The command below will start a local StatsHouse instance and open the UI once ready.
contains a simple instrumented web server.
Run it to start sending metrics to the StatsHouse instance you've just launched:
go run ./cmd/statshouse-example/statshouse-example.go
Docker commands below assume StatsHouse source code is located under statshouse
directory. Change --filter
option value to label=com.docker.compose.project=<name_of_directory_containing_StatsHouse_source_code>
if it's not the case.
uses Docker Compose volumes to persist data between runs. Use the following command to delete volumes and free up disk space:
docker volume prune --force --filter label=com.docker.compose.project=statshouse
Run the following command to delete all Docker resources specific to StatsHouse:
docker system prune --force --volumes --filter label=com.docker.compose.project=statshouse
The following command will compile all three StatsHouse binaries as well as the frontend SPA:
make build-sh build-sh-api build-sh-metadata build-sh-ui
Find them in target/
and statshouse-ui/build/
ls target/
statshouse statshouse-api statshouse-metadata
ls statshouse-ui/build/
asset-manifest.json favicon.ico index.html logo192.png logo512.png manifest.json openapi robots.txt static
StatsHouse does not create directories and files on its own, it expects them to exist. It's required to create directories for cache and binary logs. Exact directories location is not important, as long as it's writeable. Consider the following directory structure:
mkdir -p ~/statshouse/cache/aggregator
mkdir -p ~/statshouse/cache/agent
mkdir -p ~/statshouse/cache/api
mkdir -p ~/statshouse/metadata/binlog
In the examples below it's assumed that the directories exist.
./target/statshouse-metadata --binlog-prefix=$HOME/statshouse/metadata/binlog/bl --create-binlog "0,1"
StatsHouse expects particular tables to exist in ClickHouse. To create them use on of the two following scripts:
for ClickHouse on localhostbuild/clickhouse-cluster.sql
for ClickHouse cluster
For starters, you can use the docker-compose service in this repo (it already has all necessary tables created):
docker compose --profile kh --file localrun.yml up -d
Verify docker-compose instance by running the following:
docker run -it --rm --network=statshouse_default --link kh:clickhouse-server yandex/clickhouse-client --host clickhouse-server
Assuming that ClickHouse is available on localhost (default ports), follow the steps below. If this is not the case, then change --kh
aggregator argument (step 2) and --clickhouse-v2-addrs
api argument (step 4) accordingly.
Start StatsHouse metadata engine:
./target/statshouse-metadata --statshouse-addr= --db-path=$HOME/statshouse/metadata/db --binlog-prefix=$HOME/statshouse/metadata/binlog/bl
Start StatsHouse aggregator:
./target/statshouse aggregator --log-level=trace --agg-addr='localhost:13336' --kh=localhost:8123 --cache-dir=$HOME/statshouse/cache/aggregator --cluster=test_shard_localhost
Start StatsHouse agent:
./target/statshouse agent --log-level=trace --agg-addr='localhost:13336,localhost:13336,localhost:13336' --cache-dir=$HOME/statshouse/cache/agent --cluster=test_shard_localhost
Start StatsHouse API:
./target/statshouse-api --verbose --local-mode --access-log --clickhouse-v1-addrs= --clickhouse-v2-addrs=localhost:9000 --listen-addr=localhost:10888 --disk-cache=$HOME/statshouse/cache/api/mapping_cache.sqlite3 --static-dir=statshouse-ui/build
Open StatsHouse UI: http://localhost:10888/view?live=1&f=-300&t=0&s=__contributors_log_rev