From b8185605295e55b1dc8740684351403f1860d87f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Rossi Sun <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2025 00:25:29 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] GH-45334: [C++][Acero] Fix swiss join overflow issues in row
 offset calculation for fixed length and null masks (#45336)

### Rationale for this change


### What changes are included in this PR?

1. An all-mighty test case that can effectively reveal all the bugs mentioned in the issue;
2. Other than directly fixing the bugs (actually simply casting to 64-bit somewhere in the multiplication will do), I did some refinement to the buffer accessors of the row table, in order to eliminate more potential similar issues (which I believe do exist):
    1. `null_masks()` -> `null_masks(row_id)` which does overflow-safe indexing inside;
    2. `is_null(row_id, col_pos)` which does overflow-safe indexing and directly gets the bit of the column;
    3. `data(1)` -> `fixed_length_rows(row_id)` which first asserts the row table being fixed-length, then does overflow-safe indexing inside;
    4. `data(2)` -> `var_length_rows()` which only asserts the row table being var-length. It is supposed to be paired by the `offsets()` (which is already 64-bit by #43389 );
    5. The `data(0/1/2)` members are made private.
3. The AVX2 specializations are fixed individually by using 64-bit multiplication and indexing.

### Are these changes tested?


### Are there any user-facing changes?


* GitHub Issue: #45334

Authored-by: Rossi Sun <>
Signed-off-by: Rossi Sun <>
 cpp/src/arrow/acero/    | 99 +++++++++++++++++++
 cpp/src/arrow/acero/             | 36 ++++---
 cpp/src/arrow/acero/        | 34 ++-----
 cpp/src/arrow/acero/swiss_join_internal.h     | 14 +--
 cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/ | 16 +--
 .../compute/row/      | 81 +++------------
 cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/     |  6 +-
 cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/  | 54 +++++-----
 cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/encode_internal.h   | 10 +-
 .../arrow/compute/row/ | 15 ++-
 cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/     | 10 +-
 cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/row_internal.h      | 61 +++++++++---
 cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/         | 11 +--
 .../compute/row/row_util_avx2_internal.h      | 64 ++++++++++++
 14 files changed, 313 insertions(+), 198 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/row_util_avx2_internal.h

diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/acero/ b/cpp/src/arrow/acero/
index 94504ccc9ba75..654fd59c45d5a 100644
--- a/cpp/src/arrow/acero/
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/acero/
@@ -3449,5 +3449,104 @@ TEST(HashJoin, LARGE_MEMORY_TEST(BuildSideOver4GBVarLength)) {
                    num_batches_left * num_rows_per_batch_left * num_batches_right);
+// GH-45334: The row ids of the matching rows on the right side (the build side) are very
+// big, causing the index calculation overflow.
+TEST(HashJoin, BuildSideLargeRowIds) {
+  GTEST_SKIP() << "Test disabled due to excessively time and resource consuming, "
+                  "for local debugging only.";
+  // A fair amount of match rows to trigger both SIMD and non-SIMD code paths.
+  const int64_t num_match_rows = 35;
+  const int64_t num_rows_per_match_batch = 35;
+  const int64_t num_match_batches = num_match_rows / num_rows_per_match_batch;
+  const int64_t num_unmatch_rows_large = 720898048;
+  const int64_t num_rows_per_unmatch_batch_large = 352001;
+  const int64_t num_unmatch_batches_large =
+      num_unmatch_rows_large / num_rows_per_unmatch_batch_large;
+  auto schema_small =
+      schema({field("small_key", int64()), field("small_payload", int64())});
+  auto schema_large =
+      schema({field("large_key", int64()), field("large_payload", int64())});
+  // A carefully chosen key value which hashes to 0xFFFFFFFE, making the match rows to be
+  // placed at higher address of the row table.
+  const int64_t match_key = 289339070;
+  const int64_t match_payload = 42;
+  // Match arrays of length num_rows_per_match_batch.
+      auto match_key_arr,
+      Constant(MakeScalar(match_key))->Generate(num_rows_per_match_batch));
+      auto match_payload_arr,
+      Constant(MakeScalar(match_payload))->Generate(num_rows_per_match_batch));
+  // Append 1 row of null to trigger null processing code paths.
+  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto null_arr, MakeArrayOfNull(int64(), 1));
+  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(match_key_arr, Concatenate({match_key_arr, null_arr}));
+  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(match_payload_arr, Concatenate({match_payload_arr, null_arr}));
+  // Match batch.
+  ExecBatch match_batch({match_key_arr, match_payload_arr}, num_rows_per_match_batch + 1);
+  // Small batch.
+  ExecBatch batch_small = match_batch;
+  // Large unmatch batches.
+  const int64_t seed = 42;
+  std::vector<ExecBatch> unmatch_batches_large;
+  unmatch_batches_large.reserve(num_unmatch_batches_large);
+  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto unmatch_payload_arr_large,
+                       MakeArrayOfNull(int64(), num_rows_per_unmatch_batch_large));
+  int64_t unmatch_range_per_batch =
+      (std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() - match_key) / num_unmatch_batches_large;
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_unmatch_batches_large; ++i) {
+    auto unmatch_key_arr_large = RandomArrayGenerator(seed).Int64(
+        num_rows_per_unmatch_batch_large,
+        /*min=*/match_key + 1 + i * unmatch_range_per_batch,
+        /*max=*/match_key + 1 + (i + 1) * unmatch_range_per_batch);
+    unmatch_batches_large.push_back(
+        ExecBatch({unmatch_key_arr_large, unmatch_payload_arr_large},
+                  num_rows_per_unmatch_batch_large));
+  }
+  // Large match batch.
+  ExecBatch match_batch_large = match_batch;
+  // Batches with schemas.
+  auto batches_small = BatchesWithSchema{
+      std::vector<ExecBatch>(num_match_batches, batch_small), schema_small};
+  auto batches_large = BatchesWithSchema{std::move(unmatch_batches_large), schema_large};
+  for (int i = 0; i < num_match_batches; i++) {
+    batches_large.batches.push_back(match_batch_large);
+  }
+  Declaration source_small{
+      "exec_batch_source",
+      ExecBatchSourceNodeOptions(batches_small.schema, batches_small.batches)};
+  Declaration source_large{
+      "exec_batch_source",
+      ExecBatchSourceNodeOptions(batches_large.schema, batches_large.batches)};
+  HashJoinNodeOptions join_opts(JoinType::INNER, /*left_keys=*/{"small_key"},
+                                /*right_keys=*/{"large_key"});
+  Declaration join{
+      "hashjoin", {std::move(source_small), std::move(source_large)}, join_opts};
+  // Join should emit num_match_rows * num_match_rows rows.
+  ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto batches_result, DeclarationToExecBatches(std::move(join)));
+  Declaration result{"exec_batch_source",
+                     ExecBatchSourceNodeOptions(std::move(batches_result.schema),
+                                                std::move(batches_result.batches))};
+  AssertRowCountEq(result, num_match_rows * num_match_rows);
+  // All rows should be match_key/payload.
