You are given a plan of a room with 10×10 cells size. The walls in the room are marked with a number sign ‘#’. They are specular and they reflect light. If a ray hits a corner of the room, its distribution stops:
------- ------- -#####- -#####- - /\#- - /#- - / /#- - / #- -/ / #- - / #- /------ -/-----
There can be columns and prisms in the room at a distance at least 1 cell from the walls.
The columns are marked with the ‘o’ symbol. They absorb light. If a ray hits a column, its distribution stops:
------- - - - o - - / - -/ - /------
The prisms are marked with an asterisk ‘*’. They split a ray into three parts. One of them goes in the same direction as the original ray, two others are turned by ±90°:
------ - \ /- - * - - / \- -/ - /-----
There is a hole in one of the walls. A ray of light is let into the room through the hole at an angle aliquot to 45° to the walls:
########## # # # o o # # o o # # o *o # # o o # # * * *o # # # # # ###/######
Show the path of light distribution using pseudo-graphics. Use slash ‘/’ to show the fragment turned to 45° or 225°, backslash ‘\’ to show the fragment turned to 315° or 135°, and ‘X’ symbol to show the fragment where two rays are crossed:
########## #\ /\ # # \o/ o\ # # X o o\# # o \ *o/# # o o\ / # # * * *o # # / \ # # / \# ###/######
The maximum distance of light distribution is 20 cells, including the first and the last cells, but excluding the cells with prisms.
The first argument is a file with test cases. Each line contains serialized plan of a room, starting from the upper-left cell.
For example:
########### ## o o ## o o ## o *o ## o o ## * * *o ## ## ####/###### ########### ## * ## * ## * ## * ## ** ## ** ## ####/###### ########### ## * o ## o #/ o ## o * ## ## ## ###########
Show the path of light distribution on the plan, using pseudo-graphics. Print the result to stdout in a serialized way similarly to the input.
For example:
###########\ /\ ## \o/ o\ ## X o o\## o \ *o/## o o\ / ## * * *o ## / \ ## / \####/###### ###########\ /\/X\ ## X /* \\##/*X/ \ X##\//\* X/##/X *\//\##X \ /**/##\\ X/** ## \X/\/ \####X###### ########### /\ /\ ## / * o\##/ o/ \ /#/ / o X ## o * / \##/ \ / /##\ X / ## \/ \/ ###########
- A room size is 10×10 cells.
- The maximum distance of light distribution is 20 cells, including the first and the last cells, but excluding the cells with prisms.
- There are 40 test cases in the input.