execCb: function (name, callback, args, exports) { + return callback.apply(exports, args); + }, + + /** + * callback for script loads, used to check status of loading. + * + * @param {Event} evt the event from the browser for the script + * that was loaded. + */ + onScriptLoad: function (evt) { + //Using currentTarget instead of target for Firefox 2.0's sake. Not + //all old browsers will be supported, but this one was easy enough + //to support and still makes sense. + if (evt.type === 'load' || + (readyRegExp.test((evt.currentTarget || evt.srcElement).readyState))) { + //Reset interactive script so a script node is not held onto for + //to long. + interactiveScript = null; + + //Pull out the name of the module and the context. + var data = getScriptData(evt); + context.completeLoad(data.id); + } + }, + + /** + * Callback for script errors. + */ + onScriptError: function (evt) { + var data = getScriptData(evt); + if (!hasPathFallback(data.id)) { + return onError(makeError('scripterror', 'Script error', evt, [data.id])); + } + } + }; + + context.require = context.makeRequire(); + return context; + } + + /** + * Main entry point. + * + * If the only argument to require is a string, then the module that + * is represented by that string is fetched for the appropriate context. + * + * If the first argument is an array, then it will be treated as an array + * of dependency string names to fetch. An optional function callback can + * be specified to execute when all of those dependencies are available. + * + * Make a local req variable to help Caja compliance (it assumes things + * on a require that are not standardized), and to give a short + * name for minification/local scope use. + */ + req = requirejs = function (deps, callback, errback, optional) { + + //Find the right context, use default + var context, config, + contextName = defContextName; + + // Determine if have config object in the call. + if (!isArray(deps) && typeof deps !== 'string') { + // deps is a config object + config = deps; + if (isArray(callback)) { + // Adjust args if there are dependencies + deps = callback; + callback = errback; + errback = optional; + } else { + deps = []; + } + } + + if (config && config.context) { + contextName = config.context; + } + + context = getOwn(contexts, contextName); + if (!context) { + context = contexts[contextName] = req.s.newContext(contextName); + } + + if (config) { + context.configure(config); + } + + return context.require(deps, callback, errback); + }; + + /** + * Support require.config() to make it easier to cooperate with other + * AMD loaders on globally agreed names. + */ + req.config = function (config) { + return req(config); + }; + + /** + * Execute something after the current tick + * of the event loop. Override for other envs + * that have a better solution than setTimeout. + * @param {Function} fn function to execute later. + */ + req.nextTick = typeof setTimeout !== 'undefined' ? function (fn) { + setTimeout(fn, 4); + } : function (fn) { fn(); }; + + /** + * Export require as a global, but only if it does not already exist. + */ + if (!require) { + require = req; + } + + req.version = version; + + //Used to filter out dependencies that are already paths. + req.jsExtRegExp = /^\/|:|\?|\.js$/; + req.isBrowser = isBrowser; + s = req.s = { + contexts: contexts, + newContext: newContext + }; + + //Create default context. + req({}); + + //Exports some context-sensitive methods on global require. + each([ + 'toUrl', + 'undef', + 'defined', + 'specified' + ], function (prop) { + //Reference from contexts instead of early binding to default context, + //so that during builds, the latest instance of the default context + //with its config gets used. + req[prop] = function () { + var ctx = contexts[defContextName]; + return ctx.require[prop].apply(ctx, arguments); + }; + }); + + if (isBrowser) { + head = s.head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; + //If BASE tag is in play, using appendChild is a problem for IE6. + //When that browser dies, this can be removed. Details in this jQuery bug: + //http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/2709 + baseElement = document.getElementsByTagName('base')[0]; + if (baseElement) { + head = s.head = baseElement.parentNode; + } + } + + /** + * Any errors that require explicitly generates will be passed to this + * function. Intercept/override it if you want custom error handling. + * @param {Error} err the error object. + */ + req.onError = function (err) { + throw err; + }; + + /** + * Does