+  auto predicate = and_({equal(field_ref("small_key"), literal(match_key)),
+                         equal(field_ref("small_payload"), literal(match_payload)),
+                         equal(field_ref("large_key"), literal(match_key)),
+                         equal(field_ref("large_payload"), literal(match_payload))});
+  Declaration filter{"filter", {result}, FilterNodeOptions{std::move(predicate)}};
+  AssertRowCountEq(std::move(filter), num_match_rows * num_match_rows);
 }  // namespace acero
 }  // namespace arrow
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/acero/ b/cpp/src/arrow/acero/
index fc3be1b462e60..85e14ac469ce7 100644
--- a/cpp/src/arrow/acero/
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/acero/
@@ -477,14 +477,15 @@ void RowArrayMerge::CopyFixedLength(RowTableImpl* target, const RowTableImpl& so
                                     const int64_t* source_rows_permutation) {
   int64_t num_source_rows = source.length();
-  int64_t fixed_length = target->metadata().fixed_length;
+  uint32_t fixed_length = target->metadata().fixed_length;
   // Permutation of source rows is optional. Without permutation all that is
   // needed is memcpy.
   if (!source_rows_permutation) {
-    memcpy(target->mutable_data(1) + fixed_length * first_target_row_id,,
-           fixed_length * num_source_rows);
+    DCHECK_LE(first_target_row_id, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
+    memcpy(target->mutable_fixed_length_rows(static_cast<uint32_t>(first_target_row_id)),
+           source.fixed_length_rows(/*row_id=*/0), fixed_length * num_source_rows);
   } else {
     // Row length must be a multiple of 64-bits due to enforced alignment.
     // Loop for each output row copying a fixed number of 64-bit words.
@@ -494,10 +495,13 @@ void RowArrayMerge::CopyFixedLength(RowTableImpl* target, const RowTableImpl& so
     int64_t num_words_per_row = fixed_length / sizeof(uint64_t);
     for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_source_rows; ++i) {
       int64_t source_row_id = source_rows_permutation[i];
+      DCHECK_LE(source_row_id, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
       const uint64_t* source_row_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(
- + fixed_length * source_row_id);
+          source.fixed_length_rows(static_cast<uint32_t>(source_row_id)));
+      int64_t target_row_id = first_target_row_id + i;
+      DCHECK_LE(target_row_id, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
       uint64_t* target_row_ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(
-          target->mutable_data(1) + fixed_length * (first_target_row_id + i));
+          target->mutable_fixed_length_rows(static_cast<uint32_t>(target_row_id)));
       for (int64_t word = 0; word < num_words_per_row; ++word) {
         target_row_ptr[word] = source_row_ptr[word];
@@ -529,16 +533,16 @@ void RowArrayMerge::CopyVaryingLength(RowTableImpl* target, const RowTableImpl&
     // We can simply memcpy bytes of rows if their order has not changed.
-    memcpy(target->mutable_data(2) + target_offsets[first_target_row_id],,
-           source_offsets[num_source_rows] - source_offsets[0]);
+    memcpy(target->mutable_var_length_rows() + target_offsets[first_target_row_id],
+           source.var_length_rows(), source_offsets[num_source_rows] - source_offsets[0]);
   } else {
     int64_t target_row_offset = first_target_row_offset;
-    uint64_t* target_row_ptr =
-        reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(target->mutable_data(2) + target_row_offset);
+    uint64_t* target_row_ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(
+        target->mutable_var_length_rows() + target_row_offset);
     for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_source_rows; ++i) {
       int64_t source_row_id = source_rows_permutation[i];
       const uint64_t* source_row_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(
- + source_offsets[source_row_id]);
+          source.var_length_rows() + source_offsets[source_row_id]);
       int64_t length = source_offsets[source_row_id + 1] - source_offsets[source_row_id];
       // Though the row offset is 64-bit, the length of a single row must be 32-bit as
       // required by current row table implementation.
@@ -564,14 +568,18 @@ void RowArrayMerge::CopyNulls(RowTableImpl* target, const RowTableImpl& source,
                               const int64_t* source_rows_permutation) {
   int64_t num_source_rows = source.length();
   int num_bytes_per_row = target->metadata().null_masks_bytes_per_row;
-  uint8_t* target_nulls = target->null_masks() + num_bytes_per_row * first_target_row_id;
+  DCHECK_LE(first_target_row_id, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
+  uint8_t* target_nulls =
+      target->mutable_null_masks(static_cast<uint32_t>(first_target_row_id));
   if (!source_rows_permutation) {
-    memcpy(target_nulls, source.null_masks(), num_bytes_per_row * num_source_rows);
+    memcpy(target_nulls, source.null_masks(/*row_id=*/0),
+           num_bytes_per_row * num_source_rows);
   } else {
-    for (int64_t i = 0; i < num_source_rows; ++i) {
+    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_source_rows; ++i) {
       int64_t source_row_id = source_rows_permutation[i];
+      DCHECK_LE(source_row_id, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
       const uint8_t* source_nulls =
-          source.null_masks() + num_bytes_per_row * source_row_id;
+          source.null_masks(static_cast<uint32_t>(source_row_id));
       for (int64_t byte = 0; byte < num_bytes_per_row; ++byte) {
         *target_nulls++ = *source_nulls++;
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/acero/ b/cpp/src/arrow/acero/
index 1d6b7eda6e6a0..deeee2a4e110d 100644
--- a/cpp/src/arrow/acero/
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/acero/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 // under the License.
 #include "arrow/acero/swiss_join_internal.h"
+#include "arrow/compute/row/row_util_avx2_internal.h"
 #include "arrow/util/bit_util.h"
 #include "arrow/util/simd.h"
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ int RowArrayAccessor::Visit_avx2(const RowTableImpl& rows, int column_id, int nu
   if (!is_fixed_length_column) {
     int varbinary_column_id = VarbinaryColumnId(rows.metadata(), column_id);
-    const uint8_t* row_ptr_base =;
+    const uint8_t* row_ptr_base = rows.var_length_rows();
     const RowTableImpl::offset_type* row_offsets = rows.offsets();
     auto row_offsets_i64 =
         reinterpret_cast<const arrow::util::int64_for_gather_t*>(row_offsets);
@@ -172,7 +173,7 @@ int RowArrayAccessor::Visit_avx2(const RowTableImpl& rows, int column_id, int nu
     if (is_fixed_length_row) {
       // Case 3: This is a fixed length column in fixed length row
-      const uint8_t* row_ptr_base =;
+      const uint8_t* row_ptr_base = rows.fixed_length_rows(/*row_id=*/0);
       for (int i = 0; i < num_rows / kUnroll; ++i) {
         // Load 8 32-bit row ids.
