更多关于 API 升级的细节,请参阅更新日志,可以查看所有相关的 commit
和 issue
感谢你的耐心等待,终于迎来了这次重大变更。虽然表面上看来只是更新了一些 API,而实际上为了适用于更大型的应用场景,我们几乎重写了整个代码库。新的 API 提供了按需载入路由和组件、基于 session 的路由匹配、服务端渲染、整合 redux 和 relay 库,等等等等。
现在,我们来对比一下新旧 API 的区别。
// v0.13.x
Router.run(routes, (Handler) => {
React.render(<Handler/>, el);
// v1.0
React.render(<Router>{routes}</Router>, el)
// 类似这样:
<Route path="/" component={App}/>
), el);
// 当然也可以这样
React.render(<Router routes={routes}/>, el)
现在,location 被叫做 history(它会映射 location)。你需要从 history
包导入它们,而不是 react-router。
// v0.13.x
Router.run(routes, Router.BrowserHistory, (Handler) => {
React.render(<Handler/>, el);
// v1.0
import createBrowserHistory from 'history/lib/createBrowserHistory'
let history = createBrowserHistory()
React.render(<Router history={history}>{routes}</Router>, el)
如果没有指定 history 的类型(就像上面),那你要注意下在升级到 1.0.0
后的异常行为。一个并非你所定义的名为 _k
的 querystring
和路由所需的 hash
一并出现在了 URL 的后面。类似这样:?_k=umhx1s
这是有意为之的,它是 createHashHistory 部分的内容(也是当你没有指定时,默认的 history 方法)。你可以在这里了解更多关于它的特性,详细的文档在这里。
// v0.13.x
<Route name="about" handler={About}/>
// v1.0
<Route path="about" component={About}/>
NotFound 确实搞晕了好多人,搞不清楚是 API 中找不到资源还是没有可匹配的路由。而实际上它仅仅是一个简单的 *
// v0.13.x
<NotFoundRoute handler={NoMatch}/>
// v1.0
<Route path="*" component={NoMatch}/>
- 没有增加参数
// v0.13.x
<Redirect from="some/where/:id" to="somewhere/else/:id" params={{id: 2}}/>
// v1.0
// 可以像上面一样正常工作,除了去掉 params 参数,将它们放到了路径当中
<Redirect from="/some/where/:id" to="/somewhere/else/2"/>
// v0.13.x
<Link to="user" params={{userId: user.id}}>Mateusz</Link>
// v1.0
// 由于具名路由被移除,链接改为完成路径,你不再需要获取每个参数的名称。同时,字符串插值新特性非常棒。
// 注意,query 并没有改变。
<Link to={`/users/${user.id}`}>Mateusz</Link>
在 0.13.x link
组件会默认添加 “active” 类,你可以通过 activeClassName
重写它,或者提供 activeStyle
。而事实上,绝大多数 link
不会默认添加 “active” 类,你可以选择增加一个;如果没有 activeClassName
或者 activeStyle
,即便被激活,也不会去检测 link
// v0.13.x
<Link to="about">About</Link>
// v1.0
<Link to="/about" activeClassName="active">About</Link>
由于具名路由被移除,如果默认路由是 /
,指向 /
的 link
就会一直处于激活状态。所以,我们介绍的 IndexLink
// v0.13.x
// 配置路由
<Route path="/" handler={App}>
<DefaultRoute name="home" handler={Home}/>
<Route name="about" handler={About}/>
// 仅仅在 home 被激活是它才会被激活,在 about 激活时则不会
<Link to="home">Home</Link>
// v1.0
<Route path="/" component={App}>
<IndexRoute component={Home}/>
<Route path="about" component={About}/>
// 仅仅在 home 被激活是它才会被激活,在 about 激活时则不会
<IndexLink to="/">Home</IndexLink>
被移除。现在 Router
可以基于激活的路由自动填充组件的 this.props.children
// v0.13.x
<RouteHandler someExtraProp={something}/>
// v1.0
{React.cloneElement(this.props.children, {someExtraProp: something })}
如果你正在用 Navigation
mixin,那么可以使用 History
mixin 代替。
// v0.13.x
var Assignment = React.createClass({
mixins: [ Navigation ],
navigateAfterSomethingHappened () {
this.transitionTo('/users', { userId: user.id }, query);
// this.replaceWith('/users', { userId: user.id }, query);
// v1.0
var Assignment = React.createClass({
mixins: [ History ],
navigateAfterSomethingHappened () {
