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772 lines (551 loc) · 21.9 KB

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772 lines (551 loc) · 21.9 KB


It is unofficial Tcl DataBase Connectivity JDBC Driver.

Tcl Database Connectivity (TDBC) is a common interface for Tcl programs to access SQL databases.

tclBlend is a Tcl package that provides access to Java classes from Tcl. tclBlend is implemented using JNI.

tclJBlend is a fork of TclBlend, a Tcl extension that uses JNI to communicate with a Java interpreter.

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) provides methods to query and update data in a database, and is oriented towards relational databases.

The library consists of a single Tcl Module file. TDBC::JDBC extension is using tclBlend package to call JDBC API.

The tdbc::jdbc driver provides a database interface that conforms to Tcl DataBase Connectivity (TDBC) and allows a Tcl script to connect to any SQL database presenting a JDBC interface. Now it is a limited support implement.

Only test on openSUSE LEAP 42.1 (64bit), Ubuntu 14.04 (64bit) and Open JDK7, Windows platform (32bit and 64bit) and JDK8.

This extension needs Tcl >= 8.6, TDBC and tclBlend (or tclJBlend) package. Tcl 8.6.1-8.6.5 maybe need patch, please check tclBlend.


MIT License


The tdbc::jdbc driver requires Tcl >= 8.6, TDBC and tclBlend package.

For Windows platform, if your Tcl lib folder is C:\Tcl\lib, then copy this file to below location:


For Ubuntu, copy this file to below location:


For openSUSE (64bit), copy this file to below location:


Or you can use installer.tcl to install this package. installer.tcl use info library to get path and install tm file. If you want to uninstall after using installer.tcl to install, try below command (on Linux platform):

sudo ./installer.tcl -uninstall 1

If you try to uninstall on Windows platform,

tclsh installer.tcl -uninstall 1


tdbc::jdbc::connection create db className url username password ?-option value...?

Connection to a JDBC database is established by invoking tdbc::jdbc::connection create, passing it the name to be used as a connection handle, followed by a JDBC driver class name, JDBC url, username and password.

The tdbc::jdbc::connection create object command supports the -isolation and -readonly options.

JDBC driver for TDBC implements a statement object that represents a SQL statement in a database. Instances of this object are created by executing the prepare or preparecall object command on a database connection.

The prepare object command against the connection accepts arbitrary SQL code to be executed against the database.

The paramtype object command allows the script to specify the type and direction of parameter transmission of a variable in a statement. Now JDBC driver only specify the type work.

JDBC driver paramtype accepts below type:
bigint, binary, bit, char, date, decimal, double, float, integer, longvarbinary, longvarchar, numeric, real, time, timestamp, smallint, tinyint, varbinary, varchar, blob and clob.

The execute object command executes the statement.


Before execute TDBC::JDBC package, please setup CLASSPATH correctly. Below is an example for HSQLDB (on Windows platform):

set CLASSPATH=c:\jars\hsqldb.jar;%CLASSPATH%

Example: HSQLDB

HSQLDB is a relational database management system written in Java. It offers a fast, small database engine which offers both in-memory and disk-based tables. Both embedded and server modes are available for purchase.

Below is an exmaple:

package require tdbc::jdbc

set className    {org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver}
set url          jdbc:hsqldb:file:testdb 
set username     SA
set password     ""

if {[catch {tdbc::jdbc::connection create db $className $url $username $password -readonly 0} errMsg]} {
    puts $errMsg

set statement [db prepare {create table if not exists person (id integer not null, name varchar(40))}]
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {insert into person values(:id, :name)}]
# It is important -> need to setup type
$statement paramtype id integer
$statement paramtype name varchar    

set myparams [dict create id 1 name Leo]
$statement execute $myparams    

set id 2
set name Mary    
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {SELECT * FROM person}]

$statement foreach row {
     if {[catch {set id [dict get $row ID]}]} {
        puts "ID:"
     } else {
        puts "ID: $id"
     if {[catch {set name [dict get $row NAME]}]} {
        puts "NAME:"
     } else {
        puts "NAME: $name"

$statement close

set statement [db prepare {drop table person}]
$statement execute
$statement close

db close

Example: H2 database

H2 is a relational database management system written in Java. It can be embedded in Java applications or run in the client-server mode.

