Benerator Enterprise Edition enables you to generate and anonymize data concurrently, in multiple threads. More than this, its engine and many specialized data generators had significant performance improvements compared to the Community Edition. See the Benchmark Tool Documentations to get some performance comparisons.
'pageSize' is Benerator's abstraction of a kind of bracket put around a group of data objects, for databases and Kafka usually this bracket is mapped to a transaction. For example a pageSize of 10 for a database means that each group of 10 objects is committed to the database in one transaction. Transactions incur processing overhead, so performance improves if the number of transactions is reduced. This is achieved by using a larger pageSize.
By default, Benerator uses a defensive pageSize of 1, processing each entity in an own transaction,
because this simplifies error diagnosis when working out a generation/anonymization process.
But this has a tremendous impact on performance. When configuration is complete, and you need
larger performance, use a large pagesize for critical <generate>
and <iterate>
elements, e.g.
<generate type="db_user" count="1000000" consumer="db" pagesize="1000">
JDBC batches provide for significantly better database insertion performance than standard operation. In Benerator this is turned off by default, since error messages that arise from bad generation setup are much harder to analyze in batch mode. When you are finished with defining data generation and need performance for mass data, you can activate batch operation by the batch attribute of the database element:
<database ... batch="true" />
Benerator is optimized for performance. Thus, you may get problems when combining nested <generate>
elements with batching. It typically results in
exceptions that indicate a violation of a foreign-key constraint.
If you are querying data with large result sets from your database, e.g. when anonymizing production data, you should tune the database's fetch size. It determines how many rows are transmitted from the database to Benerator when accessing the first query result. So it reduces the number of network roundtrips. Benerator uses a fetch size of 100 by default which should be useful in most cases.
You can experiment with higher values, e.g. 1000 by configuring the fetchSize and batch attributes of the database element:
<database ... fetchSize="1000" batch="true" />
This is especially useful if the database is accessed over a slow network connection and query result sets are at least as large as the fetch size and are iterated to a relevant extent. When setting the fetch size to a value that is too high, performance may actually decrease.
Logging data generation/anonymization details may deteriorate performance tremendously.
Benerator is shipped with efficient logging settings, but if you changed the settings
in the process of debugging your data generation/anonymization, make sure to increase
log filters to info
A high level like 'error' usually do not have a performance impact, but may hide issues
which are reported using 'warn', so you should not be too restrictive about logging.
The most efficient id generation strategy is increment since it works without connecting the database. It works fine for multithreaded generation, too. But for concurrent execution of multiple Benerator processes or continuation of a canceled generation process you need an id generation that is unique among several runs. The most efficient id strategies with such behavior are seqhilo (database-based) and uuid (universally unique string id).
Nesting <generate>
elements greatly simplifies development and maintenance of a data generation
project but can decrease generation speed.
At critical generation steps you might want to sacrifice maintainability for speed by replacing nested
structures with 'relational' structures, e.g. replacing this code:
<generate name="db_customer" count="1000000" consumer="db">
<generate name="db_order" minCount="0" maxCount="20 " consumer="db">
<attribute name="customer_fk" script="{}"/>
with something like:
<generate name="db_customer" count="1000000" consumer="db" />
<generate name="db_order" count="10000000" consumer="db">
<reference name="customer_fk" source="db" targetType="db_customer" distribution="random" />
Different Java Virtual Machines provide different performance. Changing the JVM may easily impact Benerator performance by 20%, up to more than 100% in exceptional cases.
You can choose among a wide range of JVM products and versions. Well known established and reliable products/providers are OpenJDK, OpenJ9 (IBM), GraalVM (Oracle) and Azul. Different versions of a product may also exhibit notably different performance.
Unfortunately, there is not an optimal JVM and version for any task you might want to perform: Some JVMs will perform significantly faster in single threaded execution but others will be better in multithreaded execution.
Running Benerator in a virtualization system will always have a certain performance impact. For example, in 2020 Apple discontinued the use of Intel processors and introduced a new architecture using M1 chips in its Mac products. Programs written for the Intel architecture are still supported, but run with in a virtualization system, Rosetta. Though Rosetta's performance is impressive, there is a performance cost which gives JVMs compiled for M1 an advantage over JVMs for the Intel architecture on a Mac. In a simple non-representative test, Azul's M1 JVM was at least 20% faster than OpenJDK for Intel (on average).
The performance cost of a container like Docker is small and usually outweighed by the other advantages this software offers in enterprise computing.
When using other script languages than rapiddwellerScript, the scripts expressions are parsed at runtime, thus are significantly slower than compiled code. For performing CPU-intensive operations or excessive looping, use rapiddwellerScript or program a Java task (See 'Custom Tasks').