         __m256i row_id =
@@ -197,7 +198,7 @@ int RowArrayAccessor::Visit_avx2(const RowTableImpl& rows, int column_id, int nu
     } else {
       // Case 4: This is a fixed length column in varying length row
-      const uint8_t* row_ptr_base =;
+      const uint8_t* row_ptr_base = rows.var_length_rows();
       const RowTableImpl::offset_type* row_offsets = rows.offsets();
       auto row_offsets_i64 =
           reinterpret_cast<const arrow::util::int64_for_gather_t*>(row_offsets);
@@ -237,31 +238,12 @@ int RowArrayAccessor::VisitNulls_avx2(const RowTableImpl& rows, int column_id,
   constexpr int kUnroll = 8;
-  const uint8_t* null_masks = rows.null_masks();
-  __m256i null_bits_per_row =
-      _mm256_set1_epi32(8 * rows.metadata().null_masks_bytes_per_row);
-  __m256i pos_after_encoding =
-      _mm256_set1_epi32(rows.metadata().pos_after_encoding(column_id));
+  uint32_t pos_after_encoding = rows.metadata().pos_after_encoding(column_id);
   for (int i = 0; i < num_rows / kUnroll; ++i) {
     __m256i row_id = _mm256_loadu_si256(reinterpret_cast<const __m256i*>(row_ids) + i);
-    __m256i bit_id = _mm256_mullo_epi32(row_id, null_bits_per_row);
-    bit_id = _mm256_add_epi32(bit_id, pos_after_encoding);
-    __m256i bytes = _mm256_i32gather_epi32(reinterpret_cast<const int*>(null_masks),
-                                           _mm256_srli_epi32(bit_id, 3), 1);
-    __m256i bit_in_word = _mm256_sllv_epi32(
-        _mm256_set1_epi32(1), _mm256_and_si256(bit_id, _mm256_set1_epi32(7)));
-    // `result` will contain one 32-bit word per tested null bit, either 0xffffffff if the
-    // null bit was set or 0 if it was unset.
-    __m256i result =
-        _mm256_cmpeq_epi32(_mm256_and_si256(bytes, bit_in_word), bit_in_word);
-    // NB: Be careful about sign-extension when casting the return value of
-    // _mm256_movemask_epi8 (signed 32-bit) to unsigned 64-bit, which will pollute the
-    // higher bits of the following OR.
-    uint32_t null_bytes_lo = static_cast<uint32_t>(
-        _mm256_movemask_epi8(_mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_castsi256_si128(result))));
-    uint64_t null_bytes_hi =
-        _mm256_movemask_epi8(_mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_extracti128_si256(result, 1)));
-    uint64_t null_bytes = null_bytes_lo | (null_bytes_hi << 32);
+    __m256i null32 = GetNullBitInt32(rows, pos_after_encoding, row_id);
+    null32 = _mm256_cmpeq_epi32(null32, _mm256_set1_epi32(1));
+    uint64_t null_bytes = arrow::compute::Cmp32To8(null32);
     process_8_values_fn(i * kUnroll, null_bytes);
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/acero/swiss_join_internal.h b/cpp/src/arrow/acero/swiss_join_internal.h
index f2f3ac5b1bf93..85f443b0323c7 100644
--- a/cpp/src/arrow/acero/swiss_join_internal.h
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/acero/swiss_join_internal.h
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class RowArrayAccessor {
     if (!is_fixed_length_column) {
       int varbinary_column_id = VarbinaryColumnId(rows.metadata(), column_id);
-      const uint8_t* row_ptr_base =;
+      const uint8_t* row_ptr_base = rows.var_length_rows();
       const RowTableImpl::offset_type* row_offsets = rows.offsets();
       uint32_t field_offset_within_row, field_length;
@@ -108,22 +108,21 @@ class RowArrayAccessor {
       if (field_length == 0) {
         field_length = 1;
-      uint32_t row_length = rows.metadata().fixed_length;
       bool is_fixed_length_row = rows.metadata().is_fixed_length;
       if (is_fixed_length_row) {
         // Case 3: This is a fixed length column in a fixed length row
-        const uint8_t* row_ptr_base = + field_offset_within_row;
         for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
           uint32_t row_id = row_ids[i];
-          const uint8_t* row_ptr = row_ptr_base + row_length * row_id;
+          const uint8_t* row_ptr =
+              rows.fixed_length_rows(row_id) + field_offset_within_row;
           process_value_fn(i, row_ptr, field_length);
       } else {
         // Case 4: This is a fixed length column in a varying length row
-        const uint8_t* row_ptr_base = + field_offset_within_row;
+        const uint8_t* row_ptr_base = rows.var_length_rows() + field_offset_within_row;
         const RowTableImpl::offset_type* row_offsets = rows.offsets();
         for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
           uint32_t row_id = row_ids[i];
@@ -142,13 +141,10 @@ class RowArrayAccessor {
   template <class PROCESS_VALUE_FN>
   static void VisitNulls(const RowTableImpl& rows, int column_id, int num_rows,
                          const uint32_t* row_ids, PROCESS_VALUE_FN process_value_fn) {
-    const uint8_t* null_masks = rows.null_masks();
-    uint32_t null_mask_num_bytes = rows.metadata().null_masks_bytes_per_row;
     uint32_t pos_after_encoding = rows.metadata().pos_after_encoding(column_id);
     for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
       uint32_t row_id = row_ids[i];
-      int64_t bit_id = row_id * null_mask_num_bytes * 8 + pos_after_encoding;
-      process_value_fn(i, bit_util::GetBit(null_masks, bit_id) ? 0xff : 0);
+      process_value_fn(i, rows.is_null(row_id, pos_after_encoding) ? 0xff : 0);
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/ b/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/
index 5e1a87b795202..b7a01ea75ad7d 100644
--- a/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/
@@ -55,13 +55,10 @@ void KeyCompare::NullUpdateColumnToRow(uint32_t id_col, uint32_t num_rows_to_com
   if (! {
     // Remove rows from the result for which the column value is a null
-    const uint8_t* null_masks = rows.null_masks();
-    uint32_t null_mask_num_bytes = rows.metadata().null_masks_bytes_per_row;
     for (uint32_t i = num_processed; i < num_rows_to_compare; ++i) {
       uint32_t irow_left = use_selection ? sel_left_maybe_null[i] : i;
       uint32_t irow_right = left_to_right_map[irow_left];
-      int64_t bitid = irow_right * null_mask_num_bytes * 8 + null_bit_id;
-      match_bytevector[i] &= (bit_util::GetBit(null_masks, bitid) ? 0 : 0xff);
+      match_bytevector[i] &= (rows.is_null(irow_right, null_bit_id) ? 0 : 0xff);
   } else if (!rows.has_any_nulls(ctx)) {
     // Remove rows from the result for which the column value on left side is
@@ -74,15 +71,12 @@ void KeyCompare::NullUpdateColumnToRow(uint32_t id_col, uint32_t num_rows_to_com
           bit_util::GetBit(non_nulls, irow_left + col.bit_offset(0)) ? 0xff : 0;
   } else {
-    const uint8_t* null_masks = rows.null_masks();
-    uint32_t null_mask_num_bytes = rows.metadata().null_masks_bytes_per_row;
     const uint8_t* non_nulls =;
     for (uint32_t i = num_processed; i < num_rows_to_compare; ++i) {
       uint32_t irow_left = use_selection ? sel_left_maybe_null[i] : i;
       uint32_t irow_right = left_to_right_map[irow_left];
-      int64_t bitid_right = irow_right * null_mask_num_bytes * 8 + null_bit_id;
-      int right_null = bit_util::GetBit(null_masks, bitid_right) ? 0xff : 0;
+      int right_null = rows.is_null(irow_right, null_bit_id) ? 0xff : 0;
       int left_null =
           bit_util::GetBit(non_nulls, irow_left + col.bit_offset(0)) ? 0 : 0xff;
       match_bytevector[i] |= left_null & right_null;
@@ -101,7 +95,7 @@ void KeyCompare::CompareBinaryColumnToRowHelper(
   if (is_fixed_length) {
     uint32_t fixed_length = rows.metadata().fixed_length;
     const uint8_t* rows_left =;
-    const uint8_t* rows_right =;
+    const uint8_t* rows_right = rows.fixed_length_rows(/*row_id=*/0);
     for (uint32_t i = first_row_to_compare; i < num_rows_to_compare; ++i) {
       uint32_t irow_left = use_selection ? sel_left_maybe_null[i] : i;
       // irow_right is used to index into row data so promote to the row offset type.