the request to load a module for the browser case. + * Make this a separate function to allow other environments + * to override it. + * + * @param {Object} context the require context to find state. + * @param {String} moduleName the name of the module. + * @param {Object} url the URL to the module. + */ + req.load = function (context, moduleName, url) { + var config = (context && context.config) || {}, + node; + if (isBrowser) { + //In the browser so use a script tag + node = config.xhtml ? + document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'html:script') : + document.createElement('script'); + node.type = config.scriptType || 'text/javascript'; + node.charset = 'utf-8'; + node.async = true; + + node.setAttribute('data-requirecontext', context.contextName); + node.setAttribute('data-requiremodule', moduleName); + + //Set up load listener. Test attachEvent first because IE9 has + //a subtle issue in its addEventListener and script onload firings + //that do not match the behavior of all other browsers with + //addEventListener support, which fire the onload event for a + //script right after the script execution. See: + //https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/648057/script-onload-event-is-not-fired-immediately-after-script-execution + //UNFORTUNATELY Opera implements attachEvent but does not follow the script + //script execution mode. + if (node.attachEvent && + //Check if node.attachEvent is artificially added by custom script or + //natively supported by browser + //read https://github.com/jrburke/requirejs/issues/187 + //if we can NOT find [native code] then it must NOT natively supported. + //in IE8, node.attachEvent does not have toString() + //Note the test for "[native code" with no closing brace, see: + //https://github.com/jrburke/requirejs/issues/273 + !(node.attachEvent.toString && node.attachEvent.toString().indexOf('[native code') < 0) && + !isOpera) { + //Probably IE. IE (at least 6-8) do not fire + //script onload right after executing the script, so + //we cannot tie the anonymous define call to a name. + //However, IE reports the script as being in 'interactive' + //readyState at the time of the define call. + useInteractive = true; + + node.attachEvent('onreadystatechange', context.onScriptLoad); + //It would be great to add an error handler here to catch + //404s in IE9+. However, onreadystatechange will fire before + //the error handler, so that does not help. If addEvenListener + //is used, then IE will fire error before load, but we cannot + //use that pathway given the connect.microsoft.com issue + //mentioned above about not doing the 'script execute, + //then fire the script load event listener before execute + //next script' that other browsers do. + //Best hope: IE10 fixes the issues, + //and then destroys all installs of IE 6-9. + //node.attachEvent('onerror', context.onScriptError); + } else { + node.addEventListener('load', context.onScriptLoad, false); + node.addEventListener('error', context.onScriptError, false); + } + node.src = url; + + //For some cache cases in IE 6-8, the script executes before the end + //of the appendChild execution, so to tie an anonymous define + //call to the module name (which is stored on the node), hold on + //to a reference to this node, but clear after the DOM insertion. + currentlyAddingScript = node; + if (baseElement) { + head.insertBefore(node, baseElement); + } else { + head.appendChild(node); + } + currentlyAddingScript = null; + + return node; + } else if (isWebWorker) { + //In a web worker, use importScripts. This is not a very + //efficient use of importScripts, importScripts will block until + //its script is downloaded and evaluated. However, if web workers + //are in play, the expectation that a build has been done so that + //only one script needs to be loaded anyway. This may need to be + //reevaluated if other use cases become common. + importScripts(url); + + //Account for anonymous modules + context.completeLoad(moduleName); + } + }; + + function getInteractiveScript() { + if (interactiveScript && interactiveScript.readyState === 'interactive') { + return interactiveScript; + } + + eachReverse(scripts(), function (script) { + if (script.readyState === 'interactive') { + return (interactiveScript = script); + } + }); + return interactiveScript; + } + + //Look for a data-main script attribute, which could also adjust the baseUrl. + if (isBrowser) { + //Figure out baseUrl. Get it from the script tag with require.js in it. + eachReverse(scripts(), function (script) { + //Set the 'head' where we can append children by + //using the script's parent. + if (!head) { + head = script.parentNode; + } + + //Look for a data-main attribute to set main script for the page + //to load. If it is there, the path to data main becomes the + //baseUrl, if it is not already set. + dataMain = script.getAttribute('data-main'); + if (dataMain) { + //Set final baseUrl if there is not already an explicit one. + if (!cfg.baseUrl) { + //Pull off the directory of data-main for use as the + //baseUrl. + src = dataMain.split('/'); + mainScript = src.pop(); + subPath = src.length ? src.join('/') + '/' : './'; + + cfg.baseUrl = subPath; + dataMain = mainScript; + } + + //Strip off any trailing .js since dataMain is now + //like a module name. + dataMain = dataMain.replace(jsSuffixRegExp, ''); + + //Put the data-main script in the files to load. + cfg.deps = cfg.deps ? cfg.deps.concat(dataMain) : [dataMain]; + + return true; + } + }); + } + + /** + * The function that handles definitions of modules. Differs from + * require() in that a string for the module should be the first argument, + * and the function to execute after dependencies are loaded should + * return a value to define the module corresponding to the first argument's + * name. + */ + define = function (name, deps, callback) { + var node, context; + + //Allow for anonymous modules + if (typeof name !== 'string') { + //Adjust args appropriately + callback = deps; + deps = name; + name = null; + } + + //This module may not have dependencies + if (!isArray(deps)) { + callback = deps; + deps = []; + } + + //If no name, and callback is a function, then figure out if it a + //CommonJS thing with dependencies. + if (!deps.length && isFunction(callback)) { + //Remove comments from the callback string, + //look for require calls, and pull them into the dependencies, + //but only if there are function args. + if (callback.length) { + callback + .toString() + .replace(commentRegExp, '') + .replace(cjsRequireRegExp, function (match, dep) { + deps.push(dep); + }); + + //May be a CommonJS thing even without require calls, but still + //could use exports, and module. Avoid doing exports and module + //work though if it just needs require. + //REQUIRES the function to expect the CommonJS variables in the + //order listed below. + deps = (callback.length === 1 ? ['require'] : ['require', 'exports', 'module']).concat(deps); + } + } + + //If in IE 6-8 and hit an anonymous define() call, do the interactive + //work. + if (useInteractive) { + node = currentlyAddingScript || getInteractiveScript(); + if (node) { + if (!name) { + name = node.getAttribute('data-requiremodule'); + } + context = contexts[node.getAttribute('data-requirecontext')]; + } + } + + //Always save off evaluating the def call until the script onload handler. + //This allows multiple modules to be in a file without prematurely + //tracing dependencies, and allows for anonymous module support, + //where the module name is not known until the script onload event + //occurs. If no context, use the global queue, and get it processed + //in the onscript load callback. + (context ? context.defQueue : globalDefQueue).push([name, deps, callback]); + }; + + define.amd = { + jQuery: true + }; + + + /** + * Executes the text. Normally just uses eval, but can be modified + * to use a better, environment-specific call. Only used for transpiling + * loader plugins, not for plain JS modules. + * @param {String} text the text to execute/evaluate. + */ + req.exec = function (text) { + /*jslint evil: true */ + return eval(text); + }; + + //Set up with config info. + req(cfg); +}(this)); diff --git a/node_modules/waypoints/test/lib/testloader.js b/node_modules/waypoints/test/lib/testloader.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..aa740aab27 --- /dev/null +++ b/node_modules/waypoints/test/lib/testloader.js @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +function testLoader(){ + var jasmineEnv = jasmine.getEnv(); + jasmineEnv.updateInterval = 1000; + + var htmlReporter = new jasmine.HtmlReporter(); + + jasmineEnv.addReporter(htmlReporter); + + jasmineEnv.specFilter = function(spec) { + return htmlReporter.specFilter(spec); + }; + + var currentWindowOnload = window.onload; + + window.onload = function() { + var count = 0; + var loadCoffee = function(files) { + for (var i = 0, len = files.length; i < len; i++) { + count++; + CoffeeScript.load(files[i], function() { + count--; + if (!count) { + jasmine.getFixtures().fixturesPath = 'fixtures'; + execJasmine(); + } + }); + } + }; + + if (currentWindowOnload) { + currentWindowOnload(); + } + loadCoffee([ + 'waypoints.coffee', + 'infinite.coffee', + 'sticky.coffee' + ]); + }; + + function execJasmine() { + jasmineEnv.execute(); + } + + if (document.readyState === 'complete'){ + window.onload(); + } +} diff --git a/node_modules/waypoints/test/settings.js b/node_modules/waypoints/test/settings.