// 现在的路由构建于 rackt/history 之上,并且它是路由中用于导航的第一类 API
this.history.pushState(null, `/users/${user.id}`, query);
// this.history.replaceState(null, `/users/${user.id}`, query);
下面的所有 Navigation
方法同样可以在 history
对象中找到,主要的区别还是移除了 params
v0.13 | v1.0 |
go(n) |
go(n) |
goBack() |
goBack() |
goForward() |
goForward() |
makeHref(routeName, params, query) |
createHref(pathname, query) |
makePath(routeName, params, query) |
createPath(pathname, query) |
// v0.13.x
var Assignment = React.createClass({
mixins: [ State ],
foo () {
// 等...
// v1.0
// 如果是一个路由组件...
<Route component={Assignment} />
var Assignment = React.createClass({
foo () {
this.props.location // 包含路径信息
this.props.params // 包含参数
// 如果不是一个路由组件,你需要借助 context 将 location 经组件树传递下去。
// 我们也可能提供一个更加高阶组件来帮助你完成这个,不过现在还不行。
// 下面看一下借助 context 我们还可以传递哪些信息。
var Assignment = React.createClass({
contextTypes: {
location: React.PropTypes.object
foo () {
下面的表格展示了用于替换 State
mixin 的方法。如果是一个组件路由的话,可以通过 this.props
v0.13 (this) | v1.0 (this.props) |
getPath() |
location.pathname+location.search |
getPathname() |
location.pathname |
getParams() |
params |
getQuery() |
location.search |
getRoutes() |
routes |
isActive(to, params, query) |
history.isActive(pathname, query, onlyActiveOnIndex) |
下面是另外一张表格,展示了在非路由组件下借助 this.context
替换 State
mixin 的方法。
v0.13 (this) | v1.0 (this.context) |
getPath() |
location.pathname+location.search |
getPathname() |
location.pathname |
getQuery() |
location.search |
isActive(to, params, query) |
history.isActive(pathname, query, onlyActiveOnIndex) |
注意,在 v1.0 中并非所有的 State
特性都可以通过 context
访问到。比如,通过 context
不能获取到 params
在 0.13.x 中,有两个接口用于还原滚动位置。我们意识到可以在最外层组件创建一个更优雅的实现,并且很快就要去完成,在最终的 1.0 release 之前。不过没必要受到以前路由的约束。
// v0.13.x
var Home = React.createClass({
statics: {
willTransitionTo (transition, params, query, callback) {
willTransitionFrom (component, transition, params, query, callback) {
// v1.0
onEnter={(location, replaceWith) => {}}
onLeave={() => {}}
想要取消一个“transition from”,请参阅跳转前确认部分。
有很多旧的 API 已被我们舍弃,烦请详读新的文档,帮助我们完善它。感谢!
Like many others in the community, we misunderstood the "mixins are
going away" sentiment. Mixins, along with React.createClass
are not
going away any time soon, and definitely not until ES6 classes have
better answers to replace what mixins do (like decorators).
So, don't access context, use the mixins, sorry for the churn, we know it can be frustrating.
Upgrade path from 0.13.2
to 0.13.3
is to put your code back to how
it was in 0.12.x
. The context stuff will still work, so you can do it
has the same API as 0.12.x
, so please upgrade to 0.13.3
skip the 0.13.0-0.13.2
stuff and leave your code alone :)
React introduced the ability to use ES6 classes for component
definitions, which has the side-effect of mixins not being "the thing"
anymore. Our mixins like State
and Navigation
just proxied calls to
some methods on an undocumented feature of React called context
, that
in turn called methods on the router instance under the hood.