@@ -113,7 +107,7 @@ void KeyCompare::CompareBinaryColumnToRowHelper(
   } else {
     const uint8_t* rows_left =;
     const RowTableImpl::offset_type* offsets_right = rows.offsets();
-    const uint8_t* rows_right =;
+    const uint8_t* rows_right = rows.var_length_rows();
     for (uint32_t i = first_row_to_compare; i < num_rows_to_compare; ++i) {
       uint32_t irow_left = use_selection ? sel_left_maybe_null[i] : i;
       uint32_t irow_right = left_to_right_map[irow_left];
@@ -246,7 +240,7 @@ void KeyCompare::CompareVarBinaryColumnToRowHelper(
   const uint32_t* offsets_left = col.offsets();
   const RowTableImpl::offset_type* offsets_right = rows.offsets();
   const uint8_t* rows_left =;
-  const uint8_t* rows_right =;
+  const uint8_t* rows_right = rows.var_length_rows();
   for (uint32_t i = first_row_to_compare; i < num_rows_to_compare; ++i) {
     uint32_t irow_left = use_selection ? sel_left_maybe_null[i] : i;
     uint32_t irow_right = left_to_right_map[irow_left];
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/ b/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/
index 9f6e1adfe2108..8af84ac6b2f52 100644
--- a/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 // under the License.
 #include "arrow/compute/row/compare_internal.h"
+#include "arrow/compute/row/row_util_avx2_internal.h"
 #include "arrow/compute/util.h"
 #include "arrow/util/bit_util.h"
 #include "arrow/util/simd.h"
@@ -49,9 +50,6 @@ uint32_t KeyCompare::NullUpdateColumnToRowImp_avx2(
   if (! {
     // Remove rows from the result for which the column value is a null
-    const uint8_t* null_masks = rows.null_masks();
-    uint32_t null_mask_num_bytes = rows.metadata().null_masks_bytes_per_row;
     uint32_t num_processed = 0;
     constexpr uint32_t unroll = 8;
     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_rows_to_compare / unroll; ++i) {
@@ -64,21 +62,9 @@ uint32_t KeyCompare::NullUpdateColumnToRowImp_avx2(
         irow_right =
             _mm256_loadu_si256(reinterpret_cast<const __m256i*>(left_to_right_map) + i);
-      __m256i bitid =
-          _mm256_mullo_epi32(irow_right, _mm256_set1_epi32(null_mask_num_bytes * 8));
-      bitid = _mm256_add_epi32(bitid, _mm256_set1_epi32(null_bit_id));
-      __m256i right =
-          _mm256_i32gather_epi32((const int*)null_masks, _mm256_srli_epi32(bitid, 3), 1);
-      right = _mm256_and_si256(
-          _mm256_set1_epi32(1),
-          _mm256_srlv_epi32(right, _mm256_and_si256(bitid, _mm256_set1_epi32(7))));
+      __m256i right = GetNullBitInt32(rows, null_bit_id, irow_right);
       __m256i cmp = _mm256_cmpeq_epi32(right, _mm256_setzero_si256());
-      uint32_t result_lo =
-          _mm256_movemask_epi8(_mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_castsi256_si128(cmp)));
-      uint32_t result_hi =
-          _mm256_movemask_epi8(_mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_extracti128_si256(cmp, 1)));
-      reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(match_bytevector)[i] &=
-          result_lo | (static_cast<uint64_t>(result_hi) << 32);
+      reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(match_bytevector)[i] &= Cmp32To8(cmp);
     num_processed = num_rows_to_compare / unroll * unroll;
     return num_processed;
@@ -107,18 +93,11 @@ uint32_t KeyCompare::NullUpdateColumnToRowImp_avx2(
         __m256i bits = _mm256_setr_epi32(1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128);
         cmp = _mm256_cmpeq_epi32(_mm256_and_si256(left, bits), bits);
-      uint32_t result_lo =
-          _mm256_movemask_epi8(_mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_castsi256_si128(cmp)));
-      uint32_t result_hi =
-          _mm256_movemask_epi8(_mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_extracti128_si256(cmp, 1)));
-      reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(match_bytevector)[i] &=
-          result_lo | (static_cast<uint64_t>(result_hi) << 32);
-      num_processed = num_rows_to_compare / unroll * unroll;
+      reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(match_bytevector)[i] &= Cmp32To8(cmp);
+    num_processed = num_rows_to_compare / unroll * unroll;
     return num_processed;
   } else {
-    const uint8_t* null_masks = rows.null_masks();
-    uint32_t null_mask_num_bytes = rows.metadata().null_masks_bytes_per_row;
     const uint8_t* non_nulls =;
@@ -147,29 +126,11 @@ uint32_t KeyCompare::NullUpdateColumnToRowImp_avx2(
         left_null =
             _mm256_cmpeq_epi32(_mm256_and_si256(left, bits), _mm256_setzero_si256());
-      __m256i bitid =
-          _mm256_mullo_epi32(irow_right, _mm256_set1_epi32(null_mask_num_bytes * 8));
-      bitid = _mm256_add_epi32(bitid, _mm256_set1_epi32(null_bit_id));
-      __m256i right =
-          _mm256_i32gather_epi32((const int*)null_masks, _mm256_srli_epi32(bitid, 3), 1);
-      right = _mm256_and_si256(
-          _mm256_set1_epi32(1),
-          _mm256_srlv_epi32(right, _mm256_and_si256(bitid, _mm256_set1_epi32(7))));
+      __m256i right = GetNullBitInt32(rows, null_bit_id, irow_right);
       __m256i right_null = _mm256_cmpeq_epi32(right, _mm256_set1_epi32(1));
-      uint64_t left_null_64 =
-          static_cast<uint32_t>(_mm256_movemask_epi8(
-              _mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_castsi256_si128(left_null)))) |
-          (static_cast<uint64_t>(static_cast<uint32_t>(_mm256_movemask_epi8(
