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#include <types.h>#include <quickdraw.h>#include <toolutils.h>#include <fonts.h>#include <events.h>#include <windows.h>#include <dialogs.h>#include <menus.h>//#include <desk.h>#include <textedit.h>#include <scrap.h>#include <segload.h>#include <resources.h>#include <OSutils.h>#include <controls.h>#include <StdIO.h>#define __HEXDUMP_C_#include "window.h"#include "main.h"#include "hexdump.h"#include "mmemory.h"#include "aprintf.h"#include "docmds.h"#pragma segment HEXWINDOWstatic void puthnible( long n){char b; b = vax_fetchb((dumphw_cline + dumphw_cbyte)) & ( dumphw_cshift ? NIBBLE_MASK : HI_NIBBLE_MASK); vax_putb(((n & NIBBLE_MASK) << dumphw_cshift) | b, dumphw_cline + dumphw_cbyte) ; }void dumphw_goto( /*Shift the window origin to display address a*/ register address a){register address lbase;register address new_cline; lbase = a >> (unsigned long) 4; /* Gives us the line number*/ new_cline = a & ( ~NIBBLE_MASK ); /* Gives us the address of the first byte on the line*/ if(new_cline <= last_lbase_h) { dumphWindow.theOrigin.v = (short) lbase; /* This must loose bits if address a above 0xFFFFF (about 1M)? */ } else if(new_cline >= first_stackaddress_h && new_cline <= last_sysbase_h) { dumphWindow.theOrigin.v = (short) ( lbase - (first_stackaddress_h >> (unsigned long)4) + (last_lbase_h >> (unsigned long)4) + 1); /* This must loose bits? */ } else { aprintf("Can't goto address 0x%x",a); /*SysBeep(5);*/ return; } SetCtlValue(dumphWindow.vScroll, dumphWindow.theOrigin.v); *((unsigned *)(&dumphw_cline)) = new_cline; dumphw_cbyte = a & NIBBLE_MASK; /*a - (unsigned)new_cline; of a % 16 */ if(in_ascii) { dumphw_byte = dumphw_cbyte + ASCII_START; dumphw_cshift = 0; } else { dumphw_byte = dumphw_cbyte * 3 + 1; dumphw_cshift = 4; }}void dumphw_click( /*Process a click in the window*/ Point *p, short modifiers){#pragma unused(modifiers)register long cw = CharWidth('0');register short line_size = dumphWindow.lsize;register short column1 = cw * 8 + 4; if( p->h > column1 && p->v > line_size) { dumphw_cline = dumphWindow.mbase + (p->v / line_size) * 16 - 16 ; if(dumphw_cline > last_lbase_h) dumphw_cline = first_stackaddress_h + (dumphw_cline - last_lbase_h - 16); dumphw_byte = (p->h - column1) / cw ; in_ascii = (dumphw_byte >= ASCII_START && dumphw_byte <= ASCII_END); if( dumphw_byte <= ASCII_END && ((dumphw_byte % 3) || in_ascii )) { /*valid click*/ if(in_ascii) { dumphw_cbyte = dumphw_byte - ASCII_START; dumphw_cshift = 0; } else { if((dumphw_cbyte = dumphw_byte - dumphw_byte / 3) & 1) dumphw_cshift = 4; else dumphw_cshift = 0; dumphw_cbyte = (dumphw_cbyte - 1) / 2; } } else dumphw_cline = -1; update_hexmem_window(); return; }}static void draw_h_cursor( /*draw the cursor*/ short v){register short cw = CharWidth('0');register short line_size = dumphWindow.lsize;register short column1 = cw * 8 + 4;Rect dumphw_r; if(dumphw_cline == -1) return; dumphw_r.left = (dumphw_byte * cw) + column1 ; dumphw_r.right = dumphw_r.left + cw; dumphw_r.bottom = v + dumphWindow.forigin; dumphw_r.top = dumphw_r.bottom - line_size; dumphw_r.bottom -= dumphWindow.leading; InvertRect(&dumphw_r);}static void draw_h_watches( /*Draw the watch point outlined boxes*/ char *box, /*array of bytes with 1's set if a watch point box needed*/ short v ){register long i;register short cw = CharWidth('0');register short line_size = dumphWindow.lsize;Rect dumphw_r; for(i = 1; i < ASCII_START; i += 3) { if(*box++) { dumphw_r.left = (i * cw) + (cw * 8) + 3; dumphw_r.right = dumphw_r.left + cw + cw + 2; dumphw_r.bottom = v + dumphWindow.forigin; dumphw_r.top = dumphw_r.bottom - line_size; dumphw_r.bottom -= dumphWindow.leading; FrameRect(&dumphw_r); } }}address get_c_pos_h( /*Return the cursor position */ /*Return -1 if the cursor is nil */ void){address loc; if(dumphw_cline == -1) return ERROR; else { loc = ( address ) (dumphw_cline + dumphw_cbyte); if(dumphw_cline < last_lbase_h) return loc; else if((unsigned long) dumphw_cline < last_sysbase_h) return loc; else return ERROR; /*Should never be the case*/ }}void dumphw_keypress( /*Handle Key presses when window is active*/ long key){ if(dumphw_cline == -1) return; if(ignore_mode == 1) displaymode = 1; /*move screen if not displayed*/ if(in_ascii) { vax_putb((char)( key & BYTE_MASK ),dumphw_cline + dumphw_cbyte); if(++dumphw_cbyte == 16) { dumphw_cbyte = 0; dumphw_byte = ASCII_START; dumphw_cline += 16; } else dumphw_byte++; } else { if(key >= '0' && key <= '9' ) { puthnible(key - '0'); } else if(key >= 'a' && key <= 'f') { puthnible(key - 'W' ); } else if(key >= 'A' && key <= 'F') { puthnible(key - '7' ); } else { aprintf("Invalid Key"); /*SysBeep(5);*/ displaymode = 0; return; } if(dumphw_cshift) { dumphw_byte++; dumphw_cshift = 0; } else { if(++dumphw_cbyte == 16) { dumphw_byte = 1; dumphw_cbyte = 0; dumphw_cline += 16; } else { dumphw_byte += 2; } dumphw_cshift = 4; } } update_memdisplay(NOTREG); displaymode = 0;}void dumphw_undo_keypress( /*Handle Undo's*/ void){}void update_hexmem_window( /*Called in response to an update event*/ void){char buff[68]; /*48 for printing 16 hex numbers , 17 for 16 chars*/long i;long j;long c;RgnHandle hold_h;short w;register short cw ;register address lbase;register short line_size = dumphWindow.lsize;register short v = line_size + line_size;register short column1;long k;Rect r, l;char box[16];GrafPtr savePort;long hold_stop = stop;long hold_exceptions_on = exceptions_on;long hold_saw_watch_point = saw_watch_point; if( ((WindowPeek) (dumphWindow.windowptr))->visible == false ) return; GetPort(&savePort); SetPort(dumphWindow.windowptr); exceptions_on = 0; stop = 1; if(ignore_mode == 1) displaymode = 1; cw = CharWidth('0'); column1 = cw * 8 + 4; hold_h = NewRgn(); GetClip(hold_h); ClipRect(&dumphWindow.usable); PenNormal(); MoveTo(column1 + cw ,line_size - dumphWindow.forigin); DrawString((void *)"\p 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F"); MoveTo(4 ,line_size - 1); w = cw * 56 ; PenSize(1,2); Line(w,0); PenNormal(); lbase = dumphWindow.theOrigin.v << 4; dumphWindow.mbase = lbase; r = dumphWindow.usable; r.right = column1; ClipRect(&r); for(i = 0; i <= dumphWindow.nlines; i++) { if(lbase > last_lbase_h ) { lbase = first_stackaddress_h + (lbase - last_lbase_h - 16); /*lbase = ( first_stackaddress_h & 0xF ) + (lbase - (last_lbase_h & 0xF ) );*/ for(;i <= dumphWindow.nlines; i++) { if(IPR(MME) == 0 || lbase > last_sysbase_h) { l.top = v - line_size + dumphWindow.forigin; l.bottom = dumphWindow.usable.bottom; l.right = column1; l.left = 0; EraseRect(&l); break; } else { sprintf(buff,"%8.8x",lbase); MoveTo(4, v); DrawText(buff,(short)0,(short)8); v += line_size; lbase += 16; } } break; } else { sprintf(buff,"%8.8x",lbase); MoveTo(4,v); DrawText(buff,(short)0,(short)8); lbase += 16; v += line_size; } } lbase = dumphWindow.mbase; v = line_size + line_size; r.right = dumphWindow.usable.right; r.left = column1 + 2; ClipRect(&r); for(i = 0; i <= dumphWindow.nlines; i++) { if(lbase >= last_lbase_h ) { if(lbase == last_lbase_h) { l.right = dumphWindow.usable.right; l.left = column1; l.bottom = v + dumphWindow.forigin; l.top = l.bottom - line_size - 1; EraseRect(&l); PenSize(1,2); MoveTo(column1, v - (line_size/2)); Line(cw * (ASCII_END + 1),0); v += line_size; lbase = first_stackaddress_h; i++; } else lbase = first_stackaddress_h + (lbase - last_lbase_h - 16); /*lbase = (first_stackaddress_h & 0xF) + (lbase - (last_lbase_h & 0xF));*/ for(; i <= dumphWindow.nlines; i++) { if(IPR(MME) == 0 || lbase >= last_sysbase_h) { l.top = v - line_size + dumphWindow.forigin; l.bottom = dumphWindow.usable.bottom; l.left = column1; l.right = dumphWindow.usable.right; EraseRect(&l); break; } else { for(j = 0,k = 0; j < 16; j++, k += 3) { saw_watch_point = 0; c = ((long) vax_fetchb(lbase + j)) & BYTE_MASK; sprintf(&buff[k]," %2.2X", c ); buff[j+ASCII_START] = (c < 0x7f && c > 0x1F) ? c:0xff; box[j] = saw_watch_point; } buff[ASCII_START-1] = ' '; MoveTo(column1, v); DrawText(buff,(short)0,(short)ASCII_END + 1); if(lbase == dumphw_cline) draw_h_cursor(v); draw_h_watches(box,v); lbase += 16; v += line_size; } } break; } else { for(j = 0,k = 0; j < 16; j++, k += 3) { saw_watch_point = 0; sprintf(&buff[k]," %2.2X", c = (((long) vax_fetchb(lbase + j)) & BYTE_MASK)); buff[j+ASCII_START] = (c < 0x7f && c > 0x1F) ? c:0xff; box[j] = saw_watch_point; } buff[ASCII_START-1] = ' '; MoveTo(column1, v); DrawText(buff,(short)0,(short)ASCII_END + 1); if(lbase == dumphw_cline) draw_h_cursor(v); draw_h_watches(box,v); lbase += 16; v += line_size; } } SetClip(hold_h); MoveTo(column1 ,0); PenSize(2,1); Line(0,dumphWindow.usable.bottom); PenNormal(); DisposeRgn(hold_h); SetPort(savePort); stop = hold_stop; exceptions_on = hold_exceptions_on; saw_watch_point = hold_saw_watch_point; displaymode = 0;}void activate_hexmem_window( /*Called in response to an activate event*/ long is_active){ if(is_active) { EnableItem(MyMenus[optionMenu], DisplayHexCommand); EnableItem(MyMenus[optionMenu], DisplaydecCommand); } else { DisableItem(MyMenus[optionMenu], DisplayHexCommand); DisableItem(MyMenus[optionMenu], DisplaydecCommand); }}