Below is an exmaple:

package require tdbc::jdbc

set className    {org.h2.Driver}
set url          jdbc:h2:c:/temp/test
set username     "SA"
set password     "SA"

tdbc::jdbc::connection create db $className $url $username $password -readonly 0

set statement [db prepare {CREATE TABLE if not exists userdata ( user varchar(50) not null)}]
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {INSERT INTO userdata ( user ) VALUES ( 'Cameron' )}]
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {INSERT INTO userdata ( user ) VALUES ( 'Bahamut' )}]
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {INSERT INTO userdata ( user ) VALUES ( 'Thrall' )}]
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {INSERT INTO userdata ( user ) VALUES ( 'Mandora' )}]
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {UPDATE userdata SET user = 'Mandorala' where user = 'Mandora'}]
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {SELECT * FROM userdata}]

$statement foreach row {
     if {[catch {set user [dict get $row USER]}] == 0} {
        puts "User: $user"

$statement close

set statement [db prepare {drop table if exists userdata}]
$statement execute
$statement close

db close

Example: Apache Derby

Apache Derby is developed as an open source project under the Apache 2.0 license. Oracle distributes the same binaries under the name Java DB.

Below is an exmaple:

package require tdbc::jdbc

set className    {org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver}
set url          {jdbc:derby:sample;create=true}
set username     ""
set password     ""

tdbc::jdbc::connection create db $className $url $username $password -readonly 0

set createTableCheck {
    set in_result {}
    set statement [db prepare {select TABLENAME from SYS.SYSTABLES where TABLENAME = 'PERSON'}]
    $statement foreach row {
        if {[catch {set in_result [dict get $row TABLENAME]}]} {
            set in_result ""
    $statement close

    if {[string length $in_result] == 0} {
        set statement [db prepare {create table person (id integer not null, name varchar(40))}]
        catch {$statement execute}
        $statement close

    unset in_result

# Use transaction method to do create table check
db transaction $createTableCheck

set statement [db prepare {insert into person values(:id, :name)}]
# It is important -> need to setup type
$statement paramtype id integer
$statement paramtype name varchar    

set myparams [dict create id 1 name Duncan]
$statement execute $myparams    

set myparams [dict create id 2 name Mario]  
$statement execute $myparams  
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {SELECT * FROM person}]

$statement foreach row {
     if {[catch {set id [dict get $row ID]}]} {
        puts "ID:"
     } else {
        puts "ID: $id"

     if {[catch {set name [dict get $row NAME]}]} {
        puts "NAME:"
     } else {
        puts "NAME: $name"

$statement close

set statement [db prepare {drop table person}]
$statement execute
$statement close

db close

Example: PostgreSQL

Download JDBC driver from PostgreSQL JDBC Driver. Below is a simple exmaple:

package require tdbc::jdbc

set className    {org.postgresql.Driver}
set url          jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/danilo
set username     danilo
set password     danilo

tdbc::jdbc::connection create db $className $url $username $password -readonly 0

set statement [db prepare {select extname, extversion from pg_extension}]
puts "List extension name and version:"
$statement foreach row {
    puts "[dict get $row extname] - [dict get $row extversion]"

$statement close

db close

Example: MonetDB

This example is only to test MonetDB JDBC driver.

Below is an exmaple:

package require tdbc::jdbc

set className    {nl.cwi.monetdb.jdbc.MonetDriver}
set url          jdbc:monetdb://localhost:50000/demo
set username     monetdb
set password     monetdb

tdbc::jdbc::connection create db $className $url $username $password

set script {
    set in_result {}
    set statement [db prepare {select name from sys.tables where name = 'power'}]
    $statement foreach row {
        set in_result [dict get $row name]
    $statement close
    if {[string length $in_result] > 0} {
        set statement [db prepare {drop table power}]
        catch {$statement execute}
        $statement close
    unset in_result

# Use transaction method to drop table
db transaction $script

set statement [db prepare \
    {create table power (name varchar(40) not null, number double)}]
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {insert into power values(:name, :number)}]
# It is important -> need to setup type
$statement paramtype name varchar
$statement paramtype number double

set name Mercy 
set number 100.01
$statement execute

set name Jerry 
set number 90.99
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {SELECT * FROM power}]

$statement foreach row {
    puts [dict get $row name]
    puts [dict get $row number]

$statement close
db close

Example: SQLite

SQLite already have very good Tcl interface and TDBC driver. This example is only to test SQLite JDBC driver.

