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Build Configuration

This folder contains general build configuration properties used by the zAppBuild Groovy build and utility scripts. They are separated from the application specific configuration properties contained in samples/application-conf which should be copied and modified in application repositories.

NOTE : (described below) must be configured for your build machine!

At the beginning of the build, the build-conf/ file will automatically be loaded into the DBB BuildProperties class. Use the buildPropFiles property (see table below) to load additional build property files.

Property File Descriptions

Since all properties will be loaded into a single static instance of BuildProperties, the organization and naming convention of the property files are somewhat arbitrary and targeted more for self documentation and understanding.

Build properties for Partition Data Sets (PDS) used by zAppBuild language build scripts. Must be configured for your build machine!

Property Description
MACLIB z/OS macro library. Example: SYS1.MACLIB
SCEEMAC Assembler macro library. Example: CEE.SCEEMAC
SCEELKED LE (Language Environment) load library. Example: CEE.SCEELKED
SASMMOD1 High Level Assembler (HLASM) load library. Example: ASM.SASMMOD1
SIGYCOMP_V4 Cobol Compiler Data Set for version 4.x.x. Example: COBOL.V4R1M0.SIGYCOMP
SIGYCOMP_V6 Cobol Compiler Data Set for version 6.x.x. Example: IGY.V6R1M0.SIGYCOMP
IBMZPLI_V52 PLI Compiler Data Set for version 5.2. Example: PLI.V5R2M0.SIBMZCMP
IBMZPLI_V51 PLI Compiler Data Set for version 5.1. Example: PLI.V5R1M0.SIBMZCMP
SCSQLOAD MQ Load Library. Example: CSQ.V9R1M0.SCSQLOAD
SDSNLOAD DB2 Load Library. Example: DB2.V9R1M0.SDSNLOAD
SFELLOAD Optional IDz Load Library. Example: FEL.V14R0M0.SFELLOAD
SBZUSAMP Optional z/OS Dynamic Test Runner IDz zUnit / WAZI VTP library containing necessary copybooks. Example : FEL.V14R2.SBZUSAMP

General properties used mainly by build.groovy but can also be a place to declare properties used by multiple language scripts.

Property Description
buildPropFiles Comma separated list of additional build property files to load. Supports both absolute and relative file paths. Relative paths assumed to be relative to zAppBuild/build-conf/.
applicationDefaultPropFiles  Comma separated list of default application configuration property files to load. Supports both absolute and relative file paths. Relative paths assumed to be relative to zAppBuild/build-conf/.
buildListFileExt File extension that indicates the build file is really a build list.
applicationConfRootDir Alternate root directory for application-conf location. Allows for the deployment of the application-conf directories to a static location. Defaults to ${workspace}/${application}
createBuildOutputSubfolder Option to create a subfolder with the build label within the build output dir (outDir). Default: true.
requiredDBBToolkitVersion  Minimum required DBB ToolkitVersion to run this version of zAppBuild.
requiredBuildProperties Comma separated list of required build properties for zAppBuild/build.groovy. Build and language scripts will validate that required build properties have been set before the script runs. If any are missing or empty, then a validation error will be thrown.
dbb.file.tagging Controls compile log and build report file tagging. Default: true.
metadataStoreType DBB MetadataStore Type configuration property. Valid options are 'file' or 'db2'. Default: file
metadataStoreFileLocation DBB File MetadataStore location. Default: $USER
metadataStoreDb2Url DBB configuration property for Db2 URL. Can be overridden by build.groovy option -url, --url
metadataStoreDb2ConnectionConf DBB configuration property for Db2 configuration properties file.
dbb.gateway.type DBB configuration property to determine which gateway type is used for the build process
dbb.gateway.procedureName  Interactive gateway Procedure Name
dbb.gateway.accountNumber Interactive gateway Account Number
dbb.gateway.groupId  Interactive gateway Group ID
dbb.gateway.regionSize  Interactive gateway Region Size
dbb.gateway.logLevel  Interactive gateway Log Level

General application properties used by zAppBuild.