-               _mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_extracti128_si256(left_null, 1)))))
-           << 32);
-      uint64_t right_null_64 =
-          static_cast<uint32_t>(_mm256_movemask_epi8(
-              _mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_castsi256_si128(right_null)))) |
-          (static_cast<uint64_t>(static_cast<uint32_t>(_mm256_movemask_epi8(
-               _mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_extracti128_si256(right_null, 1)))))
-           << 32);
+      uint64_t left_null_64 = Cmp32To8(left_null);
+      uint64_t right_null_64 = Cmp32To8(right_null);
       reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(match_bytevector)[i] |= left_null_64 & right_null_64;
       reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(match_bytevector)[i] &= ~(left_null_64 ^ right_null_64);
@@ -189,7 +150,7 @@ uint32_t KeyCompare::CompareBinaryColumnToRowHelper_avx2(
   if (is_fixed_length) {
     uint32_t fixed_length = rows.metadata().fixed_length;
     const uint8_t* rows_left =;
-    const uint8_t* rows_right =;
+    const uint8_t* rows_right = rows.fixed_length_rows(/*row_id=*/0);
     constexpr uint32_t unroll = 8;
     __m256i irow_left = _mm256_setr_epi32(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_rows_to_compare / unroll; ++i) {
@@ -234,7 +195,7 @@ uint32_t KeyCompare::CompareBinaryColumnToRowHelper_avx2(
   } else {
     const uint8_t* rows_left =;
     const RowTableImpl::offset_type* offsets_right = rows.offsets();
-    const uint8_t* rows_right =;
+    const uint8_t* rows_right = rows.var_length_rows();
     constexpr uint32_t unroll = 8;
     __m256i irow_left = _mm256_setr_epi32(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);
     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_rows_to_compare / unroll; ++i) {
@@ -321,12 +282,7 @@ inline uint64_t CompareSelected8_avx2(const uint8_t* left_base, const uint8_t* r
   __m256i cmp = _mm256_cmpeq_epi32(left, right);
-  uint32_t result_lo =
-      _mm256_movemask_epi8(_mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_castsi256_si128(cmp)));
-  uint32_t result_hi =
-      _mm256_movemask_epi8(_mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_extracti128_si256(cmp, 1)));
-  return result_lo | (static_cast<uint64_t>(result_hi) << 32);
+  return Cmp32To8(cmp);
 template <int column_width>
@@ -372,12 +328,7 @@ inline uint64_t Compare8_avx2(const uint8_t* left_base, const uint8_t* right_bas
   __m256i cmp = _mm256_cmpeq_epi32(left, right);
-  uint32_t result_lo =
-      _mm256_movemask_epi8(_mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_castsi256_si128(cmp)));
-  uint32_t result_hi =
-      _mm256_movemask_epi8(_mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_extracti128_si256(cmp, 1)));
-  return result_lo | (static_cast<uint64_t>(result_hi) << 32);
+  return Cmp32To8(cmp);
 template <bool use_selection>
@@ -402,9 +353,9 @@ inline uint64_t Compare8_64bit_avx2(const uint8_t* left_base, const uint8_t* rig
       reinterpret_cast<const arrow::util::int64_for_gather_t*>(right_base);
   __m256i right_lo = _mm256_i64gather_epi64(right_base_i64, offset_right_lo, 1);
   __m256i right_hi = _mm256_i64gather_epi64(right_base_i64, offset_right_hi, 1);
-  uint32_t result_lo = _mm256_movemask_epi8(_mm256_cmpeq_epi64(left_lo, right_lo));
-  uint32_t result_hi = _mm256_movemask_epi8(_mm256_cmpeq_epi64(left_hi, right_hi));
-  return result_lo | (static_cast<uint64_t>(result_hi) << 32);
+  __m256i cmp_lo = _mm256_cmpeq_epi64(left_lo, right_lo);
+  __m256i cmp_hi = _mm256_cmpeq_epi64(left_hi, right_hi);
+  return Cmp64To8(cmp_lo, cmp_hi);
 template <bool use_selection>
@@ -554,7 +505,7 @@ void KeyCompare::CompareVarBinaryColumnToRowImp_avx2(
   const uint32_t* offsets_left = col.offsets();
   const RowTableImpl::offset_type* offsets_right = rows.offsets();
   const uint8_t* rows_left =;
-  const uint8_t* rows_right =;
+  const uint8_t* rows_right = rows.var_length_rows();
   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_rows_to_compare; ++i) {
     uint32_t irow_left = use_selection ? sel_left_maybe_null[i] : i;
     uint32_t irow_right = left_to_right_map[irow_left];
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/ b/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/
index 5e8ee7c58a782..2b8f4d97561e8 100644
--- a/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ TEST(KeyCompare, LARGE_MEMORY_TEST(CompareColumnsToRowsOver2GB)) {
   ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(RowTableImpl row_table_right,
   // The row table must contain an offset buffer.
+  ASSERT_NE(row_table_right.var_length_rows(), NULLPTR);
   // The whole point of this test.
   ASSERT_GT(row_table_right.offsets()[num_rows - 1], k2GB);
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ TEST(KeyCompare, LARGE_MEMORY_TEST(CompareColumnsToRowsOver4GBFixedLength)) {
   // The row table must not contain a third buffer.
+  ASSERT_EQ(row_table_right.var_length_rows(), NULLPTR);
   // The row data must be greater than 4GB.
   ASSERT_GT(row_table_right.buffer_size(1), k4GB);
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ TEST(KeyCompare, LARGE_MEMORY_TEST(CompareColumnsToRowsOver4GBVarLength)) {
   // The row table must contain an offset buffer.
+  ASSERT_NE(row_table_right.var_length_rows(), NULLPTR);
   // At least the last row should be located at over 4GB.