Below is an exmaple:

package require tdbc::jdbc

set className    {org.sqlite.JDBC}
set url          jdbc:sqlite:sample.db
set username     ""
set password     ""

if {[catch {tdbc::jdbc::connection create db $className $url $username $password -readonly 0} errMsg]} {
    puts $errMsg

set statement [db prepare {drop table if exists person}]
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {create table person (id integer not null, name string)}]
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {insert into person values(:id, :name)}]
# It is important -> need to setup type
$statement paramtype id integer
$statement paramtype name varchar    

set myparams [dict create id 1 name Leo]
$statement execute $myparams    

set id 2
set name Mary    
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {SELECT * FROM person}]

$statement foreach row {
     if {[catch {set id [dict get $row id]}]} {
        puts "ID:"
     } else {
        puts "ID: $id"

     if {[catch {set name [dict get $row name]}]} {
        puts "NAME:"
     } else {
        puts "NAME: $name"

$statement close

db close

Example: MariaDB

I download MariaDB JDBC driver to test.

package require tdbc::jdbc

set className    {org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver}
set url          jdbc:mariadb://localhost:3306/test
set username     "root"
set password     "admin"

tdbc::jdbc::connection create db $className $url $username $password

set statement [db prepare \
    {create table if not exists contact (name varchar(20) not null  UNIQUE, 
    email varchar(40) not null, primary key(name))}]
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {insert into contact values(:name, :email)}]
$statement paramtype name varchar
$statement paramtype email varchar

set name scott
set email [email protected]
$statement execute

set name danilo
set email [email protected]
$statement execute

set myparams [dict create name arthur email [email protected]]
$statement execute $myparams
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {SELECT * FROM contact}]
$statement foreach row {
    puts [dict get $row name]
    puts [dict get $row email]
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {DROP TABLE if exists contact}]
$statement execute
$statement close
db close

Example: TiDB

TiDB is a distributed NewSQL database compatible with MySQL protocol. I download MySQL JDBC driver to test TiDB.

package require tdbc::jdbc

set className    {com.mysql.jdbc.Driver}
set url          jdbc:mysql://localhost:4000/test?useSSL=true
set username     "root"
set password     ""

tdbc::jdbc::connection create db $className $url $username $password

set statement [db prepare \
    {create table contact (name varchar(20) not null  UNIQUE, 
    email varchar(40) not null, primary key(name))}]
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {insert into contact values(:name, :email)}]
$statement paramtype name varchar
$statement paramtype email varchar

set name danilo
set email [email protected]
$statement execute

set name scott
set email [email protected]
$statement execute

set myparams [dict create name arthur email [email protected]]
$statement execute $myparams
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {SELECT * FROM contact}]
$statement foreach row {
    puts [dict get $row name]
    puts [dict get $row email]
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {DROP TABLE  contact}]
$statement execute
$statement close
db close

Example: CUBRID

I create a demo database to test CUBRID 10.0 JDBC Driver.

Below is an exmaple:

package require tdbc::jdbc

set className    {cubrid.jdbc.driver.CUBRIDDriver}
set url          jdbc:cubrid:
set username     ""
set password     ""

tdbc::jdbc::connection create db $className $url $username $password

set statement [db prepare {create table if not exists person (id integer not null, name varchar(40))}]
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {insert into person values(:id, :name)}]
# It is important -> need to setup type
$statement paramtype id integer
$statement paramtype name varchar

set myparams [dict create id 1 name Leo]
$statement execute $myparams

set id 2
set name Mary
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {SELECT * FROM person}]

$statement foreach row {
    if {[catch {set id [dict get $row id]}]} {
        puts "ID:"
    } else {
        puts "ID: $id"

    if {[catch {set name [dict get $row name]}]} {
        puts "NAME:"
    } else {
        puts "NAME: $name"

$statement close

set statement [db prepare {drop table person}]
$statement execute
$statement close

db close

Example: Apache Phoenix

Apache Phoenix offers a SQL skin on HBase. Phoenix is implemented as a JDBC driver.

