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Ranganath Atreya edited this page Mar 7, 2016 · 25 revisions


To install LipikaIME, download and run the LipikaIME Installer. After installation completes, do the following:

  1. Open System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Input Sources
  2. Click on the + button below the left pane Screenshot
  3. In the search bar at the bottom left, type lipika screenshotsearch
  4. Click Add
  5. Select LipikaIME from the Input Source list in the System Menu


Transliteration Schemes

For inbuilt schemes, refer to Transliteration Schemes

Alternatively, you can create your own custom key mapping using Google IME cannonical scheme format. You can edit any of the schemes from here and copy them into /Library/Input\ Methods/ directory.

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