   ASSERT_GT(row_table_right.offsets()[num_rows_row_table - 1], k4GB);
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/ b/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/
index 127d43021d639..0e2720a286634 100644
--- a/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/
@@ -260,36 +260,32 @@ void EncoderInteger::Decode(uint32_t start_row, uint32_t num_rows,
       col_prep.metadata().fixed_length == rows.metadata().fixed_length) {
     DCHECK_EQ(offset_within_row, 0);
     uint32_t row_size = rows.metadata().fixed_length;
-    memcpy(col_prep.mutable_data(1), + start_row * row_size,
-           num_rows * row_size);
+    memcpy(col_prep.mutable_data(1), rows.fixed_length_rows(start_row),
+           static_cast<int64_t>(num_rows) * row_size);
   } else if (rows.metadata().is_fixed_length) {
-    uint32_t row_size = rows.metadata().fixed_length;
-    const uint8_t* row_base =
- + static_cast<RowTableImpl::offset_type>(start_row) * row_size;
-    row_base += offset_within_row;
     uint8_t* col_base = col_prep.mutable_data(1);
     switch (col_prep.metadata().fixed_length) {
       case 1:
         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
-          col_base[i] = row_base[i * row_size];
+          col_base[i] = *(rows.fixed_length_rows(start_row + i) + offset_within_row);
       case 2:
         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
-          reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(col_base)[i] =
-              *reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(row_base + i * row_size);
+          reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(col_base)[i] = *reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(
+              rows.fixed_length_rows(start_row + i) + offset_within_row);
       case 4:
         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
-          reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(col_base)[i] =
-              *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(row_base + i * row_size);
+          reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(col_base)[i] = *reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(
+              rows.fixed_length_rows(start_row + i + offset_within_row));
       case 8:
         for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
-          reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(col_base)[i] =
-              *reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(row_base + i * row_size);
+          reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(col_base)[i] = *reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(
+              rows.fixed_length_rows(start_row + i) + offset_within_row);
@@ -297,7 +293,7 @@ void EncoderInteger::Decode(uint32_t start_row, uint32_t num_rows,
   } else {
     const RowTableImpl::offset_type* row_offsets = rows.offsets() + start_row;
-    const uint8_t* row_base =;
+    const uint8_t* row_base = rows.var_length_rows();
     row_base += offset_within_row;
     uint8_t* col_base = col_prep.mutable_data(1);
     switch (col_prep.metadata().fixed_length) {
@@ -343,14 +339,14 @@ void EncoderBinary::EncodeSelectedImp(uint32_t offset_within_row, RowTableImpl*
   if (is_fixed_length) {
     uint32_t row_width = rows->metadata().fixed_length;
     const uint8_t* src_base =;
-    uint8_t* dst = rows->mutable_data(1) + offset_within_row;
+    uint8_t* dst = rows->mutable_fixed_length_rows(/*row_id=*/0) + offset_within_row;
     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_selected; ++i) {
       copy_fn(dst, src_base, selection[i]);
       dst += row_width;
     if ( {
       const uint8_t* non_null_bits =;
-      uint8_t* dst = rows->mutable_data(1) + offset_within_row;
+      dst = rows->mutable_fixed_length_rows(/*row_id=*/0) + offset_within_row;
       for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_selected; ++i) {
         bool is_null = !bit_util::GetBit(non_null_bits, selection[i] + col.bit_offset(0));
         if (is_null) {
@@ -361,14 +357,14 @@ void EncoderBinary::EncodeSelectedImp(uint32_t offset_within_row, RowTableImpl*
   } else {
     const uint8_t* src_base =;
-    uint8_t* dst = rows->mutable_data(2) + offset_within_row;
+    uint8_t* dst = rows->mutable_var_length_rows() + offset_within_row;
     const RowTableImpl::offset_type* offsets = rows->offsets();
     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_selected; ++i) {
       copy_fn(dst + offsets[i], src_base, selection[i]);
     if ( {
       const uint8_t* non_null_bits =;
-      uint8_t* dst = rows->mutable_data(2) + offset_within_row;
+      uint8_t* dst = rows->mutable_var_length_rows() + offset_within_row;
       const RowTableImpl::offset_type* offsets = rows->offsets();
       for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_selected; ++i) {
         bool is_null = !bit_util::GetBit(non_null_bits, selection[i] + col.bit_offset(0));
@@ -584,16 +580,13 @@ void EncoderBinaryPair::DecodeImp(uint32_t num_rows_to_skip, uint32_t start_row,
   uint8_t* dst_A = col1->mutable_data(1);
   uint8_t* dst_B = col2->mutable_data(1);
-  uint32_t fixed_length = rows.metadata().fixed_length;
   const RowTableImpl::offset_type* offsets;
   const uint8_t* src_base;
   if (is_row_fixed_length) {
-    src_base = +
-               static_cast<RowTableImpl::offset_type>(start_row) * fixed_length +
-               offset_within_row;
+    src_base = rows.fixed_length_rows(start_row) + offset_within_row;
     offsets = nullptr;
   } else {
-    src_base = + offset_within_row;
+    src_base = rows.var_length_rows() + offset_within_row;
     offsets = rows.offsets() + start_row;
@@ -601,6 +594,7 @@ void EncoderBinaryPair::DecodeImp(uint32_t num_rows_to_skip, uint32_t start_row,
   using col2_type_const = typename std::add_const<col2_type>::type;
   if (is_row_fixed_length) {
+    uint32_t fixed_length = rows.metadata().fixed_length;
     const uint8_t* src = src_base + num_rows_to_skip * fixed_length;
     for (uint32_t i = num_rows_to_skip; i < num_rows; ++i) {
       reinterpret_cast<col1_type*>(dst_A)[i] = *reinterpret_cast<col1_type_const*>(src);
@@ -654,7 +648,7 @@ void EncoderOffsets::Decode(uint32_t start_row, uint32_t num_rows,
   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
     // Find the beginning of cumulative lengths array for next row
-    const uint8_t* row = + row_offsets[i];
+    const uint8_t* row = rows.var_length_rows() + row_offsets[i];
     const uint32_t* varbinary_ends = rows.metadata().varbinary_end_array(row);
     // Update the offset of each column
@@ -728,7 +722,7 @@ void EncoderOffsets::EncodeSelectedImp(uint32_t ivarbinary, RowTableImpl* rows,
                                        const std::vector<KeyColumnArray>& cols,
                                        uint32_t num_selected, const uint16_t* selection) {
   const RowTableImpl::offset_type* row_offsets = rows->offsets();
-  uint8_t* row_base = rows->mutable_data(2) +
+  uint8_t* row_base = rows->mutable_var_length_rows() +
                       rows->metadata().varbinary_end_array_offset +
                       ivarbinary * sizeof(uint32_t);
   const uint32_t* col_offsets = cols[ivarbinary].offsets();
@@ -824,8 +818,6 @@ void EncoderNulls::Decode(uint32_t start_row, uint32_t num_rows, const RowTableI
     DCHECK(col.mutable_data(0) || col.metadata().is_null_type);
-  const uint8_t* null_masks = rows.null_masks();
-  uint32_t null_masks_bytes_per_row = rows.metadata().null_masks_bytes_per_row;
   for (size_t col = 0; col < cols->size(); ++col) {
     if ((*cols)[col].metadata().is_null_type) {
@@ -839,9 +831,7 @@ void EncoderNulls::Decode(uint32_t start_row, uint32_t num_rows, const RowTableI