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0cdda718bc --- /dev/null +++ b/node_modules/waypoints/test/settings.js @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +/* global jasmine, Waypoint */ + +'use strict' + +jasmine.getFixtures().fixturesPath = 'test/fixtures' +jasmine.getEnv().defaultTimeoutInterval = 1000 +Waypoint.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback) { + callback() +} diff --git a/node_modules/waypoints/test/sticky-spec.js b/node_modules/waypoints/test/sticky-spec.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b6128a0bdd --- /dev/null +++ b/node_modules/waypoints/test/sticky-spec.js @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +'use strict' +/* global + * describe, it, beforeEach, afterEach, expect, spyOn, waits, runs, + * waitsFor, loadFixtures, Waypoint, jasmine + */ + +describe('Waypoint Sticky Shortcut', function() { + var $ = window.jQuery + var $scroller = $(window) + var $sticky, waypoint, handlerSpy + + beforeEach(function() { + loadFixtures('sticky.html') + $sticky = $('.sticky') + }) + + describe('with default options', function() { + beforeEach(function() { + handlerSpy = jasmine.createSpy('on handler') + waypoint = new Waypoint.Sticky({ + element: $sticky[0], + handler: handlerSpy + }) + }) + + afterEach(function() { + if (waypoint) { + waypoint.destroy() + } + $scroller.scrollTop(0) + }) + + describe('on init', function() { + afterEach(function() { + waypoint.destroy() + }) + + it('returns an instance of the Waypoint.Sticky class', function() { + expect(waypoint instanceof Waypoint.Sticky).toBeTruthy() + }) + + it('wraps the sticky element on init', function() { + expect($sticky.parent()).toHaveClass('sticky-wrapper') + }) + + describe('when sticky element is scrolled to', function() { + beforeEach(function() { + runs(function() { + $scroller.scrollTop($sticky.offset().top) + }) + waitsFor(function() { + return $sticky.hasClass('stuck') + }, 'stuck class to apply') + }) + + it('adds/removes stuck class', function() { + runs(function() { + $scroller.scrollTop($scroller.scrollTop() - 1) + }) + waitsFor(function() { + return !$sticky.hasClass('stuck') + }) + }) + + it('gives the wrapper the same height as the sticky element', function() { + expect($sticky.parent().height()).toEqual($sticky.outerHeight()) + }) + + it('executes handler option after stuck class applied', function() { + expect(handlerSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() + }) + }) + }) + + describe('#destroy', function() { + beforeEach(function() { + runs(function() { + $scroller.scrollTop($sticky.offset().top) + }) + waitsFor(function() { + return handlerSpy.callCount + }) + runs(function() { + waypoint.destroy() + }) + }) + + it('unwraps the sticky element', function() { + expect($sticky.parent()).not.toHaveClass('sticky-wrapper') + }) + + it('removes the stuck class', function() { + expect($sticky).not.toHaveClass('stuck') + }) + }) + }) + + describe('with wrapper false', function() { + beforeEach(function() { + waypoint = new Waypoint.Sticky({ + element: $sticky[0], + handler: handlerSpy, + wrapper: false + }) + }) + + it('does not wrap the sticky element', function() { + expect($sticky.parent()).not.toHaveClass('sticky-wrapper') + }) + + it('does not unwrap on destroy', function() { + var parent = waypoint.wrapper + waypoint.destroy() + expect(parent).toBe(waypoint.wrapper) + }) + }) +}) diff --git a/node_modules/waypoints/test/waypoint-spec.js b/node_modules/waypoints/test/waypoint-spec.