On databases with many tables, scanning metadata can take several minutes. One source of superfluous tables is the Oracle recyclebin. You can speed up parsing by including a 'purge recyclebin' in your SQL scripts.
Using regular expressions in the <database>
's excludeTables and includeTables settings, you can restrict the amount of metadata to be parsed.
If metadata retrieval still takes too long, you can use <database... metaCache="true" />
for storing metadata in a cache file on your local hard
When Benerator executes SQL with an <execute>
statement, it analyzes if the database structure is modified. In that case, the cached database
metadata is invalidated and parsed again when they are needed the next time. If you are certain that the change is irrelevant to subsequent generations steps,
you can suppress the invalidation by
<execute invalidate="false">
ALTER TABLE...</execute>
Different anonymization algorithms have different performance: An anonymization that takes care of consistency and 'pretty' output useful for showcases must be slower than a stupid one which overwrites the imported data with purely random data.
Advice: Do not exaggerate on anonymization performance optimization! There are always independent data fields in a software, which will cause consistency errors and program failure in the target system if they have not been assessed properly. This is what prototype-based generation was invented for!
Only after you have set up anonymization that fits consistency requirements, checked for other JVMs, have applied other performance improvement strategies, maybe tried scaling over multiple threads in Enterprise Edition, you may fiddle around with anonymization of single fields according to the following information.
Here some anonymization approaches in the order of increasing performance:
Approach | Showcase Applicability | Perftest Applicability | Speed Factor |
prototype | great | good | 1 |
regex | often passable | passable | 6 |
hash | poor | passable | 7 |
random | poor | passable | 9 |
constant | poor | poor | 14 |
For showcase generation, in which a user is faced with anonymization results, only a prototype or regex approach makes sense.
When anonymizing data for performance tests, one concern is how good the results of the chosen anonymization match the real world's data characteristics, especially for fields used in caches and indexes. A constant approach will make indexes and caches useless as well as the performance test results.
Using Regex, Hash or Random will provide you with a bigger diversity of data than the real world, making the data slightly faster to look up in an index.
You see that the generation of constants is super-fast but useless in most cases.
In many cases, a regular expression is a good compromise between anonymization performance and applicability for showcases and performance tests.
For example, a setup like this
<iterate type='Person' source="..." ...>
<attribute name='streetAndNumber' pattern='[A-Z][a-z]{4,10} Street [1-9][0-9]?'/>
<attribute name='zip' pattern='[0-9]{5}'/>
<attribute name='city' pattern='[A-Z][a-z]{4,15}'/>
<attribute name='email' pattern='[a-z]{4,10}@[a-z]{4,10}\.(com|org|net)'/>
<attribute name='workPhone' pattern='[0-9]{8,12}'/>
<attribute name='firstName' pattern='[A-Z][a-z]{1,8}'/>
<attribute name='midName' pattern='[A-Z][a-z]{1,8}'/>
<attribute name='lastName' pattern='[A-Z][a-z]{1,12}'/>
<attribute name='CardExp' pattern='([1-9])|(1[0-2])/2[1-9]'/>
<attribute name='Cardno' pattern='[0-9]{16}'/>
produces results like this
streetAndNumber Hxpji Street 3
zip 27200
city Ccxowbyozqti
email [email protected]
workPhone 599209827
firstName Ogszcy
midName Jacxmni
lastName Pnn
CardExp 12/27
Cardno 2390195664099922
You see that usually regex expressions are a viable approach for generating codes like zip codes and phone numbers, but relatively poor for name-like data, but often acceptable.
In order to get an idea of the costs of different anonymization approaches, check the performance numbers in the Benchmark Tool Documentation or run it on your system to get an individual insight into your machine's capabilities.
You can distribute generation over several machines. In oder to do so you will need two types of descriptor files:
First an initialization descriptor that initializes the systems and generates the deterministic core data,
Second a mass data description file. The initialization file will need to run first on a single machine, then the mass data file can be executed on multiple processes or machines concurrently. For mass data generation you will need to take special care:
Choose an id generation strategy that is able to create unique ids under these circumstances (see 'Generating IDs').
You can distribute anonymization over several machines. A simple and scalable approach is the use of a Kafka cluster: Using a Kafka connector, you can export the data you need to anonymize(eg. from a database table) to a Kafka queue and run several machines with Benerator instances that listen to the Kafka queue, import data, anonymize it and export it to the destination system directly or indirectly via another Kafka queue and Kafka connector.
Feel free to contact us for assistance on performance improvement: [email protected].