       memset(non_nulls + 1, 0xff, bit_util::BytesForBits(num_rows - bits_in_first_byte));
     for (uint32_t row = 0; row < num_rows; ++row) {
-      uint32_t null_masks_bit_id =
-          (start_row + row) * null_masks_bytes_per_row * 8 + static_cast<uint32_t>(col);
-      bool is_set = bit_util::GetBit(null_masks, null_masks_bit_id);
+      bool is_set = rows.is_null(start_row + row, static_cast<uint32_t>(col));
       if (is_set) {
         bit_util::ClearBit(non_nulls, bit_offset + row);
@@ -853,7 +843,7 @@ void EncoderVarBinary::EncodeSelected(uint32_t ivarbinary, RowTableImpl* rows,
                                       const KeyColumnArray& cols, uint32_t num_selected,
                                       const uint16_t* selection) {
   const RowTableImpl::offset_type* row_offsets = rows->offsets();
-  uint8_t* row_base = rows->mutable_data(2);
+  uint8_t* row_base = rows->mutable_var_length_rows();
   const uint32_t* col_offsets = cols.offsets();
   const uint8_t* col_base =;
@@ -882,7 +872,7 @@ void EncoderVarBinary::EncodeSelected(uint32_t ivarbinary, RowTableImpl* rows,
 void EncoderNulls::EncodeSelected(RowTableImpl* rows,
                                   const std::vector<KeyColumnArray>& cols,
                                   uint32_t num_selected, const uint16_t* selection) {
-  uint8_t* null_masks = rows->null_masks();
+  uint8_t* null_masks = rows->mutable_null_masks(/*row_id=*/0);
   uint32_t null_mask_num_bytes = rows->metadata().null_masks_bytes_per_row;
   memset(null_masks, 0, null_mask_num_bytes * num_selected);
   for (size_t icol = 0; icol < cols.size(); ++icol) {
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/encode_internal.h b/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/encode_internal.h
index 37538fcc4b835..5ad82e0c8e749 100644
--- a/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/encode_internal.h
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/encode_internal.h
@@ -164,11 +164,10 @@ class EncoderBinary {
     uint32_t col_width = col_const->metadata().fixed_length;
     if (is_row_fixed_length) {
-      uint32_t row_width = rows_const->metadata().fixed_length;
       for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
         const uint8_t* src;
         uint8_t* dst;
-        src = rows_const->data(1) + row_width * (start_row + i) + offset_within_row;
+        src = rows_const->fixed_length_rows(start_row + i) + offset_within_row;
         dst = col_mutable_maybe_null->mutable_data(1) + col_width * i;
         copy_fn(dst, src, col_width);
@@ -177,7 +176,8 @@ class EncoderBinary {
       for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
         const uint8_t* src;
         uint8_t* dst;
-        src = rows_const->data(2) + row_offsets[start_row + i] + offset_within_row;
+        src = rows_const->var_length_rows() + row_offsets[start_row + i] +
+              offset_within_row;
         dst = col_mutable_maybe_null->mutable_data(1) + col_width * i;
         copy_fn(dst, src, col_width);
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ class EncoderVarBinary {
       col_offset_next = col_offsets[i + 1];
       RowTableImpl::offset_type row_offset = row_offsets_for_batch[i];
-      const uint8_t* row = rows_const->data(2) + row_offset;
+      const uint8_t* row = rows_const->var_length_rows() + row_offset;
       uint32_t offset_within_row;
       uint32_t length;
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ class EncoderVarBinary {
       const uint8_t* src;
       uint8_t* dst;
-      src = rows_const->data(2) + row_offset;
+      src = rows_const->var_length_rows() + row_offset;
       dst = col_mutable_maybe_null->mutable_data(2) + col_offset;
       copy_fn(dst, src, length);
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/ b/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/
index d2e317deb890c..650d24b8efc51 100644
--- a/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/
@@ -75,14 +75,9 @@ uint32_t EncoderBinaryPair::DecodeImp_avx2(uint32_t start_row, uint32_t num_rows
   uint32_t fixed_length = rows.metadata().fixed_length;
   const RowTableImpl::offset_type* offsets;
-  const uint8_t* src_base;
   if (is_row_fixed_length) {
-    src_base = +
-               static_cast<RowTableImpl::offset_type>(fixed_length) * start_row +
-               offset_within_row;
     offsets = nullptr;
   } else {
-    src_base = + offset_within_row;
     offsets = rows.offsets() + start_row;
@@ -94,14 +89,15 @@ uint32_t EncoderBinaryPair::DecodeImp_avx2(uint32_t start_row, uint32_t num_rows
     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_rows / unroll; ++i) {
       const __m128i *src0, *src1, *src2, *src3;
       if (is_row_fixed_length) {
-        const uint8_t* src = src_base + (i * unroll) * fixed_length;
+        const uint8_t* src =
+            rows.fixed_length_rows(start_row + i * unroll) + offset_within_row;
         src0 = reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(src);
         src1 = reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(src + fixed_length);
         src2 = reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(src + fixed_length * 2);
         src3 = reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(src + fixed_length * 3);
       } else {
+        const uint8_t* src = rows.var_length_rows() + offset_within_row;
         const RowTableImpl::offset_type* row_offsets = offsets + i * unroll;
-        const uint8_t* src = src_base;
         src0 = reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(src + row_offsets[0]);
         src1 = reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(src + row_offsets[1]);
         src2 = reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(src + row_offsets[2]);
@@ -127,7 +123,8 @@ uint32_t EncoderBinaryPair::DecodeImp_avx2(uint32_t start_row, uint32_t num_rows
     uint8_t buffer[64];
     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_rows / unroll; ++i) {
       if (is_row_fixed_length) {
-        const uint8_t* src = src_base + (i * unroll) * fixed_length;
+        const uint8_t* src =
+            rows.fixed_length_rows(start_row + i * unroll) + offset_within_row;
         for (int j = 0; j < unroll; ++j) {
           if (col_width == 1) {
             reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(buffer)[j] =
@@ -141,8 +138,8 @@ uint32_t EncoderBinaryPair::DecodeImp_avx2(uint32_t start_row, uint32_t num_rows
       } else {
+        const uint8_t* src = rows.var_length_rows() + offset_within_row;
         const RowTableImpl::offset_type* row_offsets = offsets + i * unroll;
-        const uint8_t* src = src_base;
         for (int j = 0; j < unroll; ++j) {
           if (col_width == 1) {
             reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(buffer)[j] =
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/ b/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/
index aa7e62add45ff..492cc71ac49f3 100644
--- a/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/
@@ -406,10 +406,14 @@ bool RowTableImpl::has_any_nulls(const LightContext* ctx) const {
     return true;
   if (num_rows_for_has_any_nulls_ < num_rows_) {
-    auto size_per_row = metadata().null_masks_bytes_per_row;
+    DCHECK_LE(num_rows_for_has_any_nulls_, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
+    int64_t num_bytes =
+        metadata().null_masks_bytes_per_row * (num_rows_ - num_rows_for_has_any_nulls_);
+    DCHECK_LE(num_bytes, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
     has_any_nulls_ = !util::bit_util::are_all_bytes_zero(
-        ctx->hardware_flags, null_masks() + size_per_row * num_rows_for_has_any_nulls_,