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8ffa65802f --- /dev/null +++ b/node_modules/waypoints/test/waypoint-spec.js @@ -0,0 +1,557 @@ +'use strict' +/* global + * describe, it, beforeEach, afterEach, expect, spyOn, waits, runs, + * waitsFor, loadFixtures, Waypoint + */ + +window.jQuery.each(Waypoint.adapters, function(i, adapter) { + describe(adapter.name + ' adapter: ', function() { + describe('Waypoint', function() { + var $ = window.jQuery + var standard = 50 + var hit, $scroller, waypoint, $target, returnValue + + function setHitTrue() { + hit = true + } + + function hitToBeTrue() { + return hit + } + + beforeEach(function() { + Waypoint.Adapter = adapter.Adapter + loadFixtures('standard.html') + $scroller = $(window) + hit = false + waypoint = null + }) + + afterEach(function() { + Waypoint.destroyAll() + $scroller.scrollTop(0).scrollLeft(0) + }) + + describe('new Waypoint()', function() { + it('errors out', function() { + expect(function() { + waypoint = new Waypoint() + }).toThrow() + }) + }) + + describe('new Waypoint(options)', function() { + it('returns an instance of the Waypoint class', function() { + waypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: document.getElementById('same1'), + handler: function() {} + }) + expect(waypoint instanceof Waypoint).toBeTruthy() + }) + + it('requires the element option', function() { + expect(function() { + waypoint = new Waypoint({ + handler: function() {} + }) + }).toThrow() + }) + + it('requires the handler option', function() { + expect(function() { + waypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: document.getElementById('same1') + }) + }).toThrow() + }) + + it('triggers down on new already-reached waypoints', function() { + runs(function() { + $target = $('#same2') + $scroller.scrollTop($target.offset().top + 1) + waypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: $target[0], + handler: function(direction) { + hit = direction === 'down' + } + }) + }) + waitsFor(hitToBeTrue, 'callback to trigger') + }) + }) + + describe('handler option', function() { + var currentDirection + + beforeEach(function() { + $target = $('#same1') + currentDirection = null + waypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: $target[0], + handler: function(direction) { + currentDirection = direction + } + }) + }) + + it('triggers with direction parameter', function() { + runs(function() { + $scroller.scrollTop($target.offset().top) + }) + waitsFor(function() { + return currentDirection === 'down' + }, 'down to trigger') + runs(function() { + $scroller.scrollTop($target.offset().top - 1) + }) + waitsFor(function() { + return currentDirection === 'up' + }, 'up to trigger') + }) + }) + + describe('offset option', function() { + beforeEach(function() { + $target = $('#same1') + }) + + it('takes a px offset', function(){ + runs(function() { + waypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: $target[0], + handler: setHitTrue, + offset: 50 + }) + $scroller.scrollTop($target.offset().top - 51) + expect(hit).toBeFalsy() + $scroller.scrollTop($target.offset().top - 50) + }) + waitsFor(hitToBeTrue, 'callback to trigger') + }) + + it('takes a % offset', function() { + var trigger = $target.offset().top - Waypoint.viewportHeight() * 0.37 + runs(function() { + waypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: $target[0], + handler: setHitTrue, + offset: '37%' + }) + $scroller.scrollTop(trigger - 1) + expect(hit).toBeFalsy() + $scroller.scrollTop(trigger) + }) + waitsFor(hitToBeTrue, 'callback to trigger') + }) + + it('takes a function offset', function() { + runs(function() { + waypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: $target[0], + handler: setHitTrue, + offset: function() { + return -$(this.element).height() + } + }) + $scroller.scrollTop($target.offset().top + $target.height() - 1) + expect(hit).toBeFalsy() + $scroller.scrollTop($target.offset().top + $target.height()) + }) + waitsFor(hitToBeTrue, 'callback to trigger') + }) + + it('takes a bottom-in-view function alias', function() { + var top = $target.offset().top + var height = $target.outerHeight() + var windowHeight = Waypoint.viewportHeight() + var inview = top + height - windowHeight + runs(function() { + waypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: $target[0], + handler: setHitTrue, + offset: 'bottom-in-view' + }) + $scroller.scrollTop(inview - 1) + expect(hit).toBeFalsy() + $scroller.scrollTop(inview) + }) + waitsFor(hitToBeTrue, 'callback to trigger') + }) + }) + + describe('context option', function() { + beforeEach(function() { + $scroller = $('#bottom') + $target = $('#inner3') + }) + + it('works with px offset', function() { + waypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: $target[0], + handler: setHitTrue, + context: $scroller[0], + offset: 10 + }) + runs(function() { + $scroller.scrollTop(189) + expect(hit).toBeFalsy() + $scroller.scrollTop(190) + }) + waitsFor(hitToBeTrue, 'callback to trigger') + }) + + it('works with % offset', function() { + waypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: $target[0], + handler: setHitTrue, + context: $scroller[0], + offset: '100%' + }) + runs(function() { + $scroller.scrollTop(149) + expect(hit).toBeFalsy() + $scroller.scrollTop(150) + }) + waitsFor(hitToBeTrue, 'callback to trigger') + }) + + it('works with function offset', function() { + waypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: $target[0], + handler: setHitTrue, + context: $scroller[0], + offset: function() { + return $(this.element).height() / 2 + } + }) + runs(function() { + $scroller.scrollTop(149) + expect(hit).toBeFalsy() + $scroller.scrollTop(150) + }) + waitsFor(hitToBeTrue, 'callback to trigger') + }) + + it('works with bottom-in-view offset alias', function() { + waypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: $target[0], + handler: setHitTrue, + context: $scroller[0], + offset: 'bottom-in-view' + }) + runs(function() { + $scroller.scrollTop(249) + expect(hit).toBeFalsy() + $scroller.scrollTop(250) + }) + waitsFor(hitToBeTrue, 'callback to trigger') + }) + }) + + describe('horizontal option', function() { + var currentDirection + + beforeEach(function() { + currentDirection = null + $target = $('#same1') + waypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: $target[0], + horizontal: true, + handler: function(direction) { + currentDirection = direction + } + }) + }) + + it('triggers right/left directions', function() { + runs(function() { + $scroller.scrollLeft($target.offset().left) + }) + waitsFor(function() { + return currentDirection === 'right' + }, 'right direction to trigger') + runs(function() { + $scroller.scrollLeft($target.offset().left - 1) + }) + waitsFor(function() { + return currentDirection === 'left' + }) + }) + }) + + describe('continuous option', function() { + var $later, laterWaypoint, hitCount, hitWaypoint + + function incrementHitCount() { + hitCount += 1 + hitWaypoint = this + } + + beforeEach(function() { + $target = $('#same1') + $later = $('#near1') + hitCount = 0 + waypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: $target[0], + continuous: false, + handler: incrementHitCount + }) + laterWaypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: $later[0], + continuous: false, + handler: incrementHitCount + }) + }) + + it('does not trigger the earlier waypoint', function() { + runs(function() { + $scroller.scrollTop($later.offset().top) + }) + waitsFor(function() { + return hitCount + }, 'later callback to trigger') + runs(function() { + expect(hitCount).toEqual(1) + expect(hitWaypoint).toEqual(laterWaypoint) + }) + }) + + it('prevents earlier trigger on refresh', function() { + runs(function() { + $target.css('top', '-1px') + $later.css('top', '-2px') + Waypoint.refreshAll() + }) + waitsFor(function() { + return hitCount + }, 'later callback to trigger') + runs(function() { + expect(hitCount).toEqual(1) + expect(hitWaypoint).toEqual(waypoint) + }) + }) + }) + + describe('with window as the waypoint element', function() { + beforeEach(function() { + $target = $(window) + waypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: $target[0], + offset: -$target.height(), + handler: setHitTrue + }) + }) + + it('triggers waypoint', function() { + runs(function() { + $target.scrollTop($target.height() + 1) + }) + waitsFor(hitToBeTrue, 'callback to trigger') + }) + }) + + describe('#disable()', function() { + beforeEach(function() { + $target = $('#same1') + waypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: $target[0], + handler: setHitTrue + }) + returnValue = waypoint.disable() + }) + + it('returns the same waypoint object for chaining', function() { + expect(returnValue).toEqual(waypoint) + }) + + it('disables callback triggers', function() { + runs(function() { + $scroller.scrollTop($target.offset().top) + }) + waits(standard) + runs(function() { + expect(hit).toBeFalsy() + }) + }) + }) + + describe('#enable()', function() { + beforeEach(function() { + $target = $('#same1') + waypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: $target[0], + handler: setHitTrue + }) + waypoint.disable() + returnValue = waypoint.enable() + }) + + it('returns the same waypoint instance for chaining', function() { + expect(returnValue).toEqual(waypoint) + }) + + it('enables callback triggers', function() { + runs(function() { + $scroller.scrollTop($target.offset().top) + }) + waitsFor(hitToBeTrue, 'callback to trigger') + }) + }) + + describe('#destroy()', function() { + beforeEach(function() { + $target = $('#same1') + waypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: $target[0], + handler: setHitTrue + }) + returnValue = waypoint.destroy() + }) + + it('returns undefined', function() { + expect(returnValue).toBeUndefined() + }) + + it('no longer triggers callbacks', function() { + runs(function() { + $scroller.scrollTop($target.offset().top) + }) + waits(standard) + runs(function() { + expect(hit).toBeFalsy() + }) + }) + }) + + describe('#previous', function() { + beforeEach(function() { + $target = $('#same1') + waypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: $target[0], + handler: setHitTrue + }) + }) + + it('calls previous on the waypoint group', function() { + spyOn(waypoint.group, 'previous') + waypoint.previous() + expect(waypoint.group.previous).toHaveBeenCalledWith(waypoint) + }) + + it('returns the group call results', function() { + expect(waypoint.previous()).toBeNull() + }) + }) + + describe('#next', function() { + beforeEach(function() { + $target = $('#same1') + waypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: $target[0], + handler: setHitTrue + }) + }) + + it('calls next on the waypoint group', function() { + spyOn(waypoint.group, 'next') + waypoint.next() + expect(waypoint.group.next).toHaveBeenCalledWith(waypoint) + }) + + it('returns the group call results', function() { + expect(waypoint.next()).toBeNull() + }) + }) + + describe('Waypoint.viewportHeight()', function() { + it('returns window innerHeight if it exists', function() { + var height = Waypoint.viewportHeight() + if (window.innerHeight) { + expect(height).toEqual(window.innerHeight) + } + else { + expect(height).toEqual(document.documentElement.clientHeight) + } + }) + }) + + describe('Waypoint.viewportWidth()', function() { + it('returns client width', function() { + var clientWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth + expect(Waypoint.viewportWidth()).toEqual(clientWidth) + }) + }) + + describe('Waypoint.refreshAll()', function() { + it('is an alias for Waypoint.Context.refreshAll', function() { + spyOn(Waypoint.Context, 'refreshAll') + Waypoint.refreshAll() + expect(Waypoint.Context.refreshAll).toHaveBeenCalled() + }) + }) + + describe('Waypoint.destroyAll()', function() { + it('calls destroy on all waypoints', function() { + var secondWaypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: $('#same1')[0], + handler: function() {} + }) + waypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: $('#same1')[0], + handler: function() {} + }) + spyOn(secondWaypoint, 'destroy').andCallThrough() + spyOn(waypoint, 'destroy').andCallThrough() + Waypoint.destroyAll() + expect(secondWaypoint.destroy).toHaveBeenCalled() + expect(waypoint.destroy).toHaveBeenCalled() + }) + }) + + describe('Waypoint.disableAll()', function() { + it('calls disable on all waypoints', function() { + var secondWaypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: $('#same1')[0], + handler: function() {} + }) + waypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: $('#same1')[0], + handler: function() {} + }) + spyOn(secondWaypoint, 'disable').andCallThrough() + spyOn(waypoint, 'disable').andCallThrough() + Waypoint.disableAll() + expect(secondWaypoint.disable).toHaveBeenCalled() + expect(waypoint.disable).toHaveBeenCalled() + }) + }) + + describe('Waypoint.enableAll()', function() { + var secondWaypoint + + beforeEach(function() { + secondWaypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: $('#same1')[0], + handler: function() {} + }) + waypoint = new Waypoint({ + element: $('#same1')[0], + handler: function() {} + }) + Waypoint.disableAll() + spyOn(Waypoint.Context, 'refreshAll').andCallThrough() + Waypoint.enableAll() + }) + + it('sets enabled on all waypoints', function() { + expect(secondWaypoint.enabled).toBeTruthy() + expect(waypoint.enabled).toBeTruthy() + }) + + it('refreshes all contexts', function() { + expect(Waypoint.Context.refreshAll).toHaveBeenCalled() + }) + }) + }) + }) +}) diff --git a/node_modules/waypoints/testem.json b/node_modules/waypoints/testem.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..21f89a0312 --- /dev/null +++ b/node_modules/waypoints/testem.json @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +{ + "framework": "jasmine", + "launch_in_dev": [ + "PhantomJS" + ], + "launch_in_ci": [ + "PhantomJS" + ], + "src_files": [ + "bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js", + "bower_components/jasmine-jquery/lib/jasmine-jquery.js", + "bower_components/zepto/zepto.js", + + "src/waypoint.js", + "src/context.js", + "src/group.js", + "src/debug.js", + "src/adapters/*.js", + "src/shortcuts/*.js", + + "test/settings.js", + "test/*-spec.js" + ] +}