Without mixins we needed a way for you to get access to these methods. We decided the simplest solution was to stop hiding the router instance and just put the whole thing on context.
You can think about context as values that are floating around a render
tree that parent components (Handler
in the Router.run
callback) can
explicitly define and descendent components can explicitly ask for. The
stuff on context doesn't show up in a component unless you ask for it.
Note: You can still use our mixins, you'll just get a deprecation warning.
// 0.12.x
var Foo = React.createClass({
mixins: [ Router.State ],
render: function () {
var id = this.getParams().id;
var searchTerm = this.getQuery().searchTerm;
// etc. ...
// 0.13.x w/o ES6 fanciness
var Foo = React.createClass({
contextTypes: {
router: React.PropTypes.func
render: function () {
var router = this.context.router;
var id = router.getCurrentParams().id;
var searchTerm = router.getCurrentQuery().searchTerm;
// etc.
// 0.13.x w/ ES6 fanciness
class Foo extends React.Component {
render () {
var { router } = this.context;
var id = router.getCurrentParams().id;
var searchTerm = router.getCurrentQuery().searchTerm;
// etc.
Foo.contextTypes = {
router: React.PropTypes.func
Most of the time we prefer to just pass the state down the props tree and not mess with context:
Router.run(routes, (Handler, state) => {
React.render(<Handler {...state}/>, document.body);
// and then when rendering route handlers, keep passing it down
<RouteHandler {...this.props}/>
// and then in your methods you have what you need on props
var id = this.props.params.id;
var searchTerm = this.props.query.searchTerm;
was removed, you now use a callback instead:
// 0.11.x
var SomeHandler = React.createClass({
statics: {
willTransitionTo (transition) {
// 0.12.0
var SomeHandler = React.createClass({
statics: {
willTransitionTo (transition, params, query, callback) {
The router changed a lot in this release. While you won't have to change too much of your app, you will have to change it in a lot of places. The fundamental change is that you, rather than the router, get to have control of your view instances.
If you find anything is missing from this list, please open an issue and we will get it added here ASAP.
You must upgrade to 0.12.x
before you can use version 0.11.x
of the
is gone, there is a new API that gives you complete control
of your views.
// 0.10.x
var routes = (
<Routes location="history">
<Route handler={App}>
<Route name="dashboard" handler={Dashboard}/>
React.render(routes, el);
// 0.11.x
var routes = (
<Route handler={App}>
<Route name="dashboard" handler={Dashboard}/>
Router.run(routes, Router.HistoryLocation, function (Handler) {
React.render(<Handler/>, el);
// or default to hash location
Router.run(routes, function (Handler) {
React.render(<Handler/>, el);
// 0.10.x
var Something = React.createClass({
render: function () {
return (
<this.props.activeRouteHandler />
// 0.11.x
var RouteHandler = Router.RouteHandler;
var Something = React.createClass({
render: function () {
return (
<RouteHandler />
They are no longer available on props, use the State
// 0.10.x
var Something = React.createClass({
render: function () {
var name = this.props.params.name;
var something = this.props.query.something;
// ...
// 0.11.x
// pass it down the view hierarchy to get the same lifecycle hooks to
// trigger as before
Router.run(routes, function (Handler, state) {
React.render(<Handler params={state.params} query={state.query} />, el);
// make sure to `<RouteHandler {...this.props}/>` to continue
// passing it down the hierarchy
// or use the `State` mixin
var Something = React.createClass({
mixins: [ Router.State ],
render: function () {
var name = this.getParams().name;
var something = this.getQuery().something;
// ...
// Also, if you're using a flux-style app, you can trigger a "transition"
// action in the `run` callback with the params/query in the payload, then
// subscribe in your handlers to the store that grabs the data.