-        static_cast<uint32_t>(size_per_row * (num_rows_ - num_rows_for_has_any_nulls_)));
+        ctx->hardware_flags,
+        null_masks(static_cast<uint32_t>(num_rows_for_has_any_nulls_)),
+        static_cast<uint32_t>(num_bytes));
     num_rows_for_has_any_nulls_ = num_rows_;
   return has_any_nulls_;
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/row_internal.h b/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/row_internal.h
index 3ab86fd1fc6ed..0919773a2281b 100644
--- a/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/row_internal.h
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/row_internal.h
@@ -199,29 +199,44 @@ class ARROW_EXPORT RowTableImpl {
   const RowTableMetadata& metadata() const { return metadata_; }
   /// \brief The number of rows stored in the table
   int64_t length() const { return num_rows_; }
-  // Accessors into the table's buffers
-  const uint8_t* data(int i) const {
-    ARROW_DCHECK(i >= 0 && i < kMaxBuffers);
-    if (ARROW_PREDICT_TRUE(buffers_[i])) {
-      return buffers_[i]->data();
-    }
-    return NULLPTR;
+  const uint8_t* null_masks(uint32_t row_id) const {
+    return data(0) + static_cast<int64_t>(row_id) * metadata_.null_masks_bytes_per_row;
-  uint8_t* mutable_data(int i) {
-    ARROW_DCHECK(i >= 0 && i < kMaxBuffers);
-    if (ARROW_PREDICT_TRUE(buffers_[i])) {
-      return buffers_[i]->mutable_data();
-    }
-    return NULLPTR;
+  uint8_t* mutable_null_masks(uint32_t row_id) {
+    return mutable_data(0) +
+           static_cast<int64_t>(row_id) * metadata_.null_masks_bytes_per_row;
+  }
+  bool is_null(uint32_t row_id, uint32_t col_pos) const {
+    return bit_util::GetBit(null_masks(row_id), col_pos);
+  const uint8_t* fixed_length_rows(uint32_t row_id) const {
+    ARROW_DCHECK(metadata_.is_fixed_length);
+    return data(1) + static_cast<int64_t>(row_id) * metadata_.fixed_length;
+  }
+  uint8_t* mutable_fixed_length_rows(uint32_t row_id) {
+    ARROW_DCHECK(metadata_.is_fixed_length);
+    return mutable_data(1) + static_cast<int64_t>(row_id) * metadata_.fixed_length;
+  }
   const offset_type* offsets() const {
+    ARROW_DCHECK(!metadata_.is_fixed_length);
     return reinterpret_cast<const offset_type*>(data(1));
   offset_type* mutable_offsets() {
+    ARROW_DCHECK(!metadata_.is_fixed_length);
     return reinterpret_cast<offset_type*>(mutable_data(1));
-  const uint8_t* null_masks() const { return null_masks_->data(); }
-  uint8_t* null_masks() { return null_masks_->mutable_data(); }
+  const uint8_t* var_length_rows() const {
+    ARROW_DCHECK(!metadata_.is_fixed_length);
+    return data(2);
+  }
+  uint8_t* mutable_var_length_rows() {
+    ARROW_DCHECK(!metadata_.is_fixed_length);
+    return mutable_data(2);
+  }
   /// \brief True if there is a null value anywhere in the table
@@ -237,6 +252,22 @@ class ARROW_EXPORT RowTableImpl {
+  // Accessors into the table's buffers
+  const uint8_t* data(int i) const {
+    ARROW_DCHECK(i >= 0 && i < kMaxBuffers);
+    if (ARROW_PREDICT_TRUE(buffers_[i])) {
+      return buffers_[i]->data();
+    }
+    return NULLPTR;
+  }
+  uint8_t* mutable_data(int i) {
+    ARROW_DCHECK(i >= 0 && i < kMaxBuffers);
+    if (ARROW_PREDICT_TRUE(buffers_[i])) {
+      return buffers_[i]->mutable_data();
+    }
+    return NULLPTR;
+  }
   /// \brief Resize the fixed length buffers to store `num_extra_rows` more rows. The
   /// fixed length buffers are buffers_[0] for null masks, buffers_[1] for row data if the
   /// row is fixed length, or for row offsets otherwise.
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/ b/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/
index 5057ce91b5bea..49d8f2a9afe14 100644
--- a/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/
@@ -92,9 +92,8 @@ TEST(RowTableMemoryConsumption, Encode) {
         ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto row_table,
                              MakeRowTableFromColumn(col, num_rows, dt->byte_width(),
-        ASSERT_NE(, NULLPTR);
-        ASSERT_NE(, NULLPTR);
-        ASSERT_EQ(, NULLPTR);
+        ASSERT_NE(row_table.null_masks(/*row_id=*/0), NULLPTR);
+        ASSERT_NE(row_table.fixed_length_rows(/*row_id=*/0), NULLPTR);
         int64_t actual_null_mask_size =
             num_rows * row_table.metadata().null_masks_bytes_per_row;
@@ -113,9 +112,9 @@ TEST(RowTableMemoryConsumption, Encode) {
       SCOPED_TRACE("encoding var length column of " + std::to_string(num_rows) + " rows");
       ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto row_table,
                            MakeRowTableFromColumn(var_length_column, num_rows, 4, 4));
+      ASSERT_NE(row_table.null_masks(/*row_id=*/0), NULLPTR);
+      ASSERT_NE(row_table.offsets(), NULLPTR);
+      ASSERT_NE(row_table.var_length_rows(), NULLPTR);
       int64_t actual_null_mask_size =
           num_rows * row_table.metadata().null_masks_bytes_per_row;
diff --git a/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/row_util_avx2_internal.h b/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/row_util_avx2_internal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..a8fce7e0e8687
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpp/src/arrow/compute/row/row_util_avx2_internal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+#pragma once
+#include "arrow/compute/row/row_internal.h"
+#include "arrow/util/simd.h"
+#if !defined(ARROW_HAVE_AVX2) && !defined(ARROW_HAVE_AVX512) && \
+    !defined(ARROW_HAVE_RUNTIME_AVX2) && !defined(ARROW_HAVE_RUNTIME_AVX512)
+#  error "This file should only be included when AVX2 or AVX512 is enabled"
+namespace arrow::compute {
+// Convert 8 64-bit comparision results, each being 0 or -1, to 8 bytes.
+inline uint64_t Cmp64To8(__m256i cmp64_lo, __m256i cmp64_hi) {
+  uint32_t cmp_lo = _mm256_movemask_epi8(cmp64_lo);
+  uint32_t cmp_hi = _mm256_movemask_epi8(cmp64_hi);
+  return cmp_lo | (static_cast<uint64_t>(cmp_hi) << 32);
+// Convert 8 32-bit comparision results, each being 0 or -1, to 8 bytes.
+inline uint64_t Cmp32To8(__m256i cmp32) {
+  return Cmp64To8(_mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_castsi256_si128(cmp32)),
+                  _mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_extracti128_si256(cmp32, 1)));
+// Get null bits for 8 32-bit row ids in `row_id32` at `col_pos` as a vector of 32-bit
+// integers. Note that the result integer is 0 if the corresponding column is not null, or
+// 1 otherwise.
+inline __m256i GetNullBitInt32(const RowTableImpl& rows, uint32_t col_pos,
+                               __m256i row_id32) {
+  const uint8_t* null_masks = rows.null_masks(/*row_id=*/0);
+  __m256i null_mask_num_bits =
+      _mm256_set1_epi64x(rows.metadata().null_masks_bytes_per_row * 8);
+  __m256i row_lo = _mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_castsi256_si128(row_id32));
+  __m256i row_hi = _mm256_cvtepi32_epi64(_mm256_extracti128_si256(row_id32, 1));
+  __m256i bit_id_lo = _mm256_mul_epi32(row_lo, null_mask_num_bits);
+  __m256i bit_id_hi = _mm256_mul_epi32(row_hi, null_mask_num_bits);
+  bit_id_lo = _mm256_add_epi64(bit_id_lo, _mm256_set1_epi64x(col_pos));
+  bit_id_hi = _mm256_add_epi64(bit_id_hi, _mm256_set1_epi64x(col_pos));
+  __m128i right_lo = _mm256_i64gather_epi32(reinterpret_cast<const int*>(null_masks),
+                                            _mm256_srli_epi64(bit_id_lo, 3), 1);
+  __m128i right_hi = _mm256_i64gather_epi32(reinterpret_cast<const int*>(null_masks),
+                                            _mm256_srli_epi64(bit_id_hi, 3), 1);
+  __m256i right = _mm256_set_m128i(right_hi, right_lo);
+  return _mm256_and_si256(_mm256_set1_epi32(1), _mm256_srli_epi32(right, col_pos & 7));
+}  // namespace arrow::compute