Property Description
dbb.scannerMapping DBB PropertyMapping specifying the scanner implementation to be used
gitRepositoryCompareService Service URL for the Git provider to record a link to the git provider for a visual comparison of two hashes
continueOnScanFailure Determine the behavior when facing a scanner failure. true (default) to continue scanning. false will terminate the process.
formatConsoleOutput  Flag to log output in table views instead of printing raw JSON data on verbose output
generateDb2BindInfoRecord Flag to control the generation of a generic DBB build record for a build file to document the configured db2 bind information (application-conf/ Default: false ** Can be overridden by a file property.
generateDb2BindInfoRecordProperties Comma-separated list of the bind parameters to be added to the DBB build record.
impactBuildOnBuildPropertyChanges Boolean property to activate impact builds on changes of build properties within the application repository
impactBuildOnBuildPropertyList List of build property lists referencing which language properties should cause an impact build when the given property is changed
documentDeleteRecords Option determine if the build framework should document deletions of outputs in DBB Build Report. Default: false.
dbb.LinkEditScanner.excludeFilter DBB configuration property used by the link edit scanner to exclude load module entries

Properties used by the impact utilities to generate a report of external impacted files

Property Description
reportExternalImpacts Flag to indicate if an impactBuild should analyze and report external impacted files in other collections Can be overridden by build.groovy option -re, --reportExternalImpacts
reportExternalImpactsAnalysisDepths Configuration of the analysis depths when performing impact analysis for external impacts (simple
reportExternalImpactsAnalysisFileFilter Comma-separated list of pathMatcher filters to limit the analysis of external impacts to a subset of the changed files *** Can be overridden by application-conf ***
reportExternalImpactsCollectionPatterns Comma-separated list of regex patterns of DBB collection names for which external impacts should be documented *** Can be overridden by application-conf ***

Build properties used by zAppBuild/language/Assembler.groovy

Property Description
assembler_requiredBuildProperties Comma separated list of required build properties for language/Assembler.groovy
assembler_srcPDS Dataset to move assembler source files to from USS
assembler_macroPDS Dataset to move macro files to from USS
assembler_objPDS Dataset to create object decks in from Assembler step
assembler_dbrmPDS Dataset to create DB2 DBRM modules in from Assembler step
assembler_sysadataPDS Dataset to create sysadata file that contains source and symbolic data about the program
assembler_debugPDS Dataset to create the eqalangx side file for the IBM Debug Tool
assembler_loadPDS Dataset to create load modules in from link edit step
assembler_srcDataSets Comma separated list of 'source' type data sets
assembler_srcOptions BPXWDYN creation options for creating 'source' type data sets
assembler_loadDatasets Comma separated list of 'load module' type data sets
assembler_loadOptions BPXWDYN creation options for 'load module' type data sets
assembler_tempOptions BPXWDYN creation options for temporary data sets
assembler_sysadataOptions  BPXWDYN creation options for assembler sysadata data sets
assembler_sidefileOptions BPXWDYN creation options for eqalangx sidefile
assembler_compileErrorFeedbackXmlOptions BPXWDYN creation options for SYSXMLSD data set
assembler_outputDatasets List of output datasets to document deletions ** Can be overridden by a file property.
assembler_pgm MVS program name of the high level assembler
assembler_linkEditor MVS program name of the link editor
assembler_dependenciesDatasetMapping DBB property mapping to map dependencies to different target datasets

Build properties used by zAppBuild/language/BMS.groovy

Property Description
bms_requiredBuildProperties Comma separated list of required build properties for language/BMS.groovy
bms_srcPDS Dataset to move bms source files to from USS
bms_copyPDS Dataset to create generated BMS copybooks in from copy gen step
bms_loadPDS Dataset to create load modules in from link edit step
bms_srcDataSets Comma separated list of 'source' type data sets
bms_srcOptions BPXWDYN creation options for creating 'source' type data sets
bms_loadDatasets Comma separated list of 'load module' type data sets
bms_loadOptions BPXWDYN creation options for 'load module' type data sets
bms_tempOptions BPXWDYN creation options for temporary data sets
bms_outputDatasets  List of output datasets to document deletions ** Can be overridden by a file property.
bms_assembler MVS program name of the high level assembler
bms_linkEditor MVS program name of the link editor

