For this step you'll need to fetch some data to feed your app. You will you the API exposed at
The URL you need are the following
=> returns an array of regions (string)GET
=> returns an array of winesGET
=> returns a wine
The HTTP client you will use is fetch
. It's the new standard way to fetch data over http in the browser. Here we use the whatwg-fetch
npm module to polyfill fetch
if necessary.
You can find some doc about fetch
WARNING: fetch
makes heavy usage of Javascript Promise
. You can read more about it here
As explained in the previous step, here we will make heavy usage of the unidirectional data flow pattern. The global state of the app will be stored in the highest component of the component tree. The data will be passed to the children as props. Each time the global state will mutate, the <WineApp />
component will be redraw and all the children components will be updated.
One of the issue with that pattern is that children components will need to trigger state mutation in the root component. To do that, just pass state mutation function to the children component as props in depth.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
class App extends Component {
state = { // the state of the app
count: 0
incrementCounter = () => { // the state mutator function
this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 });
render() {
return (
<h1>the count is : {this.state.count}</h1>
count={this.state.count} // pass state as props
incrementCounter={this.incrementCounter} /> // pass state mutator as props
class IncrementButton extends Component {
render() {
return (
<button type="button" onClick={this.props.incrementCounter}>{this.props.count} + 1</button>
First, write a new module to expose all the methods to fetch data from the Open Wine Database API. The module will look something like that
export function fetchRegions() {
return fetch(``).then(r => r.json());
export function fetchWinesFrom(region) {
export function fetchWine(id) {
then, add new functions on the <WineApp />
component to call that module and mutate the <WineApp />
import * as WinesService from '../services/wines';
export class WineApp extends Component {
state = {
regions: [],
selectedRegion: null,
wines: [],
selectedWine: null,
componentDidMount() {
// load regions and maybe wines from the first region
onSelectRegion = (region) => {
// load wines from the selected region
onSelectWine = (id) => {
// load wine details from wine id
render() {
now, just pass the data from the state and useful functions to the child components, add the right event listeners on elements, and it should be good.
Your app should work just like that
Now you're ready to add support of likes to the Wine application. Go to the next step to start writing it.