I just test Apache HBase 1.2.3 and Apache Phoenix 4.8.0 on Localhost. And I use setUsePrepared method (setup flag to 0) to use Statement to replace prepareStatement.

package require tdbc::jdbc

set className    {org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixDriver}
set url          jdbc:phoenix:localhost
set username     ""
set password     ""

# Just connect to localhost HBase
tdbc::jdbc::connection create db $className $url $username $password -isolation readcommitted

# Only for test: use Statement to replace prepareStatement
db setUsePrepared 0

set statement [db prepare {CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS STOCK_SYMBOL
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {UPSERT INTO STOCK_SYMBOL (SYMBOL, COMPANY) 
                  VALUES ('CRM','')}]
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {UPSERT INTO STOCK_SYMBOL (SYMBOL, COMPANY) 
                  VALUES ('MSFT','Microsoft')}]
$statement execute
$statement close

set statement [db prepare {UPSERT INTO STOCK_SYMBOL (SYMBOL, COMPANY) 
                  VALUES ('FB','Facebook')}]
$statement execute
$statement close

# Apache Phoenix needs invoke commit method to update record
db commit

set statement [db prepare {SELECT * FROM STOCK_SYMBOL}]
$statement foreach row {
    if {[catch {set symbol [dict get $row SYMBOL]}] == 0} {
        puts "SYMBOL: $symbol"
        if {[catch {set company [dict get $row COMPANY]}] == 0} {
            puts "COMPANY: $company"

$statement close

set statement [db prepare {drop table if exists STOCK_SYMBOL}]
$statement execute
$statement close

db close

Example: Apache Drill

Apache Drill is a low-latency distributed query engine for large-scale datasets, including structured and semi-structured/nested data.

I just test Apache Drill JDBC driver in distributed mode. And I use setUsePrepared method (setup flag to 0) to use Statement to replace prepareStatement.

I enable User Authentication to test Apache Drill JDBC driver. So if you use TDBCJDBC to connect Apache Drill, please remember to update url, username and password.

Apache Drill provides sample data, try it:

package require tdbc::jdbc

set className    {org.apache.drill.jdbc.Driver}
set url          jdbc:drill:zk=
set username     "danilo"
set password     "danilo"

tdbc::jdbc::connection create db $className $url $username $password

# Only for test: use Statement to replace prepareStatement
db setUsePrepared 0

set statement [db prepare {SELECT * FROM cp.`employee.json` LIMIT 5}]
$statement foreach row {
    puts "=================="
    foreach {key value} $row {
        puts "$key - $value"

$statement close

db close

Example: CrateDB

CrateDB is a distributed SQL database management system that integrates a fully searchable document oriented data store.

The JDBC driver is from CrateDB JDBC and test at CrateDB 1.1.3. CrateDB is still under development, so maybe the interface would be changed in the future.

package require tdbc::jdbc

set className    {io.crate.client.jdbc.CrateDriver}
set url          crate://localhost:5432/
set username     ""
set password     ""

if {[catch {tdbc::jdbc::connection create db $className $url $username $password -readonly 0} errMsg]} {
    puts $errMsg

set statement [db prepare {select name from sys.cluster}]

$statement foreach row {
    if {[catch {set name [dict get $row name]}]} {
        puts "name:"
    } else {
        puts "name: $name"

$statement close

db close

Example: Neo4j

Neo4j is a graph database management system developed by Neo4j, Inc.

I test Neo4j JDBC driver for Neo4j 3.x with BOLT protocol by using Neo4j 3.3.3. And I use setUsePrepared method (setup flag to 0) to use Statement to replace prepareStatement (Neo4j use Cypher language, not SQL).

package require tdbc::jdbc

set className    {org.neo4j.jdbc.Neo4jDriver}
set url          jdbc:neo4j:bolt://localhost
set username     "neo4j"
set password     "neo4j123"
if {[catch {tdbc::jdbc::connection create db $className $url $username $password -readonly 0} errMsg]} {
    puts $errMsg

db setUsePrepared 0
set statement [db prepare {MATCH (person: Person) RETURN person}]

$statement foreach row {
    if {[catch {set person [dict get $row person]}]} {
        puts "person:"
    } else {
        puts "person: $person"

$statement close

db close