Build properties used by zAppBuild/language/Cobol.groovy

Property Description
cobol_requiredBuildProperties Comma separated list of required build properties for language/Cobol.groovy
cobol_srcPDS Dataset to move COBOL source files to from USS
cobol_cpyPDS Dataset to move COBOL copybooks to from USS
cobol_objPDS Dataset to create object decks in from compile step
cobol_dbrmPDS Dataset to create DB2 DBRM modules in from compile step
cobol_loadPDS Dataset to create load modules in from link edit step
cobol_srcDataSets Comma separated list of 'source' type data sets
cobol_srcOptions BPXWDYN creation options for creating 'source' type data sets
cobol_loadDatasets Comma separated list of 'load module' type data sets
cobol_loadOptions BPXWDYN creation options for 'load module' type data sets
cobol_tempOptions BPXWDYN creation options for temporary data sets
cobol_test_case_srcPDS Dataset to move COBOL test source files to from USS
cobol_test_case_loadPDS Dataset to create load modules in from link edit step
cobol_test_srcDatasets Comma separated list of test 'source' type data sets
cobol_test_srcOptions BPXWDYN creation options for creating 'source' type data sets
cobol_test_loadDatasets Comma separated list of test 'load module' type data sets
cobol_test_loadOptions BPXWDYN creation options for creating 'load module' type data sets
cobol_compileErrorFeedbackXmlOptions BPXWDYN creation options for SYSXMLSD data set
cobol_outputDatasets  List of output datasets to document deletions ** Can be overridden by a file property.
cobol_compiler MVS program name of the COBOL compiler
cobol_linkEditor MVS program name of the link editor
cobol_dependenciesAlternativeLibraryNameMapping a map to define target dataset definition for alternate include libraries
cobol_dependenciesDatasetMapping dbb property mapping to map dependencies to different target datasets

Build properties used by zAppBuild/language/LinkEdit.groovy

Property Description
linkedit_requiredBuildProperties Comma separated list of required build properties for language/Cobol.groovy
linkedit_linkEditor MVS program name of the link editor
linkedit_srcPDS Dataset to move COBOL source files to from USS
linkedit_objPDS Dataset to create object decks in from compile step
linkedit_loadPDS Dataset to create load modules in from link edit step
linkedit_srcDataSets Comma separated list of 'source' type data sets
linkedit_srcOptions BPXWDYN creation options for creating 'source' type data sets
linkedit_loadDatasets Comma separated list of 'load module' type data sets
linkedit_loadOptions BPXWDYN creation options for 'load module' type data sets
linkedit_tempOptions BPXWDYN creation options for temporary data sets
linkedit_outputDatasets  List of output datasets to document deletions ** Can be overridden by a file property.