This mixin's name has changed, and all of its methods that had the word
in it, too. For example, getActiveParams()
becomes getParams()
// v0.10.x
var Something = React.createClass({
mixins: [ Router.ActiveState ],
render: function () {
var name = this.getActiveParams().name;
// ...
// v0.11.x
var Something = React.createClass({
mixins: [ Router.State ]
render: function () {
var name = this.getParams().name;
// ...
You can find this.getPath()
on the Router.State
// v0.10.x
var Something = React.createClass({
mixins: [ Router.CurrentPath ],
render: function () {
var path = this.getCurrentPath();
// ...
// v0.11.x
var Something = React.createClass({
mixins: [ Router.State ],
render: function () {
var path = this.getPath();
// ...
This option has been removed, you will need to add handler keys yourself:
// 0.10.x
<Route handler={App}>
<Route addHandlerKey={true}/>
// 0.11.x
var App = React.createClass({
mixins: [ Router.State ],
getHandlerKey: function () {
// this will all depend on your needs, but here's a typical
// scenario that's pretty much what the old prop did
var childDepth = 1; // have to know your depth
var childName = this.getRoutes()[childDepth].name;
var id = this.getParams().id;
var key = childName+id;
return key;
render: function () {
return (
<RouteHandler key={this.getHandlerKey()} />
is gone, instead create a router with your error handler as
an option:
// 0.10.x
<Routes onError={fn}>
// ...
// 0.11.x
var router = Router.create({
onError: fn,
// ...
These methods have been removed because you, not the router, are in control of rendering.
// v0.10.x
Router.renderRoutesToString(routes, path, function (html) {
// do something with `html`
// v0.11.x
Router.run(routes, path, function (Handler) {
var html = React.renderToString(<Handler/>);
In 0.10.x
you could add props to your route that would make their way
down to your handlers. While convenient, conflating routes with their
handlers was confusing to a lot of folks.
To get the same effect, you can either create your handlers with a function and close over the information you need, or simply define those properties on your handlers.
// 0.10.x
<Route name="users" foo="bar" handler={Something}/>
var Something = React.createClass({
render () {
return <div>{this.props.name} {this.props.foo}</div>
// 0.11.x
// close over technique
<Route name="users" handler={makeSomething("users", "bar")}/>
function makeSomething(name, foo) {
return React.createClass({
render () {
return <div>{name} {foo}</div>
// handler definition technique
<Route name="users" handler={Something}/>
var Something = React.createClass({
foo: "bar",
name: "users",
render () {
return <div>{this.name} {this.foo}</div>
Nothing changed, this was simply React 0.12.0
compatibility. Note,
your code needs to use the React 0.11.x
API for things to work, there
will be lots of warnings in the console.
is now an instance method.
// 0.7.x
var SomethingActive = React.createClass({
mixins: [ActiveState],
render: function () {
var isActive = SomethingActive.isActive(...);
// 0.9.x
var SomethingActive = React.createClass({
mixins: [ActiveState],
render: function () {
var isActive = this.isActive(...);
// 0.7.x
<Routes onActiveStateChange={fn} />
function fn(nextState) {}
// 0.9.x
<Routes onChange={fn} />
function fn() {
// no arguments
// `this` is the routes instance
// here are some useful methods to get at the data you probably need
used to be a delimiter like /
, but now it's a valid character in
your params.
used to use transitionTo
, creating a new history
entry, it now uses replaceWith
// 0.7.x
login: function () {
// ...
// 0.9.x
mixins: [Navigation],
login: function () {
// ...
Transition hooks are now sync, unless you opt-in to async with
// 0.7.x
statics: {
willTransitionTo: function (transition) {
return somePromise();
// 0.9.x
statics: {
willTransitionTo: function (transition) {
was totally broken and should have been named
There are now three scroll behaviors you can use:
is the default, and imitates what browsers do in a typical
page reload scenario (preserves scroll positions when using the back
button, scrolls up when you come to a new page, etc.) Also, you can no
longer specify scroll behavior per <Route/>
anymore, only <Routes/>
<Routes scrollBehavior="scrollToTop"/>
This was not a public module, but we know some people were using it.
