Dear Irakli,
The IESG-designated expert has reviewed your application and returned the inline comments below. Please reply to this message within 30 days of 15 January.
Your email should include a complete, revised submission suitable for posting in the registry. All fields must be included.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
Amanda Baber IANA Request Specialist ICANN
Name : Irakli Nadareishvili
Email : [email protected]
MIME media type name : Application
MIME subtype name : Vendor Tree - vnd.collection.doc+json
Required parameters : n/a
Optional parameters : n/a
Encoding considerations : 7bit
This indicates that your JSON only uses the US-ASCII subset of the UTF-8 charset. Are you sure this is what you want? If you want to allow full UTF-8 this needs to change to 8bit.
Security considerations :
Collection.Doc+JSON shares security issues common to all JSON content types. See RFC4627 Section #6 ( for additional information. Collection.Doc+JSON does not provide executable content. Information contained in Collection.Doc+JSON documents do not require privacy or integrity services.
Interoperability considerations : None
Published specification :
Applications which use this media : Various
Fragment identifier considerations : None
Restrictions on usage : None
Provisional registration? (standards tree only) : Registration is for vendor tree
Additional information :
- Deprecated alias names for this type : n/a
- Magic number(s) : n/a
- File extension(s) : .json
- Macintosh file type code : TEXT
- Object Identifiers: n/a
This is missing the fragment identifier field. If this type doesn't support fragment identifiers this can simply be:
Fragment Identifer: n/a
Person to contact for further information :
- Name : Irakli Nadareishvili
- Email : [email protected]
Intended usage : Common
Collection.Doc is a read/write, recursive hypermedia-type designed to facilitate flexible exchange of structured content through web APIs.
Author/Change controller : Irakli Nadareishvili on behalf of NPR (National Public Radio).