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k8s things
aws eks update-kubeconfig --region [region] --name [cluster name]
#### Run a Ubuntu Pod in a Cluster to Debug Something ##### 2023 Update Add this to your .zshrc (or equiv) and use it to drop a debug container in your cluster: ``` alias kshell='kubectl run -it --image bash --restart Never --rm shell' ``` One of these days I'm gonna push an image to Dockerhub that has all the tools I need so I don't need to `apt update; apt install curl;`, etc - but that is not today. :)
kubectl run --rm -it --image=ubuntu debugme -- /bin/bash -l#### Run a Ubuntu Container in Docker
docker run --name test -it --rm ubuntu#### Run a Debug Container in an existing pod
kubectl debug -it podname --image=ubuntu --target=containername -n namespace#### Run a Ubuntu Container with PowerShell (No arm64 images yet)
docker run --name test -it --rm --platform=linux/amd64 Run a Specific Arch for a Docker Image
docker run --name test -it --rm --platform=linux/amd64 ubuntu
#### Helm Stuff Pull a specific chart version:
helm pull ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --version 3.11.1See what versions of a chart are available:
helm search repo ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --versions#### Cleanup Docker Things
docker system prune --volumes