Build properties used by zAppBuild/language/PLI.groovy

Property Description
pli_requiredBuildProperties Comma separated list of required build properties for language/Cobol.groovy
pli_compiler MVS program name of the COBOL compiler
pli_linkEditor MVS program name of the link editor
pli_srcPDS Dataset to move PLI source files to from USS
pli_incPDS Dataset to move PLI include files to from USS
pli_objPDS Dataset to create object decks in from compile step
pli_dbrmPDS Dataset to create DB2 DBRM modules in from compile step
pli_loadPDS Dataset to create load modules in from link edit step
pli_srcDataSets Comma separated list of 'source' type data sets
pli_srcOptions BPXWDYN creation options for creating 'source' type data sets
pli_loadDatasets Comma separated list of 'load module' type data sets
pli_loadOptions BPXWDYN creation options for 'load module' type data sets
pli_tempOptions BPXWDYN creation options for temporary data sets
pli_test_case_srcPDS Dataset to move PLI test source files to from USS
pli_test_case_loadPDS Dataset to create load modules in from link edit step
pli_test_srcDatasets Comma separated list of test 'source' type data sets
pli_test_srcOptions BPXWDYN creation options for creating 'source' type data sets
pli_test_loadDatasets Comma separated list of test 'load module' type data sets
pli_test_loadOptions BPXWDYN creation options for creating 'load module' type data sets
pli_compileErrorFeedbackXmlOptions BPXWDYN creation options for SYSXMLSD data set
pli_outputDatasets  List of output datasets to document deletions ** Can be overridden by a file property.
pli_listOptions BPXWDYN creation options for LIST data sets
pli_dependenciesAlternativeLibraryNameMapping a map to define target dataset definition for alternate include libraries
pli_dependenciesDatasetMapping dbb property mapping to map dependencies to different target datasets

Build properties used by zAppBuild/language/MFS.groovy

Property Description
mfs_requiredBuildProperties Comma separated list of required build properties for language/MFS.groovy
mfs_srcPDS Dataset to move mfs source files to from USS
mfs_tformatPDS Dataset to create format set from phase 2 step
mfs_srcDatasets Comma separated list of 'source' type data sets
mfs_srcOptions BPXWDYN creation options for creating 'source' type data sets
mfs_loadDatasets Comma separated list of 'load module' type data sets
mfs_loadOptions BPXWDYN creation options for 'load module' type data sets
mfs_tempOptions BPXWDYN creation options for temporary data sets
mfs_phase1processor MVS program name of MFSgen utility phase 1
mfs_phase2processor MVS program name of MFSgen utility phase 2
mfs_deployType deploy Type of format set

Build properties used by zAppBuild/language/DBDgen.groovy

Property Description
dbdgen_requiredBuildProperties Comma separated list of required build properties for language/DBDgen.groovy
dbdgen_srcPDS Dataset to move assembler source files to from USS
dbdgen_objPDS Dataset to create object decks in from Assembler step
dbdgen_loadPDS Dataset to create load modules in from link edit step
dbdgen_srcDatasets Comma separated list of 'source' type data sets
dbdgen_srcOptions BPXWDYN creation options for creating 'source' type data sets
dbdgen_loadDatasets Comma separated list of 'load module' type data sets
dbdgen_loadOptions BPXWDYN creation options for 'load module' type data sets
dbdgen_tempOptions BPXWDYN creation options for temporary data sets
dbdgen_compileErrorFeedbackXmlOptions BPXWDYN creation options for SYSXMLSD data set
dbdgen_outputDatasets  List of output datasets to document deletions ** Can be overridden by a file property.
dbdgen_pgm MVS program name of the high level assembler
dbdgen_linkEditor MVS program name of the link editor
dbdgen_deployType Deploy Type of build outputs

Build properties used by zAppBuild/language/PSBgen.groovy

Property Description
psbgen_requiredBuildProperties Comma separated list of required build properties for language/PSBgen.groovy
psbgen_srcPDS Dataset to move assembler source files to from USS
psbgen_objPDS Dataset to create object decks in from Assembler step
psbgen_loadPDS Dataset to create load modules in from link edit step
psbgen_srcDatasets Comma separated list of 'source' type data sets
psbgen_srcOptions BPXWDYN creation options for creating 'source' type data sets
psbgen_loadDatasets Comma separated list of 'load module' type data sets
psbgen_loadOptions BPXWDYN creation options for 'load module' type data sets
psbgen_tempOptions BPXWDYN creation options for temporary data sets
psbgen_compileErrorFeedbackXmlOptions BPXWDYN creation options for SYSXMLSD data set
psbgen_outputDatasets  List of output datasets to document deletions ** Can be overridden by a file property.
psbgen_pgm MVS program name of the high level assembler
psbgen_linkEditor MVS program name of the link editor
psbgen_deployType Deploy Type of build outputs

