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#include <types.h>#include <quickdraw.h>#include <windows.h>#include <dialogs.h>#include <controls.h>#include <toolutils.h>#include <menus.h>#include <Files.h>#include <StandardFile.h>#include <packages.h>#include <segload.h>#include <memory.h>#include <resources.h>#include <strings.h>#include <StdLib.h>//#include <OSEvents.h>#include <Events.h>#include <OSutils.h>#include <FCntl.h>//#include <desk.h>#define DOCMDS_C#include "globals.h"#include "mmemory.h"#include "window.h"#include "main.h"#include "macio.h"#include "iow.h"#include "clock.h"#include "docmds.h"#include "sym.h"#include "lmem.h"#include "regw.h"#include "progw.h"#include "stackw.h"#include "decdump.h"#include "hexdump.h"#include "vax.h"#include "exception.h"#include "execute.h"#include "aprintf.h"#include "symbol_tab.h"#include "vaxmacio.h"#include "settings.h"#include "launch.h"#include "process.h"#include "controldef.h"#include "gotod.h"#include "display_process.h"#pragma segment MENUSvoid file_open(void){ new_process( (MFILE *)0 ); put_PC_in_progwindow(); clear_all_windows();}void file_close( void ){ terminate_process(); put_PC_in_progwindow(); clear_all_windows();}void file_sendOpto(void){}void file_transfer(void){}void run_reset(void){ reset_current_proc(); put_PC_in_progwindow(); clear_io_window(); clear_all_windows();}long event_loop(void){EventRecord myEvent;long windownum;short myControl;long os_message; /* * Main Event tasks: */ SystemTask(); if (!GetNextEvent(everyEvent, &myEvent)) { /* * A null or system event, not for me. * Here is a good place for heap cleanup and/or * segment unloading if I want to. */ return 0; } switch (myEvent.what) { case mouseDown: switch (FindWindow(myEvent.where, &whichWindow)) { case inSysWindow: /* * In the unlikely case that the active desk accessory does not * handle mouseDown, keyDown, or other events, GetNextEvent() will * give them to us! So before we perform actions on some events, * we check to see that the affected window in question is really * our window. */ SystemClick(&myEvent, whichWindow); break; case inMenuBar: doCommand(MenuSelect(myEvent.where),myEvent.modifiers & optionKey); break; case inDrag: DragWindow(whichWindow, myEvent.where, &dragRect); break; case inGoAway: if ((windownum = GetWRefCon(whichWindow) - progwID) >= 0 && windownum < NumWindows) if (TrackGoAway(whichWindow, myEvent.where)) { SendBehind(whichWindow,0L); ShowHide(whichWindow,false); } break; case inGrow: if (whichWindow == theActiveWindow) if ((windownum = GetWRefCon(whichWindow) - progwID) >= 0 && windownum < NumWindows) GrowWnd(&window[windownum],myEvent.where); else SelectWindow(whichWindow); break; case inContent: if (whichWindow != theActiveWindow && !(myEvent.modifiers & cmdKey)) { SelectWindow(whichWindow); } else if ((windownum = GetWRefCon(whichWindow) - progwID) >= 0 && windownum < NumWindows) { GlobalToLocal(&myEvent.where); if (PtInRect(myEvent.where, &(window[windownum].usable)) ) window[windownum].click_window(&myEvent.where,myEvent.modifiers); else { myControl = FindControl(myEvent.where, whichWindow, &whichControl); switch(myControl) { case in0: if(TrackControl(whichControl, myEvent.where , 0)) put_at_top_progwindow(0); break; case inUpByte: TrackControl(whichControl, myEvent.where , sScrollUpProc); break; case inDownByte: TrackControl(whichControl, myEvent.where , sScrollDownProc); break; case inUpInstruction: TrackControl(whichControl, myEvent.where , sScrollUpProc); break; case inDownInstruction: TrackControl(whichControl, myEvent.where , sScrollDownProc); break; case inPC: if(TrackControl(whichControl, myEvent.where , 0)) put_at_top_progwindow(PC); break; case