The major element in a sequence with the length of L is the element which appears in a sequence more than L/2 times. The challenge is to find that element in a sequence.
Your program should accept as its first argument a path to a filename. Each line of the file contains a sequence of integers N separated by comma. E.g.
92,19,19,76,19,21,19,85,19,19,19,94,19,19,22,67,83,19,19,54,59,1,19,19 92,11,30,92,1,11,92,38,92,92,43,92,92,51,92,36,97,92,92,92,43,22,84,92,92 4,79,89,98,48,42,39,79,55,70,21,39,98,16,96,2,10,24,14,47,0,50,95,20,95,48,50,12,42
For each sequence print out the major element or print "None" in case there is no such element. E.g.
19 92 None
N is in range [0, 100]
L is in range [10000, 30000]
The number of test cases <= 40