Build properties used by zAppBuild/language/PSBgen.groovy; ACBgen is part of the PSBgen process

Property Description
acbgen_requiredBuildProperties Comma separated list of required build properties for language/PSBgen.groovy
acbgen_psbPDS Dataset to of PSBgen output
acbgen_dbdPDS Dataset to of DBDgen output
acbgen_loadPDS Dataset to create acbgen modules
acbgen_loadDatasets Comma separated list of 'load module' type data sets
acbgen_loadOptions BPXWDYN creation options for 'load module' type data sets
acbgen_tempOptions BPXWDYN creation options for temporary data sets
acbgen_outputDatasets  List of output datasets to document deletions ** Can be overridden by a file property.
acbgen_pgm MVS program name of the acbgen pgm
acbgen_deployType Deploy Type of build outputs

Build properties used by zAppBuild/language/ZunitConfig.groovy

Property Description
zunit_bzucfgPDS Dataset to move BZUCFG files to from USS
zunit_bzureportPDS Dataset where BZUCRPT files are stored
zunit_bzuplayPDS Dataset to move zUnit Playback files to from USS
zunit_srcDatasets Comma separated list of 'source' type data sets
zunit_srcOptions BPXWDYN creation options for creating 'source' type data sets
zunit_loadDatasets Comma separated list of 'load module' type data sets
zunit_loadOptions BPXWDYN creation options for creating 'load module' type data sets
zunit_reportDatasets Comma separated list of 'report' type data sets
zunit_reportOptions BPXWDYN creation options for creating 'report' type data sets
zunit_dependenciesDatasetMapping DBB property mapping to map dependencies to different target datasets

Application properties used by zAppBuild/language/zCEE3.groovy

Property Description
zcee3_shellEnvironment Shell environment used to run the gradle command
zcee3_gradlePath Path to gradle executable
zcee3_gradle_JAVA_OPTS JAVA Options used with gradle

Application properties used by zAppBuild/language/zCEE2.groovy

Property Description
zcee2_zconbtPath Absolute path to zconbt executable on z/OS UNIX System Services
zcee2_JAVA_HOME Java installation used by the zconbt utility
zcee2_inputType Mapping of input files with types of files
zcee2_ARA_PackageArtifacts Flag to indicate if artifacts produced for the ARA processing should be packaged

Application properties used by zAppBuild/language/CRB.groovy

zAppBuild contains the CICS Resource Builder resource model YAML and the CICS Resource Builder application constraints YAML for the MortgageApplication sample in build-conf/cicsResourceBuilderConfigurations

Property Description
crb_requiredBuildProperties Comma separated list of required build properties for language/CRB.groovy
crb_zrbLocation Absolute path to the CICS Resource Builder utility (zrb) on z/OS
crb_resourceModelFile Absolute path to the CICS Resource Builder resource model YAML file on z/OS
crb_applicationConstraintsFile (Optional) Absolute path to the CICS Resource Builder application constraints YAML file on z/OS

Build properties used by zAppBuild/language/Transfer.groovy

Property Description
transfer_requiredBuildProperties Comma separated list of required build properties for language/Transfer.groovy
transfer_srcPDS Dataset of any type of source
transfer_jclPDS Sample dataset for JCL members
transfer_xmlPDS Sample dataset for xml members
transfer_dsOptions BPXWDYN creation options for creating 'source' type data sets
transfer_outputDatasets  List of output datasets to document deletions ** Can be overridden by a file property. ** If used for multiple, use a file property to set transfer_outputDatasets


Sample language configuration properties file used by dbb-zappbuild/utilities/BuildUtilities.groovy.

This is a custom properties file to override file properties for a group of files, based on mapping defined in zAppBuild/samples/application-conf/ Multiple language configuration properties files can be defined and mapped against different file groups in zAppBuild/samples/application-conf/

Note: The name of this property file need not be Any name can be given to this property file and can use the same name while mapping source file in zAppBuild/samples/application-conf/