inAddress: if(TrackControl(whichControl, myEvent.where , 0)) goto_address(USE_PROGMEMW); break; case inPrevProcess: if(TrackControl(whichControl, myEvent.where , 0)) dec_process_displayed(); break; case inNextProcess: if(TrackControl(whichControl, myEvent.where , 0)) inc_process_displayed(); break; case inAutoProcess: if(TrackControl(whichControl, myEvent.where , 0)) auto_process_displayed(); break; case inIStack: if(TrackControl(whichControl, myEvent.where , 0)) set_stack(ISP, 1); break; case inKStack: if(TrackControl(whichControl, myEvent.where , 0)) set_stack(KSP, 1); break; case inEStack: if(TrackControl(whichControl, myEvent.where , 0)) set_stack(ESP, 1); break; case inSStack: if(TrackControl(whichControl, myEvent.where , 0)) set_stack(SSP, 1); break; case inUStack: if(TrackControl(whichControl, myEvent.where , 0)) set_stack(USP, 1); break; case inCStack: if(TrackControl(whichControl, myEvent.where , 0)) set_stack(0, 0); break; case inUpButton: TrackControl(whichControl, myEvent.where , sScrollUpProc); break; case inDownButton: TrackControl(whichControl, myEvent.where ,sScrollDownProc); break; case inMyUpPage: PageScroll_highlight(myControl, -window[windownum].nlines); break; case inMyDownPage: PageScroll_highlight(myControl, window[windownum].nlines); break; case inPageUp: PageScroll(myControl, -window[windownum].nlines); break; case inPageDown: PageScroll(myControl, window[windownum].nlines); break; case inThumb: TrackControl(whichControl, myEvent.where , 0); ScrollBits(); break; } } } break; default: break; }/*endsw findwindow*/ break; case keyDown: case autoKey: if((myEvent.modifiers & cmdKey) ) { if((myEvent.message & charCodeMask) == '.') { stop = 1; } else doCommand(MenuKey(myEvent.message & charCodeMask),myEvent.modifiers & optionKey); } else if (stop == 1) /*if stopped allow editing of any window*/ { if ((windownum = GetWRefCon(theActiveWindow) - progwID) >= 0 && windownum < NumWindows) if(window[windownum].keypress) window[windownum].keypress(myEvent.message & charCodeMask); } else /*If running then io is considered console io*/ iow_keypress(myEvent.message & charCodeMask); break; case activateEvt: if ((windownum = GetWRefCon((WindowPtr) myEvent.message) - progwID) >= 0 && windownum < NumWindows) do_activate(&window[windownum],myEvent.modifiers & activeFlag); break; case updateEvt: if ((windownum = GetWRefCon((WindowPtr) myEvent.message) - progwID) >= 0 && windownum < NumWindows) doupdate(&window[windownum], 1L); break; case osEvt: os_message = (myEvent.message >> 24) & BYTE_MASK; if(os_message & suspendResumeMessage) { if(myEvent.message & resumeFlag ) { /*resume*/ /*do_activate(theActiveWindow,0);*/ } else /* suspend */ { /*do_activate(theActiveWindow,1);*/ } } break; default: break; }/*endsw myEvent.what*/ return (stop == 1 ? -1:0);}void run_go(void){register long i; HiliteMenu((short)0); DisableItem(MyMenus[runMenu], (short)goCommand); DisableItem(MyMenus[runMenu], (short)stepstepCommand); DisableItem(MyMenus[runMenu], (short)stepCommand); EnableItem(MyMenus[runMenu], (short)PauseCommand); save_display_process_ctx(); stop = 0; i = 0; saw_watch_point = 0; while(stop == 0) { exceptions_on = 1; execute(); stop_writes = 0; exceptions_on = 1; /* if(i++ == 49) { if((display_process_id & 0x80) == 0) load_display_process_ctx(); if(event_loop()) { break; } else i = 0; if((display_process_id & 0x80) == 0) save_display_process_ctx(); } */ clock_tick(ICCS_RUN_BIT,1); service_interrupt(); stop_writes = 0; exceptions_on = 0; if((IPR(TXCS) & 0x80 ) == 0 ) /* output pending */ { if(next_transmit_interrupt > 0) /*delay by random time set up on mtpr TXDB*/ next_transmit_interrupt--; else process_output(); } } stop = 