It's gone now. We have made getting at the current routes incredibly
convenient now with additions to the ActiveState
These methods have been moved to mixins.
var Router = require('react-router');
// 0.7.x
whenever: function () {
// 0.9.x
var Navigation = Router.Navigation;
mixins: [Navigation],
whenever: function () {
These were removed, there is no upgrade path in 0.9.0
but we will have
something soon. These weren't intended to be used.
We didn't actually need this. Just use this.isActive(to, params, query)
There is no upgrade path. Just use comoponentDidMount
to request
state. This was some groundwork for server-side rendering but we are
going a different direction now (using props passed in to route
handlers) so we've removed it.
Please don't upgrade to 0.8.0
, just skip to 0.9.x
had some transient mixins we didn't intend to document, but had
some miscommunication :(. If you were one of three people who used some
of these mixins and need help upgrading from 0.8.0 -> 0.9.x
find us on
freenode in #rackt
or open a ticket. Thanks!
The package root modules were removed. Please import modules from the
default export.
// 0.6.x
var Link = require('react-router/Link');
// 0.7.x
var Router = require('react-router');
var Link = Router.Link;
Paths that start with /
are absolute and work exactly as they used to.
Paths that don't start with /
are now relative, meaning they extend
their parent route.
Simply add /
in front of all your paths to keep things working.
<!-- 0.5.x -->
<Route path="/foo">
<Route path="bar"/>
<!-- 0.6.x -->
<Route path="/foo">
<Route path="/bar"/>
Though you may want to embrace this new feature:
<!-- 0.5.x -->
<Route path="/course/:courseId">
<Route path="/course/:courseId/assignments"/>
<Route path="/course/:courseId/announcements"/>
<!-- 0.6.x -->
<Route path="/course/:courseId">
<Route path="assignments"/>
<Route path="announcements"/>
Also .
is no longer matched in dynamic segments.
<!-- 0.5.x -->
<Route path="/file/:filename" />
<!-- 0.6.x -->
<Route path="/file/:filename.?:ext?" />
or for a looser match to allow for multiple `.` note that the data
will be available on `this.props.params.splat` instead of
<Route path="/file/*" />
Links should now pass their params in the params
property, though the
old behavior will still work, you should update your code soon because
it will be removed by v1.0
// 0.5.x
<Link to="user" userId="123"/>
// 0.6.x
<Link to="user" params={{userId: "123"}}/>
If you have dynamic segments and are depending on getInitialState
, or componentDidMount
to fire between transitions
to the same route--like users/123
and users/456
--then you have two
- add
to your route and keep the previous behavior (but lose out on performance), or - implement
// 0.5.x
<Route handler={User} path="/user/:userId"/>
// 0.6.x
<Route handler={User} path="/user/:userId" addHandlerKey={true} />
// 0.5.x
var User = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function () {
return {
user: getUser(this.props.params.userId);
// 0.6.x
var User = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function () {
return this.getState();
componentWillReceiveProps: function (newProps) {
getState: function (props) {
props = props || this.props;
return {
user: getUser(props.params.userId)
We brought back <Routes/>
// 0.4.x
var routes = (
<Route handler={App} location="history">
<Route name="about" handler="about"/>
// 0.5.x
var routes = (
<Routes location="history">
<Route handler={App}>
<Route name="about" handler="about"/>
NPM users should point their apps to react-router
instead of
. Make sure to npm prune
- React
is now required. this.props.activeRoute
// 0.2.x
var App = React.createClass({
render: function () {
return (
// 0.3.x
var App = React.createClass({
render: function () {
// now you can send extra props to the active route handler
// and use the new jsx syntax
// <this.props.activeRouteHandler extraProp={something}/>
return (
The Router
function was removed.
// 0.1.x
var router = Router(routes);
// 0.2.x
React.renderComponent(routes, element);