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rdelbru edited this page Dec 2, 2011 · 15 revisions


What is SIREn ?

SIREn is an extension for Apache Lucene and Solr. SIREn adds new features to Lucene and Solr for processing and searching highly heterogeneous semi-structured data (e.g., RDF). In essence, SIREn adds a new "field type" with a set of specific tools such as Analyzers, Query Operators and Query Parser. If you were looking for a way to:

  • have a real schema-less solution, i.e., you don't have to define all of your fields ahead of time, without penalties on the system performance;
  • search efficiently over millions of fields;
  • create a Lucene Document containing suub-element (i.e., nested child elements)

then SIREn might be a solution for you.

SIREn extends Lucene and Solr, meaning that you can still use all the features of Solr in conjunction with the features provided by SIREn.

What query types SIREn currently supports ?

table{border:1px solid black; text-align:center;}. |This|is|a centered table|row| |This|is|a|row-row-row-row|

Does SIREn support Ranked Search ?

Yes, SIREn returns a list of results that are automatically ranked based on their relevance to your query.

Does SIREn support Faceted Search ?

Yes, you can create arbitrary facets using SIREn's query with the Solr Query Faceting feature.

Does SIREn support Highlighting ?

Yes, SIREn support highlighting.

Does SIREn support sorting on a particular value ?

At the momnet, SIREn does not support sorting on a particular value of a SIREn field. This might be supported in a future release. However, you can still use sorting on a Lucene field.