1; if((IPR(TXCS) & 0x80 ) == 0 ) /* output pending */ process_output(); load_display_process_ctx(); put_PC_in_progwindow(); update_memdisplay(ANDREG); progWindow.update_window(); EnableItem(MyMenus[runMenu], (short)goCommand); EnableItem(MyMenus[runMenu], (short)stepstepCommand); EnableItem(MyMenus[runMenu], (short)stepCommand); DisableItem(MyMenus[runMenu], (short)PauseCommand);}void run_stepstep(void){ HiliteMenu((short)0); DisableItem(MyMenus[runMenu], (short)goCommand); DisableItem(MyMenus[runMenu], (short)stepstepCommand); DisableItem(MyMenus[runMenu], (short)stepCommand); EnableItem(MyMenus[runMenu], (short)PauseCommand); save_display_process_ctx(); stop = 0; saw_watch_point = 0; while(stop == 0 && event_loop() == 0) { exceptions_on = 1; execute(); stop_writes = 0; exceptions_on = 1; clock_tick(ICCS_RUN_BIT,1); service_interrupt(); if((IPR(TXCS) & 0x80 ) == 0 ) /* output pending */ { if(next_transmit_interrupt > 0) /*delay by random time set up on mtpr TXDB*/ next_transmit_interrupt--; else process_output(); } stop_writes = 0; exceptions_on = 0; put_PC_in_progwindow(); update_memdisplay(ANDREG); progWindow.update_window(); } stop = 1; if((IPR(TXCS) & 0x80 ) == 0 ) /* output pending */ process_output(); load_display_process_ctx(); EnableItem(MyMenus[runMenu], (short)goCommand); EnableItem(MyMenus[runMenu], (short)stepstepCommand); EnableItem(MyMenus[runMenu], (short)stepCommand); DisableItem(MyMenus[runMenu], (short)PauseCommand);}void run_step(void){ HiliteMenu((short)0); save_display_process_ctx(); exceptions_on = 1; stop = 0; saw_watch_point = 0; execute(); stop_writes = 0; exceptions_on = 1; clock_tick(ICCS_RUN_BIT,1); service_interrupt(); if((IPR(TXCS) & (long)0x80 ) == 0) /* output pending */ process_output(); stop_writes = 0; exceptions_on = 0; stop = 1; load_display_process_ctx(); put_PC_in_progwindow(); update_memdisplay(ANDREG); progWindow.update_window();}void run_watch_for_access_toggle(void) /*toggles a watch/break point*/{address loc; switch(GetWRefCon(theActiveWindow)) { case dumphwID: if((loc = get_c_pos_h()) != ERROR) toggle_watch_bit(loc); break; case dumpdwID: if((loc = get_c_pos_d()) != ERROR) toggle_watch_bit(loc); break; case progwID: if((loc = get_c_pos_prog()) != ERROR) toggle_watch_bit(loc); break; case physmemwID: case memwID: default: return; } update_memdisplay(NOTREG); progWindow.update_window();}void run_wbtoggleREAD(void){ r_watch_and_breaks_on = !r_watch_and_breaks_on; CheckItem(MyMenus[runMenu],STOPonREADcommand,r_watch_and_breaks_on); if(w_watch_and_breaks_on || r_watch_and_breaks_on) { EnableItem(MyMenus[runMenu], (short)watchCommand); EnableItem(MyMenus[runMenu], (short)ClearAllWatchCommand); } else { DisableItem(MyMenus[runMenu], (short)watchCommand); DisableItem(MyMenus[runMenu], (short)ClearAllWatchCommand); } update_memdisplay(NOTREG); progWindow.update_window();}void run_wbtoggleWRITE(void){ w_watch_and_breaks_on = !w_watch_and_breaks_on; CheckItem(MyMenus[runMenu],STOPonWRITEcommand,w_watch_and_breaks_on); if(w_watch_and_breaks_on || r_watch_and_breaks_on) { EnableItem(MyMenus[runMenu], (short)watchCommand); EnableItem(MyMenus[runMenu], (short)ClearAllWatchCommand); } else { DisableItem(MyMenus[runMenu], (short)watchCommand); DisableItem(MyMenus[runMenu], (short)ClearAllWatchCommand); } update_memdisplay(NOTREG); progWindow.update_window();}void windows_symmode(void){ symmode = !symmode; /*Use symbols rather than addresses*/ clear_all_windows(); setitem(MyMenus[optionMenu],symmodeCommand,symmode ? "Non Symbolic Mode":"Symbolic Mode");}void windows_hexmode(void){ hexmode = !hexmode; /*Use hex for addresses rather than decimal*/ clear_all_windows(); setitem(MyMenus[optionMenu],hexaddrCommand,hexmode?"Dec