Create a yaml file env-config.yaml
in the config directory of this project with your secrets names and parameters to configure both the CDK deployment and to pass them to your backstage app container at runtime.
A full clean and separate replicaton of the stacks and pipelines can be deployed with a new configuration file, by changing out the name of the the configuration file in
. This allows us to do a pre-test of any major changes to infrastructure or deployment flow in another account. see: env-config-test.yaml
Below are the variables used by cdk, you may add any others to env-config.yaml
that you want to pass to the backstage runtime as env variables.
The essential variables for CDK deployment to define are:
- POSTGRES_PORT --> (Optional) defaults to 5432
- POSTGRES_DB --> (Optional) no default lets backstage define
- POSTGRES_USER --> (Optional) defaults to 'postgres'
- POSTGRES_PASSWORD --> (Optional) Not needed, will get generated and over-written on the fly
- POSTGRES_HOST --> (Optional) Not needed, will get generated and over-written on the fly
- HOST_NAME --> (Required) defaults to backstage, must be unique for each stage
- DOMAIN_NAME --> (Required) defaults to
- CONTAINER_PORT --> (Optional) defaults to 7000
- CONTAINER_NAME --> (Optional) defaults to 'Backstage'
- DOCKERFILE --> (Optional) defaults to 'dockerfile'
- AWS_REGION --> (Optional) defaults to 'us-east-1'
- AWS_ACCOUNT --> (Required) no default
- ACM_ARN --> (Optional) no default, if left empty will generate a new cert
- ECR_REP_NAME --> (Optional) if not set cdk will create new repo with container name.
- TAG_STACK_NAME -> (Required) no default
- TAG_STACK_PRODUCT -> (Optional) defaults to "Dev-Portal"
- GITHUB_APP_REPO --> (Required) the name of the repo where your backstage app code is kept, without the user or org
- GITHUB_INFRA_REPO --> (Required) the name of this repo
- GITHUB_ORG --> (Required) the user or org where the backstage app repo lives
- GITHUB_INFRA_BRANCH --> (Optional) defaults to "main"
- GITHUB_APP_BRANCH --> (Optional) defaults to "main"
- CODESTAR_CONN_ARN --> (Required) the bootstrapped codestar connection for the pipelines to use
- CODESTAR_NOTIFY_ARN --> (Optional) the codestar notification connection for chatbot ARN
Secrets to retreive at runtime but keep hidden:
- AWS_AUTH_SECRET_NAME --> (Required) the name of the AWS Secretmanager Secret which contains key/secret for backstage to acces aws services
- GITHUB_AUTH_SECRET_NAME --> (Required per stage) the name of the AWS Secretmanager Secret which holds the oauth key/secret for backstage to auth against Github
- GITHUB_APP_ARN --> (Required) secret arn for github-app file, used in the app-pipeline during container build.