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Books (and Other Resources) |
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I love to read. It's the primary way I learn new information, and I'm constantly reading something (or more than likely many somethings). These are a few things that have stuck out for me as really useful resources.
The Go Programming Language - Pretty much the definitive guide for Go. I'm still not sure I'm smart enough to understand everything in this book. :)
Istio in Action - A thorough deep dive into Istio. I learned A LOT from this book.
Kubernetes in Action - One of the first books I read about Kubernetes. I still refer back to this occasionally.
Kubernetes Operators and Programming Kubernetes. These two books together helped me get a good grasp of k8s operators and how they can be used to build resources.
Google's SRE Series - The Google SRE Series is pretty excellent.
Tracing the path of network traffic in Kubernetes - You never can know too much about how the networking magic works in Kubernetes.