Addresses":"Hex Addresses");}void windows_ignoreprotectionmode(void){ ignore_mode = !ignore_mode; clear_all_windows(); setitem(MyMenus[optionMenu],IgnoreModeCommand, ignore_mode ? "Use Page Protection" : "Ignore Page Protection" );}void goto_loc( register address x){ dumpdw_goto(x); dumphw_goto(x); update_memdisplay(NOTREG);}void items_display_mode( long mode){Rect r; if(theActiveWindow == regWindow.windowptr) { reg_display_mode(mode); } else if(theActiveWindow == memWindow.windowptr) { mem_display_mode(mode); } else if(theActiveWindow == dumphWindow.windowptr && mode == DEC_FORMAT) { SetCtlValue(dumpdWindow.vScroll, dumpdWindow.theOrigin.v = (GetCtlValue(dumphWindow.vScroll) * 16) / 10); r = (*((WindowPeek) (dumphWindow.windowptr))->strucRgn)->rgnBBox; HideWindow(dumphWindow.windowptr); MoveWindow(dumpdWindow.windowptr,r.left, r.top + 19,false); ShowWindow(dumpdWindow.windowptr); SelectWindow(dumpdWindow.windowptr); hex_mem_dump = 0; } else if(theActiveWindow == dumpdWindow.windowptr && mode == HEX_FORMAT) { SetCtlValue(dumphWindow.vScroll, dumphWindow.theOrigin.v = (GetCtlValue(dumpdWindow.vScroll) * 10 ) / 16 ); r = (*((WindowPeek) (dumpdWindow.windowptr))->strucRgn)->rgnBBox; HideWindow(dumpdWindow.windowptr); MoveWindow(dumphWindow.windowptr,r.left, r.top + 19,false); ShowWindow(dumphWindow.windowptr); SelectWindow(dumphWindow.windowptr); hex_mem_dump = 1; }}#define DLGLEFT 85#define DLGTOP 100void exec_other( short save_str_res_number){#ifdef C68Kstruct Point dlgOrigin; /* dialogbox top left corner*/static SFReply theReply; /* Data returned from dialogbox*/OSType types[4];StringHandle strH;short cur_res_fd; /*temp to hold the current resource file fd*/ dlgOrigin.h = DLGLEFT; dlgOrigin.v = DLGTOP; types[0] = 'APPL'; SFGetFile(dlgOrigin,(void *)"", (FileFilterProcPtr) 0, (short)1, types, (DlgHookProcPtr)0, &theReply); if(theReply.good) { if(save_str_res_number) { cur_res_fd = CurResFile(); UseResFile(appl_fd); strH = (StringHandle) Get1Resource ('STR ', save_str_res_number); if( strH == 0 ) { strH = NewString(theReply.fName); AddResource((Handle)strH,'STR ',save_str_res_number,(void *)""); } else { SetString(strH,theReply.fName); ChangedResource((Handle)strH); } UpdateResFile(appl_fd); UseResFile(cur_res_fd); } p2cstr(theReply.fName); exec_it((char *)theReply.fName,theReply.vRefNum,save_str_res_number); /*The following will not happen unless we fail to launch*/ HUnlock((Handle) strH); ReleaseResource((Handle) strH); /*Throw away string*/ }#else aprintf("Not implemented for PPC\n");#endif}void exec_it( char *name, /*name to launch + it better be right or boom*/ short vrefnum, /*zero for current directory*/ short save_str_res_number /*resource number of 'STR '*/ ){#ifdef C68Kstruct mac_args{ short message; short count; AppFile argv;} *arglist;Handle args;Handle *lmg = (Handle *)0xaec;struct launch_params appl;OSErr error;FInfo finfo; if(vrefnum) SetVol((void *)0,vrefnum); if((error = getfinfo(name,(short)0,&finfo)) == noErr) { if(finfo.fdType != 'APPL') { aprintf("%s is not an application\nHelp Me find it.",name); exec_other(save_str_res_number); } else { file_close(); c2pstr(name); appl.name = name; appl.altsndbuff = (short)0; /*set up null args to pass to application*/ SetZone(SystemZone()); DisposHandle(*lmg); args = NewHandle(sizeof(struct mac_args)); HLock(args); SetZone(ApplicZone()); arglist = (struct mac_args *)*args; arglist->message = 0; arglist->count = 0; *lmg = args; HUnlock(args); EXEC(( struct launch_params * ) &appl); } } else { aprintf("Error %d\nCan't find %s\nHelp Me find it",error,name); exec_other(save_str_res_number); }#else aprintf("Not implemented for PPC\n");#endif}